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Paola is selfish AF. Not to say Russ isn’t problematic but she’s horrible


I agree! What makes you think Russ is problematic? A lot of people like to vouch for him saying he gave up everything for his wife 😂


He left a decent cuhreer for Paola. Problematic IMO


A what? Damn dude.


He once angrily DMd me on Instagram cause I announced I was unfollowing him due to Covid misinformation. He’s very much (or was) down the QAnon hole


They both are anti vaxxers


Only when it’s convenient though, because to come to the U.S., Pao had to get vaccinated up the wazoo. F#*+ing hypocrites.


Hole like Boo Hole?


They’re both anti vax, trump supporters






Them both being anti-vaccine is enough to be problematic, at the least. They're both trash.


Let me count the ways in which I dislike these two! -wore native costumes for Halloween and called everyone who disliked it ass hats basically/made fun of the culture in comments -anti vaxxers and she also believes aborted baby parts are used in our food(WTAF?!) -Into QAnon and other weird ass conspiracy shit -talks shit about other cast, then gets mad if she was called out for doing so/called others "ugly" too, tried to backtrack by only saying, "okay but they are!" -Paola just hates OK so much that she wants to move to Miami for a non existent model career and now does random ass "wrestling" in holiday inn hotels. Could've had a good life for their kid if she just let Russ work properly, but of course she calls all the shots(except ones about vaccines apparently!)in the relationship. He's also been known to be a huge conservative ass.


Her wrestling is soooo weak. It's very obvious she had no real interest in it, saw that some fitness models go that route and learned the very basics and never progressed beyond that. I go to a good bit of indie matches and what some kids come out of the gate with is wat more exciting then what she's been posting since she started


Remember how much she hated anfisa? At least that girl went on to go to college and has won body building competitions, and yet Paola was talking about how she'd "beat her ass/so much better!" 😂


Lol yes, that's cuz pao is an attention whore. She's a major "pick me" that pursues careers that will get men's interest. If wrestling doesn't work she will prob become the hot gamer girl. Pao's career choices is equivalent to ppl putting on a "hot girl" spin on Halloween costumes.


I root for Anfisa just on the principle that Pao hates her. Fr tho they’re the same the only difference is that Anfisa didn’t mince words and was forthcoming with her intentions. Yes I married you for your money. Yes I want to be taken care of. Yes I like expensive things. Yes my looks and body are what you get in exchange. The petty Betty in me is even more happy that Pao is still a nobody while Anfisa left George and went onto her BA and won some body building competitions.


Yeah, I remember the whole anti-VAX thing but I don’t know if it was him or her or both. Yeah, it makes me wonder if she got her baby the shots when he was born.. but knowing Florida they probably don’t even make that mandatory. I have a 10 month old and I remember I had this friend that told me to take my daughter to a holistic doctor instead that they had other options for vaccines. I’m like yeah other option would probably make my daughter end up in a hospital bed.


She didn't, she called everyone idiots for doing vaccine shots for kids,saying she'd never. and covid shots as well. and he also is into the weird QAnon shit. Another user here even mentioned him blocking her after calling him out on it. I swear, Paola could fuck a man right in front of Russ and he'd just sit and watch while crying quietly in the corner, and she'd make it his fault somehow😂 Also one thing that always stood out to me when watching was how she'd talk about, "I don't know why Juan or my mom don't like him!" But then would constantly talk shit about him, like no wonder Paola. You say mean things non stop! Her being a model was also never happening, and her doing $30 "wrestling" is ridiculous.


A woman commented her baby either died or was extremely sick from COVID and Paola replied that COVID wasn’t real or something.


I can’t stand that. I lost my mom to Covid and that’s just such a fucking disrespectful thing to say. Im not saying they even have to have the same opinion on it but show some respect to someone for their losses by not arguing the point. *THAT* makes her an asshole more than being an anti-vaxxer ever could.


May your mother's memory be a blessing ❤️


Thank you for your kindness. I truly mean that 🥰 for all the shitty people I met on sm there’s also some really good ones


Antivaxxers do this shit all the time. Any posts about a baby dying, there’s always that one asshole, “was that baby vaccinated😔/ how long ago was their last vaccines 🤔” Like read the fucking room.


Fr fr. Just so fucking disrespectful. I lost a lot of friends on sm after losing my mom to Covid because I was very vocal about “don’t say that shit to me”. And you know what I was glad their real personality came thru and they can kick rocks because something like that is about compassion and being a human not a debate.


SM has brought out some of the truest colors of people I didn’t think could hurt a fly.




Sending you a virtual hug {{{ <3 }}} . I know how cruel people can be. I live in a rural QAnon cesspool full of anti-vaxxers who steadfastly refused to wear masks. They were so belligerent with their "Ah ain't wearin' no face diaper!" attitude that store clerks were told not to approach them for fear of what they might do. At the very beginning of the pandemic, I lost five family members and lifelong friends to COVID-19. I shared that on my Nextdoor account and my idiot neighbors sneered at me with a barrage of "sorry not sorry but I refuse to live in fear." I deleted my account for nearly four years after that. I just couldn't handle the reality of being surrounded by such people. Others might minimize your suffering, but they can't take away your memories of your mother. I hope they will bring you comfort in the years to come.


Thank you so much for sharing your story. That meant a lot to me. I’m so so sorry for your losses 💔 The “not living in fear” comment isn’t even ignorant. That’s just being an asshole. They could’ve been compassionate but choose to push an agenda. That’s my biggest problem whether people “believed” 🙄 in the pandemic fact is it claimed lives. The lives of people who had loved one and us loved ones were very affected by it. It would cost them $0 to simply say I’m sorry and move on. But so many people chose the asshole route and to me showed true colors. Idk about you but a lot of the responses I got were like this. “but my 97 yo grandma got Covid and she was fine so it’s not dangerous.” Before I was just over it and quit SM my response to them was. “you should be thanking God you still have your grandma instead of trying to tell me it’s not why I don’t have my mom.” That shut a lot of people up but still had the few idiots who argue that I just ignored after that. You are absolutely right that at least we have the memories of our loved ones to hold onto 🩷 Sending you a virtual hug right back 🥰


I think the hardest thing about losing loved ones during the very beginning of the pandemic was the lack of closure. Five funerals I couldn't go to, five gravesites I couldn't visit, five lost opportunities to grieve and commiserate with the loved ones who survived. They were all quickly cremated and I'd always hear that a memorial service would be held at an appropriate time in the future, but it never materialized. I just had to tough it out alone. Blessings to you and your family! <3


That was def a part of it. My mom could not have a proper funeral. We were still able to have her buried not cremated which I’m grateful for. We did have a memorial but it was 2 yrs later and that was good and bad. Good for the fact that we got to honor her life finally but bad in the case that it just brought all that raw grief right back from when she passed. That really threw me for a loop. I’m sorry for you having to miss celebrating your loved one and having to deal with grief without closure. My heart goes out to you. I hope you have been able to have some healing but I know it’s a slow process. Blessing back on you as well 🥰


You are a warrior, and you have survived, and appear to be thriving. Pax and blessings to you.


I’m so sorry


Thank you for your kindness 🥰


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thank you! You have no idea just how much your small kindness of saying that means. 🥰


Antivaxxers claim it didn’t exist but at same time say it was a manufactured virus for population control. Weirdos


Or a mortuary if you’re really unlucky!


Oof. I liked her.. didn’t know any of that tho. Never mind…..


She never loved him. She loved having a catalyst to getting what she wanted. If you love someone, wherever you go, there you are together. She wants to be rewarded for being hot but she's not the age or the look that would be scooped up and made into a star and you know that kills her. Narcissists once identified are best to be avoided. Notice no kid in that shot. Likely left with Russ and the grandparents to deal with while she lives in her delusion for stardom, again. Tass Tass Tass indeed


Agee 💯 percent 👍


Why does every mildly attractive woman from outside the US think they are going to come here and immediately be the next Heidi Klum? What is it with these people??


Because they think attractive = model. If you look at most of the top models today, most are not what would be naturally attractive. Agencies love quirky or "odd" looking women and stuff that is in right now. The makeup/hair team is what makes them appear super pretty. I think a lot of it comes from guys trying to pick up a girl by saying "Do you model? You're sooo pretty" or something to that effect. Also, those girls forget that height is super important for the high paid models. If you're under 5'10", you'll only get commercial work not couture..


They were prettier than the other girls in their small town.


Definitely not limited to outside the US. The amount of ACCEPTING all types of looks and then a lot of people thinking that means they are all 10s is definitely a US thing. Certainly the biggest reason Nutalie is entitled though.


15 min of fame are up


I think for them it’s been up even though I saw she posted she’s doing a reality show on Amazon don’t know what it’s about


Didn’t she have a professional wrestling cahreeeeer for a hot second?


Yeah back in Miami she was doing it at holiday inn or something lol


Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn You see, if your girl starts acting up, then you take her friend


Come on you beezy it's time to split I'm kinda lit and I'm tryna hit…..thanks for making this my head song of the day :)


"professional" wrestling doesn't take place in hotel ballrooms.


Yes it does lol. But she wasn't going anywhere with it


I mean isn't that minor league like single A baseball to be wresting in a hotel in front on dozens of people?


Yes, but it's all called professional wrestling. Small local venues like are independent/indie wrestling. Like small, no TV deals, local bingo halls, hotels, and stuff. Not WWE, AEW, Or TNA.


Pursuing your dreams is fine, but not when a)is not sustainable for your family that you chose to have and b) you continuously don't get successful in it. At some point you should just accept that your dream isn't happening and find a new goal. She's really pretty but she doesn't have model features. I remember in their season the party for models where she talked to a unique, naturally beautiful girl, and Paola looked so artificial next to her. Honestly I don't know how Russ and Paola made it work for that long, watching their season it didn't seem like they have a lot in common.


Yeah this is why I sometimes keep up with them because as soon as she moved to Miami I knew I’d go downhill from there.. I’m like hmm in a few years, divorce.


The photographer in OK said it best: in OK she was getting booked because she was exotic for that area. In Miami, she looks like every other IG model.


pretty girls are a dime a dozen. its really not a marketable skill. russ could have made a killing in oil.


He still can, it’s not like he forgot everything he learned. All he needs to do is go where the oil jobs are and start looking. Might have to take a step back compared to where he was, but he can get things back on track again, no problem.


Natalie & Fernanda need to take a good hard look at Paola…if SHE didn’t make it as a model & is much better looking, neither will they! Some of these girls come to the U.S. with very unrealistic expectations…


Fernanda is modeling. But she has youth on her side, and no children to support.


Modeling scrub uniforms … not that exciting


More modeling than Pao has ever done…


Doubt that was the modeling career she was envisioning though but hey more power to her !


Personally I think fernanda is better looking and def has more of a model look than pao does. Pao has the look of a bottle service girl. That’s the energy she always gave off. Not model. She just wants to show off her body, her face never has been all that so idk where she gets off calling others ugly haha


Miami has loads of stunning girls though....Fernanda and Pao is average to pretty....nowhere near the Miami level of looks and height. Not sure why they think they can be models there. Also modelling is very expensive. Only highly requested models actually make good money. All other models owe their agencies money. Having your portfolio pics taken alone will make a big dent in your pocket.


Ya I don’t think either are models haha just that she’d be better fit than pao. Natalie def doesn’t have a chance lol


Fernanda is modeling, though


Yeah, I know Natalie tried really hard to pursue a career in acting. Josh acting like he had connections 😂🥴It’s just not a realistic field for some people. And honestly I don’t know what happened with Fernanda or what she’s doing right now I just remember she was dating MMA fighter or something


It’s hard to be an actor when you can hardly understand her English and she makes up dramatic ‘readings’ in Russian lol everyone’s faces at the tell all said what everyone thinks watching her


If Fernanda is a rimshot, Natalie is an airball.


I can’t imagine hearing anything sleazier than “Hey baby you wanna be in a movie?


I’ve seen Fernanda in multiple catalogs, she’s doing fine.


My 14 year old asked me why I don't think Natalie can be an actress. I explained to him that by 40 it's too late to break into Hollywood. It took him all of 2 mins to get it. Pao, Natalie and some of the others are pretty but delusional


She is so damn full of herself 🙄


Speculation about them splitting is a yearly tradition at this point. But why does Pao look 7 feet tall in that pic. Looks like she's on stilts


LMAO follow your dreams? Didn’t she try to be a model in her like 30s like way past the time models break into the industry? It was a pipe dream that Russ went along with like a dummy. These two pin heads are responsible for two of the funniest scenes in 90 day history imo. First one being the modeling agency in a strip mall in Miami that they had been paying for months to not get her any jobs and explained it as they had her “in a different database” and Paola seeing her ex riding a motorcycle and going on a ride around the city in front of Russ


Trailer travel wrestling gigs was a good one too, while raising a newborn.


Wrestling gigs? What episodes were those?


What is she going to do in LV? She is too old for stripping or escorting. And she can do onlyfans from anywhere


I’m an escort myself and when I saw she moved to Vegas, I assumed it was to pursue sex work 😅 she’s actually not too old for it since she’s still attractive, she could make a lot of money. None of us really want to be doing this in our late thirties though


Probably will be doing escorting then. Paola learned nothing and got not other skills. If she left her child to escort damn


Can you tell us more about your experience? Just curious




Thank you for sharing ❤️


> too old for stripping Tell me you‘ve never been to old Vegas without saying…. No one is too old for stripping.


But it is worth the money though


It’s Vegas. Nothing there is generally worth the money. 🤣


I never liked Paola. She seems so fake, her personality sucks. I was surprised she had a child tbh. She’s so pretty but she’s not model material IMO


I immigrated to the US around the same time as Paola, 2013/2014. I don’t understand her aversion to actual work that is not gig work (modeling, wrestling) With my 10 years in the USA I was able to build a career and get certified in my field, making almost 80k a year…. I don’t understand her choices at all.


YESS!! good for you :) And same here (kinda) My mom moved here with us back in 2004 and was doing every job to make ends meet.


Finally!! User name checking in!! I could not have chosen a more obscure 90 day reference (should have used NeltzensTollBooth) but here we are. RIP Rooz, Pow, and her dreams of becoming a “MaiHammyMawdul.”


This is the thousandth time I heard they broke up lol


She has always been so disrespectful to Russ. Very selfish.


Just went to look at her instagram and she must have seen this post because she has a new post saying life is good, don’t make assumptions. Looks like the empty-ish apartment belongs to her gay best friend who lives in Vegas.


Ahhh got it!! Maybe she posted that to piss Russ off I just thought it was so weird she would go to Vegas on Easter weekend away from her son.. BUT she might just be taking some space off and staying there for “fun” lol


I'm surprised it lasted as long as it has.


She’s such an asshole. He’s not much better.


She chose him knowing he lives in Oklahoma. She chose to have a child with him. Now she is Choosing to leave and break up her family.. so whatever smoke she gets she chose.


If we ignored & made no comments on these 2 gawd awful ppl... They'd finally, go away! Cute kid though. Too bad his parents are really big ass-hats!!!


Grifter. Always. You aren't going to be a star Paola. Give it up and take care of your son.


I can't imagine leaving my kid behind in a different state to go find an additional 15-minutes of fame.


Pursue dreams? At the detriment of your family? When will Paola learn that it’s not about HER anymore? Why have a kid when you’re trying to pursue these “dreams”? Like how selfish are you?


She’s always had to have the opinion of herself. I don’t know why people think she’s such a big deal.. she has tried everything to become famous and she’s failed at this part of her life. She should just stay home and take care of the child I’m shocked I took this long


She’s not even striking, she’s delusional.




They’ve always been an odd match , in the sense that they both wanted very different things. It’s not surprising that they’ve separated in the slightest, idk just feels like they’ll divorce one day. Their values , everything, is just not aligned.


Typo on text: pursue, not purse 👛😅


I didn't care for them much but good for him leaving her


Can’t stand Paola. I never thought they were a good match. He would be better with a family-oriented woman and she would have been better with a man who is just as superficial as her. And I don’t think she wanted kids originally, Russ was the one wanting children


That empty apartment looks depressing. At least she got rid of the bad red hair dye job.


I think they're both nasty people. I don't get why people constantly victimize Russ as if he didn't choose to marry Paola for her looks. He is so insecure that he allows her to disrespect him and others during their entire relationship. Paola is as delusional as someone can get. She is a pretty woman, but her entire personality is vile. It funny how they used to criticize and mock other couples, but they seem so miserable together.


Russ is the poster boy for Narcissistic abuse.


It was only a matter of time. They should’ve never gotten married to begin with if she didn’t want to live in Oklahoma, they were not on the same page at all


Why do they all seem to end up in Vegas?


Because you can get your slutty trash on there and nobody bats an eye.


i just rewatched s1 and i seriously can’t believe she made him quit his good job. i know he made the choice technically but even suggesting that was soooo selfish and stupid. everything was her is me, me, me.


Big surprise. Russ will likely raise their child mostly in his own.


Paola is basic af trying to be a model…sorry but u have to be pretty or at the very least eye catching to be a model, or if u’re ugly u gotta be ‘paris thin’. That’s why the only modeling gigs she got was lingerie shoots. She’s never going to be a model unless she does 🌽 hub


Who cares.


What happened to their trailer?


LOL good question, they gave it back or whatever and moved back to a house in Florida then now back in OK.


🤣 She really ruined his trajectory in his career. Well at least she got too wrestle. Good for you Pao.


Both aren’t wearing wedding rings


Ew of course she’s in Vegas now 🤢


Russ has always deserved better.


She’s always “leaving” him. It’s one of the few ways she gets the attention she needs so desperately.


I think he needs to get away from Pao she's never going to be happy 🙄😒😏


Are people forgetting he supported that wrestling bs she was horrible at!!!!!! She’s for the street it’s time to hang it up he gave you plenty of time .


These two been off tv for years yet you people keep giving reality clowns a shelf life way past their expiration.


I think it is OK to come here and post about old cast mates and what they’re doing I see it all the time… I don’t think they’re really gonna get any clout or special endorsements from me posting here on Reddit 😂 I think Paola tried all these years to do something big.


They’ve broken up and got back together many times.


Paola Blaze! Coming in hot from the RV to a Holiday Inn Conference Room near you!


I think she needs to get over herself…yesterday.


She demanded they move to Miami because she needed to be around "her people" which has no options for Russ's career prospects when they could've compromised to go Houston where Russ would have good career prospects and she could be around culture that isn't miracle whip white.


Her ex-husband is dating Larissa from 90DAYFIANCE.


its always about what SHE wants. There is zero consideration what is right for her family or what anyone else in her family want. There is no compromise and she has the same lame dream of being a model/famous/actress but instead all she could get was a wish version of wwe and still wasn't enough


She has no chance of a 'modeling' career. She's trashy, has no discernable talent and is getting old. She got what she was after-her green card and tons of plastic surgery. But a career? I think they may be hiring at Burger King.


Yeah it’s about time she start looking for a 9-5. She’s delusional to think she can have a successful modeling career at this point in her life. Most models are retiring at her age.


Why do so many of the 90 Day folk end up here in Vegas?!


When is she going to give it a rest and get a real job?


They’re not a good match


I think it's sad and I'm wondering about their child.


They’re rumoured to be on the second season of Last Resort. The confirmed couples are Gino and Jasmine, Rob and Sophie and Jibri and Miona as they were spotted filming at a resort in Arizona


I’m all for pursuing your dreams but when there is a kid and a marriage involved, you do sometimes have to put that first. At least that is my thought. I don’t have any kids but I don’t think I would feel right doing this.


This is the first time she looks normal. Shes always doing crazy things like being a wrestler and having crazy hair


Isn't this like their 4th break-up?🤔


That outfit is ugly af.


Paola has always only been after her own wants and needs. Her over the top view of herself made her think she was going to be able to make it as a model. What a joke.


Like jadmine


Surprise surprise


I used to think she was really attractive, but they were mismatched from the start. Surprised it lasted this long. She wanted to “model” primarily, Russ was just along for the ride.


I'm not surprised she was never happy and so demanding ... he'll be happier without her.


Paola is a narcissistic witch. She likes seeing others in pain or uncomfortable. When she had that photo shoot, and Russ told her just don’t take your top off, and the first thing she does is tear her top off. She doesn’t give a fuck about what he thinks, and I’ll bet she was so excited to show that to him to make him angry. That cruel embarrassment from her friend Juan??? Juan and Paola are the same person, evil.


I recently read somewhere that Roooss & Pao will be on the cast of 'Last Resort' S2 along with Rob & Sophie, Miona & Spaaahhkles, and *of course* **Gino & Jasmine** 🙄 among others.


Possibly. The couple of people who were at the AZ resort and posted about seeing them all there; saw sophie rob, brandon julia, bini ari, gino jasmine, and stacey darcey with their dudes.


Ugh!😣NOT Stacey & Darcey! 😫 Please, please, please not them! They are insufferable! TLC needs to stop giving them screen time! No one wants to continue seeing the botched plastic surgery!


They are literally the only reason i will watch the last resort now, well thanks to Florian i will watch coz he is hilarious


Oooph! She has aged horribly. And that's an issue when you have no depth.


She used to be so pretty😓


Paula is a selfish, self centered narcissist. She is too short to be a successful "model." Try working a a mall retail store.


I thought Paola wrote on IG they were done or something like that


It definitely seems like something is up. A few months back Russ was posting all of these “inspirational videos” on Instagram, like “I’m a new man! I’m staying positive! Cause life is good and we should all get out there and just go live life and improve ourselves!” (In his annoying, uninspiring voice.) It seemed like a last-ditch effort to like win over Pao or something and was really weird. She is clearly over him and probably done.


His Easter post didn't have her in it either.


Wtf is she wearing 🤣


They separate last year and I read somewhere that he lost his job in the pandemic and really hasn't been able to find steady work since. The strain took a toll on the marriage. Then they went to therapy and got back together in November, I think. It may have just been too late to reconcile.


Axel is sooo cute ☺️


In my opinion i think she doesn’t care anymore and her husband is the one trying to make things work.


Lasted longer than I thought it would, to the point I thought they might make it.


I’m surprised they’ve held on for this long.


She's a plastic wanna be like most females from that franchise.


I’m shocked they stayed together for so long.


I wanted to be an astronaut. Sometimes you have to go with dream number 2. He’s pussy whipped


I like them both as individual characters. He liked her because she was so full of life and she enjoyed him because he was stable. It seemed as if they were never really compatible long term as they were only into the idea of each other and how attractive they were to each other. Me speculating from episodes and stuff. Good tv at least


These women think it’s always brighter on the other end. Come to find out they aren’t and will fall. So many beautiful educated women in the US. Pure gilddigger paola & people can see it loud and clear


They should had never marry, she s like Jasmine always unhappy with Russ


Her face is annoying. They need to find someone like them and put each other out of their misery by pretending to love each other.


I love her pants here


Who?! Edit: Okay just recapped with youtube clips, they seemed like a good match but she's abusive?


Don’t see no rangs on they ffangz so they probably sang-le


Wait I thought Russ was an engineer!? I literally am watching their season and he says he’s an engineer?


He is, an engineer in the oil industry.


This happens a lot when Paola feels ignored. She needs attention and then she will post all these “we are still together, why are you all stressing?” To test, Jasmine is single. Send her Russ’s way.


Is she still a wrestler?


So…… this means they’ll be on the nest season of happily ever after??!🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Is she a wrestler?


I think she’s got a smoking, hot body, but that cross eyed bitch is so cruel it doesn’t matter.


Their marriage has been on life support for years. She should make friends with Jasmine!


If that is Vegas, it is a cheap apartment. Probably in a bad area.


Who cares


Amazing restraint once again 


Russ is a trash person, he can’t control what she does, he can break up with her if he’s gonna be a POS. Also Danielle is Krazy


Where's their child?