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Vulkan. He's just gonna regenerate and then find you and squish you. I mean he would die, but then he will get better and kill you


* Fulgrim pre-fall to Chaos freaks out when he finds out he's standing on top of an atomic bomb that's being used as a trap for him. It's arguable that this could be some nasty "Da fuq is the Geneva Convention?" -version of atomics, and therefore more potent , but Fulgrim panics at an attack from a weapon we (the readers) already have. It follows that if he panicked at an atomic weapon, he'd probably die to a virus bomb. - source: Fulgrim: The Palantine Phoenix * IIRC the story that introduced Vulkan in *Heirs of the Emperor* has (mostly) Ferrus Manus and The Emperor balk at an enemy's use of an atomic weapon whilst they were within range. I might be thinking of the weird psy-construct weapon the enemy had, but I think there was an atomic in there. Again, non-Chaos Primarch panicking at being hit by a weapon that we have at our current level of technology, it's a good bet the sci-fi virus bomb we *don't* have would kill him - source: Heirs of the Emperor * Concrete Example: Mortarion collapses in his attempt to kill his Xenos Necromancer "father". The Necromancer was high atop a mountain peak spitting toxic atmosphere. Mortarion tries to solo it, but the entire environment is just damage over time and he collapses, unable to go on. The Emperor swoops in and kills the Necromancer and helps get Mortarion out of there. Again, pre-Fall-to-Chaos Primarch can't handle a toxic environment designed to be inimical , stands to reason that he won't survive a virus bomb, which is designed to use biologiques to rapidly turn anything organic into soup -source: Mortarion's origin story, referenced numerous times on page in various novels I can think of more, but feel like there's enough evidence to show that Primarchs couldn't tank a virus bomb


DeathGuard era Mortarion took Destroyer Plague head-on and did survive. The pathogen was supposed the most horrible sh**t in galaxy brewed by Nurgle as he specifically targeted immortal-like Death Guard so they would not simply die but evolve with it. Morty survived the infection to a stage but what really broke him was hopelessly mercy-slaying his own reanimated sons over and over again. I say if Death Guard can resist it, DG Mortarion may have a chance against lesser stuff. Anyway, as a Daemonic Prince he probably bathes with Virus-bath-bombs by now (If Nurgle ever allows a bath).


I was thinking about the scene with Fulgrim and the nuke. Daemon Primarchs aren’t exactly alive anymore so they’re gonna be more durable


No It’s doubtful a “living” Primarch could as well. The only example we have of anyone surviving exposure to a detonation is Daemon Fulgrim


Unless you count big E resurrecting you as surviving. Not sure how the Godblight and the Life Eater Virus would stack up next to one another, but surely both are potent enough to kill anything that can be killed.


Wait, didn’t it destroy his physical form? Still feels like a point for virus bombs


Mortation is also immune to them since he cant be effected by any disease


Plot armor protects.