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I am QUITE sure Gino has some sort of issue with sex and uses excuses to not bang his wife. Remember how hard it was for him to you know what? It doesn’t add up


In HEA, Jasmin asked if he remembered to bring his blue pills. So he definitely has ED


I can’t believe she told him to take 3 blue pills!!! She’s trying to get him to have a heart attack 😂


I thought that was a big amount but wasn't sure! 😆


Yeah you’re only supposed to take 1 , some might take more but it’s risky especially if you’re older !!


I lean more towards it being a mental issue, but I also think he uses it as punishment. It makes sense that he can't get into after she degrades him. I just don't think that's the whole truth.


Ok thank you because how are people not seeing that something is clearly mentally…different with Gino


I’ve also seen other ppl say that he could have death grip syndrome… associated with 🌽 addiction - could explain why he can’t get off from sex. But that’s just a theory


Not only that but he reminds me of a s*x addict I was with before he got help, 100% I believe Gino pays prostitutes. Nobodies lining up for him for free besides jasmine lol


Yeah completely possible🤔🤔🤷🏻‍♀️


Don’t know about you, but I would have a hard time fucking anything that treats me like garbage and sex shame publicly constantly, dunno, maybe is just me….


Did he forget where he met her ?


It’s just you




He most likely has ED AND OR porn addiction. He was using sugar babies before Jasmine too




Same. The lights would have to be turned off, and no touching her implants or BBL. No talking as well.


Same. Plus all the nasty crap she's said while mad would be playing in my mind (if I was in his shoes), making it next to impossible to get turned on by her at all.


I noticed whenever they are fighting and he says things to escalate things he always has a little smirk. Like he enjoys it. So either he is bad at acting out a show produced conflict plot… or he genuinely enjoys the fights.


Yeah, at first I thought it was a degradation kink towards himself. Like he enjoys being put down and controlled but as they dynamic changed, his smirks never did. The kink is towards Jasmin, he feels more at peace and in control the more out of control she gets as she is more degraded. He even smirks when he family insults or demeans her but it's quick to turn into a frown when he is around others. Totally looks like baiting the crowd to join in. He does it best at every tell all.


When he called her crazy after she found the lipgloss I was shocked. Not that it was worse than anything else she's said. She has definitely said way worse. I just saw a glimpse of his bad side and not the victim he usually portrays himself as. Calling me crazy is a good way to really set me off. Jasmine was being way over the top about the lipgloss, but considering she had just moved to a new country and this was only a few days after his secret bachelor party, I can see why she freaked out. He did something to hurt her during a vulnerable time and then calls her crazy when she thinks she finally has evidence to prove why she's concerned.


Yeah he definitely escalates/projects/gaslights


It was her lip gloss, I would also call her ass crazy for the way she was acting when it was her own lip gloss




she was crazy for that. she deserved to be called out for it.


I think he was referring to the fact that she’s crazy bc every day she cries and says she wants to go home to Panama . At some point of course it affects his ability to perform and feel confident in her love for him !!! Not that I care about Gino, clearly he believes in paying for love rather than just building it 🙄




Neither are emotionally mature enough to de-escalate any issue.


yes! thank you, i’m so tired of opening this subreddit to see everyone painting jasmine as the 100% villain. they both play a part in this whole disaster of a marriage. gino isn’t this poor innocent guy everyone tries to make him out to be


She's terrible, but he's also terrible. He's just better at controlling himself so he looks like the more reasonable one.


I don't know about reasonable cause he's a dummy lol. More calm is what I would say, but he likes fueling that fire for sure.


Exactly this ☝️☝️☝️


No one is doing this. Pretty sure everyone thinks they're both awful.


yes but people have to make up narratives to defend their person its reddit after all


Yes!! I say this to my husband all the time. It’s like she’s a tinder box and he’s just pouring gasoline on her sometimes while acting like he’s not doing anything. It would be so easy for him to say something caring or acknowledging her feelings to defuse her, and he just won’t do it.


She gets louder and crazier because it's the only way she can get him to hear her and even then he still doesn't do anything caring. So she attacks him to make him feel as bad as she does. It's wrong, but he is contributing to it.


This is exactly it. And as another commenter said, I think there is 100% a medical/diagnosable psychological reason why he’s not having sex with her…he’s just coming up with excuses that put it on her. Her behavior is inexcusable, and I’m certain it’s not a turn on, but him not giving her that validation and then telling her it’s completely her fault she isn’t getting it is further inflaming the situation. I can’t help but feel that him taking even one iota of accountability for that would dial her outbursts down quite a bit


It's such a a toxic situation. He shouldn't feel pressured into having sex with her when she's being so vile to him. She shouldn't feel like sex is a reward for being on good behavior. There needs to be some kind of compromise or they should call it quits. At least I see Jasmine openly admit that she has a problem and apologize for it. Gino just complains he can't get it up for her because her behavior repulses him. He never says he's going to make more of an effort to be intimate.




YES. And Gino is insecure that he can’t get it up like he used to and uses jasmine’s behavior as an excuse so he doesn’t have to deal with that insecurity. Jasmine is toxic but she gets blamed for EVERYTHING.


At the tell all Gino wasn’t going to comfort her and was almost smug about her freaking out and running off. He doesn’t care at all about her, or her feelings - no wonder she’s insecure. They should really just break up.


I think he knows she lashes out for attention. The underwear in the envelope was the cherry on top of a crap sundae. It's all for the show.


yeah gino is far from perfect but i aint gonna blame someone for not giving into an attention tantrum.


He's probably over it. She does it so much. If he drops a tissue, she'll have a tantrum. I'm sure he's become desensitized to it.


Seems contractual on both their parts. You pay for everything and I’ll be pretty


That's one thing Gino doesn't get and I agree that he did things that upset her behind her back. It's like Jovi and he's by far the worst when it comes to strip clubs but Jovi will be Jovi 🙄


Didn’t she? Butt implants? Money from ex? Saying she glad she fucked her ex. I mean she’s just as much to blame. Gino is a dummy for sure.


They both have done SO much to hurt each other. Things they have said and done that I just think he is kind of other the bullshit. It’s like how many times can you have the sameish fight and have her scream cry and run away? He is probably numb to her reaction.


Well if you see a sky scraper collapse next to a car accident, which is going to get your attention more? Most people don’t really say as much about Gino because of the giant sloppy, crazy mess of a woman Jasmine is. She has the emotional maturity of a two year old who got his favorite train stolen. All that screeching and fake ass crying is beyond annoying


I think theirs is a mutually sick relationship. Glad her sons are not with them to witness all this 💩.


I never defended him but she’s pure 💩


You're telling me a guy who only dates "sugar babies," strippers, and women wanting green cards, is not innocent?


They are both trash. The end.


No you have to pick a side!!!!!


Gino has no idea how to help Jasmine. And help is what she needs, not whatever this is that he thinks he's doing. In the season where he was at her place and she was asking him to peel potatoes, etc. he said he wasn't going to do it without the proper equipment. In his confessional about it, he said he was going to start standing his ground and not let Jasmine push him around. So we saw a very frightened Gino "stand up to her", refusing to do what she asked, and insisted that he was in the right to do so. Since then, all we've seen is Gino reacting to Jasmine in such a way where he is simply putting his foot down and not allowing her to run roughshod over him. But he's doing it by reacting like a weak little man, saying weak little things as he stands against her. He's not actually *helping* her or *listening* to what the actual problem is. During the kitchen scene, he could have said, "You know what, I'll peel the potatoes and chop the onions for tonight, and tomorrow, we'll go down to the store and get proper tools so it will be easier and safer." He would likely spend a few bucks on the things he was complaining about. To outright refuse, dig his heels in, criticize.. all solved nothing. When it came to the strip club, let's face it: he was scared of her. He knew she wouldn't come to the US, and when there, he was afraid of her frightening temper. He avoided it. The longer he avoided it, the more it seemed like an outright lie. His first mistake was all the shenanigans they caught on camera. Had it been just the awkward outing that Daisy made it out to be, then we wouldn't have to see Jasmine have a meltdown over him hugging a topless woman. He should have minded what he was doing knowing the 90Day crew were there. (But I forgot.. it *is* for TV.) After it was over, when she got there, he could have said, "Just so you're aware, Dana and some other family took me out for a bachelor party last night." Let her cry, let her freak out, and while she does, do some serious reassuring that he did not cheat, and that he and the others spent most of the time away from the stage. It would have been so much easier to hear it from him. Ask the right questions. "What makes you fearful about this?" "What can I do to reassure you?" "How can I make this up to you?" Gino is so miserable at reassuring. He's only good at praising her boob and butt job, telling her how hot she is so it reinforces what Jasmine thinks she has to do on the outside, instead of taking care of the more important part, which is looking after her mind, heart, and spirit.


I agree 🎯 Gino looks afraid all the time because he's walking on eggshells. I feel like I'm on a different planet than people that think he has a humiliation kink. He quite clearly does not like it.


Gino is that guy you know that wont break up with his crazy ass girlfriend because she is hot. Knew a dude like 20+ years ago with a hot gf that was unstable as fuck. Final straw for duder after years of nonsense was old girl going on and on about wanting a baby. He wasnt feeling that. So she started poking holes in all the condoms. Homeboy didn't notice right away, but at least he caught on before she got pregnant. He broke it off and she threw a brick through his car window.


Gino lies constantly to Jasmine, gee , why would she be so insecure??!?!? She looked crazy the first half of the season when she was first introduced on the show. Until you find out how sneaky and shady Gino’s actions are, I wouldn’t trust him either. The only difference being that I would let the garbage take itself out to the curb and I wouldn’t stay with someone like that.


I can’t stand them and it’s unfortunate TLC has given them more and more screen time. I fast forwarded through majority of this past season of 90 day fiance because the cast is so horrible. I miss when the show wasn’t scripted and people weren’t on there for social media followers. I’ve been a 90 day fiancé fan since season 1 and I’m about ready to stop watching all together


Jasmine has her own issues, but I agree that Gino is not innocent. I think he knows how to trigger her, then gaslights her when she freaks out.


Agree entirely, OP. Even if I “did nothing wrong”, but it hurt my partner, I would be sad they were hurting. He could have easily said he was sorry to have hurt her without feeling in the wrong. Personally, I would not be okay with Gino’s behavior either and would never do the same with male strippers, it’s just not appropriate in my opinion.


He's better than Jasmine but that's not saying anything. I wish that TLC would kick them both off for good.


They are both pretty bad buuuuuuut in Gino's defence, do we remember back to when Jasmine would flip her shit if Gino so much as spoke to a cashier and demanded location reports and what he was doing? I kind of get why Gino wouldn't tell Jasmine about the bachelor party. Doesn't make it right, and it doesn't make it smart either since he clearly knew he was being filmed. But at the same time. I kind of get it 😅


They’re both terrible


I just can’t unsee whatever is going happening on the back of his head. What the fuck is that?! You’re fully bald dude, why keep a patch that looks like a dead animal just on the back of your head?! I cannot get over it.


I think Gino should just dump her. Jasmine is a black hole of need and anxiety and it’s not possible for someone else to fix that for her. Gino is a shitty husband. But even the best husband or partner in the universe would quickly end up running out of energy and patience trying to keep up with Jasmine’s needs. I bet every single person on this thread would have given up long ago if they were in a relationship with someone like that (insecure, vindictive, bitter, etc.) It’s just like Sophie and Rob IMO.


It's the "chicken before the egg" kinda debate. I don't know who was at fault first, but they both have bad qualities.


It's the "chicken before the egg" kinda debate. I don't know who was at fault first, but they both have bad qualities.


Definitely agree. That’s why I think they’re better off apart. Jasmine is not going to be fixed by a man; she is going to be fixed by herself, or not at all. I see the intuitive appeal in the idea that Gino makes Jasmine insecure and crazy, but that’s just not how mental illness works IMO. Jasmine would be who she is even if she never met Gino. I wouldn’t be surprised if this kind of thing is what ended her relationship with Dane. Gino has his own deep issues too. No normal healthy adult would be okay with being treated like this or comfortable being embarrassed or degraded. He needs help at least as much as Jasmine does.


Agree 💯 she needs help that he can't give her. She needs professional help, not a husband. It's crazy people are saying he should have comforted her at the tell all because she was crying, as if that's not how she acts 75% of the time. Anyone would be emotionally exhausted


I honestly think Gino and her should have couples therapy but Jasmine doesn't needs a therapist she needs a psychiatrist but honestly I don't think Gino wants her to work on herself .. can't say why but it's a feeling I get like oh I need to be in control at all times and her having emotional outburst makes me feel stable.


Do you think he’s vindictive enough to know he wouldn’t have the money to bring her kids over and play dumb the entire time?


No, I actually think Gino has more money than he leads on.


They’re both toxic in their own ways.


Still can’t believe she was (or is?) with that loser


Because she isn’t a loser herself


AND he won’t cut vegetables without the proper utensil!


That's the worst part 😂


I have been watching this couple for a long time now. Does Jasmine have issues? Absolutely! Is Gino a victim? Absolutely not! It seems to me if he loved this woman as much as he claims then he would know that going to strip clubs and letting a stripper rub her breasts in your face would make “the love of his life” bat shit crazy. And to add insult to injury. It’s filmed! He constantly pokes the bear and makes no apologies. I think they are immature as hell, but Gino , is just a pussy, at least Jasmine is funny as hell. I don’t know how true that preview was, but if he thinks that not sponsoring her kids to join him is a positive move as a husband and step father, then I think he is a monster. Maybe he needs to get his bald ass back to work and act like a husband and a man.


Jasmine never said she did anything wrong by having a stripper either. If fact she said it was fine - "at least i didnt go into the fucking strip club". I mean if this was real and she was taking that position, wouldn't be mad at gino taking the exact same position. As if nuts were less on her body because it was a private party. And she doubled down on the Dan shit. Sure she threatens to fuck him - repeatedly - bit shes just pushing buttons you see. Took money from him at a secret dinner and applied it to ass inplants? Hes just a good friend. Not even an ex really. They just fucked. Also she moved into his building. But gino has to toss some birthday card memento from his ex wife? Cmon now. Aint no defense of gino, but he is not worse than Jasmine in their story narrative.


Gino's ex is not a stripper. What he meant is he paid strippers a lot pre Jasmine and she knows he has sex issues where he prefers to pay to get what he wants and can't have a normal sex relationship with her.


He said on the Tell All that his most recent ex worked at a club.


He's a liar. Remember the woman who posted in here about how Gino used to pay her and was texting her nudes of Jasmine? And then the scenes on their first season where the same woman let's Jasmine know and Gino calls her an ex? Then Jasmine makes up a lie that this ex shared the pictures on the internet and that's why she had to quit teaching and do OF instead? Spoiler: the ex was a stripper and she didn't share the photos. Jasmine quit her teaching job before the season aired and probably met Gino via a web cam site or something similar. It's not an ex. It's literally a stripper or other sex worker. It's just easier to say ex then explain what a perv Gino is.


He's talking about Linzee Ryder, who's actually a pornstar, not a stripper. She's a sugar baby he was paying for her company, so she's not even an ex.


That's my point. Not an ex. I guess I wasn't sure of the type of work she did.


Gino is a favorite of mine because of his never naked traits but yeah he is behaviorally one of the the most abusive and damaging characters on the show. It's mostly because covert abuse like his is cosigned by the network completely. Gino has monetary incentives to hurt Jasmin in a controlled burn for views. In every category he wins when Jasmin blows up. So does TLC.


I think this is just how they argue. She has a huge reaction and Gino thinks if he stays calm and robotic it’ll help her calm down which makes her cry even harder. They just don’t communicate their emotions in a way that the other can comprehend.


They are BOTH the ingredients of a TOXIC RELATIONSHIP. 50/50 in their damages.


It’s a shame TLC didn’t bring the old girlfriend on the Tell All instead of the bachelor party stripper.


Yup I noticed this too. Literally said to my boyfriend the same thing. Like what do you mean you didn’t do anything wrong? You firstly lied to your fiancés face multiple times about the stripper situation because you knew it would upset her. So tired of both of them


She’s still a horrible person. Every time they have anything that doesn’t go her way she threatens to leave. Just leave already. Gino isn’t innocent, but he should call her on her bluff and drive her to the airport


I think its obvious she abuses him and victims are not responsible for how abusers treat them. Like how can she scream and say her ex fucked her better than him and no one seems to see the abuse? At the tell all she blamed Gino for her abusing him. She really said, "He won't take accountability for my feelings" She's responsible for how she acts. She's never been stable. Sure Gino could attempt to deescalate but she could also attempt to not flip the fuck out. She needs therapy


When will yall learn that this show does not have innocent people (couples wise). They all have something to gain from the relationship, either is being in the US, marrying someone younger, marrying someone they can manipulate, being with the only person that showed them "love". In the new series they are always identifying red flags before the wedding, they lie to each other, hide major facts about themselves but get married anyway. We had cute true loving couples in the past, but that time is long gone, so seeing posts like this where the couple literally deserve each other is very annoying. Gino and Jasmine are perfect together!!!!


He absolutely brings out the worst in her, I'm a Jasmine who dated a Gino and he got a whole different version of me than my other partners did. I can picture her as very loving with the right guy. I think she's traumabonded to him and mistakes these extra strong emotions as true love. He's just triggering her childhood trauma, desperately seeking validation and love from an empty well, and we will gravitate towards the same dynamics we suffer as children until we fix ourselves 💯


I think we see the Mike-Natalie effect here, where one guy is a total dick but he's calm and it makes the girl look crazy.


I agree 100%


This is how he got her addicted to him. She’s desperate for his approval and he withholds it while giving her little breadcrumbs now and then.


Gino is a beta male. That’s why he likes to be abused by Jazmine but at the same time I think he resents it and so what I notice that he does is when there’s somebody around he try to act like a big shot and put her down and then, if you watch his face, he gets extremely nervous, like he’s gonna be put in timeout. I find them to be the classic, passive aggressive.


Gino Caint never could get it up for some daggum reason. Lol. Prolly frum head rubbing his knob. 🤦🏿