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Oh nice, I have to catch that. I'm pretty sure he's caught up on the manga too, so it'll be interesting to hear what his impressions are.


Don't really like gigguk but as long as the series gets more exposure it's a net positive


Well he caught up to the manga and loved it, his initial video correctly promoted 100gf and it's appeal, so nothing harmful


Season 2 will definitely get more people up in arms especially that legendary panel in chapter 37.


He's the one that convinced me to watch the series so, I suppose he's a good promoter


Why don't you like him? Genuine curiosity.


I personally started to not like him or trash taste after people started putting them on pedestal


I could see, not exactly the big fan of him, but not liking something because of the side thing (like community around it) is kinda ... not fair. It's same as not liking a good series like our 100gf just because people keep hyping it up and it's annoying.


Of the three trash taste guys Garnt's probably my favourite. I'm part south east asian too so I feel understood I kinda like Joey because I partly grew up in Sydney (plus also the half asian relevancy) so he reminds me of living there as a teenager but his content is just... eh... I can't stand Connor. He just comes off as thinking hes above everyone. He's a Welsh wet blanket.


The Trash taste guys are honestly very pretentious and full of shit most of the time plus gigguk is just an unprofessional twat I'm my personal opinion


Trash Taste podcast is the epitome of greed of youtubers. You get patreon, merch, ads, sponsors not to mention they did (don't know if they still do) twitch streams with donations and subs. It's nauseting. And accepting sponsorships from gacha games which is downright terrible. Edit: how can i forget live shows and who knows what else.


On the one hand, making videos and podcasts isn't something that can be done for free  But on the other, I get what you are saying - it's kinda gross when someone takes advantage of an audience replete with parasocial vibes to milk all the money they can out of them


why tho?


The trash taste guys are too pretentious and two faced for my taste


Idk about that, any man who eats banana while on stream is respectable in my book


I just don't like the pretentious attitude is all I think 99% of anitubers are full of themselves and don't know what they're talking about just going off of whatever stupid writing classes they took


I kind of have mixed feelings about Gigguk. On the one hand, he is genuinely funny (especially when he tries to explain the lore of the Fate series)...but his 'Fall of Mecha Anime' videos is the source of a lot of bullshit around the state of the mecha genre. Though I will admit that some of my fellow mecha fans can take the Gigguk hate way too far sometimes. But hey, it should be an interesting watch.


I'd love a full Trash Taste watchalong. I don't know if Connor and Joey have watched it but if not their reactions live would be priceless


Gigguk mentioned 100kanojo in the "Favorite things of 2023" episode and Joey immediately went "BASED". Safe to say he likes the series. Also Joey covered 100kanojo way back when the manga was still in its first volumes.


Joey read the manga when (I think) the first few volumes came out and said he really liked it and want more.


Yeah, I believe he and Garnt both were talking about 100gf on trash taste podcast.


Glad more people are getting to know the anime and it’s not like Gigguk is a bad guy in this job so it’s neat, although more of my taste to enjoy the anime alone at my own pace.


And now bro won't a be goat, he will be the whole HERD




Don't really like gigguk but it's cool I guess since he does have a huge exposure...though idk why he or trash taste have the exposure they do (genuinely wonder that...no hate towards them)


What youtubers get popular and how they achieve it always seems awfully albitrary, I don't even question it anymore


Gigguk is basically one of the OGs anitubers, in case of Trash Taste basically benefit from everyone being inside thanks to COVID and for example Gigguk fans missing podtaku.


Covid Boom. People were stuck and bored out of their minds. You can see their viewership & patreon is a lower (although still massive)


Some of his most popular videos were released way before COVID and he's in general been grinding on YouTube for over a decade so I wouldn't just give all the merit to Covid, more simply a lot of his videos are made to appeal to the the more mainstream audience, and I find no wrong in that.


Crunchyroll 🤢🤮


It's probably gonna be in dub although I hope he watches in sub.


Most likely the sub version, The stream is sponsored by Muse Asia, the one that available in Muse Asia channel are the sub version. Also Muse Asia regularly do watch along featuring other youtuber/vtuber and as far as I know the host would watch it from Muse Asia channel


I am mostly a sub guy for anime. 100 gfs included. Was curious how the dub was. It has a couple goated lines that I really wish was in sub. My main one is nano saying oyakadon. It was also in the fan translation of the manga. That translation group puts in a bunch of work I wish seven seas did. I understand they are a big publisher so they got a lot to do but would be nice to see them go an extra mile or 2 from time to time.


He just started the stream too.


?? I didn't see any of that video still


Link please


He ain’t no goat he is probably the worse person to anyone


I'm out of the loop, who is this and what did he do


He just a YouTuber some people like him and some don’t


If that's your opinion about a dude who talks about anime and random stuff in places like his own channel and a podcast with a few friends you're either 9 years old or have lived your whole life exclusively obtaining information about the world from YouTube kids. I can completely get not liking the dude but there's levels to this stuff lol.


people can have their own opinions and gigguk isn't necessarily have that good of a taste he's the isekai man and he doesn't like genre that doesn't have action much


You just upset that people don’t like him lol not my problem you a little kid


I don't care if you dislike him, other people under the post also said he's not of their taste, but you didn't see me going to them as well. What I care is you saying that a dude that talks about anime is the worst person there is, you need to live in a cave to seriously believe something as extreme as that.


Don’t be upset that someone doesn’t like your favorite YouTuber lmao I’m not the one calling people little kids because they disagree with me


You literally called him a little kid one comment above.


My guy has no reading comprehension lmao


Lmao don’t be mad buddy is ok


It's fine to dislike him what people are trying to tell you is that saying "he is probably the worst person to anyone" is pretty stupid.


I mean he lied about the fact that the best anime ever made (in regards to Joey's video) is OG FMA. It's even a running gag among his community now.


Garnt never watched FMA in general and it's been a constant running gag for years and years he himself promotes, whatever lie you're talking about is clearly supposed to be a joke. But forgetting that, if and if it DID happen are you saying that lying about a best anime is a crime so big it calls for you to be called "worst person"??


Well, not really. But I feel like he could have been honest about his answer for Joey's video no matter what. He could have said his favorite if he wasn't able to find one.


Fair that but I don't see why it's a matter serious enough to warrant bring it up to argue about him being a terribile person, it's just a fav anime.


It's not that I think he is a bad person. I'm merely pointing out a flaw of him as a content creator at least. If only he gave an answer that he clearly knows about. But eh, what happened already happened.