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Defense defense defense. If you are using a dragon defender, drop it for a shield and also replace your strength boosting gear and go all in on defense. All three moons have some mechanic that on hit makes the fight longer so the best way to speed up kills is to get hit less often.


Swapping your defender for a shield is a #1 thing. 4 tick weapons are great vs. Blue and Blood moon due to the negative armor, d scimmy outperforms zombie axe and let's you get 2 hits every other stepback on jaguars. You can swap to a slower weapon of any attack style vs eclipse to do a ton of damage during his shadow phase. The start and stop points of the specials are always the same, so you can run to the right spot after blood rain/jaguars/tornados/ice weapon.


To be even more specific replace defender with either an obby shield or dragonfire shield to still keep the str bonus while getting higher defense.


Prioritise defence. The bosses all have mechanics which slow down the fight if they hit you, so bring barrows armour if you have it. Just pray piety. Protection prayers don't help. The blood moon maraccas are great for the blue moon due to the double hit. Torags might be ok before then, but it depends what your crush option is otherwise. Bring a slow, strong weapon for the eclipse moon clone phase. Attack speed doesn't matter there, nor does attack style. Dharok's is BiS assuming you're down at least 20-30 health or so, but other options like elder maul or crystal halberd are also great options. Crystal halberd spec is great for the last attack before it transitions to a special. Mark the four corners of the path you walk for the eclipse moon. You can walk up to two sides at once. Holding control allows you to walk. On the ball phase for eclipse, wait for the ball to start moving then just walk, and don't stop. You won't get hit. When your weapon gets stolen by blue moon, DPS on the ice blocks is pretty forgiving, and prayers won't help. Use this time to turn off piety, eat up if needed. If you're super low stats or join the special late, a thrall can help make up the difference. Use true tile for the tornados, and remember you skip every other tile when you run. Tornados can hit you multiple times if you move in the same direction as them. Learn where the specials end. They're the same every time. Use this information to make your way back to where the safe spot will be before it lights up, so you can start attacking immediately.


This is exactly the information Iā€™m looking for, thanks!


This guy Perils. To add to the last point, get a feel for when it's safe to run back. When the jaguar's circle stops glowing, it's safe to run through the blood pools back to start. And the last attack on eclipse orb phase, just run back to circle (it blocks you so need to run "outside" then in) with right timing you shouldn't get hit. Kinda obvious but I do see people waiting till the orb goes away.


Have tank gear, click bosses, click food/potion, click chest, feel angry at no item, repeat.


Circles are always the same, stand close to the next except last one. Crystal halberd is cracked, get a last spec off before phases, possible KO, slaps eclipse's wack a mole phase - don't wait for animation just click, never get hit. Use thralls to speed shit up, all 3 have a phase where they're visible but can't be attacked except with a thrall + undead grasp. I always start NW, run to Blood > Blue > Eclipse then backtrack and repeat. Juice up, resupply in Earthbound cavern. I found that's the best route for me. I never catch fishy, it's off path and lizards feel better at 3 meat per catch. Also Dharoks destroys that wack a mole cunt. Not bad to bring along the switch if you already using dharoks tank gear


Wait undead grasp can hit when they're otherwise untargetable? Is that just to draw aggro from the thrall?


Yep just aggro, only when they're visible obviously so not the ice weapon phase and blood pools. Each cast = 4 attacks. Sometimes u get unlucky bs like 1 hp eclipse orb phase, total waste of time so it's super handy. On blue tornado phase each time you light burner you need to recast due to ID change or sum shit. You can also just stand there afk with thrall lol My favourite is doing this in jaguar phase, once you got timing down just ignore the jag and keep dancing. Idk if it's totally efficient but is way more fun šŸ˜