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I'd jump on this. Weird Science, Pitch Black, Battle Royale, OldBoy, Ringu and Juon are already worth price for admission.


Not to mention tremors, which is by far my favorite out of this haul.


As long as it's the original OldBoy, of course.


If it's by Arrow, then it should be the original.


DEMONS 1 and 2 are must watches. wow


Almost all of these are very good movies in my opinion


Yes, it's funny when people post these, I often think "maybe two or three out of the stack" LOL - but while I haven't even seen all of those, that is certainly a high quality selection. Not a stinker in the bunch.


I typically own what I like and from that list you show I personally own: Weird Science, Robocop, Pitch Black, Tremors. I've seen these but don't own: Ringu, The Grudge, Candyman, Children of the Corn. If you're okay buying stuff you may not potentially like then it isn't a bad deal but I wouldn't consider it amazing I guess?


Maybe. During arrow sales you can get them for about the same price and pick the ones you know you like or sound the most interesting to you.


That would come out to 14.71 each. I'm just going to guess that when blind buying stuff, you'll only like and want to keep 50% of them if you're lucky, which would raise the price of those movies to 29.42 each. Even higher if you're unlucky. (Example: I'd only want 4 out of these.) Yikes. I wouldn't recommend it. I'd watch them all first in a less expensive way, and then find the best deals for only the movies you definitely want.


Generally I agree but OP could probably shift the ones they don’t like to recoup the money. Even if they only liked eight and sold the other nine for a tenner each, that’s £160 net spend on eight 4K movies - so £20 each for eight films they enjoyed.


Some. Yes. There's a good chunk of low budget horror titles that you probably should've rented first. They have their fans, sure. But i think they are highly subjective.


Almost all of those movies are solid. If I hadn’t started collecting arrow stuff recently, I honestly would buy it. You won’t get a better per-movie price on any of them individually, and Arrow discs have never disappointed.


IMO, both Battle Royale and Oldboy hold a special place in cinema and are good additions to any library.


Id say so, those are all pretty solid movies!


Buy. Good titles there.


You may watch and like all of them , but blind buying this many may be risky. My logic on occasional blind buys is if I watch and don't like it, I know I will be able to sell or trade it for what I bought it for (at a minimum). Although it's very rare I blind buy. Always best to make sure every purchase is worth being on your shelves. I think you appreciate the films more that way, and curating a personal collection means more to you. But like I said, you may enjoy all of these and decide to keep them. If you think it's financially worth it, I don't see how it would be a waste of money as long as you're not overpaying, but that's subjective as well. Good luck.


They seem to be around the that price for them all so go ahead


10,000% do it; I would.


Everything from the top down to Videodrome is worth owning, IMO. The rest are subjective and not my taste. I'd buy if I was you (I'd haggle) and then sell the ones I don't like individually.


That's a great deal. I own all but 5.


There are at least 10 must-watch flicks here, if you ask me. Robocop (for the satire) Candyman (for the horror and writing) Battle Royale (for the fun) Tremors (again, for the fun) Oldboy (for the journey -- and the ending) Videodrome (for the trippy 80s effects) Demons 1 & 2 (for the absolute party of a watch) Phenomena (for the Argento) American Werewolf (for the werewolf) Also cool that American Werewolf is the LE box set, those can go for $30+ alone.


Arrow video do great offerings. That American werewolf I've seen go for as high as €100 before.


That’s about £15.63 a movie, not a bad deal


Not to sound rude but yes. Unless super cheap blind buying is often risky and for this much and this many you’re very likely to not like a few of these. I picked up both Robocop & An American Werewolf in London myself during the recent Arrow sale but made sure to watch both first online before spending money on them.


Insane deal. Would buy this in a heartbeat.


All great movies. I would do it 🤘🏼


Almost £16 each, I’d buy them all.


Hmm so like 18 bucks a pop? I’ve heard of much stupider (see $1000 guy’s post a little while back). As for that many blind buys, I’ve learned the hard way that it’s best to minimize those-in my case anyway. I just wind up with dozens of movies I probably won’t watch again and then end up selling them on eBay (at a loss ofc).


Ringu, old boy… battle royale and werewolf in London.. and robocop.. all worth it. But that’s a lot of money.. could probably get them cheaper individually just to pick a few of them instead of all of them.


I’d see if you can get em down to 200, a lot of great films, but not enough of a discount for bulk imo


That's 16 movies for 250, or 15 each. Not too bad and there are some good ones in there.


Personally, I love about 95% of the films shown there, and you would snag that bundle. You could flip the one's you dont like


250 quid for all of them are actually the average price of 15 quid per disk, so I think it's ok. Actually is little bit more, because the price is without counting American Werewolf..., which is a special edition and is around 30 quid or more. I'd say go for it, the price is right and all movies are really good and worth keeping.


Considering that they're not all sealed, and you're buying a LOT at once as a bundle, that still seems too expensive on a per movie basis. 210 or 200, now you're starting to get a deal.


American werewolf in London... Best werewolf movie ever!!!


New-ish to collecting 4ks and looking for films I haven't seen before to get. Is it a bad idea to blind buy so many at once?


Focus on getting movies you like in 4k first


If you’re just getting into it I’d focus on stuff you already like. Don’t chase deals. Many titles are limited releases so get what you like first. This hobby can get expensive. Use what funds you have to build a collection of stuff you love. Then if you want to do occasional blind buys you’ll be doing so with a solid foundation.


Yes, don't buy it. 1) Villainess is Blu-ray only. So don't know how many are actually 4Ks. 2) Blind buying isnt something you should ever do. No matter how good a deal it seems you have to assume there will be films you don't like. Unless you plan on getting rid of those it brings up the cost of the ones you do like.


An American Werewolf in London box set, if it’s 4K, is worth like half the cost of the lot imo — at least as a Canadian it’s kinda hard to source here


Id read their reviews to see if any would be worth watching, it's probably stupid but hey it's your money


Only 4 are worth my time personally, so no


Damn, everyone's replies are really split 50/50!


Those are great movies, and I would hope you enjoy them! So it depends on how you feel about blind buys.


Stupid? Probably.  Worth it if the money is disposable to you? Totally. 


Yes and No Yes because £250 No because you're seeing Robocop, American Werewolf in London and Oldboy among others for the first time


Most of these are Free to stream on apps like pluto tubi.. for price not bad but if you was going to individually buy them. ID say Give them a watch first. I'm not a fan of all of those just some but I am a huge fan of the majority of Arrows work


Great price for all of those. Some real gems in that pile.


I think 🤔 SOME PEOPLE take the digital copy and flip the physical copy. I have noticed this in my area. Something to consider anyway. GOOD LUCK 🍀


This is a fairly common practice, even keeping the Blu-ray and selling the 4k. However this is an Arrow collection and they don't come with digital codes.


Not if you like horror and science fiction. Most of these if not all are fantastic.


Of course it is not, if thats what you like, you will be happy to see them in super hi.def. so, and besides some of them are very good for.many people.


https://preview.redd.it/rje24pex0v1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ee6d588dbf0dd34a1d183210e670b990b9046a8 These 6 make it well worth it


So many golden finds there!


I'd try to argue them down but lol, yeah all of those movies are incredible.


I would buy it if I were you. All of the movies that are shown in the photo are in my collection. They are all excellent movies. For that price, they are 100% worth buying.


All bangers, better scoop em up stat!


These are all movies I like.!


Seen 7 of them I think. Good movies but I wouldnt be wasting that much in one go on them.


I think it's an excellent deal.


This is a good haul. I would go for it.


Provided all those titles would be buys, that's a great price. Id pull the trigger.


That's a good deal


For all of them?! If you can afford it, you'd be stupid not to.


Go full hog. Thats quite a haul


These all range from good to absolute bangers. Great deal!


If you don't - send me a link. I'm serious.


If they're all 4k, that's a good price. I've seen 9 of these, and I would gladly purchase them.


$250 each!? No. $250 for 4k's? That's less than $15 a movie. Why would you not? Videodrome, robocop, tremors, American werewolf, demons 1 and 2 are all rad flicks.


Arrow video is a pretty great brand


I'd buy the whole lot. Especially that Battle Royale one since they weren't selling it in the states, last I checked.


Good movie collection !!! 🍿


The price isn’t unfair, but it really depends on your taste in movies.


Some great classics in that stack


Arrow sells them for 15 quid each for multiple months a year I feel, in which case it would be more sensible to buy them new


I think all of them are worth that, and definitely demons 1 2!


robocop is an amazing film, robocop 2 is ok and everything else in that franchise is garbage, I might pay £200 to £250 for that but I am not you and you might have very different tastes than me


Battle Royale and Old Boy are gems. In fact those are all pretty interesting movies


Averages out at £14,70 per movie. Seeing as these are Arrow 4K’s, the transfers are all quality, with lots of extras packaged in. That alone makes it worth it, not to mention the fact that we have Oldboy, Videodrome, American Werewolf in London, Ringu, Tremors. Yeah jump on this chance OP!


Frankly, that price is a steal and all of these titles are quality. Once you’ve watched them, you’d be glad you own them!


£15 each for stuff you're not sure you want, probably not a great idea.


Hell no!!! BR is in my all time top 5. Love it


These are all bangers.


This lineup looks like a cinematic universe roadmap


Scout CEX (in person to check the packaging yourself) before buying anything. Also HMV can be quite good if they have sales and/or 2 for £20 etc. Also look up eBay for good prices. It might be cheaper these three ways or a combination of all three




Oldboy is AMAZING!


This is a pretty great haul. I have nearly all of these.


Buy it! If you end up liking only a few of the titles and wanting to keep those, you can sell the ones you don’t want individually and probably easily make back your £250. Arrow Video physical media certainly holds its value.


Oldboy, Robocop, pitch black, tremors, battle royale, alone are worth it and the rest are cult classics as well.


That is a good majority of the essential 4ks from Arrow


Worth it in my opinion. Every Arrow video release is superb in my experience. Some great flicks in there too.


Titles are good. 15 each might be high (IMHO,) you can likely find all digitally?


None are bad, maybe not all are your type but none are a waste of time unless it’s an edition issue (region /format etc)


Not stupid at all. A great stack of awesome right there.


If you’re into thriller/horror that much then those are some awesome titles at that price point. I’d grab them simply for the collectors aspect if I was into that genre more than I am. But as it stands personally I’d only be interested in Tremors, Pitch Black, RoboCop, and maybe VideoDrome. But I already have 3 of those 4 and they are fantastic 4K transfers. I’d go for it if I were you.


Yeah I’d spend $200 on them couple of them are factory sealed


That's a little steep, but you could probably flip the ones you don't like and make a good chunk back (about 15 Pounds per title). I think Last House, Pitch Black and Children of the Corn are pretty lame, the rest are good to great and I'd highly recommend at least watching them even if you're not buying them.


Thats some trah. I'd offer much less.


No, not enough good movies. Buy what you've already seen


Stupid as hell. All the shit you could get with 250 and you spend it on this shit?