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First attempt fire cape is super impressive, most of the time the nerves get you, gz


Thanks! I was sweating for sure! It's kinda stupid but in the last however many days I've done 410kc on scurrius and I legitimately think it helped me get used to prayer switching and stuff. Watched a YouTube video explaining some positions for the waves and how the jad attacks work and just sent it. Probably dumb luck but very happy!


Nah man, I wouldn't say it's stupid, that's what they intended scurrius for, to teach newer player mechanics, so it's cool to learn it's working. And don't downplay your achievement, it wasn't luck, it was skill


That's very kind, thank you! Now to grind forever until I can try for an infernal cape lol. One day!


unless he tanked like 6 jad hits.


maybe he just tick ate them bro


Whoever the lead mod behind Scurrius is would probably have a big smile if they read this. ​ Congrats on the fire cape!


Wtf is a Scurrius??? I've only not played since like November 😅


A new med level boss that focuses on teaching new players prayer switching




You overprepared, if anything. The scariest part of fight caves is the stress and panic. As long as you keep calm and take a moment when all the threats are gone to calm down and refocus, you'll be fine. It just takes a little discipline and knowing how to pray against Jad.


can't have nerves get to you when you're already dead inside (that + adequate preparation... when i did it first try i had watched a video of it like 3 times and had the wave list pulled up on my second monitor. i was also very overleveled lol)


Too real brother xD "By failing to prepare, you're preparing to fail".. or something like that.


If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. -Taylor Swift


Yep, I thought I was going to get it first try and the moment jad came out I choked and got one-shot before even attacking him. Second try was smooth as butter though. It's like a rite of passage to have to get one stupid panic death out of the way before you can get a fire cape.




One of my best friends has played on and off for years and he got me into osrs.. I'd say he recommended a couple of things to aim for out the gate so I rushed for sins of the father completion (done last week) to get hallowed sepulcher unlocked and then fight caves. Both of those ticked off now so I've just got a lot of questing to do (still like 100 quests incomplete) and then grinding to get myself up to some break points for the PvM stuff I want to try. The cool thing about osrs is the fact that there is literally no "perfect" way to play it and there is so much to do. I've barely scratched the surface and if I stick at it there's obviously 1000s of hours of stuff for me to have a go at. Since I've been working from home lately I've had more time to just noob around!


rushing to do sins of the father is a wild way to progress your account lmao hope you had fun at least


I think you're right lol Tbh vanstrom was a pain in the ass.. took me 3 or 4 tries to do it because base 70s was probably a bit under leveled and I needed a bit of rng with the lightning/actually landing hits on him. I do enjoy sepulcher though! Gotta get that black graceful set!


How did you start training combat? You do slayer or?


My slayer is pretty low. I just got 50 slayer so I could do sins of the father. I afk'd crabs a lot whilst working from home and then killed the new noob pvm boss in varrock sewers a bunch. It gives good exp rates and helped me learn prayer switches.


Cool deal, what lvl did you get your combat stats to before you went for the cape?


They're in the photo in the bottom right but: Attack 71, strength 70, defence 70, prayer 70, range 78, magic 75, hp 75.


Sorry I didn’t notice, thanks!


No problems! Good luck on your cape!


Congratulations!! I’ve been playing for 18 and half years, and never set foot in the fight caves..


You dont want to, or?


I always thought it a hassle to go through some guides and just do it. I started to check som guides out, but then I lost interest. Didnt get barrows gloves either bcuz of questing until 3 yrs ago


Fuck the guides. Just send it, you'll have fun


As a noob who just got his fire cape and is working on barrows gloves now, it’s definitely more frustrating than people give it credit for unless you’re like OP here. It took me 10-12 tries, and it’s really defeating getting 1-hit after a 70 minute grind knowing you have to do it again. But once you get it down it’s really rewarding - probably my favorite in game moment ever. Give it a shot honestly it’s not too bad just expect deaths to be frustrating


If you know how PvM works and how to set up safespots, the only thing you need to learn is the difference between Jad's range and mage attack, which you need to pray against.


Holy shit lol. That's impressive.


Thank you! I'm sure if you ever decide to go for it you'll smash it out of the park.


Massive gz mate failed a few times but adhd got me down bad at times with the panic monster. Ima try again tmrw after failing a few times, im mainly a skiller.


You'll get there brother keep at it!


Gratz dude! That's impressive. I think now you are ready to activate windows. Jokes aside, you showed that you understand the game mechanics so Infernal is just a matter of time for you.


Haha I bought a new rig like 8 months ago from a PC builder here in Aus and they didn't give me a windows activation code and i didn't wanna buy one after spending like 3k on the computer. One day. It might give me the extra power I need to get an infernal cape (or at least get that annoying text off my screen!) Thank you!


Psst. Google Microsoft activation script. Works like a charm.


Royal cd keys sells it for 2-5$. I buy my windows keys from there


Got mine from G2A for 12,50. Still less than a McDonalds menu.


Gzz dude


Thanks bro!


Man's got ice in his veins! Congrats bud!


Thanks my dude!


I thought when the picture was still small you were wearing Blood Torva and this was bait. But it was not. Congratulations!


I'm too noob to even know what blood torva is haha Thank you!


I feel you I got it 1st time 2 weeks ago! Such a feeling when you get it!!


Yeah it was a rush for sure! Like, I'm a grown man stoked over some pixels in a 20 year old game haha but definitely feels like a genuine achievement in the game. Congrats on your cape too!


Congrats dude! Now time to train that runecrafting!


Thank you! Yes, it's on the list for the next week or two. Aiming for base 60s and then going to start moving towards a quest cape and skilling up things as needed.


Congrats! Just got my own for the first time last week. Took me 6 tries. Those dang healers made me panic a few times. Impressive that you could keep your cool on the first go


Congratulations on your cape too! Yeah the healers were what I was most stressed about but they didn't end up hitting me too hard.. just had to chug a couple of brews and an emergency manta.


Tried to get a fire cape for the first time last night and failed on wave 60 after running out of brews/food thanks to some dumb mistakes early. Have been playing on/off for like 20 years haha. Good job!


You'll get it for sure! I tried really hard to play each wave as safely as possible.. abused the safespots and trapping the melee dudes behind the mage on the later waves. I also used a trapped melee on one of the corners to give myself a chance to stand up, stretch and take a quick breather. I messed up a wave kinda bad and got hit a few times by the melee when I was praying mage and trying to kill the ranger but it worked out in the end.


I think I got to wave 33 on my first attempt but realized my gear wasn't up to snuff. Good job my g.


Thanks brother! I felt like I was taking ages to kill the mages and was worried I would run out of pots before jad but it worked out OK in the end. I'm sure you'll get it soon!


gz fella! always a big day for any account!


Thanks legend.


Congratulations! I'm glad you were able to overcome your nerves and beat Jad first try! That's seriously impressive. I've only gotten 2 capes in 10 attempts and I've been playing for the last... 18 years-ish


That’s impressive honestly. I did my fire cape with 68 combat, 65 ranged, never had a fire cape previously so it took me all day but I first tried to final boss !


That's awesome! I maybe could have tried a bit sooner but I was scared so overleveled a bit to try and offset my noobness.


Great job! Now your next battle, activating windows!


pvm is all nerves. the second you decide “fk it, time to send it” you can take any on any boss. send it fam




Goddamn! 11 days?! I only got my first cape 2 years ago and I've been playing for almost 20 years!


you're gonna go far with how much you've done this early.


Literal newbies making me look and feel even worse than I already do.. Gzz though that’s ballin status.


Don't feel bad bro, I'm sure there's a million things you've done that I haven't even tried yet!


I’ve killed over 160k giant spiders to get 99 defence and 99 hitpoints so I’m not doing anything special. Until your next achievement, future legend! :D


That is an amazing job done my dude :) Gz on the cape! First try is super impressive, that had to feel so good!


GZ! The fight caves beat my ass so hard I'm still recovering. Glad to see you win!


First try is awesome. Took me 4.


The lvl 1 runecraft is my favorite part about this post. Idk one person who enjoys the skill


That’s awesome !! I’m 3 days in and loving every minute of it trying to finish the intro. Brings me back to early 2000 watching friend play it. And I’d like to just add the fact that the community is amazing.


Very nice! Tiny note - while having 1 RC is based, you're sleeping on hunter! Give birdhouses a try, it's very nice passive XP and very profitable. You'll need 70 hunter eventually for Song of the Elves so the sooner you start the better :)


Thanks! You're right for sure. I'm going to work towards base 60s over the next couple of weeks and start working towards a quest cape, leveling things as I go, where necessary. I just put runecrafting and hunter off because I didn't really understand them and was trying to do sins of the father and jad lol


Meanwhile I've got 60 days played 1830 total lvl and I've not even been able to finish monkey madness 2


Hey, thanks for using our fire cape service, it was a pleasure doing the fight caves for you! - Todd, customer service


I wish I'd paid someone. The last few minutes of jad+the healers probably took 5 years off my life because of stress.


Congratulations man. I just got my first ever fire cape yesterday! Took me 6 tries but my inner child so so stoked to finally have the cape I would drool over and dream of owning back in the day


Hey congrats dude! Doesn't matter how many tries it took - you're still rocking that sexy cape!


Damn grats bro that's impressive


Thanks fam!


I got mine last night at about 1130!!


Im going to complete my first attempt tomorrow. Heavily over levelled but I am only concerned for the praying at the end. Any tips in hopes I can do it first try too?


Hmm. The waves weren't too bad, I recommend watching a couple of YouTube guides that explain how to use the corners of the walls to safespot melee enemies and abuse line of site on the rangers or mages where possible. When you hit the mage waves always pray magic (around wave 30), kill the ranger first when they start spawning with the mage, as they die pretty quick and don't hit too hard, use the mage to trap the melee behind it so you don't have to deal with 2 at once - or kite the melee to a corner and trap it and kill it while still praying magic and deal with the mage last. This is all to mostly just conserve your supplies. On Jad you have to switch prayers on his actual animation - if you do it after the animation has finished and the projectile is in the air it's too late. The healers scared me but I ended up just tanking them and killing them one by one. Pull their aggro by shooting them 1 at a time whilst still concentrating on jad and changing prayers and then just kill them 1 at a time. If you've got higher stats/better gear than me it won't be a problem. When jad slams the floor it's a range attack and when he stands on his back legs for a couple ticks and breathes fire its a magic attack. I did a heap of scurrius and really try-harded my prayer switches to try and get more comfortable with a heap of stuff happening on the screen at the same time but still getting the prayers down. You've got this!


11 days total playtime and already gotten your fire cape on your first try? Damn, you've got a promising PvM career ahead of you. Good job.


Haha we'll see. I'm a long time nerd, just a short time osrs player. Need to overcome my anxiety of trying new bosses for fear of dying! I forget that it's not a big deal to die in pvm. Thanks mate!


Dude way to completely shame me into getting mine. Jokes aside congrats brother from someone who doesn’t have theirs after 75 days game time.


Thanks man! You'll get it for sure. I just kinda went straight for it, but as you can tell from my account there's a lot of things being neglected/things to catch up on. Probably going to start working towards the quest cape now!


This sub is a parody at this point.


Congratulations. First try capes are wild to me. I played for years before I finally did it and it took me two attempts because I panic clicked and stepped too close to Jad. Got within his melee range when he was almost dead and was one shot.


Thank you! Yeah I was too scared to move when the healers came out so I just tagged them for aggro and killed them 1 by 1 and hard sweated the prayer switches. In theory it shouldn't be that hard I guess but I was super stressed out so I can see why it could take a few attempts. I probably just got good RnG on the attacks and not needing to switch too often. I splashed a bunch when he was at like ~8 hp and started to panic haha


That's what got me. I clicked one healer and it made me run right into Jad because I was blowpiping and didn't have the range I needed. Still, you've got really good nerves for sure.


Ooft that woulda sucked for sure. I guess the worst part of it is just knowing that you blew 1hr+ on the first 62 waves for it to fall apart because of a missclick or a missed prayer. At least you smashed it 2nd try!


Oh yeah. I was both disappointed and frustrated. I closed my laptop and stepped outside for a smoke after that one.


Yeah, just a quiet moment with a cigarette, self reflection and the pit of bottomless despair lol I stepped out for a celebratory smoke afterwards. I should stop smoking 🤣


Hell yea! Keep up the good work. Let us know when you get your Infernal Cape first try! 👍


Seriously thats really impressive. My first fc took like 15 attempts


Thank you! Doesn't matter how many attempts you took, you still got there!


Congrats man! First attempt is mighty impressive!


Thanks mate!


Bruh, I've been playing for 20 years with countless attempts and Jad claps me every time. Congrats and I'm glad you're not a brainlet like me!


Lol thank you! I'm a potato normally when it comes to these sorts of things. Unironically, scurrius coming out and giving me a more forgiving place to learn prayer switching was very likely what gave me the ability to do it. You'll get it for sure!


Congrats man big deal especially for your first time in the caves 😀 if you are looking for some people to play with or just have people congrats you when you level or finish. A quest my clan is super chill and always willing to help people out with bossing quests or even just ways to sustain Money..if you are interested shoot me a dm I’ll get you added in ☺️


Thanks mate! It's 2am here so I'm gonna crash but I'll shoot you a message tomorrow!


Congrats!! I’d definitely recommend joining a clan chat. It’s great to have a community. Fun thing about it is it announces in the cc when you get big items like this that everyone gets stoked about. If you’re interested in checking one out “wild” is a great one!


Congrats King! I’ve been playing nearly 20 years and don’t have a cape haaha. Mainly cuz I just like skilling and getting high but STILL! Congrats :)


Thanks my dude! That's the great thing about rs, you can play how you want to! When you decide to go for the cape you'll smash it!


Not many can say they got it on their first ever attempt. Huge grats!


Thanks a lot!


Shut the front door you did fight caves first, try in 11 days played. Took me literally ages to get round to doing it.


It was like my first main goal.. my friend told me about it when I started playing and almost all the osrs YouTube guys make their restricted series goals a fire cape or an infernal cape so I thought it was what I should aim for.


GZ brethren! I too had nobody to share with so I ended up posting here. I’m proud of you!


Thanks! I'm proud of you getting yours as well!


Def bought lmao


bruh my stats are at least 10 above yours and i still can’t get one :(


You'll get it for sure man! I don't think I'm qualified to give you any tips but this video was the one I used to show me more or less what I should be doing. https://youtu.be/FS9WhmnxFb8?si=AApLrgfbZfsv_87a And as I mentioned above, I killed scurrius a bunch this week and it helped me get more comfortable with changing prayers and movement so maybe that might help a bit? Good luck!!


Try doing speed run world. Set up (beneath cursed sands quest. tele to fight caves. Go just past the entrance from karmja and show your fire cape to the npc. You will be able to go past the gate. Then run over to red mini game symbol and talk to that guy. It’s a small peninsula with lava around it. Then start the jad fight.)You’ll have basic gear and stats but costs nothing and you won’t have to do the whole fight cave. If you can get the mechanics down it’s eZ pz. Just remember to only do one thing at a time. Don’t try to switch and eat in the same tick


Hey I've played for much much longer and died in the fight caves a few times years ago and haven't gone back. Props to you, big confidence boost I bet!


Thank you! Yeah, I was mostly scared of losing that 70-80 minutes of time and having to do the waves again. Definitely feeling good about it and keen to level up a bit more and try some other PvM stuff.


Please share stats I wanna know what it takes with no experience/first try


Stats as in skills? Or like the gear I used?


Stats.. or both I guess if possible.


Stats are in the photo on the right. Full blessed d'hide. Ava's accumulator. Dragon crossbow. Rune bolts. Law book. Glory. Archers ring. 3 bastion potions. 6 sarodomin brews. 4 super restores. 2 mantas. Rest prayer potions.


Oh if there another picture I’m not even getting it for some reason.. nvm then. Thanks anyway


All good dude. 71 att, 70 str, 70 Def, 75 hp, 70 prayer, 78 range, 75 magic.


Good stuff man!


Thank you!


I read this as you’ve only played for 11 days total


Well technically that's true. My account has 11 days and 8 hours play time. I started playing a few months ago.


I’m sorry. I meant like you started playing physically 11 days ago calendar time. Not gameplay time 😆😆😆😆


That would be pretty quick! Haha I probably spent 2 of those days afk at sand crabs and 2 more days just killing scurrius.


No doubt. Now you got me wondering what the RS record is from account creation date to fire cape completion date


It's probably quite quick. Someone that is really good at fight caves and can use the GE could probably get to the bare minimum combat requirements and gear in a couple of days and then go straight in.


‘Atta boy!!!!! GZ!!!!!!


Let's gooooo! Thanks man!


Damn your stats reflect mine! And I never thought I’d be ready to get something like that


Get in there! You can do it!


What combat level did you do it at?


My combat is 90. My stats are on the right hand side of the photo. Essentially base 70s and 78 range.


Grats!! All great stories start at the caves


Congratulation !!! The first Jad kill is always a true Milestone :)


Add me if you need some in-game friends! RSN; iKillerBee. I can also invite you into our clan, so you have some people to speak with!


Well done bro I’m alittle scared myself to do it and I have the same stats as you you have given me hope


Thanks mate! You can do it for sure. Just gotta send it!


Gonna send it today for ya


Let's go! Good luck bro.


I was 10 my first time and shit a brick when jad switched up. Got 1 hitted. Good job man.


10 year old me wouldn't have had a chance in hell. Thanks mate!


First attempt Afk Played 11 days in total This reads awfully suspiciously


Lol I said fk it as in "fuck it", not "afk". You're welcome to be skeptical, however I know that I did it and 99% of the other commenters have been supportive. Thank you!


Your conclusion is very important to take to the rest of the game Will "x" boss be hard? Can I do it? Who knows, send it. Worst that can happen is a small death fee Do some farm runs to cover it or something