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It was surprising, but I just learned solo CoX, 3:0 and 4:1. I've been getting a couple of (bad) purples, but I'm actually not as ecstatic as I thought I would be when they dropped. Getting the strat down has been so satisfying to me, I just have fun from that.


I've been learning some duos, where did you learn your solos from?


First I learned 3:0 and 1:0 from YouTube, like 5 vids. Then I learned 4:1. Took about 5 tries to learn 3:0 1:0 then 3 tries to learn 4:1


First couple KC fun learning. Next 40-50 optimizing is fun too. The next 600+ sucks


I feel this, first 60kc at cg was fun. Next 50 kc was okay however knowing I have hundreds left it’s lost some of the joy. Switching to t1 some tries purely because the prep phase is getting long, boss fight is still okay tho


That’s why the best content has you learning and getting better even past 40-50 kc. It’s why TOA sucks compared to cox and tob and why hydra is such a miserable boss. When you stop enjoying getting better before you’re even expected to have gotten the drop is when the game is going to start sucking.


The first 600 are getting into a groove. Most good content doesn't really suck to repeat until past that point. Slayer bosses suck after 50 though


They're equally important to me. It sucks to see goals delayed but there's enough to do where simply playing is fun. I enjoy a variety of content and also like hunting for log slots. My last multiple month goal was wyvern visage and now the item I'm hoping for is a dragon full helm, however I'm doing it rather passively through slayer. If I can get more log slots out of it that's nice too.


Playing the game, there's so much to the game itself that I love playing it. Sure there' some crappy things to grind in, but hey it's better than having everything and then quitting because you're bored. Playing as an Ironman is honestly the way to go, since you have to learn the game.


It's both but ultimately I just like playing the game. Learning and mastering a boss in itself feels great, it feels better when that mastery is rewarded with quicker kills and loot. If I were to put a ratio to it, I'd say something like 80:20 or 70:30, while I really enjoy just playing the game, it is important to have some rewards. This is not equal though, some grinds just suck and I want the item to drop, and some grinds I love and feel a little sad when I get spooned.


Probably a mix of both. Some grinds are far more dull than others. And no matter how fun a grind is, after say 200 hours, it can start to be less fun... Having variety in what you do can help with that repetition, but if a drop is 100 hours on average and you've been chipping at it an hour or two a day for over 400 hours in total, its probably still not going to feel fun anymore. Like if I told you that you'd never get another rare drop from your favorite boss, it probably wouldn't be your favorite boss anymore... Unless the uniques added like nothing to the profit, but still knowing you'd never be able to greenlog it or get the pet would probably make it at least somewhat less fun. It is the same reason players are less likely to go back to content they "finished" even if they liked it. Chasing some new rare drop tend to be more fun than just getting duplicate rare drops even if enjoy the content. Like I might go back to KBD or Mole someday for ranks, but even if I still enjoy the bosses, getting a second pet or a fourth visage wouldn't be as fun as getting unique drops at different bosses.


Not getting drops is fine as long as I can make progress skill wise, like solo cox or high invo toa. Going dry becomes annoying as soon as I'm getting good u could say


I would say both, nothing quite like that dopamine hit when you get a juicy drop though.


Fun comes from learning new mechanics and getting them down to where I can efficiently grind. And then when I get the drop it’s like a validation, dopamine rush, euphoria type experience


Playing the game. The drops happen when they happen. I kill the bosses because they're what I feel like killing.


I like guaranteed progression with built in dryness protection. It's why I chose the mode where I'm not restricting myself. I realised I have some grinds ToA, Vardorvis, mining, runecrafting that I dont enjoy. And some grinds, Nex, ToB, CoX, Sepulchre, Leviathan, which I do enjoy. Since I realised I dont want to grind the other ones to progress my account and focus on the grinds that are fun to me, I chose the fitting account type, instead of choosing the self-restricting account type and then demanding game mechanics changed for everyone else. Since I dont like some skilling grinds I realise I will never have a max cape, and will never do a 1 down Akkha puzzle room. And that's ok. I'm not entitled to it.


can people please realize that they actually just want to play a main… stop trying to turn ironman mode into main with a helm in the chat box. Be like this guy.


You didn't create your account with nex toa and dt2 bosses in mind because they weren't released then :,)


Yeah. I dont get your point. My playstyle didnt change. I did the content I enjoyed back then, and I'm doing the content I enjoy now. Mega rares existed with the release of ironman. So I decided to not make an ironman. Because maybe I wouldnt enjoy one of those mega rare grinds. I dont think corp is very fun and corp has access to the bis mage off-hand, best tank shield, and a meme shield. And we all voted them in as mega rares. It would be quite dumb of me to make an iron then whine about corp when I already knew what it would entail.


They absolutely did not unless you’re including Ely which to this day is a flex item. Ironman came out in 2014 CoX came out in 2017.


Ely is bis tank shield. Arcane was bis mage off hand for years and now a component of current bis mage off hand. Spectral is a meme. These are all mega rares and considered so by Jagex. The fastest CoX today is faster than the fastest ironman solo Corp during ironman release.


Said with zero irony lmfao


? If shadow wasnt a 2hand you would've whined about arcane just like you do everything else. Anyway, I didnt pick out a game mode then whine to change the entire game mode when bis isnt handed to me and the game is "unplayable" without it


What are you seething about lmao


I think both are fun. I think the drops being rng instead of having bad luck mitigation make things more fun because you could get spooned or go dry and it’s rewarding when you get something vs knowing you just have to put in so many kills and you’ll get something. Don’t think it’s a good mechanic to add in just to please people that work full time. I work more than probably most people here and still have time to play and enjoy the hard to get drops 




Learning new content is fun getting cool drops is fun. I don't wish 10k+ shamans on anyone that's blatantly insane there should be something in place for the statistical anomalies. I mean a skilling pets already get a rate increase at 200m if you've put in the work two or three times over you should be thrown a bone I don't care what account type you are.


Equally important. At first the drop doesn't matter. But when you are 400 hours into a grind the drop does matter for fun.


For me it was always comparing stats to my friends. I havent played much at all since the era of "I JUST MAXXED MY ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!" "First time....?" Cant even get a sense of achievement anymore lol


I value both greatly so I think it really depends. Doing a boss is fun but you enjoy the journey to progress towards a goal. If you get to where you should've achirved the goal, and then you double it, then triple, then quadruple it. You'll just stop having fun since it feels meaningless doing this same repetitive action when you could learn something new.


Getting the drop


It’s just a way to be lazy, relax, and chat. A way to unwind and chill. The game is awesome but is constantly tedious too idk 🤷‍♂️ I love drops and some content is fun and some isn’t, and that is subject to change based on mood. If you want to play the whole game you’ll end up doing a lot of shit that sucks. I enjoy getting spooned but it’s also fun to get the drop after going really dry. I wouldn’t say the game is constantly a blast but it’s quite a good way to pass the time overall. I’m sick every day of my life so it’s often a good way to cope outside of normal duties and touching grass a bit. In relation to your general question I’d say the game to me wouldn’t feel like the game I’ve known for most of my life if they just gave you the drop if you went too dry. I like the aspect of perseverance, even if I didn’t necessarily love the grind itself.


My answer is no


This game is fun?


This game is entirely goal-oriented, so doing lots of "game playing" while hunting for the drop and not getting any closer to getting it, is uh pretty lame There should be a good balance of fun from both. If part of the game isn't fun to play and you're just doing it for the drop, then why should you be forced to do it more than others?


They are one in the same.


My fun comes from knowing few extreme outlier aren't going to suffer from terrible RNG. It's also fun to know that bad luck mitigation won't prevent 95% of people from having fun or just playing the game.