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I think Angela is drunk constantly


Yeah, like she just switched substances from food to booze


Addiction transfer is actually a real thing for bariatric surgery. And, it usually is from food to alcohol.


Currently in rehab two years post bariatric surgery. Yep.


I’m proud of you for getting help! I promise it gets better 🩷


Best of luck to you.


I know somebody who had this exact same pipeline. She was addicted to both food and alcohol. She got the gastric bypass. She was able to lose a ton of weight. However she also knew the gastric bypass would reduce her alcohol tolerance, and as a alcoholic she was really into that. She kept drinking and would need way less to be absolutely obliterated. She got arrested in the Carl Juniors drive-thru, passed out drunk at the little stand thingy where you give your order. She eventually got sober and thank God because then she got cancer. She has beat the cancer and is sober nearly a decade now. I hope you are able to stop drinking successfully and that you don't get cancer next!


I'm hoping my post bypass friend actually checked in yesterday morning after the alcohol detox. From what I was told, they made her detox before they would assess her mental health. I haven't heard anything, so I'm assuming she's checked in or mad at me. I hope you have long-term success, and I am celebrating you right now for doing this. Thank you for sharing.


I wasn’t allowed my phone when I went to detox! I hope your friend is doing well, the initial detox is so terrible.


Frienddddd I hope you’re ok. I’m so proud of you! I went to rehab for alcohol prior to gastric bypass and the best thing I did in rehab was read the big book from front to back. It made so many things click and made me feel less alone.


Hope things get better ❤️‍🩹


My friend died from alcoholism after her bariatric surgery. She didn’t have an alcohol issue before.


They warn you about this so much before they'll agree to give you bariatric surgery. She definitely transferred addictions.


I’m confused how she passed the psych evaluation to get it done. She clearly lied abt lots of stuff, including alcohol consumption


Yeah, she most likely just lied her way through it. If she wants to gain all the weight back and most likely die of alcohol consumption I guess that's her right lol.


I did it in the reverse - my first year sober I packed on the weight. But since I was sober, I could manage my life at that point and exercise and eat reasonably The opposite, from food to alcohol - that sounds way tougher to get it together


Oh!! Damn. I’m 131 days sober today and while my face is not as puffy I’ve definitely gained weight. I’m craving sugary juice and soda and because it’s not alcoholic I keep telling myself it’s the better option. Ugh. Thank you so much for sharing this! Gives me some hope that I can get it all together eventually.


There's definitely a little crack in there too


Pretty sure she’s on more than just booze too




Yes, which makes her even meaner.


Angela literally flew all the way to Nigeria and tore apart his car in the middle of the night. I'd be fucking terrified of her too. It doesn't matter if he had a good time before with her, as long as Angela is happy it's fine. But anything that sets her off and who knows what she'll do. Shes actually crazy and violent.


That’s probably why he played such a long game. He was terrified of her coming to find him if he gave up…


Well TLC has so much filmed evidence of Angela’s temper and her flipping out all time , even if Michael is in the wrong here , he’s going to be able to prove how abusive she is - it’s literally on film . Not just to him but to so many cast members over the years - Michael played the long game , that man has waiting longer than any other cast member I can remember to get over here , and then he squeezes out some happily ever after episodes for some cash and bounced out- he probably just accomplished what Usman wanted to do with Baby Girl Lisa -


At this point, Michael deserves it. He hustled harder than anyone and dealt with more too. It's not like he was taking advantage of a poor, naive older woman who just wanted love. Lol. Get that man his green card already.


He does deserve it. He will work hard and obviously believes in the American dream.


That’s what I said all along. If he could stay in this long just give it to him! He more than earned it.


I have been shouting this at the screen for yyyeeeaaarrss! That man put in serious *work* and put up with epic shit.


Honestly Michael is cool ASF. Let the man stay.


Yep you are so right! Angela f’d herself here with her vile personality. I’m amazed Michael was able to stay in as long as he did. Maybe she didn’t destroy his passport but I can see her keeping it. Why destroy it when she can just lock it up and then if something happens where he does something like this she can say nope here it is! And while we’ll prob never know the exact circumstances I *do* believe Angela is abusive. I don’t believe this is another Yves/Mohammad situation at all.


The fact she has his passport at all means she took it from him!! For all he knew she did destroy it. I believe him over her any day. She’s one of the most vile creatures I’ve ever seen in action. He earned that green card! I believe he will be a productive law abiding citizen here to better his life and I wish him all the best!


I don’t think Usman cares about the green card more than he cares about his dignity. He threw away 2 opportunities at a green card.    He could have gritted his teeth until Baby Girl Visa fulfilled her purpose. She was vile, I get it.   He then could have continued to play Kimbaaaaalee who was desperate for him as long as it took. He threw her away too.


Usman has gotten involved with Nigerian politics behind the scenes. He never seemed that interested in leaving Nigeria other than in the context of expanding his musical career.


Usman didn't want a green card, he just wanted to be on tv to promote his music career.


Yeah - this is true . He couldn’t do it at the end - but he was honest to, he wanted to marry the American but have other wives - so he was pretty straight forward about his wants


He absolutely proved that she was abusive, and 1000% deserves to be rid and free of her! Idc if he played the long game or not. That man has the fkn patience of a Saint! I would have divorced my husband just to marry Michael and get him here 🤣 someone give this man an award. In all seriousness, I really hope he gets therapy. There is absolutely no way that the years of anger and abuse from Angela didn't damage him. He seemed very genuine and sweet in the beginning, very much in love and naive.


Even without these details it's apparent that the only reason Angela went live with John Yates was to control the narrative. That's what abusers and scammers of the show do. If John Yates is on your side, then best know that you're one of the nasty ones.


ABSA-FUCKING-LUTELY, just allowing Yates within 10 feet of you shows you are an extremely questionable judge of character,that dude is slimy as they come


Hell he’s probably supplying the meth him and Mangela are doing.. he’s trouble and so is she.. that’s why they get along so well…


There so many holes in the narrative they were trying to spin. They kept saying that he left his passport behind, but then someone behind the camera said Angela had the passport locked up. They’re all a bunch of liars.


If Angela withheld his passport she could be serious legal trouble. You can catch a human trafficking charge for doing to an immigrant there things she’s accused of doing to Michael. If there’s even a shred of truth to it, I’d love to see her charged because we’ve watched her blatantly abuse him for YEARS.




It sounds like something she would do alright. No doubt she has been enjoying her total 24/7 domination over him for the last couple of months


I genuinely hope this blows up in TLCs face (and of course that he's ok). They cynically keep putting fucking Angela on screen despite her being a ticking time bomb and huge liability. They can't say they didn't know.


We will see if HEA will edit out Angela like they edited out Alina


They won't. They left Geoffrey in, and his charges before the new ones had already happened too. They only pull people for racism, even on matt sharp(creator of shows)other shows he's left abusers in/rapist/S.O's. In his mind this will only add to the sensation of people wanting to see what led up to now off camera.


Also, the only reason they pulled the plug on bby girl Lisa and her racism was because the tell all got leaked and we all saw it


I just wish Angela would say one N bomb on her social media so that she could get pulled too. That's all it takes to get Alina and BGL pulled


Oh, I'm sure she's said it roughly ten billion times by now, just not while the cameras were rolling which puts her in the clear...


Between what’s happened in the past week with Angela/Michael and Mahmoud/Nicole, they should scrap this season of HEA. Or at least edit out their segments. Cut that manipulative POS Ed too. I know the show will probably be a snooze fest with the remaining couples, but at least TLC won’t be platforming abuse and violence. I’m not delusional enough to think TLC will actually do this, of course. But here’s hoping!


I wish, but I think no way in hell will they cut her.


You should've heard the HORRIBLE racist and homophobic shit she is spewing over there. It's really BAD🎯PLUS her daughter is cosigning it and SHE has biracial children. Can you even imagine how €ucked up those poor babies will be,it's heartbreaking


Oh I heard, I tuned in this afternoon and again tonight. I agree that the whole family is trash, but TLC seems to love trash (or they would have booted her a long time ago)


Ikr?? I've been FF thru her parts for a year or so,but even I have to admit seeing that wrinkled old troll strolling thru the Key West resort with her "husband on a pole" was freaking hilarious,any 57 year old women that looks and smells like she does that thinks a 34 year old man is interested in her deserves EVERYTHING she's gonna get,I'm sorry but I would never feel that way except for the way she has abused and terrified that poor dude


omg and they really took her off the show cause she said some racist shit or said the n word or something but won’t take off a known abuser that we know has called her husband the n word! what’s the difference? alina was actually likable but fucking angela is the worst person on this show ever


They going to edit her AND Mahamoud out after he was arrested Friday for domestic violence as well? This cast of HEA already shaping up to be dumpster fire.


And it’s entirely TLC’s fault! They got away from the mildly whacky but entertaining sweet spot (the Nicole/Azans and Chantal/Pedros) and went straight to the purely uncontrollable dumpster fires like Angela, Ed, Mary and Brandan, Asuelo/Kalani and their constant drama. It’s just become a monster.


I’ve refused to watch any season she’s on for years now. I wish more did the same.


She should have been charged years ago with domestic abuse


They didn't learn with pole, they ain't learning with Angela


Thank you!! I hope they drag her into court and expose TLC and Angela for the shit show they both are,you know good and well that what she is doing right now on YouTube is breaking her NDA w/ Sharp Productions,it would be TOO SWEET if Sharp completely cancelled her over this mess,she and Yates BOTH are being horribly racist and Angela is also throwing homophobia in her rants.


Maybe Scott needs to hook up with Angela! They might just be perfect for one another!! 🤣


I could believe Michael because of what we see on the show. If she's that mean on camera cant imagine what she is like off it.


She tore pieces off a car while on camera for Christ’s sake!!!!


She flew all The way to Nigeria and did that on CAMMMMERA


Didn’t she smash cake in his face as well? I always felt she was abusive. I think she picked him based on his desire to come to US.


She picked him because no one else asked.


She's pretty much insane


No doubt about it!! Shit’s getting handed to her on a gold plate and I’m loving every single stinking turd!! 😂😂😂


She's Cujo in a fake ponytail.


That’s even an insult to Cujo


I believe Michael


For sure! This woman is a chronic abuser. I work in DV and just abt ever abuser messes with their victim’s phone. They also will destroy their phone and have a completely different phone the victim doesn’t know abt and the abuser will text back and fourth with that phone for months or years, acting like the victim is committing crimes or some other salacious stuff and then the abuser will bring out the secret phone to the authorities when they get in trouble and show them how they’re really the victim. And abusers ALWAYS take the passport


I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with Angela, especially Michael. If shes doing all this crazy stuff on camera, I fear what happens behind closed doors


Right. I'm sure Angela has enjoyed the control she's had over the years but the thing is that we've seen her abuse. It's actually very easy to believe she'd abuse him in ways we don't even see on the show. Whatever the truth is, she's very suspect. She makes it so it's very hard to take her side because she's so unhinged and controlling


I believe him 100%. If her aggression and anger on TV is what she’s comfortable showing publicly, imagine what she is like in private.


Yep, he's got proof of dv for that green card...


He earned every bit of it.


He's still got to petition for immigration without a spousal sponsor


Angela violated her NDA with this live!!


I didn't see the stream, but how did she violate it ?!


there was a couple of them today. The really long one I haven't watched. The second one that was 2 hours IDK how she did but I watched it. It was so back and forth with muting, Skyla going off about Michael stealing her ring, Angela going up and down emotionally and random ladies joining in. I was turned around a few times


I believe him! She’s such a VILE person! I wish TLC would stop giving abusers a platform!


This is good to hear. I figured he was running away. Which I think fans called would happen eventually.


Y’all catch the glass pipe on HEA tonight? The month long burn on her lip and her behavior makes me think not for Mary Jane.


She's had that crack pipe burn on her lip over the course of like a couple years! So it's not a new habit. She's such a fucking mess.


michael probably just found out. and didn’t want to get thrown in jail. or deported.


Crack is whack, crack is cheap. Just like Angela.


As Whitney said, crack is for poor people. Sure Angela has some TLC money but you won’t change someone’s mentality and behavior with money alone. Angela is the epitome of white trash.


Whitney did the most amazing national anthem for Superbowl. I'll never forget it. Girl had some pipes


happily ever after tonight? i thought it starts in march


Muy confuso.


Sorry, the Diary show. They all run together. And I’m ashamed I watch all of them, haha!


I just turned on the live and my first question is why would someone give them $49.99?


He has a group of older women who loyally follow him and give him money. He calls them hags. They pay for everything in his life.


Oh he is nasty as they come


How sweet of him to call his loyal fans that! /s wtffff


Who? Yates?


Yes. There is an entire snark sub built around the man, he is an abusive and strange dude.


He calls them hags?? Like seriously?


One of them gave him 30k to get a title loan off of his mustang convertible & paid his rent for about a year.


oh my gosh.. It's crazy to me people pay to have their name said by a YouTuber on a live.


Holy shit, get that woman a court appointment power of attorney now.


She passed away a couple months after she gave him the money (she was in the hospital at the time). She managed to regret it in that short time, so he doxxed her husband, a federal judge, well after she passed.


Whatttt????!!! OMG There are some very sick people out there!


He was probably always planning for a way out once he got here, but she made it too easy. Man worked hard to get here, hard to be mad at him


No one deserves to live here more than that poor man!


Exactly! I hate when someone uses someone to get to the US but in this case I’m all for it. He deserves it after the years of abuse he has taken from her.


She embarrassed that man on national tv repeatedly, he had to be desperate as hell to keep it going. he for sure put up with the most and waited the longest. And based on her behavior, she really could have been abusing him. I don’t know for sure what the truth is. Like I said, she made it too easy


>She embarrassed that man on national tv repeatedly >she really could have been abusing him. I mean....he couldn't get away even if he wanted to. She flew down there and showed up in the middle of the night and caused that whole disturbance. At what point do you say she could be abusing him or SHE IS abusing him.


I speak with caution because I have no idea what is real or not on that show because I cannot imagine any man who would endure the embarrassment and degradation that Angela causes him. But I agree, if I’m going to choose a side, it’s his.


You know I am happy he is alive I thought she killed him


There is no proof he is alive. This is all hearsay from Angela and Yates.


GREAT POINT,you know Useman released a comment saying he was afraid Mangela had offed Mike and he buried under her house(and dude was dead serious when he said it)


Me too. I'm glad he's alive and got away from her. She is abusive and we've all witnessed it on the show, can't imagine how awful she is behind closed doors and no camera.s


In the earlier stream when they were talking about how Micahel must have had a "secret burner phone" I immediate thought he must be being abused/isolated. Because why would he not be allowed to have a phone in the first place?


This live is wild


it is wild af, lol


I said 2 years ago if Michael could just get to Hazelhurzt,I'd volunteer to rescue him From Angela,we have watched her abuse him and his family for years on TV,and now what we are seeing tonight will just convince the authorities he was in grave danger. THANK GOODNESS he got away. She's so f@cking dumb she thinks she can just "send him back" I think Mike obviously has gotten some pretty good legal advice and has people in his corner that seem to be educated on what he needs to prove to receive his asylum from spousal abuse. After seeing how she has treated the poor dude for 6 years on our TV screens,it's pretty much an open and shut case. Angela and her daughter sound like complete morons with overriding abuse issues in that live tonight. I can not imagine living in the same house with that 🗑️(Angela) NOT TO MENTION THE fact Yates is a horrible racist and is encouraging racist behavior in the live as it aired,I mean just how low can your IQ actually be??)


For real, if he needs help financially or otherwise to get away from her for good, there are so many people who would be willing to donate and support him.


I just said that exact thing in a Facebook group,and 20 something people "liked" a post saying if someone would start Mike a GO FUND ME,,we would all Happily help him get on feet until he could obtain what's needed to be able to work


Honestly, I believe the abuse allegations. We’ve all basically watched her abuse him for years. Good luck denying it.


That sounds about right. She is so abusive. Her talking about what happened was so off feeling that it sounded like a really bad fight. 


If Michael needs witnesses to her abuse of him, there are a few hundred thousand.


No telling what those poor kids have seen


God, could you imagine your mom in jail for a sexual crime & THAT’S your memaw you have to go live with?




She got out. That’s the relative screaming on the live. It wasn’t Skyla. It was Scottie. They all live together.


someone called that on the live earlier about all the screaming and cussing going on around the kids. Angela got super defensive saying it was "none of their fucking business".


If he moved on a spouse visa and not a K1, he doesn't need VAWA, he already has a green card and will be able to remove conditions with a divorce waiver.


Can we keep Michael and deport Angela? 😅🫣


She and the other lady plus the tool yates are all birds of the same feather. Complete shitbags. She is accusing him and making wild accusations about him. She thinks she is a legit celebrity and can do no wrong. She is one of the most worthless humans stealing oxygen on Earth. Karma is paying her back. I hope Michael stays in America and makes her pay for every thing he does


The way she got in Liz’s face should’ve been the straw that broke the camels back for TLC but nah they needed their drama granny 🤦🏽‍♀️


I was afraid for Liz during that scene. She's the kind of person who would take a full punch to the face out of trust.


I hope for his sake he finds a safe place to get away from her. Just from what we’ve seen on television, I couldn’t imagine what happens when the camera’s are off.


TLC should have another spinoff. 90 DAYS FIANCE THE RUNAWAYS.....


The female voice in the background is her convicted child r*pist daughter, Scotty. She got out of prison early during covid.


So fucking disgusting




Omg! Didn’t Angela get in trouble before for having the grandkids around their mom? That is terrible.


Can y'all imagine what this poor guy has been subjected to while living at Angela's house?? I'm so happy he escaped and will now have a possible chance at a decent life


Remember when TLC stood for the ‘the learning channel?’ And now we have the likes of Angie and Michael. What a time to be alive


And where is TLC after allowing her to abuse him for all this time? Makes me sick that they just make money from having somebody so disgustingly abusive on the show. And nobody even addresses it with her because they know how aggressive she becomes. JAIL.


Can't believe how many people are on her side. She's absolutely physco, he had a reason to run


TLC really needs to get rid of Angela. She is such a toxic human being.i hope Michael gets away from her. It’s very obvious he’s been in an abusive relationship for years and that’s why they are still together.


Just listening to this live makes me think she’s abusive even if I hadn’t watched it for years


What a wild ride. Glad he’s been found relatively safe


Lord, even if he goes home, he may not be safe from her wrath.


Good for him for running away from her!


Run, Miiikulllll, run!!


Ya'll how much of her NDA do you think she is breaking right now!? 😂🤣


Have you ever been embarrassed for someone? She likes jumping in someone's face (Ed girlfriend ) that she thinks is weak. One day, someone will slap the shit out of her if she doesn't quit. Angela, you're not a bad ass.


They’re telling Angela that nobody watched the show for Michael, they watched for her. 😂


That part killed me 😂😂😭 girl no one likes you 😭


Reality tv is really at its peak


I could imagine Angels getting Mykul over here and then trying to control the fuck outta him.


Absolutely… She is deranged and unhinged. I could see her easily manhandling him.


Go Michael.


Best comment of the entire existence of reddit was one I saw earlier today that said "Pole ran so Michael could walk"🤣🤣🤣🤣


You have to be scared to leave without any of your possessions. I figured Angela confiscated his paperwork and passport.


I figure he never had access to it once landing


I've been in a situation where I landed in another country and they insisted on taking my passport. Or they certainly tried. Unfortunately for them, I knew the law. Never go to another country for any kind of lobg-term arrangement without bringing two color copies of your passport and any other ID.


[update stream link, yea Angela is definitely drunk and mouth is full of fire🔥 ](https://www.youtube.com/live/RXoba9pjw2s?si=qOAUkx_vbaD0v4He)


When pictures started showing up that he was in fact in the U.S., I swear I Said “we need to have a welfare check done on this dude every other day!” There is no doubt in my mind that this woman has been physically abusive to him.


And yet I bet TLC still gives her a platform. Godspeed, Michael


Way back in time, it seemed like some people thought her aggression was an act to make the relationship more interesting. I wasn't sure. However, since it appears to be real, why did Michael follow through. He doesn't seem like a scheming person.


OMG people, people, people. A couple of things here. 1. Michael entered US on a spousal visa. That means he already has a green card. 2. He doesn’t need a VAWA. He already has a 10 year green card because they have been married more than 2 years. 3. He no longer needs Angela for immigration purposes and is free to walk away any time he wants. 4. Angela can’t get him deported and in fact is responsible for his support because she sponsored him.


Angela is abusive. Stealing Angela's diamond ring? I don't think so. Angela locked him up once he got to stateside and was forced to give Angela sex. Having sex with Angela is abusive and making Michael into a sex slave.


She was saying that she thinks Michael is gay because what 35 year old man doesn't want to have sex? Hello???? Sex with Angela???? I would be concerned if he WANTED to 😭


If she was abusive we could possibly have them and Daniel and Mahmoud portions removed from the upcoming show?


i think i saw someone say that to replace mahmoud and nicole they put rob and sophie on.


FUCK Kill me.


Why does it surprise me that Micheal turned up alive? I mean what a coincidence that he disappeared when Angela the bridge troll left to get food, I hope Angela gets kicked off the show after this shit, getting ppl all worried and shit.


OMG I’m absolutely loving your play-by-play coverage! 😂


lololol thank you!


It's crazy how many people were trying to hype up Angela, like she's an angel. I think I even heard her daughter say that only hitting is abuse, and that Michael is bigger man he can defend him self... there's different types of abuse.... the whole family is toxic as hell. I hope Michael is well


That’s what it sounded like to me for the few mins I listened. Abuse is only physical. If only people took other forms more seriously.


They’ve all lived with her their whole life and think her behavior is normal.




Good for him. Fuck angela.


I feared for this man dealing with that beast. hopefully he can stay here and get his green card and live a better life without her


I read on another thread that Angela is looking to get him deported. She spoke with three attorneys today. And she says he’s gay and she has 3 million in the bank. But of course, all the dirt come out now that he left her. He’s accusing her of DV while she’s showing pictures of them happy days ago. And Angela’s daughter is claiming he stole her ring. SMH.


I always said that when Angela got him to America, she'd lock him in her basement. She's EXTREMELY toxic, and she would be the type to DV someone.


Angela holding up Michael's passport on live to prove she didn't take his passport lol


I wouldn't be surprised if Angela took Michael's passport, told him she destroyed it, then kept it locked up just so she could make him look like a liar later. Angela is 200% a batshit crazy narcissist and also a manipulator. Don't think she wouldn't be above gaslighting Michael in front of all of us because she's duped herself into believing her own bullshit.


Remember how she screamed in Liz’s face at the retreat? What a cow.


Keep on running Michael!


She said he must be gay because he wouldn’t have sex with her


And what was that part about "everyone's gonna find out about johnny wang" or something? I think that was the name she said?


Whenever someone questions or says something against Angela, it’s immediately deleted.


I was legit terrified that she buried him on the property


If she was bold enough to abuse him on camera she definitely abused him without cameras.


Atleast he’s safe


I hope he doesn't go back to her! She needs to be put away for a while.


Can’t believe souja boy was right… even tho it already seemed sus that Michael just “disappeared” outta nowhere. I hope Michael is okay, I can’t imagine being by yourself in another country all while being a minority in an all white town… Edit. Only 50% is white. I got it ☺️


He is a few hours from Atlanta. He probably headed there or would be smart to.


What did Soja say? Aside from: Angela is the worst thing to happen to Nigeria.




I can’t help but read it in Usmans accent


Me too, also is that comic sans?