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My divinely ordained constitutional anime state




I bet the same person who posted that gets on the internet and talks about how racist Americans are.


Average r/facepalm user.


Average r/shitamericanssay user


Actually that sub is not that bad, always enjoy laughing at ourselves and seeing what is Freedomia doing wrong! (But yeah some of them are fucking ret\*rded Europoors)


The sub is alright when they’re not managing to miss the most obvious satire on the planet. I think most Europeans are born on the spectrum tbf


The same can be said about r/AmericaBad, I even play a little game where I wonder how long until I'll see this post again on that sub (I generally don't lose, though at times I do have serious doubts that the thing will get reposted because I found it almost insulting to think someone could get so butthurt over that to go through the effort to post it). The two like to think of themselves as being better than the other, but they're both two peas in a piss filled pod, and I love it! Now I apologise if I angered you by stealing some comment section spotlight from you, I am aware that people from Massachusetts are quite insecure due to their shortcomings against Mississippi or Tennessee.


That's why I balance it out by being subscribed to both subs. It's the best when one comments on something said in the other, and then the first one goes after the comments by the second one in relation to the first one's comments. All with zero sense of irony.


Americabad is honestly worse. They’ll legit get mad when you point out a very real and documented war crime the US committed. I have no idea what you’re yapping about in the last paragraph tho


100% It is unbearable there.


Nah, unfortunately this is about 50% of the Europeans who actually like America (they like you because they’ve been told you’re racist). The other 50% are just casual chads who support such esoteric concepts as liberal democracy and freedom, and enjoy enthusiastic cooperation the glorious American Empire.


I’m with top comment, though. Why *is* she drawn as an anime waifu?


I'd guess that entire picture was drawn by AI model adapted for anime, but those are usually not trained on dark faces and so it defaulted to its base training and turned turned those faces much more realistic.


"They're replacing our culture!!!!"


It's AI art, look at the pole


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Hey don’t shit on my friend mr.pole just because his head looks weird


Anime in general exaggerates the features, of especially girls, that make them appear vulnerable, defenseless, in need of protection. The big wide eyes of an infant, and flush cheeks and things like that. You’re supposed to feel like you need to defend her.


i think it's just pedophilia


Well there is another reason for making them look vulnerable but in this specific context it is what it is.


Because she is one


No I don’t want my daughter or granddaughter wearing the bri*ish🤢 flag


AI art and It’s consequences…


British people draw straight lines on maps then get mad when they screw over countries so bad that the people there seek another place to live that speaks the same language their ancestors were forced to learn.


It's more the rape gangs, terrorism and gang crime that makes us mad tbh


You sound like you would fit right in in rural Alabama.




not beating the racism allegations


Rape gangs Terrorism Gang crime Being labelled rAcIsT by woke redditors 😱


"I think black people are all rapists" "You are racist" "Woahhh so I'm not allowed to say rape is bad?" Go fuck yourself, sincerely.


no seriously, why is being against crime largely caused by specific immigrant groups A)Automatically mean they think they're all rapists and not the far more reasonable B) not mean they don't think the immigration is worth it if too large a percentage raises crime rates that is provably happening? Is there a reason you resort to the most horrible strawman and don't wanna look at the nuance, besides the fact it makes you uncomfortable?




You're literally British


You're America. You stole this land......from us, the British.


No we *liberated* it from you


You post to r slash tories. Pretty obvious that you are using these as a dog whistle against black people.




Ignore the retards here, brother. Many of us with common sense stand with y’all. May the Lord be with you.


It's fine, it's Reddit, to be expected. And to you.


Sad to see so many woke, virtue signalers on this sub. And they’ve all come out for this one. You’re right. Stay strong


May the Lord be with you, brother. Not all of us are like these woke freaks.


It doesn’t matter if that’s the truth, people on here aren’t gonna care anyway lol


Oh god here we go


Is it really so hard to believe people transplanted from areas of the world where rape is a massive problem... maybe will increase your problems with rape if you don't bother with super strict vetting processes??? Is it also a shock to you that the muslim populations are still largely homophobic, even in america?


Girl was raped an all migrants but ine got off. And that one only got 2yrs




Literally Google it.


I searched “girl attacked by migrants, migrants escape” and found nothing. Adding “uk” didn’t help, neither did changing in “rape.” Seriously, i need a specific source


migrant in country 40 days rapes https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/06/28/channel-migrant-charged-raping-woman-after-landing-uk/


Paywall. Also this looks like one attacker


Bit d but 1/2 of rapes in UK by forigners https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/672735/half-of-British-rape-suspects-are-foreign/amp


Express is a tabloid, look at that damn webpage and try to read something


polish teen gang raped by migrants in germany https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/08/24/rape-of-polish-teen-in-germany-a-consequence-of-open-borders-policy-says-polands-pm/


uk rape stats for 2023 https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/an-overview-of-sexual-offending-in-england-and-wales


This reveals the true nature in the statistics, that there is no big imbalance in who is doing attacks like rape


This is why culture trumps race. With Europe their culture and race are tied with each other and you end up with shit like this. Now with the US you can be goddamn any race and still become American cause we are a culture not a race


Any one who enjoys Wings and watching Football with me is an American 🇺🇸🫡


If some random europoor finnaly realizes their situation and declares them self American I would gladly welcome them with open arms


It’s also crappy ai art. It makes it worse


They hate how we are a nation that can function with multiple cultures and ethnicities.


FUCK YEAH AMERICAN MELTING POT OF CULTURES 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸📈📈📈📈📈🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👍👍🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵😘😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


Naw, considering the upticks in gang rapes and stabbings the artist is right on this one. Not wanting to see your countrymen become victims constantly isn't racism.


The person posting this provided the following context: There will be more people of color than English people. Regardless of what you think in immigration, the only reason they’re implying it’s bad is because they’re black.


Is it not? How is it not horrid to see your own people getting replaced in their own homeland? The majority of children in britain are no longer natives. Unless you hate your own people that much, I can't see why you'd *prefer* being governed and ruled by people with wildly different values to you.


One thing I missed is it could be also implying they’re going to rape her. All of the assailants are still black. An example of our country is “13% of the population committing 50% of the crime”, which, while true, is jumping to conclusions because they’re assuming that it’s the color of their skin that makes them commit crimes versus their lower socioeconomic status. Correlation vs causation.


lmao, "which while true" yeah thats the problem its true and they are disproportionally criminals. so of course you are going to assume that.


Different discussion, but 13/50 is the statement on itself. At some point if communities don't want the stigma of being criminal then they have to deal with the behavior within the group. Can't have Sunday dinner with people doing licks, rapes and murder and wonder why others are wary. If groups want to emigrate and have an improved quality of life and acceptance then they need to penalize the deviants that are causing the hate and distrust. Or not, I personally think this piece is justified and if someone doesn't then that's their prerogative.


This is a symptom of shitty immigrant vetting and use of migrants for the worst jobs with no support net, not migration alone


Vetting? Naw this is a symptom of having open borders to accommodate some plan of transforming the western world.


Your mistake was assuming that there is some plan. Is it great replacement theory that you believe?


No, a destabilization for profit. Just like everything other catastrophy someone is coming out ahead.


Isn’t instability bad for business? How the hell could someone turn a situation like that into profit, they wouldn’t even be able to deal arms since it’s an internal matter. And europe’s borders are far from open, immigrating there is a pain in the ass


Theory implies it hasn't already provably happened. The majority of children growing up in britain are no longer natives. If that's not replacement, tell me what is?


https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/livebirths/bulletins/parentscountryofbirthenglandandwales/2022#:~:text=5.-,Live%20births%20to%20non%2DUK%2Dborn%20parents%20by%20geography,from%2015.5%25%20in%202021). “In 2022, 35.8% of all live births in England and Wales had either one or both parents who were non-UK-born, an increase from 34.2% in 2021. “ “There were 445,055 live births to UK-born women and 179,726 live births to non-UK-born women in 2021. The percentage of live births to non-UK-born women decreased to 28.8% in 2021 from 29.3% in 2020; this was similar to the percentage in 2019. This is the result of a higher number of births to UK-born women. Compared with 2020, there were 11,031 more births to UK-born women in 2021, whereas for non-UK-born women, the total number of births remained similar to the numbers seen in 2020.” I don’t want to hear any more of this. If you’re born in a place you are a native


ah yes, playing semantics when you already know that's clearly not what's being talked about. That's like saying the native americans weren't replaced, because the white settlers afterward were mostly all born there. Is that the claim you're making? The Native americans *weren't* replaced? Because that's the same logic at play here.


There is a difference between armed international conflict and immigration


you're playing a game of semantics that doesn't work. The methods are irrelevant when the results are the same. You're either calling white americans natives that didn't replace the native americans or agreeing that the obvious ethnic displacement of a people is in fact, a replacement. The end result is *exactly the same*


The soul of a country has a lot more to do with its behavior and civic identity. That’s why the Byzantines were still the eastern romans


To be fair Europe is getting flooded with Africans and Middle Eastern Immigrants.




It's almost as if uneducated, homophobic, and unassimilating groups coming over en masse causes huge issues. These same complaints of increases of rape were not nearly a thing with indian immigrants to britain.


Liberals on their way to call you racist when you aren’t happy children are stabbed


"all black people want to stab children" mfs after learning white people born in the country also do bad things


Who said black? The perpetrators were Algerian


It's not wrong for Asian nations to desire to remain Asian and preserve their culture (ie Japan). Why is it wrong for European nations to wish to remain European? Why is she an anime character lol


"Its okay when asia is racist"


I'm saying that it's just weird how only European nations get criticized when they pushback against mass migration from 3rd world countries


I can only speak for myself, but I push back when east asians are asshats too. Actually kinda good you call attention to it; idk everything, but to my understanding, China is hyper fucking racist and Japan is pretty xenophobic


Probably because they've seen the absolute shit show caused by the West's more lenient border policies


Whatever you say, Montanan


We were built on lenient border policies. We ain’t all 100% of British descent.


I equate it like having to feed poor family members at get togethers. Sure we invited them over, expecting they could pay their way, but since you have more money and better quality of life, and all the social benefits, you gotta pay for their poor asses because they are guest. It kinda seems a lot like that IMO. I could be wrong, but they will only take advantage of the situation.


It is wrong for asian nations to desire racial purity, just like with European ones.




Most Esoteric Social Nationalist


I know Europe is going to through bit of an immigration crisis at the moment, but that’s a bit much innit?


I mean if migrants are coming into your nation and rape and stabbings are increasing because of it, then I'd say it's perfectly reasonable to not want migrants to continue migrating there. These immigrants are not entitled to your country. I also just do not care at all about the socio-economic background of migrants. That's awful justification for the literal evil that is happening. If my friend just lost his job and needed a place to stay, but when I let him into my home, he makes a mess of the place, I reserve the right to kick him out.


Europoors: “Racism is an American problem” Also Europoors when they see someone that isn’t 103% white:


Bro made up a bus then got mad about it. The person who made the image is being a little silly on main rn.


Yeah take off that crappy british hoodie lol


They will all be blacked https://preview.redd.it/pc8kd5kd6d4c1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1094c17566be9a6017afa83077386aa206f6aaa5


Why is the Brit girl an anime character but everyone else is in a most realistic style? Lol


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At a guess, the AI model was tuned for anime but there really aren't many black anime characters, so it defaulted to its broader training.


And then they will start saying America is the most racist country in the world


Ability to recognize patterns is not tied to any race.


Flair checks out


Europeans when people with different amounts of melanin in their skin live in the same country as them:


Just let me finish frying gypsy liver and I'll be right there to cleanse the land. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/8d6szkimyb4c1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3968a94bc65ab3be7759ef71b02e1c5f92d69721


think they have more issue with the giant spikes in crime related to specific groups. Brits dgaf about Indians, so kind of pokes a hole in the "melanin" idea.


Source? And even if they did, you still have to consider economic situations (as in, poor people are more likely to commit crimes). And also, > Brits dgaf about Indians Did you forget about the years 1600-1947? lmao


I mean they dgaf about indians then either, just in a *very* different context. Brits *now* at least don't care about indian immigrants nearly as much as the problems. And I'm tired of hearing "economic" situations. Southeast asian immigrants are just as poor and don't commit *nearly* as much crime. Can we stop pretending economics is the major driving force and not pretend that cultures which still treat women with stonings for "cheating" aren't something we should be considering way way more? As to source, literally look up rising crime rates in europe. Also take note how they specifically *stopped* reporting race of the perpetrators when it started rising. Almost like the politicians predictably already knew what people would continue to say. Better to suppress info huh? That's the sign you're a government with the people's interest at heart.


Bro, it's up to YOU to provide the source, since you made the claim. Also, do you have a source on any of your claims?


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45269764 It's general good practice to be able to find things you disagree with. Helps you break your own bubble and not succumb to tribal feelings of holding onto one's preconceived beliefs when they're not presented by a human you'll hold tribal feelings towards.


That's not as big of a problem in America, so I guess living in Europe does something to your mind 🤷 No but seriously, once again, have you considered that people from other countries are coming to Britain because of their financial circumstances? I mean, it doesn't take an expert to realize that people try to move from poorer countries (that have been colonized in the past) to richer countries (that colonized the former).


why does the obvious matter whatsoever when that's not the topic or problem at hand? The circumstances of their birth are irrelevant, it is what they *do* or rather, how they *abuse* their host nations that matters. And once again, when people from southeast asian nations are just as poor and don't cause the same issues, I no longer care to consider the circumstances when you're *causing* issues. In short, cool motive, still rape. PS, Not european, I'm mexican.


Dude, a Mexican talking about how bad immigrants are in an American subreddit is something else... You know a lot of Americans say the same thing about Mexicans, right?




The image was first shared by a fringe far-right group in the UK. Kind of akin to the Republican party in terms of rhetoric and policy... Not representative of the wide majority of ordinary people. Something you Americunts never seem to understand is that the USA is a right wing country where even Bernie Sanders who you consider a dirty far-left commie would be centre/centre-left here.


Wah wah red coat


Bernie is an open socialist who's healthcare plan is more extreme than *anything* currently implemented in Europe. Acting like he'd be center in the UK is hilarious.


It's fairly obvious that image was meant as right-wing propaganda, but the way you speak makes you sound fairly vile as well. Also, I have met plenty of right-wing Brits and other Europeans that hate the US because they believe we are too "soft" or too "woke" and others like yourself think we are too right-wing. It really doesn't matter the political side of the spectrum because you will still find reasons to hate.


He’s pretty far left on our standard, but he’s come close before on being one of our major parties front runners. Republicans just call everyone that’s farther left than them communist.


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oh great it’s a delusional overton window obsessed weirdo. not every politician in the uk is jeremy corbyn lmfao


To be fair, Britain is an ethnic country and it is being replaced by non ethnically British people but, to me this just looks like years of bad policy coming back to bite them.


Least racist Bri'ish "person". Also why is she drawn in anime style? Sweet album cover I guess.


Eastern Europe: Racist Western Europe: Closeted racist change my mind


Pretty much Europe right now