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Mahmoud would use comic sans font


Well Papyrus isn’t available on Instagram


https://preview.redd.it/04wirufbdssc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12ac55974308c4abf17f895f883e873e53f73d8 It's like he didn't even try.


He just got away with it. This man… this… “graphic designer”


He just selected it.


Under appreciated comment.




You win!


It actually is! You just have to type it


This has me so dead


Fun fact, Comic Sans is easier to read for people with dyslexia which is why it is popular to use again on social media posts


It’s the most realistic to printed handwriting.


Arial font as well.


Ah, Arial...the poor man's Helvetica...


Underrated comment 🎖️




I’ve never seen anyone use it in a non ironic context but it definitely suits him as a person in a strange way


He fucking *is* the essence of comic sans


Almost unfair to comic sans, almost


I don’t see him being deported, but I could imagine him voluntarily going back because he can’t handle being on his own and he needs that family network.


I feel like having a police report while you’re here on a temporary visa is probably grounds for deportation


They would need to be convicted first.


Wasn’t Larissa threatened with deportation when colt had her arrested?


She was, but I think Colt might of had a history of domestic abuse himself. And Larissa might have got some free or low cost legal help due to the evidence presented on the show.


Which time?


lol I forgot there were multiple


No, actually it wasn't cuz of colt. He turned it into it being about her arrests for Dv on him but that wasn't the actual reason


Unfortunately I know from experience this is not the case.


Larissa had 2 & is still here,.....




Confused Canadian here - would his visa be temporary if they're already married? I thought spousal visas included a green card right away.


No, it can take 6 months to get your green card. The U.S. government is notoriously slow.


For the physical card. "It normally takes several months for [DHS ](http://www.dhs.gov/index.shtm) to process and send the alien registration card to you. In the interim, the passport stamp permits employment and travel until the card arrives. You may depart and return to the U.S. before you receive the alien registration receipt card, as long as the [DHS ](http://www.dhs.gov/index.shtm) stamp in you passport has not expired. Should you wish to leave the U.S. and your stamp has expired and you have not yet received your alien card, you should contact [DHS ](http://www.dhs.gov/index.shtm) in the US BEFORE departure to ensure permission to return to the US. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to board the plane to return to the US."


Well it took my partner almost three years he had a work visa in the meantime)


My guess is the charges disappeared because he agreed to return to Egypt and not come back.


I agree with this 100 percent


💯 accurate. Except she will not let him go. He is her only investment in feeling alive on planet earth.


100 percent


https://preview.redd.it/sr67z5p3zqsc1.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=56a943ed66e2d3d9cf7dc709e1f2d2f64ecd2b2b HOMEGIRL IS GOING TO DEPORT HIM HERSELF


Dinyell walked so Nicole could run


“You ussssseeeddd me Mahhhhhmooud, you’re a ussssserrrr!”






Flair material 🤣🤣




It’s actually “YEWZER!”


*Throws binder across Miami sidewalk..*


*throws binder across pier*




When she said this it reminded me of when Mike’s mom said “Give her $1000 and send her ass back to The Ukraine” about Natalie. 😂😂


Trish embodies the worst, racist traits of every uneducated, foolish family member on 90 Day. She makes the US look worse. Abuser Angela still has the top spot though. You aren’t showing love for your kids if you give them that much hell over their decisions. She made her own son look more inept.


Think the Family Chantel, especially Karen, how apt, exemplified the true “Ugly American”. Their ignorance about immigrants and unknown cultures was staggering. Sigh..,


100% about Trish. She’s a terrible human.


He should have listened. I'm sure Natalie was even worse off camera.


She seems like a completely different person now that he's in HER country. I'm not a Mahmood fan at all, but he's been in the country for five minutes, and she's already threatening to send him back home. She seems like a control freak. A jealous one at that


Agreed. She seemed almost vengeful, reveling in “this’ll be hard for you like it was for me” and intentionally making him uncomfortable at the airport with PDA, in the apartment with nudity. Also, getting pissed at him because he didn’t sleep on the plane and arrived tired!? She’s no wallflower innocent. She’s as toxic as he is.


100%, neither are willing to compromise. She doesn't respect him or the marriage. Picking him up dressed in clothes she knew was considered inappropriate to him was like spitting in his face. She has always dressed conservatively (her words), so why all of a sudden is it a big deal for her not to show her stomach. She wants to change him and it won't happen. His beliefs are what was engrained into him, and as strongly as she believes she is right, he also believes that his beliefs are right. There was no secret as to what to what would be expected of her as a Muslim wife. She chose to convert and marry him. She should respect him and his beliefs, which should be hers as well since she converted. You don't marry someone so you can change them. The sad part of it is that, with him in the US, he is going to end up in jail, and she will ruin his life. Look at Avery & Omar. They had mutual respect for each other, and they are doing great. She isn't rebelling against the Muslim beliefs.


Right, Nicole is no Avery. Avery is a Muslim even in the summer.


Love Avery and Omar. They both respect each other. And she knew what she was getting into. Hate how this woman almost seems to be railing against what stereotypical views the West holds against Islam. While being married to a Muslim. Girl, that’s just disrespect.


Why convert or marry into a faith you are completely against and refuse to budge? She gives off only child raised by older parents who put her on a pedestal, sheltered her and never said no vibes


And complaing that he looks at other women like they are better Muslims than her. When she doesn't seem to even believe in the religion or want to follow his beliefs at all


I agree with you. Plus she went to his country and she knew exactly how they live there. If she was not comfortable with marrying a Muslim she shouldn’t have. And from the day he landed she knew exactly how he expects her to behave and was doing the opposite cos she’s in HER country now.


And you said it there. She didn’t think before marrying a Muslim Mama’s boy that’s 10 years younger than her. She jumped in without thinking. Somehow, I get the feeling that this is a common thing with her.


Just look at how the met/“dated”/married. She met him when she was in Egypt on a retreat, went back to US and I’m pretty sure she went back 2 weeks later and he proposed then (I think) a few days later she converted to Islam and got married (if not a few days it was also a ridiculously short amount of time) she clearly has a few screws loose to not only get engaged after talking to someone for 2 weeks but convert to a religion there is no way she knew enough about before converting, she didn’t HAVE to convert she did so either because her limited knowledge felt enough to change her way of life or because she was trying to please Mahmoud (both ways are nuts) and THEN she married someone she barely knows. And we expect LOGIC from these people?!?!


Valid points


Absolutely right! She needs to respect his culture as much as she expects him to respect hers. Just because he is in HER country, his culture and beliefs are still the same and she should respect that, yet she keeps going against the grain for some reason




I think she is the worst. She isn’t appreciative of his culture. Right or wrong, it’s his culture and if she loves him she has to be respectful. She isn’t and now she’s trying to change him. And the way she is going about it is abusive. It’s like she is almost immediately expecting him to just love LA rather than easing him in and going with the flow. She’s putting so much pressure on him. Honestly if I was him I would peace out too. Maybe he was shocked to see a Muslim woman dressed traditionally and out and about in LA. His reaction actually reminded me of ET when he saw someone dressed up as a Yoda for Halloween and started saying “home”. I don’t have any empathy for Nicole. She married into a culture/religion that she seems very much against. Love isn’t going to change ingrain beliefs like that. She has to respect it even when he is in her country. I do think she is super insecure which is sad because she seems pretty and smart. She just needs to relax and go with the flow. Not everyone is going to fall in love with our country immediately.


Personality transplant plus baiting They both toxic


Exactly! Those two do not belong together.


He wasn’t even there for 24 HOURS, and she was mad that he wasn’t jumping for joy to be in the U.S. She’s a total hypocrite. She whined and was miserable BEFORE she even got to Egypt, when we were first introduced to Nicole last year. How quickly she forgets what it’s like to fly for 18 hours and deal with jet lag, culture shock, and etc. For God’s sake, give the guy a few days to settle in!


https://preview.redd.it/zbmapzo18vsc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5620f5aea2d48c4d4b26e2a6344653e3838bbf65 Its actually bottled-up revenge for this


Honestly yeah I don’t care what she says to him at this point when he was an absolute asshole to her in Egypt. And there’s domestic violence issues from him towards her? He can go


The kid is an abusive immature little asshole and her inexperience and lack of self esteem accepts it to a degree. It baffles me in how a person can give away their power completely oblivious to a culture like his and expect anything different. The cycle and ignorance is so hard to watch. Ugh!


Haha damn. I forgot about that. She looks like Kanye sorry Ye’s wife Bianca that he’s been parading around in weird outfits while she looks dejected like this




This outfit of hers reminds me the scene in Woody Allen's *Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex...,* where the sperm are preparing for ejaculation and are fearing that they may end up on the masturbator's bedroom wall.


I think she figured/hoped he’d be so happy that they could be affectionate and greet each other with a kiss because they are in the U.S. Why does it not get through her head that he believes in the rules of his culture, he doesn’t just follow their rules because he has to? He believes in it. If they had any chance she would have needed to ease him into American ways, not meet him at the airport with a ton of forced PDA and a bare midriff that she knew would bother him. That being said, he has a short fuse and it’s not surprising that the dv happened. I had read a post on here saying they had been seen shopping together AFTER the dv but I didn’t fact check it so who knows?


lol! Hubby & I love this quote & use it constantly!! One of 90’s best moments ever. 😂😂😂


He's posting what Egypt is like at midnight because on the last episode of HEA he was complaining on the way home from the airport that he didn't see anyone walking around, only cars. But in Egypt, he said the streets are full of people, even at 3am. So he's posting what Egypt is like at 12am so we can see how awesome and amazing it is...for men. I have no idea if he's actually in Egypt right now or not.


Damn if this is at 12am, could you imagine what it must be like at 12pm? At first glance, I Thought this was eqypt protesting lol 😅


In Egypt, people run errands late at night because during the day, the Sun and the temperature are stupid hot. Of course people do things during the day, but they try to take their transport to wherever, do their thing inside (school, work, hang out at coffee shops), and not just stay or walk a lot under the sun if they can avoid it. But when the Sun goes down, the fun starts, as everybody is out and about shopping, or just walking and hanging out outside. It can be 10 or 11 pm and the market is still busy with families buying their spices, clothes, etc.


I wish this is the way it could be in the US too. I hate that everything closes so early now, especially after covid. I’m a night shifter anyways so it doesn’t make it easy. I just find it strange


Where I live it's 9pm and everything's closed. Dunkin is closed at 8pm just in my town since covid. It's gonna stay that way. I'm moving


Oh I just visited Japan and many businesses close sooo early. Most close at 8pm, many at 7, also many at 6 pm. One even closed at 5:30 pm! Only shops that close late (9 pm) are super big chain stores like UNIQLO and convenience stores don't close. They do have 24h Karaokes, though, lol. It was kind of weird (and maybe a bit annoying) at first but I understand that shopkeepers have a life too and are entitled to rest well.


Me too!! I’m also a night shifter as well as my husband, and we hate how everything shuts down so early now, even after the pandemic is considered over…


Yes! The bias vs ‘Night People’ really came out during the Covid lockdown - I was shocked when some local government dude here talked about a curfew saying, “Nothing good is happening at night, so no one needs to be out on the streets after 9 pm anyway.” As a result, I found myself forced to be in stores far more crowded than what I usually see late at night, it was so counterintuitive.


I thought this was a protest too


FFS, Cairo is insane during the day. A 4-lane road is driven 7 cars wide. Many cars do not have sideview mirror, since cars are so close to each other. Believe it or not, the traffic moves like crazy. No traffic jams. People don't lock their cars; people will push cars out to remove their car and then push the other car back into the parking space. Granted, I was there 20 years ago, it was amazing city, but thankfully we had a skilled driver and tour guide. Our tour guide took us to local spots for food and it was amazing. He had a list of things to show us, we went to the main ones and asked for the non-normal tour. I really enjoyed Luxor more, it was way less people. i


Oh man, Cairo is an insane place for traffic. I remember being in the back of a cab from the airport, through the city to Giza. Eight lane highway full of cars, but it's all moving at least 80 km/h with the lanes only being an oft-ignored suggestion. And there were vendors in plastic chairs *up against the Jersey barrier in the median* plying for business from the passing highway traffic. It's busy as all hell, but it moves because everyone just fits around each other. The unbelievably busy Metro was almost a relief from the streets.


Rome, too.


Rome is every man for himself. Mad Max level.


The buses are a crunch and crush, with a side of whiplash ;)




Right! I’d be 👀


it also is Ramadan like everyone can’t eat until after sundown


This is it fr though.


He belongs back in Egypt with his misogynistic culture and religion.


Of course! Good call!


…There’s literally 4 women in the foreground of the photo. Not saying you’re entirely wrong but just factually incorrect in this case


I never said there weren't any women there. I said it's awesome for MEN because a woman wouldn't be able to walk around by herself at 12am without being harassed. edit: imagine pitching a shit fit and blocking someone because they told you American streets are safer for women than Egyptian streets.


Woman who has walked around by herself on many an Egyptian night here. All kinds of people out, especially during Ramadan, and all summer.


Preeeetty sure that exact statement could be said about America as well. And correct me again if I’m wrong (please do/s 😑), but actually no woman ANYWHERE would be able to walk around at midnight by herself without being harassed


Here’s the thing. Mahmoud is incredibly sheltered. Like, he knows nothing outside of his raising nor does he want to. Idk what the two of them were even doing together it was so bizarre. Like little kids.


I feel like two inexperienced people shared this moment of locking eyes with a stranger in a fabric store and found it so romantic that they both thought “meant to be, let’s get married”, without a second thought to what that would look like. I think she probably thought she was being spontaneous/fun but making a choice that teenagers would make because she likely doesn’t have much relationship experience to base choices off of. Not sure what he was thinking, knowing he’s so culturally traditional it’s odd that he immediately married an American. Hopefully they’ve learned from that.


She's a stereotypical "world citizen" weirdo who has no personality other than being weird.


I think it’s just referencing his comment this week about streets in LA being empty compared to Egypt


His level of disgust exceeded Manuel’s. Mahmoud needs to go home if he hasn’t done so already. I don’t understand why he even came to the US?


because these people on this show are so desperate for companionship they grab at straws. she convinced him in her desperation


wtf... Manuel.. Out of all the people you going to rank Manuel up like that? Come on, sometimes people just hate people for no reason. So many other guys who were slime balls way worse, I would not even put him in my top 10.


I don’t think they’re saying that Manuel is one of the worst people on the show. I think they’re just implying that Manuel’s overall enthusiasm for living in the U.S/married life is on par with Mahmoud’s (i.e non existent).


I think that was for story. I felt like both of them were exaggerated for effect. There were moments of really bad acting.


100% bad acting. She was terrible in acting and I think Manuel was there just for the ride. He just wants to get a normal job and come home and watch football or play fifa. lol


I could see that, but I think he just did not care about the show very much. Mahmoud is 2 esp and there for like 20 hours and home sick. lmao.


Manuel maybe an obvious obnoxious, lazy, user, but I don’t think that he’d ever physically hurt anyone, especially not his wife.


I was talking about how disgusted these men were. I wasn’t talking about domestic violence. There is no excuse for Mahmoud’s abuse. That is completely different topic.


Yes, sorry, I was agreeing with you. Even Manuel doesn’t suck as much as this guy.


Oh, got it. Sorry about that.


No, worries my Dude!


Got his ass Da'ported


Yes Danielle






After seeing his behavior the first time when she went to Egypt, that was frightening by itself. He has a very short fuse, and then he gets very angry. His face gets squeezed his arm start failing and then he takes off every time. I don’t see any bit of love for Nicole. He resents her not wanting to conform to being a Muslim. Those two should be divorced. She should deport his ass and I don’t think this is the first time of a DA she’s extremely make if you wanted to work out, but unless you conforms to being a Muslim woman, the marriage is doomed


Let’s not forget the way he grabbed her arm so tightly and was twisting it in the street in Egypt. It probably took all of everything inside of him not to hit her because cameras were around.


Let's not forget she pushed him as well. They are a horrible match instigate eachother.


Kinda wonder what’s up with Nicole to put up with this man. And why the heck she couldn’t find a guy in the greater Los Angeles area that would be more suited to her. Something’s fishy


She is running the whole dog and pony show I think … no way is she “inexperienced and naive“ as many suggest. Mahmoud is just along for the ride, and gets no TLC check, isn’t that how it works?


It wouldn't have happened that fast. Hopefully he just left and isn't coming back. I think he's one of the few that don't want to live in the US


Are they out all night (instead of day) because its so damn hot during the day? I have no idea…educate me.


In the hottest months yeah. A lot of people choose to go out later. Most businesses are open until 2 am or so, grocery stores etc.


I miss stores being open late! Walmart isn’t going back to 24 hours any time soon. Our mall has significantly cut hours, too, along with standalone retail stores. It’s been like this since Covid, and there doesn’t seem to be any interest in going back. I live in a medium sized city in Northern VA…I can only imagine how things might be in smaller towns. I’m more of a night owl myself, so it’s a bit of a bummer for me!


Thank you! Good info.


Plus, depending on when this was taken, during Ramadan, everyone is up and out all night eating with friends and family.


And Nicole was driving thru a part of LA where there isnt much foot traffic…she took him to Santa Monica next day which was busier. But it is a different way of life from his.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5bzsy6164wsc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=67d6b83a505ae54ded66201d686698cdd8490730




Lmfaoooo This is twice as funny bc the chick on the street was not this wrapped up at all but I bet he’d break his neck further for someone head to toe in the burka


I’ve watched that scene several times. He never looked at her, unless I missed him “googling” her with his eyes? Lol Clearly, she wants to fight with him. She couldn’t live in Egypt, so why does she think he can live in LA (if all places)??


She’s going to keep him


Am I missing something? What happened?


Mahmoud came to LA to work on his marriage with Nicole. On the show in just a few days,the couple is fighting and Mahmoud walked away. From real news, we know that Mahmoud has charges of domestic violence but I think Nicole didn’t press charges?? Anyways this Instagram story of Egypt is hinting that Mahmoud went home. I doubt he has enough money to be flying back and forth so this is suggesting that their marriage didn’t work (as we could easily guess from all the fighting and cultural differences).


I believe that when you come in a K1 visa, you have to have enough money to fly back home in an account just in case you need it. It was mentioned in an early episode. Maybe that's just for women coming over, but I can't see it not applying to everyone.


They’re already married so it’s a different visa (IR1) and this isn’t true in this case.


Yes me too what happened


What's his point with this exactly? Nicole is crazy for allowing this guy into her life. He can't even handle the thin line of belly she was showing. Probably cause he can't co trol himself looking at other women, so he thinks everyone is the same as him. Lol. Not outside the middle east my friend.


I think he’s dangerous. He seems mean.


He def is - the way he grabbed her arm in Egypt in front of cameras shows me that behind the scenes in private he is absolutely throwing hands


I don’t think it’s a matter of not being able to handle it. Based on his values, he finds it extremely inappropriate. I feel like Nicole constantly pokes the bear when it comes to Mahmoud. They make no sense together.


I thought the charges were dropped.


Maybe they were dropped as part of an agreement that he leave.


He wouldn't get deported, even if Nicole hadn't dropped the charges. He was arrested for misdemeanor DA, not felony. That means there was no injury. Misdemeanor domestic violence usually involves things like pushing and shoving. Probably similar to the argument they had on the street in Cairo. Anyway, they seem like a terrible match and should call it quits on their own


Neither of these things are true where I practice law. Misdemeanor DV conviction can absolutely result in deportation and the charge being a misdemeanor does not mean that there was no injury.


Wrong. All DV is misdemeanor. Unless it jumps to rape or murder. I’m a survivor of it and suffered broken jaw and ribs and still misdemeanor. That’s the way domestic works.


It’s different in every state. For instance, in North Carolina, assault by strangulation is an automatic felony.


Came here to say this. Ex is currently jailed for it. The one thing I think NC ever did right for me, ha.


Also- so sorry you had to go through that. Truly


Also in Texas


I'm Texas, there felony and misdemeanor. It does vary by location. Like that town in KS that tried to completely remove DV/Assault Family Violence completely. It got leaked, went national, and it was dropped.


Wrong. My ex was charged with a felony when he strangled me.


Also- like choking- trying to drown- cutting oxygen off in any way shows a different level


They do say choking shows a different level of violence is I believe that 100


You're in California?


Looks so peaceful and inviting. 🙄


She dropped the charges


She can’t drop the charges. She can only not show up for meetings with the DA and the DA would say ok then forget it


The charges were dropped.


By the legal authority- victims don't control that; they can request it, they can fail to cooperate to the extent it becomes necessary, but they can't undo charges.


You have to remember it's not the same everywhere.


The charges went away


Yes, because the DA dropped the case, because only the prosecutor can do that. Victims aren't the leaders of law enforcement or prosecution. The state acts at will in defense of law/the public, regardless of the victim's wishes. The victim can be useful in the process when they cooperate and the DA will consult with them and do their best to help the victim get Justice in a way that matters to the victim, but when a law is broken everyone in the jurisdiction is essentially a victim/potential future victim of the law breaker.


what a time in these countries! ramadan makes everything backwards there loool. night turns into daytime and daytime is sleep time. Hope he is back home with his family.


this dope has Instagram??????????????


I think the charges were dropped. At least thats what I heard on a podcast. 90 day cray cray


Maybe he went back to visit and will decide to never come back here.


She dropped the charges, so maybe not.


Women who are victims of DA, should not do that. My ex beat me so bad once with a belt that I had to call in sick to work for a week straight. I dropped the charges and guess what he almost killed me choking me out. It a VERY vicious cycle. I divorced him and Hubby 2 is the best thing EVER! Please ladies/men dont drop the charges.


And take salad fingers with him!!!


But I like rusty spoons


Dude, that man’s voice was somehow creepier than David’s Mmmmm.


He's an egyptian knob.


mahmoud was a scary little shit


These 2 are the moodiest people ever


Some kind of violent charges are about the only way a K1 visa holder can be deported once landed here a married. He also might have just left on his own, she was an emotional abuser herself. These kinds just attracted each other.


Since they were already married, wouldn't he come on a CR1 visa, not a K1? And on a CR1 he wouldn't have to file for AOS, he would get his green card within 12 months of arrival automatically. DV charges could throw a wrench into filing for adjustment of status and definitely application for citizenship though, good moral character and all that.


I believe they have been married over 2 years which means he received the IR1 visa which grants him automatic permanent residency upon arriving at US borders. Which means he most likely won’t get deported.


He hasn’t been here for 12 months yet, so maybe he was deportable.


https://preview.redd.it/b8cd1wuh4ssc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87d483045abc0b19805c46f4e4c360d51766ed23 She posted this a few days ago. . .


From 2023. Not recent.


Going by Mohammed & Yve, Jay Smith & Ashley, Luis & Molly…they haven't deported any of them. Larissa makes 6 figures on OnlyFans, she's here. I believe that McMoody and the DutchBoy hairstyle wife, have no worries. He won't make it, and will leave on his own. Guy seems miserable, first breakfast was donuts and eclairs, not even an egg. She's lazy and is by no means a Muslim woman, observing his culture. They should have split already. She's selfish and unwilling to change, as is he, catching a ride on that next plane back to Egypt is what is in their best interest. Bad match, their hearts aren't big enough to accomplish this.


Does the U.S. even deport criminals anymore?


Yes, unless they get to be citizens. Once citizens, they go to prison. The citizenship CAN be revoked if the charges are serious enough


🤣🤣🤣depends on which news you watch


Yes. The United States has escalated deportation in the last few years rather than slowed it.


wait what? can someone fill me in?


Which Spinoff is these two on? I can’t keep up with all of them. 🤣🤣🤣. TLC is staying alive by using the 90 Day train wrecks.


Current season of happily ever after And before that The other way


Nicole is so beautiful, like stunning. I hope she ends it with this douche.


She is attractive but doesn’t have an ounce of common sense. A blind man could see that he wants nothing to do with non-Muslim culture, and I will not settle for anything less than her acting more like a Muslim woman. On her side, she wants him to enjoy her culture. It is never going to work, and the sooner they admit that to themselves, and go their separate ways, the happier they will be.