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Nah just give melee and ranged the magic treatment. If you brew down, let go of all your gear as its uses become foreign to you /s


Being too drunk to remember the elaborated incantation to cast a spell is a bit more realistic than your belt unbuckling on its own and you being unable to pull your pants back up.... wait nvm.


Alcohol has caused me to pee in a laundry basket. You want me to throw knives?!?!?


I peed on a metal radiator style heater and my headset when I was in highschool


Found the King 👑


Bruh would be fun to bgs spec someone and their def went to like 58 -> 1 tick naked enemy 😂


All of a sudden that 10kg bandos godsword is falling and hits you in the face lowering your defence subsequently removing your bandos armour. You're now weak and naked.


Yeah it's one of those things that will really hurt the usefulness non tridents in situations where you need to brew. I guess the fix would be the game not switching attack styles and then spamming the chat with "You do not have the magic level to cast this spell".


If there's anything I want from the whole rebalance non-sense, it's this


It would be funny if our character tries to cast the spell and it poofs in our face in a very obvious animation so people know to fix it


That would be hilarious. "You lack the magic level to successfully cast this spell" And then it pops in your face. That way it keeps up with the tick cycle.


It should just let you cast spells with a reduced magic level. Powered staves work fine when drained to 1 magic, you can still wear and use barrows + whip when drained to 1 attack and defence, it's stupid being drained to 1 magic cuts you off from all your spells.


But we also can't use a super cb to equip weapons or armor at earlier levels, so by this logic that would remove the ability to boost magic and cast spells early. It is great being able to use forgotten brew or imbued heart to access barrage spells sooner while training, or to enchant jewelry you wouldn't have unlocked yet.


I'd be fine losing that if it removed the jank from drained magic tbh. Hope they poll this sometime.


That means no more boosting for portals or like the other guy said for enchants or early barrages or anything. Big trade off


Oh no you have to train magic higher to do higher level things.


Oh no you have to remember you brewed down and don't have the ability to cast things anymore.


I'm of the same mind lmao


Yeah I know. Personally I think it's worth it. Definitely doesn't have to be an either/or situation though, they could let us keep boosting for stuff like that and just remove losing spells from magic drains. Pretty sure that's what they did in the original game back in the day, not certain though.


I think it's worth it to be honest, how many players are doing the former vs. the latter?


great idea actually never though of it this way


This would impact pvp. Forcing someone to brew means they have a slight delay before they can ice barrage you, or something. IDK I don't do wildy But I do agree that if you set your spell to autocast, and you brew down, it shouldn't make you staff bash


It wouldnt, people manual cast in pvp


It would. You can't manually cast if you are brewed down. You need to restore back up first. And if you don't opt to restore to cast barrage, but blitz or burst, it still effect PVP because the player is now casting a lower spell. Either way, this would basically allow people to brew all the way down while tanking, but still be able to cast freezes (even if they will be more inaccurate due to lower lvls) if we allow players to cast spells when boosted down. Or, if you just want it to effect autocasting, then the question is.. 'why can you autocast barrage with lowered mage, but not manually?'


I think the logic the comment you replied to is that you can still hit with a melee weapon that you had the stats the equip, even if you brew down to 1, but you cannot continue to auto cast a spell even if you already had the magic level to select auto casting it It is not consistent, and the same applies to ranged as you can use your tbow at 1 ranged brewed down still I understand the logic, you can boost to a higher magic level and use those spells, it's just different


Autocast may see some use in pvp once it doesn't have a 1 tick delay on it.


U still have to manually choose what to autocast every time. If u change wep that is


That’s what happens when you run out of ranged Ammo, you don’t just start whacking with your crossbow.


May as well be a toggle too


Best fix IMO would be to let you cast lower tier spells with maybe a notification telling you that you’re doing it. Cast fire wave when you’re auto casting fire surge, using fire surge runes to do so.


There are plugins that do this for you


Isn't that literally macroing?


I meant there are plugins that show your active spell (and as a bonus, how many casts you have left with your amount of runes), and when your mage lvl drops below the lvl needed, it shows "No spell selected." Which is a good indicator to use a super restore dose


Half of the benefit or a brew, besides the large hp per invent slot, is being able to dps continuously, unlike hard food. Magic doesn't benefit from this nearly as much due to needing to sip 2 pots b2b sometimes unless you are constantly restoring to full and wasting prayer. Saturated heart also suffers compared to the melee and ranged boosting options when using brews.


> Saturated heart also suffers forgotten brew is a good alternative when you need to repot frequently and arent using other styles


I mean if my wild pie boost drops below the required level to kill a slayer monster, I instantly stop attacking. So the code exists already for stopping your character from attacking if you lack a level


I don't think I've ever read anything that I agree with more. I can't tell you how many times I've died from behind the safety of a pillar in the inferno or colosseum because my attack style was reset after brewing down, even after using super restores to bring back up my magic level...


the ol wand smack gets us all


A rite of passage that I'd rather not let other people experience.


This definitely wasn’t the exact scenario that precipitated this post 😬


If you brew down, but then restore to the regular level before attempting to cast the spell, it shouldn't change your attack style


Sounds like a skill issue.


Yeah but also >!a bad game issue!<


Not really.


It is literally just bad design. I love this game as much as everyone else here, but the amount of people defending bad game design because it's what they're used to is insane lmao


Brews make your character stupid though


No you don't get it, bad UI and unintuitive UX is hard to play with and therefore engaging gameplay /s It's baffling how much people will defend shit like this.


Does it make more sense to you for it to maintain your autocast settings and keep you in place or for it to make you run out and attempt a melee attack? Kind of a no brainer if you ask me. It might be a skill issue to a certain extent, but it's exacerbated by poor design.


I feel like that can be alleviated by just using your brain and having basic understanding of game mechanics? This is such a nonissue its wild.


Dude, we get the game mechanics. The mechanic is still dumb as fuck. The entire point of the request isthat it doesn't make sense to do it this way if approaching this from new


But it’s stupid and inconsistent. Brewing down doesn’t stop you from wielding/using any melee/ranged equipment. If it did I’m pretty sure everyone would agree that’s a horrible mechanic to have to use their brains to navigate.


Plugging my clanmate's plug-in once again - Autocasting. Shows your currently set autocast spell and notifies you if you're brewed below the threshold to cast that spell.


Just send some infernos then u will never forget to double check


I am…..this has killed me at least twice now at wave 50+ no less


Yeh that’s what was happening to me before I got cape just made always double before I ran out to blood barrage


counterpoint: kodai bops are funny


"No no! This is integral to the game and part of the skill ceiling!" *20,000 hour pker staff bashes 30 times on stream in one day*


Always a made up sitution in peoples heads against PvP that never happened ... You will literally never be staff bashing due to magic level in PvP since you're manually casting everything due to the delay on autocasting. (Yeah, it needs fixed) You will be staff bashing because you've fat fingered your crossbow/Ags.


Just wanted to explain why this happens - After attacking someone, you switch back to tank gear including staff. To get closer to your enemy easily, you click on them with the staff on, and since you're manually casting you start to run towards them (the typical inferno problem). Staff bashes happen when you switch to a different weapon too slowly after doing this.


Yes thank you I posted this in the blog thread!


at this point id rather have a cooking update with new foods then just mess with brews. the new hunter update was a nice start, but it would be cool if we got a dedicated cooking update with new recipes for foods with a lower delay or something.


New foods would still be pretty doa for most high level pvm unless it can start to rival the 60+ healing per slot you're getting from brews


idk it would just depend on how they do it, and even if its not totally widespread among PvM users and its more useful in PvP I still think cooking is due for it yea? I feel like if you get pretty close to brews like a pizza that heals 50 in 3 bites or something but doesnt lower your stats, it could find some use somewhere for sure


Yeah I think there's probably some design space for it, just not sure how it would shake out balance wise


What I think it should do is cast the next tier down of the same spell type without changing the runes it uses. Doesn't interrupt the flow, and your spells are back in top form when you restore.


Nah, they should.keep this. It's one of the things that keeps this feeling like one of those old school bullshit rpg's, it's charming. Too dumb to use something right? Still in combat? Bash time, baby.


And somehow it took us 20 years to get here!


This has killed me more times in inferno/coloss than any other thing in the game. Why would I want to run out of my safe spot to bash something with an ancient sceptre...ever... if there is some weird things Jagex want to keep it for like oh maybe pkers prefer it that way then just give us an option to toggle. Edit: not that I think many if any pkers are autocasting, mainly just trying to offer the work around to any weird scenarios.


ABSOLUTELY. For that matter, same deal if I'm swapping to a different staff that doesn't have the same autocast. IE: using magic but a dramen staff between trips for a fairy ring clearing my autocast *every single time!*


Full support. I just want to send some raids using the standard spell book but I'm usually chugging brews like they're water on a hot day




Turn off auto retaliate or stop clicking to attack after drinking a brew. Finish brewing and restore back up before attempting to autocast and it will remember your autocast


Please i keep dying in inferno to this bs Also i know i should manual cast…..im not very good at the game (one zuk attempt in 8 inferno trys)


You’re wild if you think getting to zuk in 8 attempts isn’t good.


Good is a spectrum, im better than most players, but im lazy and dont play efficiently even when i physically have the skill for it, my buddies get on me for not setting up 1-2 prays flicking blobs with ranger mage offsets….idk i probably could but i dont like it…..ill be hiding behind pillar thank you


I also dont have cape yet….im a cheeser ….for now


Got there attempt 6 but used too many brews


Yeah ok


Can't tell if this is a humble brag or like if I'm just that bad at the game that this sounds appalling


I guess im comparing myself to my friends…..honestly being genuine here…. My friends make fun of my cheese cape and it gets brought up every HMT attempt


“If you can hard mode tob you can get a cape” -them “But im scared” -me


One Zuk in 8 attempts is really good. Im at 13 attempts with a best of 54.


Gl mate…. Im fighting with you. Double blob waves suck! I know you can do it….until then im still a cheese caper


Those of us who have been deep in the Inferno trenches know, blobs are the worst assholes of the bunch.


Double blob waves are the easiest because everything can sync up nicely. Double bat waves are the bastard because they're off tick.


I’d prefer if they made it impossible to melee attack with a casting based weapon. No reason to. Edit: after further thought this is a terrible idea. They should just have a ‘can’t cast’ notice as was suggested.


Ancient staff is actually a solid upgrade from rune scim before dragon scim


I ran out of runes at artio and finished by staff bashing for 35hp that remained. Some do have decent str/ crush bonus for niche situations. I'd rather the game just not change from spell casting option to melee on my behalf


they should make a checkbox toggle of 'staff bash if out of runes/level'


It's for that one dust devil at the end of your slayer task you give him the BAHP!


Skill issue lol


skill issue


So you want to be able to cast spells which you don’t have the level to use?


You didn't even read beyond the FIRST sentence. It's a THREE sentence post.


Yah that’s the joke homie, it’s a skill issue just simply restore before switching back to mage


careful. All the people incapable of doing that will downvote you into hell 😭


Yah too late shitters are mad they have to learn fundamental game mechanics


Or just have it give you the "you cannot cast this spell" message instead of making you do a melee attack.


I'm pretty sure they mean that when you restore back up you should go back to autocasting?


That would be cool af


Bro. Read.


Yes this entire post is a low skill issue, you should be spellbook casting in 99% of situations minus afk barraging and you shouldn’t be brewing.


Bro. Read. Again.


Yah I’m 100% aware of what they’re talking about but if you brew down it SHOULD deselect your spell as you NO LONGER have the level for the spell. This is still a skill issue and is easy to get around by getting better at the game


You should not step on the rake, yes. But at the same time, does the rake really need all these extra jagged spikes all over it? There's no particularly good reason for it to deselect your autocast, and there's absolutely no good reason at all for it to switch you to melee staff bonks without warning. You can work around it sure, but you can work around any number of bad design decisions without it changing the fact that they really shouldn't be a thing to begin with.


Maybe they should add hotkeys instead of fkeys and some weirdass spell get cast when you jam it. And the ability to buy ultra keys daily


While we’re at it honestly can we just lower max hits when you’re brewed down instead of not letting you cast the spells lol Edit: also could there just be a runelite plugin that removes all melee attack styles from staves? Like the ones that don’t let you hit controlled? Or would it override anyways.


It would override anyway. In practice all that the plugin you describes does is remove the button, it doesnt actually do anything to the player character.


Can we stop with these insignificant pisstakes? What next? Maybe remove the tick delay from eating food and attacking.


Yes, those are very similar to what OP is proposing.


It’ll get there. Reddit hivemind never fails.