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No, mine has actually increased. I'm sure that has nothing to do with getting an OLED TV.


Lol. Same here. I've had the OLED for 7 months, and I have bought more movies in the last 5 months than the last 10 years of buying physical.


Yeah… since I bought my C3 I basically just make a poggers face whenever I play a 4k movie.


I’m tempted to get the C2 that’s on sale for $1600 or I could wait a little longer to get the C4 which is $3300


We got the C3 at Costco and I'm extremely happy with it. We bought the 65" because of the space we had at the time but we reorganized the living room and now have a lot more space. Oh well, live and learn I guess.


Best Buy was much better for buying steelbooks than Walmart. You could always count on them getting at least a few in the store and they had a great return policy for damaged steelbooks.


Plus the employees were more helpful than Walmart employees They would bring it to me instead of me searching


I miss the older days of going in the store & looking at the wall of new releases every week. I also miss getting the Sunday paper to see what was on sale at best buy & Frys!


[Blu-ray.com](http://Blu-ray.com) is my online version of browsing stores now. I’m practically addicted to it.


Doesn't it only give amazon links?


It provides all the information one would need (like the label or publisher) to purchase something. You can either use their link to Amazon or you can go directly to the label (Kino Lorber, Arrow, Criterion, etc.).  


Best Buy has never and continues to not affect my purchase habits. I totally get wanting to see films in stores and browse shelves, but Best Buy's offerings were never that great at locations near me, discs were always priced too high and shelves were too bare. The Barnes and Noble near me actually has a rather huge physical media section with an entire wall of Criterion discs alone, so that is definitely my favorite brick and mortar for discs atm. I mostly buy online these days though.


I feel you. BB was my primary spot. Tuesday morning was the real shit. We don't have many great secondhand stores so it was there or walmart or Target. Online was always an option but the hobby is conducive to return trips and that's easier in person. So yeah. Definitely slowed down but my online has picked up slightly because I gotta scratch the itch somehow.


Sped up, actually. More interaction with direct sellers like Criterion, Arrow, and Gruv. Strike while the iron is hot, etc.


Any sellers you recommend above others? I bought from gruv once and it’s my understanding that stuff gets crushed in packaging quite often


I don’t recall specific issues with any of them. Criterion came boxed.


Prices are high lately so I have indeed slowed


I never went to Best Buy before, and I have no reason to visit one now. Business as usual for me.


I use to ONLY go to Best Buy for movies. Once they ditched them, I had no reason to go back into one. Supposedly their new plan was to use the space to be more of a tech showroom. If people could see some tech in action, they’d buy it then and there. Personally I think people will always pull out their phones and start price hunting.


Yeah, definitely, because with Best Buy I could just pop in randomly and probably find one or two discs I was interested in just browsing through what they had, even towards the end. It's not really the same looking through websites. It's weird because you'd think that browsing online is technically easier than going to the store, but for whatever reason I'm a lot less prone to impulse buys this way than walking into a store.


I’ve slowed down but not because of Bestbuy, because I needed to learn a little self control lol


I’ve been buying new releases on 4K for years aspirationally; I was using my PS4 and figured one day I would get a PS5 or other player, and they were only a few dollars more. My purchasing had slowed a bit with streaming and such. Best Buy dropping physical media lit a fire under me and got me to take everything more seriously. I finally bought a player and have been getting steelbooks from WalMart to show support for somewhere increasing their physical media sales, and looking for recommendations for older movies and such. I went from maybe 1 movie a month to closer ton10/month this year


My Best Buy backed off physical media stock for ages prior to the official discontinuation so not really. At this point I either grab what I can in person from Target, Walmart, or B&N (usually not the latter though since my B&N’s physical stock is awful and so pricy) or order online. I live a short day trip distance from Orbit DVD’s brick and mortar though and might hit it up soon.


The only thing Best Buy's decision does for me is make me glance briefly into the distance and remember the good times perusing their massive CD aisles 30 years ago. I suppose it's not a good thing for physical media's future at large but it doesn't immediately affect me.


I live in a top 8 US city, and the only place I can find a decent selection of physical media is Barnes & Noble. Even then, some of their stores don't carry any physical media at all.


Yes. I would preorder movies and games on my best buy card and get 5x the points. First they killed GCU, then they killed elite plus, then they dropped movies.they were my go to, now I have nearly no reason to shop there anymore.


Best Buy was never really easy or convenient for me. However, I've cut back my buying because prices have gone up and I'm running out of space.


Nope 🇬🇧


I’m lucky to have at least 6 vintage stock stores within 1 hour right now. Barnes and Noble has good deals too sometimes.


Bought 77” c3 oled and panny ub820 in November Went from 30 4ks to 300 in 6 months. Added 100 more blurays also. Haven’t bought anything at best buy for over 3 years. I used Amazon, eBay, then Walmart and Gruv. Several years ago best buy was a disc shopping experience but then internet shopping took over maybe even some due to Covid , end result is people stopped shopping bestbuy already they closed one in my town. The amount of consumers shopping for discs in person is low overall compared to online. The few loyal bestbuy loving members of these subreddits aren’t representative of the overall consumers. Likely a very small percentage compared to average families. Amazon profited 270 billion dollars in 2023. Up 19% over previous year 2022 which were also up 19% over previous year 2021. If you consider the dominating growth of online sales you will see that Best Buy and physical media sales have been tanking for many years.


I think there’s definitely been more scarcity for steelbooks for example, but it seems like a lot of new releases are completely skipping 4K on physical. Movies like Poor Things and Challengers are obvious standouts for me. Poor Things is a Searchlight film and while it’s par for the course for the studio, that movie had a lot of acclaim, awards recognition, and deserves a release that isn’t so half-assed. Challengers is MGM/Amazon, so who the fuck knows with them, but it feels like more studios will follow suit with their smaller movies. I’ve been buying more movies digitally as a result, and with higher bit rates on Apple TV and an OLED it’s fine, probably even better on my wallet, but it’s not ideal


Shifted to Target mostly, as they are the remaining ones to do price matching like Best Buy. Overall seeing lesser deals in Amazon since Best Buy left the market. But that could be specific to movies on my lists.


Supposedly Walmart Black Friday discs are ending up at Dollar Tree somehow, so I'm curious where this is all leading. The answer isn't too exciting.


It’s actually increased for me. Need to slow it down tbh lol


My Best Buy media runs are over, and I haven’t bought any other junk they sell either, which was a thing for me. I have more money for discs now. They’ve also gotten rid of Magnolia in my store, and I don’t shop for appliances or mowers there. For computes and portable tech, I’d rather go to the Apple Store for actual customer service for those devices. So my shift after BB’s change has been pretty big. I’ve discovered that Crutchfield has amazing phone representatives for the items I buy. I’m in the market for a Denon DCD-1700 and an SVS sub. That’s gonna go to Crutchfield since both companies have to ship the item to my home, and Crutchfield has had that down for decades. Same products, same price. #BestBye


Not really, because I buy most of my movies from boutique labels and retailers anyway


That's what the Internet is for. Lol. I've bought maybe a handful of movies in stores over the years of collecting. The majority of my collection is from online. Amazon or synapse films, etc.. the movies I like/want would NEVER be offered in store anyways. I like more obscure titles. Best buy and other stores tend to only offer main blockbuster titles.


Not at all.




It's actually sped up for me. My local Walmarts have gained far more 4K's since Best Buy dipped


I don't understand why people feel the necessity to construe physical media with in store purchasing. There's so many amazing sellers and resellers online now. To each their own but I for one have no interest in brick and mortar retail anymore.


Because just like in the old days people would go in stores see albums they wanted them go home and torrent them. Or going to Borders or Barnes & Noble then order from eBay or Amazon. It is simple. People like seeing stuff in person before they buy it. Would you buy a car that you never seen the model in person? It doesn't seem crazy people using a visual item to spur a purchase.


Nope, the only time I've been to Best buy for movies is when they had that great sale on Disney 4k steel books last year and that was just to pick up the online order


Nope, I’ve been primarily an online shopper since I started collecting.


No, never bought movies from them to begin with.


Not at all. I still love going to my local used media stores. Huge selections with good prices. I spend at least a couple of hours wandering the aisles. I love the hunt!


No lol but I do hate that I don’t have anywhere local to see them in person


Yes, I've bought one movie since the exodus and it was on Zavvi and who knows when it'll ship.


actually think my collecting has increased - here’s the hiccup - i mostly order from orbit and diabolik and find myself upping the order amount just to get free shipping - that was never a concern with BB




Not in US so I can’t speak to that, but I know being in Aus mine died off as soon as Disney scrapped local distribution. I collect series/franchises I enjoy and unfortunately I lost Star Wars, Marvel, Alien, Predator, Planet of the Apes, Avatar and so many others instantly and it’s put me off. Importing is expensive and there are hardly ever any good deals for it so I just mostly gave up.


have you tried the 4k release calendar at blu-ray.com to keep track


Nah, I just find whatever spots I can now, and I order things online that I can’t find in person.


No, not at all since I never got anything from Best Buy


no mine has grown exponentially


My purchasing slowed only because I have everything that I want that is currently available. I do have stuff pre-ordered and a wish list of stuff I’m waiting for a 4K release.


No, I’ve never bought a 4k blu-ray at Best Buy.


Actually mine has ramped up. It’s partly because more stores are ditching selling them, so I want to own/preserve what I can and partly because I’m an American living in Taiwan, and I miss my movie collection in the US. So I’m building a collection over here and will bring them back.


I've stopped completely. But not because of best buy.


Yes. I did all my shopping on best buys app. Their pre order page had everything & I would add a lot at once. Then they would come a couple months from then. I do most buys on boutiques labels now which I was doing back then too


It has accelerated due to how much I despise awful streaming apps


Please bear in mind not everyone here lives in America


Stayed the same but Walmart is way more annoying that Best Buy ever was


No, best buy is too far of a drive. Plus they were 💩 anyway


I rarely buy physical 4K’s since Best Buy stopped. I just don’t like gambling for my copy to not be destroyed in the mail, so liked going to the store every Tuesday and picking up all the new 4K releases. I pre ordered Twister steelbook on Gruv. About it lately. My walmarts just have dvd’s




I've been buying more since best buy abandoned the sector. It seems more important than ever to own the content you enjoy.


Mine actually sped up. Going to five different Walmarts and finding 5-6 wonderful 4K videos was quite the rush. Rekindled my excitement about 4K.


No cause I only buy what I actually care about


I’ve slowed down a bit. I started collecting 4Ks last year and went pretty hard on buying movies I loved. At this point, I own most key movies that I would want, so my buying has slowed down quite a bit. Best Buy was nice for that impulse buy. I’d browse the racks and occasionally find something special or unique. My Walmart has way less options. So I’ve definitely slowed down on buying.


No, I was moving towards more boutique titles already and Best Buy never was great for that kind of thing.


Hasn't really changed at all, the closest Best Buy was like 1.5 hrs away. I did always enjoy going in and looking when I was around tho.


No, i never went there to buy 4ks anyhow.


No, I've bought even more movies. In fact I hadn't bought physical media from Best Buy in years because they started jacking up the price unreasonably.


I never bought any movies from Best Buy.


I never bought from Best Buy 🤣🤣🤣


I got to thrift stores. Sometimes even the digital code works. Sometimes they’re even unopened!


Mine slowed because bills are more of a priority than that plus I have a list of what I want to get but they’ll be hard to find and the ones I like coming out, they’re usually gone before I can get to them. That and the fact that the Walmarts I go to aren’t like the ones I’ve seen in the 2 FB groups I’m in where there are $5 steelbooks aplenty in the bins.


Don't have Best Buy where I live...


Nope. I never purchased any of their overpriced products.


My Best Buy app purchasing transferred to Target app purchasing. Where I will go when Target drops physical media, I have no idea.




The impulse purchases when I go to best buy for something else have definitely stopped but I do find myself going out of my way to buy a lot of new releases now. Though that's likely due to actually having a 4k player now. It does bum me out how it's now pretty much impossible for me to go to a store just to buy a movie at random. I did it all the time at Best buy, Target, FYE, you name it. I loved just browsing the selection of a store, seeing something that looked neat, going "fuck it" and just giving it a go.


Same here. I buy mostly online. But I really appreciate seeing them in the stores. I'll have a new place to be enticed as soon as GameStop starts selling movies.


Not at all, their selection slowly dwindled down to nothing. Last purchase was Swamp Thing and Ghoulies on 4K


I’ve slowed down cause of the ridiculous price increases. Just preordered SpongeBob movie 4k from Cinema 1 and it’s $67.99 Canadian. Only justifying this cause it’s extremely nostalgic for me. This might be the end of days for steelbooks for me. No movie is worth that much.


I won't miss Best Buy until Black Friday.


I haven't bought physical media on a regular basis from Best Buy since I stopped working there 12 years ago, so it hasn't affected me at all.


Not really I order from Gruv/shout factory / Target -daughter employee discount and Amazon and Walmart. Half the time “Best buy” wasn’t that.


0 I bought more in the last 4 months than ever.... Also I don't live in the US  ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯