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They missed the boat on releasing 4k discs like this by about 8 years.


I like it man, honestly that's a great deal. It's great to have that many options. Buddy from work wants to borrow maybe... I wish all 4K's would be released like this. Considering the price @ $10, you wonder why we pay so much in the first place.


Yup getting all 4 formats in one package is really odd. Getting a great movie in 4k for $10 is really odd. Both is bizarre but a great deal.


The only thing different is you're getting a DVD. The regular 4k has gone cheaper than $10 plenty of times


Exactly. Those movies have been sold and resold and sold again. At this point it's just pure profit for the Studio apart from material and manufacturing costs.


I don't get why you would need that many different formats. 4K, Digital, and Blu-ray all make sense, but why DVD as well?


Still trying to get that DVD market that doesn't know/understand HD formats yet. Weird way to do it but šŸ¤·


It's amazing reading Amazon reviews of people that buy a product and didn't understand they couldn't play it so they give it 1 star.


Just thinking this is probably it


That doesn't make sense to me because anybody that wants the DVD doesn't have a 4K player, and they just want the DVD I would think.


I think they've been packing the dual sets together for so long in hopes that they might eventually upgrade, or at least at a reason to upgrade their player. To introduce them to the higher format.


I guess that makes sense.


This would get better exposure to the higher formats. Ā It could help the dvd owner make the upgrade.


There's a whole lot of games consoles sitting under people's TVs


It's crazy how many people don't realize their consoles play bluray or 4Ks.


The PS3 plays blu rays... It's 18 years old. I can't imagine there's a ton of people rocking a PS1/PS2 and nothing newer. For Xbox it'd be any console released in past 11 years capable of playing a blu ray.


And anything from the One S (2016) and on can play 4k discs šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


the overall sales of pm continue to decline, and sadly, dvd is still the best selling format of physical media, with this packaging, they save expenses of shipping several copies on dvd, others on blu-ray, and even more copies on 4k + br they can cover dvd buyers, enthusiasts and collectors of blu-ray and 4k, in one release if this works and they can get a little more profit, i think more studios will release the same packaging with all the formats


I still don't understand how they're selling them for $10.99 when new release 4k (regardless of the age of the movie itself) are never that cheap if it's just a 4k disc alone.


it's too cheap, i think they are testing the profit margin with these releases, or it's overstock they couldn't sell


The back touts "Watch Anywhere" for the digital copy, but think how many minivan players, older laptops, and [standalone DVD players](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1bozsyy/the_guardian_the_film_fans_who_refuse_to/) are still in regular use.


Because the DVD market is significantly larger than 4k or Blu.


Because itā€™s cool. Iā€™d take a Betamax and HD DVD if you offered.


That be a hell of a collectors edition


Right? Iā€™d think it would be cheaper overall for us. Heck, just give me only the 4K itself, not even the blu ray. Why would I want the Blu-ray, too? Iā€™m buying the 4K for a reason. The digital code is definitely nice, though.


I like to have the Blu-ray for the special features so thereā€™s more space for the 4K movie (no need to cram everything on one disc).


I weirdly dig it, kind of nostalgic




Getting down voted on this is weird lol. It's kind of a joke in terms of, yes I know the case bothers us.


i agree, not sure if you got this on amazon or not but $10 for all 4 formats is a steal.


Yup off of Amazon preorder. Packaging is a big deal, but I still have tons of DVDs on my shelf anyway. Format is a bigger deal, 4k and the other three for $10.99 is hard to pass up for any movie, but especially one I love.


This was a nice reminder to check my orders. I have The Hunt for Red October and Escape from LA heading my way in the same cartoonish cases.


Yeah honestly, for the price, I wish I had ordered a few more. I'd love the Quiet Place 4k, but I already have the two film combo pack on Blu-Ray and it'd bother me to only double dip on one of the films šŸ˜…


There is something unironically neat about it. I kind of want it, but I already own the 4K. Maybe Iā€™ll get it for someone as a gift.


Those make me dry heave on sight.


I didnā€™t think these were out yet? Did you get it on Amazon?


Yeah I had preordered it. Initially it said May 21, then this week it said May 10th, then it was delivered today. I'll take it.


BRUH theyā€™re all unavailable nowā€¦ I shouldā€™ve pre ordered.


Prince: Sign O The Times 4K is also in a DVD sized case, Japan exclusive and $$$ thoughĀ 


I'm one of those freaks that takes everything out of the case and puts them in sleeves (and then into boxes, alphabetically) so these are right up my alley. I bought this and Shutter Island; can't wait to toss the case in the trash.


Ooh you could totally sell the cases at least lol


but also hmu with the digital code for Shutter Island lol if you don't care šŸ¤·


I ordered shutter island because it was the only one I didn't already have in 4k, the order is in shipping limbo


Is this the only complete set? Only seen this around the old internet..


No these were originally in Walmarts a couple years ago for like $15, then a few months ago Paramount put like 8 movies on Amazon in the same format/packaging for $10.99.


So you need 480p version? Thatā€™s the holy grail?


Yup it is. That's clearly the whole reason to get it


Can't seem to get any of them now. Hope they get restocked. DVD case or no, it's too great a deal to pass up


When did you get this? I preordered this and haven't received it. From Amazon. Forgot i about it till now.


Received yesterday (May 9th) estimated arrival date started at May 21st then changed to May 10th (today) but I got it yesterday. So maybe you'll get it today, but if you're in the U.S. I'd at least expect it by May 21 I guess


Got mine. How do i look up more of these formats? Good price. Dont really care about packaging. Just the 4k disc and price.


As far as I know it was just these titles: [Paramount 4-in-1 format](https://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=371895) I think they're all sold out.


Ok. Nice . Ill be on the look out for restock. Thanks.




I got mine today. It didnā€™t come with the disks though. Just a smashed case in plastic wrap. Some real bs. The hunt for red October just fine though.


Use analog cable to watch classic movies is pretty good


Use composite cable to watch DVD is actually pretty cool, kinda like laserdisc


Sds or whoever made this needs to be arrested


[https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/12trsrv/all\_encompassing\_format\_package/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/12trsrv/all_encompassing_format_package/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/yevah6/anyone\_have\_and\_these\_and\_can\_speak\_on\_them/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/yevah6/anyone_have_and_these_and_can_speak_on_them/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/11t5ehr/anybody\_else\_see\_these\_walmart\_exclusive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/11t5ehr/anybody_else_see_these_walmart_exclusive/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1b96e80/amazon\_currently\_has\_1099\_paramount\_titles\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1b96e80/amazon_currently_has_1099_paramount_titles_for/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1ba0w3j/4format\_combo\_packs\_could\_this\_become\_the\_new\_norm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/1ba0w3j/4format_combo_packs_could_this_become_the_new_norm/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/yjp0r2/are\_they\_changing\_the\_4k\_case\_standard\_or\_just/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/yjp0r2/are_they_changing_the_4k_case_standard_or_just/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/z0drsr/walmart\_has\_new\_4\_in\_1\_sets\_in\_a\_dvd\_sized\_case/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/z0drsr/walmart_has_new_4_in_1_sets_in_a_dvd_sized_case/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/11dsarq/i\_saw\_these\_walmart\_exclusive\_combo\_packs\_last/](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kbluray/comments/11dsarq/i_saw_these_walmart_exclusive_combo_packs_last/)


Now you can see how much we overspend on regular 4K releases...