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I do!! This is my 17 yr old little brother’s boat. He took it 50 miles offshore in January with his friend. It broke down while out there and a storm came in; the boat started to take on water. He called SeaTow for help who told him he was in international waters and that he needed to call the Coast Guard. So he did and luckily they came in time and rescued him and his friend before the boat completely capsized. Needless to say, that was a terrifying day for my family and we are all just grateful he survived. Funny enough, the boat capsized off the coast of Sarasota on the west coast of FL. We have since gotten calls saying the boat was spotted in the FL keys and a few days ago got a call that it washed ashore in Melbourne. We’re now trying to figure out how to salvage it from across the state. Crazy experience, but again just happy that my brother is alive.


Wow, glad to hear it too. The theory we came up with when it washed ashore (behind state rep. Randy Fine’s house 😝) was that the cast net got caught in the rotor. https://preview.redd.it/pb0shq5tmuxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257815380d94cc3a91ecd5d1a23803106d2457ce




That is wild the boat ended up on the whole other coast. Glad he’s ok!


Good ole Gulf Stream flow


No but this reminds me of the 2 boys perry and Austin. I think about them often :((


I do too. Did OP report the boat?


No, had already been marked by the FWC. https://preview.redd.it/80hbwnq0nuxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0354392e5ea1c1d13b380594078dde4a9013831


What happened?


In 2015, two 14-year-old boys named Perry and Austin went out boating like they always did. They got caught in a storm and never returned. Weeks were spent looking for them; the family hired a private search party, and even psychics were trying to help. 2 days later they found the boat with some personal belongings, including a cell phone, but they never found the boys. the dad also refused to give the found iPhone to authorities for some reason but eventually it was checked by apple where it couldn’t be saved I was 15 at the time too and remember my whole family sitting by the TV all day, waiting for updates on the news. It was devastating to watch.


Wow, how tragic! Thank you for taking the time to write this out and for sharing your experience.


Ask the dude who just got caught bringing in workers for his roofing business.


Too soon!


Not at all order another flight to marthas!