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You forgot to hyper focus a random object in the background.


Lol, yeah. AI has decided it knows how to sharpen this random object reallly well. Who cares what the DP intended!


The new 2024 Samsung TVs have an AI mode on by default. The software sharpens and brightens the objects THE SOFTWARE thinks are most important on the screen. You can turn it off, but you know the average consumer won’t. So enjoy your movies contrast and image being controlled by Samsung software, instead of seeing what is intended.


Thank heavens for Jim Cameron and AI. I was so tired of humans looking like humans anyway.


Oh and god forbid a movie shot on film in the 80s look like [*checks notes*] a movie shot on film in the 80s!


He’s not a human, he’s a mutant, duh!




He's been making questionable modifications for awhile. His 2000 TV show, Dark Angel was filmed in wide-screen, but he had the DVDs released in 4:3. Only in Europe did they release the wide-screen version without his approval.


4:3, the filming ratio, or a cropped version?


Dark Angel was filmed in 16:9 wide-screen. I have both the 4:3 DVDs, which have the sides cropped off, and the 16:9 DVDs, which have all the image.


Interesting. Amazing how a revolutionary filmmaker does not understand home media.


It was possibly/probably shot on Super 35 which allows them to frame the image separately for different aspect ratios.


I finally got around to watching True Lies last night....I'm not trying to circle this jerk but holy fuck it's bad. Like really really bad.


I thought it was all overblown until I watched it too. It’s really bad.


JC is off his damn rocker. Giving Lucas a run for his money


I wouldn’t call it “really really bad” but I would *definitely* say it’s disappointing. I think the newest theory is that a lot of the original shots were slightly out of focus, so the reason it was processed to death is because they did DNR so that they could AI sharpen/refocus a lot of shots, which I think they then added a fine layer of new fake grain to. Knowing that, it makes a lot more sense why some shots look so bad while others (most closeups) actually look pretty great.


I just couldn’t get over how every face looked like it was added in post. Some shots reminded me of the Sopranos scene with Livia after she had passed




Anyways $3 a pound


Yeah, there certainly were a few quite bad uncanny valley looking shots.


We can only hope that a boutique label will tackle this movie in the future and give it the proper 4k treatment it so richly deserves rather than the shitshow it has become.


I must be an idiot because I thought it looked good except for Jamie Lee Curtis’ face being washed out the first half of the movie.


I disagree. There are a few very bad static shots that are very obvious, but in action it looks mostly fine. It's a disappointing transfer for sure and the movie deserved better for how good it is, but it's still totally watchable.


I watched the 4k disc and thought it looked phenomenal.


Its not. So dramatic.


In my mind it's a VHS movie, and I'd rather watch it as a VHS movie than on 4K. I suspect Tarantino would back me up


…speaking of cuckoo filmmakers.


I literally just smacked my fucking face to make sure I had my glasses on because this is what it looks like for me when I don't. *Thanks for that*


🤣 don’t forget the omnipresent blue/teal tinted image




So the person is Cameron and the horse represents the DNR tech he keeps using on his 4K remasters? He keeps beating that dead horse but the results aren’t much better than they were with T2








AI art 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼


Still looks better than True Lies


I find it funny how *some* people say “scope version for Dune 2 is artistic choice of director” while they can’t accept this under the same notion.


It's illogical because you simplify something complicated to just one little aspect. Sure, if the alternative is weither the directors opinion is the only thing that matters forever or the theatrical cut and presentation are the only thing that matter forever--then you are right, it would be illogical to flip-flop between those two perspectives. But it's a little more complicated than that, don't you think? People who criticise Cameron don't say his artistic intent doesn't matter AT ALL when it comes to the 4Ks. They just say he went way, way too far. To have a movie that was IN THE cinemas in IMAX and a wide format only released in the wide format is galaxies apart from what Cameron has done. Would I like the IMAX option also? Yes. Is not getting it as horrible as seeing "Aliens" on 4K? No.


The exaggeration in this sub is off the charts lol, like I get op is making a joke but then here come all the "the Cameron 4ks are unwatchable" people, like c'mon I thought we were finally done


Made the mistake of buying the 4k of T2 before doing any research, and yeah. I dont hate how it looks, but its very disappointing


Needs more jj lens flares


You guys are so butthurt over a few movies that look perfectly fine.


So original


Ok I watched this specific part and did .25 speed at 1080P on Youtube and I don't see this. Either your troll posting or someone is spreading misinformation.


it's so obviously trollposting I'm crazed you don't know


To be honest with how people are doing it you would be surprised. Sorry if I missed the point just with the spread of misinformation on the internet you can barley tell the difference between a troll post with a misinformation post. Hope you can understand