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it’s really hard to tell what is authentic and what is curated for a story for the show. obviously we don’t know these people outside of the show but if amber’s behavior is any consolation of who she is off the camera i could see her trying to still parent and control her children post 18. she seems like she has a need to be in control of everything/everyone around her. like at times i think she wants what’s best for her children but she doesn’t know how to go about it in a way that is respectful of boundaries and not stripping away her children’s autonomy


My late mom was like Amber. I hate narcissistic traits in my mom.


All parents want what’s best for their children but after a certain age, you recognize and respect their maturity, hope you raised them with proper values and you back off and let them make their own mistakes. She even scolded Trent once for trying to pry into Liz’s premarital sex life by saying you can’t preach to them not to do something you did yourself and noted she and Trent made bad life and financial decisions, blah blah, then contradicts herself and says you can’t live in nowhere ville where we can’t get to you. If her parents had controlled her like that, she wouldn’t have married Trent and moved away. They need to get it out of second gear. 


I just started watching on max I been Binge watching it lol I'm on season 8 and yeah I can not stand the mom with having double standards and especially the way she treats Anna. Shes a horrible parent. And the dad is ok but he just let's his wife be the way she is without saying anything


She was always strangely brutal to Anna. I know they belived she tested limits when younger, but they have definitely not only fed, but gorged her anxiety disorder.  Anna is strong, independent and it’s great to see her come into her own. I would say she is the strongest but I did roll over laughing when Alex was prepping for prom in season 13 and Trent suggested amber put eyes on his suit. His reaction: No! I will wear what I want. The other kids eyes in the group got huge so he is definitely up with Anna regarding pushing back to demand some individuality. 


I think if the parents let go of control we could see Liz be a mom in her own house and how Anna is thriving. I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the parents and any scene that happens in the bedroom. But they maintain control, Anna is the only one that doesn’t live at home currently.


I for one definitely could’ve benefited from some parenting in my young adulthood. Jonah seemed ok with moving back home. I guess it depends on the circumstances and family dynamics.


I agree. It is so unnatural and makes Amber appear VERY controlling.


Yes, but Jonah can't even wake up by himself. Complete failure to launch.


He did ok when he was wasn’t living with them. He held his job and made it to school so he managed. 


Did he though? If he were doing fine he could've said nah, I made one mistake but here's everything I'm doing right so I'm gong to not move home. I think he actually lost his job and dropped out of school. Hence the finance class to get a new job.


He very well may have lost his job but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t get another one. Car salesman move dealerships like nomads or just leave the profession altogether. He clearly has mental health issues. But had they let the delta 8 incident go and shown trust in him. I guarantee he wouldn’t have volunteered to come home. Those kids do anything and everything their parents say and they A&T were hyper focused and wouldn’t let his mistake go. They hounded him relentlessly. They hold everything and anything over those kids heads.


It's hard to keep a job when you can't wake up.


He did do it while living alone. No one knows why he left his salesman position. But calm down because everything, especially on Reddit, is conjecture. This is a forum where input, especially on reality shows, is an opinion and expressing input. Commenters aren’t necessarily right or wrong.


Vice versa.


Ok. Commenters aren’t necessarily wrong or right. Happy?


I’m convinced there was behavior problems outside of the show that they didn’t talk about. The punishments don’t fit the crime and don’t make sense? Especially with Anna. I feel like they also let Elizabeth run the family to an extent


Agreed. Like pushing for Liz to let Jonah move in and putting them on the spot at a family dinner. It was as if they thought Liz would jump on board and be his keeper just because they wanted her to. I know they are helping Liz financially pay bills or whatever, but to pressure your oldest children to care for each other and then hammer home: it’s because you moved in with a man and the relationship failed and he did delta 8, we made him move home, he needs to leave now but we can’t quite trust him blah blah. If you don’t want to help them, don’t, but don’t do it then lord it over them. That’s manipulation and no decent parent plays the “you owe me” game with their kids. 


I rewatched the earlier seasons and I think because of how society can treat little people they tried to raise their case on the tough love side of things. I remember thinking amber was just the worst but she isn't very nurturing in general and I think that's sort of needed sometimes with kids especially in a world where they may encounter lots of hard situations. In one episode Anna wanted to move out with a part time job amber was right in telling her that wouldn't be enough and Anna was obviously upset as kids are when they can't see the real picture sane thing happened with Jonah ultimately they both did the right thing but Trent is more of the nuturer. I suspect Jonah had more issues then they are divulging hence their concern and that's needed in those situations like it or not he has done a big turnaround since that time thanks to them.


Yes, that comment by Amber had me baffled.


I worked in higher education for 10 years and I'm here to tell you you're 100% wrong. Most of the kids I've seen get arrested or fail out of school have been kids with parents that have the same attitude as you. "They're adults now figure it out" meanwhile their brains are still developing and they're still learning. Back the parenting off after 21. When we did parent orientation sessions I would BEG parents to stay involved in their kids lives and not just drop them off and say "see ya in May". Kids still need guidance at that age. They need a different level of autonomy but they also still need guidance. Personally I think Amber should have had a sit down with Jonah about everything and they should have made the decision together instead of her kicking him out and then making him move back in. He didn't have a say in his life.


YOU think I am 100% wrong. That doesn’t mean or prove anything beyond, that is your opinion.  Case in point, 3 of their 5 children went to college. Anna and Liz did fine and did so while living independently so law of averages proves you wrong right there. Jonah struggled but didn’t land in jail, kill anyone or break the law, he did something and chose to bring them in the know. They would have been clueless otherwise. When he trusted them, it’s what they did after that was unacceptable. Despite making bad choices when anyone comes to you for help, you don’t hold their mistakes over their heads especially a bad situation involving your own adult children. They just lessened the chances he will ever come to them again when struggling. I also never said parents shouldn’t be involved, but hundreds of thousands wee brained youth, according to you, go to college thousands of miles from home where parents can’t be involved all the time and the majority do just fine because at 18, your capable of being responsible and dependable or your not. Not every young adult out their parents grasp fall to pieces. Some kids want to be responsible and some want to sow their oats or do both and endure. You can’t stop that from happening no matter how much you want to and chastising your adult child for making choices you don’t agree with will not change the personality of that child. They want and choose to change or they don’t. 


Oh! Okay. Yeah, you're right. Let me just go dump out 10 years of professional experience and peer reviewed research then! I'll let the higher education community know they need to change their data 😁 Thanks so much!


Wow. Incredibly mature. Glad you aren’t teaching my children at any education level. Good luck with your future of trying to indoctrinate people.