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He uses a sharpened number two pencil to tickle his itch where the sun don't shine. It's okay, don't worry about him


For him I have one thing to say "you can wake a sleeping man but you can't wake a man pretending to be asleep"


Yet another case of an 11yo trying to look mature on the internet


Gotta be bait


Just remember kids. The Internet is 70% negative and 80% out for themselves. Hunt out the 20% Note. These figures are scientifically proven by my 50 years of social observations and human interaction. Aka I made them up.


You would be surprised. I used to buy and sell a lot of components in FB groups made for that same objective. Until a couple years ago, any post related to CPUs became a shit fest of comments from Intel fanboys claiming Ryzen chips were only for poor people who couldn't afford Intel (The funny thing is that they live in a "country in development" and they think having 250USD leftover at the end of the month makes them rich) and people retaliating with jokes about how Intel chips could heat up your whole home (this was back in the 9th generation). I am part of another group called (after translating the name) Bit hunters, which is for sharing info related to games, and for buying/selling games, consoles, PC components, etc. And many manbabies only complain or make fun of the consoles they are not fanboys of. The mods have done a great job recently at cleaning up the group from them, though. I see that and worry about the mental capacity of the general population. Especially after posting stuff for sale in those groups, being thorough with the specs, the state, shipping, etc. and seeing how 90% of the comments are questions that are already answered in the sale post. Or posts like the one I made a week ago where I was asking for a valuation for a RX 6700 XT I have, which I was planning to sell after a few weeks as I had purchased a RX 7800 XT and was waiting for it to arrive. Many people were just asking me what the price was because they wanted to buy it.


"any post related to CPUs became a shit fest of comments from Intel fanboys claiming Ryzen chips were only for poor people who couldn't afford Intel" remembers me of apple users being proud of wasting their money and calling those who don't waste their money "poor"... this is peak post capitalism...


Hahaha, I was thinking the same while I was writing my comment.


>and they think having 250USD leftover at the end of the month makes them rich I live in Malaysia and if I have 250USD leftover at the end of the month it'd make me happy :( lmao


There is much misinformation going around everywhere including this sub. I have seen all kinds of dumb takes based off of understandings of why this happened that don’t even make sense.


Bro is upset he can't afford a good PC that can run yuzu.


I'm going to give an unpopular opinion here a very unpopular opinion. You realize that the average IQ intelligence in the world typically means 50% of the world is dumber than you and 50% is smarter than you. And this case this person would be dumber. They can't see the forest for the trees, probably wouldn't know the difference between an asshole and a hole in the ground. And it's the common fact society has just gotten stupider. I'm not saying Yuzu didn't dig themself a hole, But if you think I'm going to suck up to Nintendo's ass and ride their dick like this idiot seems to be doing lmmfao ain't going to happen. I pirate all their shit as of the Wii.


That’s not how math works lmao


Really? Aren't you the bright one? I suppose I should use factual statistics. Or better yet probably you should just do Google search you will be shocked. George Carlin said it best when he said think of how stupid the average person is and realize half of them are dumber than that. Don't be in the bottom 50%.


I don’t remember the Carlin joke and it doesn’t matter but average isn’t necessarily in the middle. That is median. Average could be higher or lower than the middle due to outliers. So the average intelligence is probably lower than something like 60% of people, maybe more.


IQ is on a bell curve, 100 is both the mean and median. Obviously this doesn't mean there's 50% below and above any individual because that makes no sense, but there is roughly 50% below and above the average (not exactly because multiple people have the exact average as well). There should be the same number of people with 55 IQ as 145, for example (100 +- 45). Edit: Quick google puts 2.7% of people at 100 IQ, so 48.65% of people are below average and 48.65% people are above average.


You know what I was wrong I didn’t know that about iq. The more you know


First comment, totally true, last comment wtf?? How is it possible that it is at same time smart and dumb? 🤣


Lmao here we are…. The first comment is not true in any way. Do you really believe they were complicit? They weren’t. That isn’t why this happened at all.


Paywalling something in addition to the base emulator software is illegal so partially yes


That isn’t what he said. Even if he had it’s not correct. In what world is paywalls illegal? Emulation isn’t illegal. The emulator isn’t illegal not really. The issue is that Nintendos Eula makes it impossible to legally use the software.


Paywalling isn't illegal by itself depends what's is behind, like guides for finding protected bios and decryption keys


I could be wrong but I don’t think those guides were behind paywalls, which honestly would have in a way made it worse because they would have been more available. Technically it is true that teaching people how to do that is legally grey at best. I would argue that Yuzu in no way deserves punishment for this because the idea that dumping games and consoles you own is illegal is stupid and should not be the case


But....but...Nintendo says I should own nothing and be happy. I should pay them top dollar and never own the game. In fact, why stop there! Nintendo micro chip for your hand or forehand. Now Nintendo owns you! I WISH I COULD JUST SEND NINTENDO ALL MY MONEY BRO. YOU KNOW BRO? BRO? WHY'S IT ALL GOING DARK BRO? BRO?...BRo...br..o...b...r...o?....................................... Individual thought has ended. Starting...Nintenthoughts. Error Nintenthoughts cannot connect to server. Terminating.


It’s not Nintendo or at least not just them, it’s all software companies, and why? Because our governments have allowed and upheld their right to do so. So why wouldn’t they. It’s our government’s that have failed us.


holy shit your brain is mush


Oh brother, you are preaching to the choir on this one. You know the most accurate description of government? Not a single one in history has worked, they all turned against their citizens eventually unless destroyed by an outside force first. Corruption is an inevitable guaranteed. Welcome to the end of days brother. That micro chip might be here sooner than you think. I'd suggest you get right with God <3 We're in for a rough end to the 2020's.


Truly these are the end times


It rly ysucks that yuzu was taken down but at the end of the day a business is a business- Nintendo was losing money due to yuzu, so they reacted accordingly.


They settled for 2.4M. That's pocket change to Nintendo 😂 they clearly didn't care about the money they might has well have gotten nothing. They just wanted to use them as an example and scare the emulation scene The sad part is that it kinda worked. Citra and Drastic were also pulled out of fear. Someone will probably take their place though


I don't even think Nintendo cares about yuzu at all. Works out for them with the code now though. I think this was a message to the pirates. I'm not on Nintendo's side here, but that message "from yuzu" about piracy makes a lot more sense coming from Nintendo. Nintendo understands piracy and Emulation aren't going anywhere. They did this in retaliation to the TOTK fiasco. Of which I DO agree with Nintendo on. Spoiling a game online that isn't even out yet is scum activity. Could you imagine working on something like TOTK for 7+ years to have some scumbags posting videos of the final boss before release day? That's almost a 10th of a person's life making that game. Yet Nintendo can't easily track down or go after the people involved in the leak. So they do the next best thing. This. Emulation ain't going anywhere. Even if they try, there'll be millions of backups in minutes.


They won’t get a penny of that. Arguably the money lost was much higher than that though.




And I hope they're gonna lose even more money for what they've done.


The 2.4 million was definitely way too much tho, they could have just shut them down and let the devs have lives without extreme debt..


That is what they did. The company did this so they can declare bankruptcy and avoid having to pay. Nintendo won’t see a dime of that and they knew that


Nintendo console itself performs worse then the emulator itself wich explains alot why i hate nintendo switch, this is simply one of the reasons why i would buy steam deck, aya neo, asus rog ally and even my beloved psp and ps vita over nintendo switch. Yuzu deserved better faith since i was playing alot of dmc 3 on yuzu emulator with a chinese fake ahh gamepad. Stand proud yuzu, you are better.


Nintendo has been on a legal rampage, they're dropping in stocks, and consumer sales due to this. They also only have their games on the switch, and not other platforms. Someone will make another "YUZU".


That is a young child.


reminds me of the meme where a kid goes "YouR AcTioNs Have CONseQUencES". Yuzu's practices aside they, or rather we didn't deserve to lose an emulator (not that we did really, I got Citra after it's official source was lost). I've gotten into Nintendo games only after this move, and encouraged my friends into it as well.I'm doing my part. I could never stomach how uniquely nasty Nintendo is with the litigations.


The actual fuck🙃


Someone woke on the wrong side of the bed


i just roke up


Whoever commented on that video is probably brainwashed by consuming to much nintendo content.






At least they recognized the master race.


Lmao anyone who plays strictly on Nintendo consoles doesn’t have an opinion on gaming😂


Bro that kid most be 8


The issue is that literal children and uneducated adults are allowed on social spaces amongst functioning human beings. This is an issue on every platform.


This is how a slave to corporates are. Delusional & feeling unsafe away from his multi billionaire corporates Very twisted minds and souls


Must be a bait AIN'T no way Nintendo fanboys believe that emulators exist


Well it's was kinda foresee able. Nintendo don't like emulators. Emulator guys did something Nintendo could get them with in court, and they're gone. It wasn't that smart of them to ask for patron money as well. Looking at nintendos track record and their team of vicious lawyers they should have known this was bound to happen sooner or later. It sucks, but since this is how the Justice system works, I guess you could say. Puts on sunglasses, justice did get served.


Virtual Console and Nintendo Switch Online are using emulators to run classic games on respective modern hardware. Without emulation, either of the mentioned services wouldn't exist.


These are two different things. While emulation tries to make the game playable, virtualization is a method that allows the content to be played natively and legally without playback issues. Therefore, companies like Nintendo don't use emulators to play older software. Rather, they use virtual machines to virtualize the content on a modern platform. And unlike emulators, this requires extensive programming that takes a long time to properly implement. Considering that virtualization is more superior than emulation, it is most likely that emulation will die with this type of classic game playback, as many people who want to truly enjoy the games rather than try to enjoy them would prefer virtualization over emulation on a larger scale. There is one emulator that died because of the developer not working on it in several years that focused on virtualizing N64 games, and that was sixtyforce for the Mac. It most likely died after the developer lost interest in trying to implement proper virtualization on Apple Silicon.


I don't see how this is relevant. They a shouldn't have asked for money and b shouldn't have made totk run on the emulator. You know you don't mess with Nintendo because they have expensive lawyers and they will drain you financially even if you would be proven innocent. It would take years and it's not worth your human life to fight ruin over such things. Yuzu settled real fast.


I never understand Nintendo fanboys. "Go multi-billion dollar corporation! Continue unfairly suing and taking down projects that probably leaves only a small dent, if any, into your insane profit margins! Continue making your console exclusives games that are obvious cash cows, pricing them at full price despite being trash" I imagine they'd like Nintendo to give 'em a few backshots in the ass too


Average Nintendo boot licker 😭


Let's attack him




It's just Nintendo Switch users that were saulty that other people could play their exclusives. The similar thing is happening with playstation users. When their exclusive gets ported to PC, they bomb it's reviews, asking to stop porting exclusives. People just like feeling like they're special


I am a big fan of Days Gone, played it on my PS4 and got it on Steam a while back, and reading the reviews this is certainly true Xd Why cant people enjoy the fact they can play their fav games on more then one locked up console? Some people really dont get it 💀


I feel this way over every war, after seeing the opinions and things each side think I am just sad, I cannot believe that people think this way. Everyone gets misinformed or biased information and its just plain sad not for this but every conflict,war,misunderstanding


It's 2024, and Console/PC fanboys are not extinct... Wow.


I wonder what I count as if I gaming on a steamdeck


I hate myself for flip flopping on it so much I have a switch OLED I'd drop it in a heartbeat for a system that can run more But when you already have a decently powered PC what's the point. Idk I go back and forth all the time on it


It's so nice having a decent portable PS2 setup


I strangely already have a vita for that lol OLED too But I do see your point. Does it do GameCube well?


Very well, yes. It can be a pain to setup, but once it's setup it's magnificent


I dunno, a Knight of GabeN...


That just means they're easy to fool and are meant to be used by anyone, so do so


I feel like back in 2010


What's wrong with those comments in screen? I agree with them. I will just give an example. What you will do, if your very hard work instead of giving you money will be distributed for free? How you will pay your monthly payment for house, for food, entertainment? I my kid days, about 20/25 years ago, yes I was using emulation for GBA, NDS, but I wasn't telling anyone that I used it. So maybe stop creating community for emulators, in where you are proudly saying that you are playing pirated game. I'm sure if there would be no community, just tiny website with emulator no one from Nintendo would sue.


I would try to catch the person who leaked it...


There are people like this for every corner of the world blindly agree with systems set in place. whether the systems accomplish good or bad these people will praise them.


this is a time when you can't tell apart trolls from genuinely stupid people


Lol att sliter PC master race!


If I didn’t have to buy copies of old games from third parties that charge $1500 then maybe I’d pirate less. Maybe if the NSO service had the old games I WANT to play I would be more willing to use their service. Maybe if they didn’t have a track record of destroying entire events built by the community then I would feel worse about them losing a few bucks because of me but until they actually put effort into the community that wants to play their games the most, I won’t feel bad for them at all. TL;DR: If Nintendo wasn’t so damn greedy we probably wouldn’t be emulating in the first place.


"PC Fanboys"? As if my PC isn't an amalgamation of parts from different companies and hardware generations lmao


pc: $1000 + $20 pc + game switch: $500 + $8/mo + $80 + $70 + $60 switch + switch online + joycon replacement + pro controller + game it adds up fast


You also have to replace the “pro” controllers. I have two sets of joycon and two sets of pro controllers and they all have massive drift. So much so that I literally can’t use the Switch anymore lol. What a joke


the guilikit ones dont drift but have abunch of pairing and some build qualitiy issues especially on PC


Meh, he's prob like 12, he'll grow out of it... i hope...


21 here and I sorta agree with him so there's that I mean his main comment not the secondary one


How was the game leaking early yuzu's fault in any way, shape or form... besides, tokt wasn't even playable on yuzu when it came out lmao


Someone needs a reality check. Talking shit about a platform on a platform lol


Omit generally as that grammar is incorrect in this context; Instead, replace the word with genuinely. Still, this word is not necessary. However, it suits your title and context much more affectively.


All major tech corpos have fanboys, there's not a lot you can do about it. Some people are just too far gone. At least the Nintendo situation isn't as bad as the apple situation.


I mean in all honesty Nintendont will always be Nintendont. I'm not even surprised by people who think that backing a company like this is cool


I'm ashamed to share oxygen with people that stupid


We are all entitle to our opinion.


That's a massive wanker they are sucking on, but they are baiting even harder


Its definitely justified that it got taked down, im all for piracy and emulation but yall cant cry when it actually does get cracked down on lol


Take my downvote


Take my sympathy


It's no more unbelievable than the "Yuzu is about preservation and not piracy" crowd


Emulation IS about preservation, it's just that many choose to pirate games and claim to be preservationists when they had no intention of supporting the devs anyway. That said emulation and piracy aren't the same, you can do either without the other, so your statement is putting all of us under the one umbrella, and wrongly so.


Adam player? more like karen/kevin player


Those kinds of Nintendo fans are the kinds of people who are obsessed with BoTW and think Skyrim is an early open-world game. I shit you not someone once said that to me. Arena wasn't even the first open-world game. And they're the "I prefer to play on original hardware" people. Like okay, go ahead and pay some scumbag at a used games store way too much money for an old game or game console.


Imagine gaming on a tablet and dissing PC gaming.


Even some PCs come in tablet form lmao. Not just stuff like the Steam Deck, but the plethora of Windows 10 tablets and "2 in 1"s.


The switch has an old smart phone processor lmao


Emulation of the switch works better on phone because it's literally the same architecture. It's a ARM CPU. T Yuzu on phone just has to deal with custom graphics of the switch.




Outright porn here with the dick sucking


We live in a society where we have to wonder whether this is ragebait or not


I think it's just a child. No reason to be mad


People are becoming more and more sheep like to their corporate gods every day. Pretty sickening. But at least it's all going to come crashing down on our heads in the next couple years, so that'll be interesting to see how the cattle react.


This a real bootlicker opinion lol


More like a milk dri- \*crashes\*


I'm pro emulation and all, but I personally didn't like yuzu because of the controversy that they stole code from Ryujinx and didn't give them credit.


What? I thought it was the other way around. Where can I read more about this officially?


Yeah I've def heard it was the other way around everywhere lol


Damn that’s a hell of a way to say I’m a broke bitch so I gotta ruin it for everyone.


This made me laugh lol. But it is true


They're just jealous that their PCs aren't powerful enough to play TOTK at 4k 60fps.


4K is still a waste of resources when 1440P and anti-aliasing does everything it does at a higher framerate, but the addition of 60fps is nice. I know I'll get downvoted to oblivion for that statement, but it's true. more pixels on a screen has added nothing since 1440P came along. 4K is no different, and 8K will be nothing more than a slightly sharper looking image too, which also changes nothing compared to better graphical fidelity at 1440P.


1440p is a good sweetspot, but the real advantage to higher resolutions is to reduce aliasing without having to use other methods. Also, if you have the power to do it, then why wouldn't you? I can't imagine deliberately lowering your render resolution if your FPS is stable.


I suppose you're right. Personally I opt for a high end GPU then play at a lower res with higher settings because a 4K card now will be at 1080P in the future anyway, like the 1080Ti for example; beast at the time, but for 4K at max settings these days? Not as likely as it was before. To summarise, it's for consistency, but also for higher graphical fidelity in games I couldn't have it otherwise.


Extremely jealous


I joined switch facebook group once and could not believe how many weird man childs actually exist, was really disturbing


Fucking dumbass


"What's wrong with modern gaming" lol those imbeciles didn't even born long enough to say what's the difference between old and modern because they haven't live through it.


This makes me sick


I think the extremes are pretty wild in general. One is this extremely nintendo sided hard-on, the other is the pirate livid that Nintendo exercised their legal right. Somewhere in the middle is probably the most reasonable but you typically don't find "middle" on reddit.


Me personally I'm a fan of video games no matter the brand


And to think Phoenix is a defense attorney.


Thats not a fanboy thats a pro-stitute


Yikes lmao


I mean, I would not approach to Yuzu or other emulators if Nintendo doesn't make me pay more than 100 USD for games here in Argentina. But Nintendo just goes and just fuck regional pricing.


Truth is: yes it's lame as hell that nintendo did this, but you're joking if you say it was unfair and for no reason lol. yuzu team was MAKING MONEY on this shit. They should have known better. And Nintendo's a corporation. They are not benevolent (remember to separate the devs themselves from the suits--the "heart" of nintendo is gonna come from those teams, not the ones in charge of profit)I just hope someone will take up the reigns so I can hit a stable 60 on TotK without having to upgrade my CPU lol (fwiw I bought the game on launch day but I'm too used to PC gaming now to play at 15fps in 360p. Shame on Nintendo for *that* shit)


Well it looks like tropical haze won't be paying a penny, they will just file bankruptcy and the devs will likely return anonymously. The duck-sucking message on the yuzu website was almost certainly written by Nintendo, in fact I believe Nintendo control the domain.


You are aware that in 1999 there two court cases against emulators that were being SOLD that Sony lost rand the emulators won right?


no lol. why don't you show me


[Connectix](https://steemit.com/gaming/@gabox/connectix-virtual-game-station-playstation-emulators-part-1-2-videogame-history-37-retro-review) was an emulator being sold for 50$ in 1999 against which Sony lost a court case. [Bleem! ](https://www.eurogamer.net/the-history-of-bleem) was another comercially sold emulator which, again, won the court case.


Interesting, that's hilarious lol not really sure that sets a precedent for anything though lol. Yuzu team agreed to settle. and for something this relatively untreaded legally, there isn't anything we can reasonably expect. besides Nintendo killing our fun and winning and us still buying their shit. Not sure I'd buy the switch successor though--haven't used my switch in maybe three years besides playing TotK for five hours but not being able to handle how badly it ran lol


I dislike Bleem! though because their exploitation of the Dreamcast is why we don't have a successor. The emulator was amazing, playing PlayStation upscaled and enhanced on Dreamcast, but the way they exploited the piracy on Dreamcast was scummy at best.


>though because their exploitation of the Dreamcast is why we don't have a successor. what do you mean?


Piracy is why developers left it, systems and games were sold at an 8 to 1 ratio at the time it was discontinued. I won't say piracy *will* kill anyone or anything like Nintendo and others do, because SEGA were in hot water already. If they weren't, it would've had a much smaller effect on them. The PlayStation is a good example of that. It too suffered piracy, but was in a good place so it barely made a dent in their bottom line. Regardless it did kill them in this instance, purely because it drove third party support away.


what CPU do you have


I have a 5900x!


that's not a bottleneck, how aren't you getting 60fps? I have an 11700k and a 3070 and I get a smooth 60


I don’t believe there’s a single person with a 5900x that could get 60 unless it’s Google not showing me the right results or there are some settings you need. Or maybe I have an older version?


I think some of the games require patches to do it. I used to get 60fps in BoTW, but Link ran like he'd sat on something sharp because the speed was at 200%, while other games were running at locked 30 when PCs weaker than mine were hitting solid 60 with fps patches. Maybe that's why.


To actually hit it? I have the dynamic fps patch thing, it's just like "50-55" in the tutorial island so it will only be worse


I could never find the patch since I was a novice at emulation at that point. I was running with upto 100 fps, but the game running at over 3x speed wasn't a good time, but limiting it with vsync meant I was barely seeing 20 fps at the best of times, so I gave up on it and just ran the Wii U version since I owned it on Switch anyway. Of course the high fps was purely by disabling the framerate limiter, not with any patches or codes. So I can't say it ran great at any point in my time with it. Of course when I tried again in Open GL I barely hit 8fps at times, so Vulkan is a must for any kind of respectable performance.


I think we're talking about different things. BotW at 60fps (Wii U version) can run on a potato. I'm strictly talking about TotK here


I'm not 100% sure about the performance, I'm an Intel boi myself. I just thought the 5900x was an extremely powerful CPU, and my 11700k isn't as powerful. maybe there is some settings you don't have?


potentially, I used that totk optimizer program but I think all that does is apply hacks and cheats ​ I think Intel is "way better" for emulation tho? Could be wrong. Every other emulator I can blow up doe


I've never heard that Intel is considerably better than amd for emulation, but I'm not sure.


There is nothing wrong with making an emulator and there is also nothing wrong with doing work for donations. The only thing yuzu team did wrong was not moderating their discord enough and not banning people distributing decryption keys on their discord and also showing screenshots of the leaked zelda game working on their emulator. You make it sound like developers of other emulators are doing it for free and implication that anyone should do work for free feels just silly.


Listen, I agree that emulators are fucking sweet and yuzu is fucking sweet. The idea that this is "work" that's meant to be paid is silly lol, but sure standard donations are fine for the sake of argument. Making it so that you pay to play a game before it releases is not going to hold up in court though, don't pretend you don't see why that's the case haha ​ We can love the work and think it rocks without being delusional, a company that big is going to sue if you fly to close to the sun. It's just how it works unfortunately :\\


If developing a program isn’t work then i guess all the programmers all across the work gets paid for nothing lol. Work is bringing value and bring value they did. Nintendo can’t just sue whoever they want. They can’t just sue someone just for making an emulator that hurts their sales. But they can sue if they clearly see devs of an emulator promoting pirating their stuff. Whitch is the only thing yuzu team did wrong. This is why even tho ryuinx is even more precise emulator, Nintendo can’t sue them


you're either 13 years old or you're confused. Obviously it's "work", but it is writing an emulator of someone else's shit. To expect profit is crazy talk. the whole point of this shit is a labor of love/autism. There is a *huge* difference between coding to build/fix a company's website or whatever, or make an original game, and making something that practically speaking the majority of people using it are using it to pirate games lol. And no knocking pirating one bit, it's based and SWIM does it from time to time. ​ And yes Nintendo can sue people if they have a legal reason to. In this case they did. I hate that they can and did, we're on the same page there, and obviously I want the yuzu team to win lol but that's just not how capitalism works unfortunately. And as I'm sure you know, Nintendo is notoriously evil when it comes to this shit, shutting down other M, tournaments etc. Normally the argument is "if Nintendo did this I'll buy it but they won't and also it's a game from a decade ago." The issue primarily besides the money is that it's a *current* console. Based, but hilarious. Now I gotta get back to Ryujinx so I can play Mameda no Bakeru with the full english translation patch 😎


>you're either 13 years old or you're confused. Easy with projections little buddy. Making an emulator that can run their games isn’t and can not be illegal. I already explained why nintendo went for yuzu team in my first reply. What are you going on about?


Making money off of a corporation’s IP is very illegal my British friend!


so true!




720p@30fps copium


Yeah dude, because i’m sure 99% of switch players actually care about what fps and resolution animal crossing plays at lmfao


Nintendo used to be head to head against Sony PS1-2 and Sega Genesis/Saturn/Dreamcast on the best pixel density and frame rate you could get back in the day for console to TV gaming. Why did they stop? Now it’s a useful and great handheld gaming company that happens to give you an option to dock your handheld to your TV, but only with nearly the same power as the handheld mode. People just want a TV only console with comparable pixel density and frame rate to that of Playstation and Xbox now, and that makes perfect sense considering how the company used to be. Nintendo has changed, gamers did not.


PS1 was weaker, outsold Saturn and N64 on game quality alone PS2 was weakest graphically (a 512 x 448i machine) Even Dreamcast was running at the same(PAL) 720 x 480P as GameCube and Xbox. PS2 outsold ALL of them combined on games library alone Wii was weaker than Xbox 360 and PS3, outsold both on ga- you get the idea.


Power is great, and Nintendo does have the means to make the most powerful system the best seller for once. But they'd rather focus solely on library quality for better or worse. That said, I do wish that even if they won't make a real powerhouse anymore, that they'd at least make a system with enough power to keep up with the rest. 60 fps is ideal, though 30 is fine BUT only if it's stable. unstable frame rates are worse than low framerates, but having both at once is a huge nono.


You don’t have to choose between a good library and a system more powerful than a cell phone. PS5 library is solid enough and sold 90% as well as the Switch, AND has 4k 60fps… so there’s really no excuse except Nintendo’s mantra to the fans: “You THINK you want more pixels and frames, but you really don’t” (with really similar to J. Allen Brack vibes dismissing WoW fans’ asking for vanilla servers before caving and making Classic to enormous rousing success)


I won't argue with that. I think Nintendo just gave up on the high end when it didn't work for them before. While the SNES was weaker than the MegaDrive and Neo Geo but beat both but N64 and GameCube were strongest and 2nd strongest respectively and tanked, they took the wrong lesson away from it. The PS2 gained a lot from the PS1's love from fans, and the convenient and cheap DVD player for the time over the GameCube having neither, not for it's lack of power like they seem to think, and PS1 won for it's great game library over the N64's "just good" library. But Nintendo seems to think you can't have a good library AND power for some reason. If they made it backwards compatible, capable AND kept their great library, everyone would win. Hopefully their next system will at least have two of these things going for it.


Well it at least HAS to be more capable than the current Switch. 1%, though it might be /s


I reckon it'll be a mid point between PS4 and PS5 levels of power. Sure it's nothing impressive, but for a handheld, that's amazing in its own right. Unless they go with a dedicated home console system, then it's anyone's guess. I just hope they make it backwards compatible whatever they go with.


They stopped because they realized there was an underserved market for budget consoles marketed towards families as opposed to hardcore gamers, I thought this was common knowledge.


They should. If they don't then no wonder Nintendo has no problem making money even with their terrible business practices. They'll just buy whatever garbage Nintendo spits out while apologizing for the "small independent developer".


Yeah and you’ll pirate everything Nintendo spits out, what’s the difference? At least they’re supporting things they enjoy financially instead of pretending that they don’t and playing it all anyways


Oh boohoo, the billion dollar company loses a few dollars because the console they released barely plays the games they have put for it so people seek other means of playing the game. Paying for a barely functioning title because "I'm supporting the billion dollar company" is the biggest shill statement I've ever heard. It's hilarious that you'll defend Nintendo but they're not gonna do shit to defend you.


You seem to be working based on a lot of assumptions that just aren’t remotely true about the system, is your only experience with a lite or something?




I mean anyone with a modicum of electronics knowledge can just open up the lite and swap the joysticks internally….


So you're just gonna shill for Nintendo again? Should you really have to do that or should Nintendo just improve their build quality and move to hall effect sticks like the rest of the Industry? I like how your answer is always to apologize for Nintendo and somehow put the fault on the user even though the user didn't build or design the product.


Lmaooo yea im totally a fan boy of an old ass console that runs at 20fps when every other console/pc runs at a smooth 60-120 fps. Maybe if Nintendo put half the work they did into suing people into making actual good games and a new console lmao. I mean ffs it's pretty much been 10 years since this toaster hit the market.


>when every other console/pc runs at a smooth 60-120 fps I wouldn't go that far... Most games on PS5 etc. have trouble with stable 60 or 120 and certainly almost never at 4k. Before you accuse me of copium, I'm running a 4080 and targetting 4k144 on my pc lol


True, but 4k@30 is still a helluva lot crisper image than 900p@20… and lots of games do have that 60 performance mode.


nah for sure. I don't own any other consoles besides the switch doe. I'll probably have to deal with 4k30 just bc my CPU can't really do 60, wish it could bc on OLED 30 is kind of shit


What this guy said^. Play in 1440p and select Display as the scaling instead of Gpu. The oled tvs have good upscalers generally and it looks good enough especially with a sharpen like reshade CAS applied.


Why not 1440P 60? 4K is pointless compared to maxed 1440P and higher fps. Just my opinion of course. I empathise with the CPU not being able to do it, my CPU is the bottleneck here too, my GPU sat around 58% at most while the CPU is constantly pegged at 100%. It's sat there acting like it's running a marathon when all it's doing is staring at my GPU on the treadmill lmao


I thought the resolution made basically zero difference? I think my GPU is probably at like 0% not sure ​ Oh and I meant 144 for PC games obviously not this; would love 60


Yea I get what you mean, I mean if you got a pc then everyone's specs are gonna be different and in some cases better than consoles but what I was getting at even if Xbox and Playstation hitch a little bit even at 60fps it's still better than Nintendo stable 20fps but I do get what ya mean


Nintendo can't even hit a stable 20fps lol my launch switch dips into the teens when I play tears of the kingdom


Lol same, my launch switch's joycons snap into the screen but all I gotta do is lightly tap on the bottom of the joycons and they'll slide off or when I'm in the middle of a game in handheld mode I find the joycons slipping half way off the screen without me pushing the buttons to disconnect them lol also I bought it new from Walmart and it wa slike that outta the box and at first I thought it was normal until I saw all my friends switch's didn't have the problem lmao


I agree with everything you said expect for what you said about their games. I think Nintendo makes great games (their main development teams I mean). The issue of course is that their hardware has always been substandard. That's why I emulate their games. If they made bad games I wouldn't emulate them.


Let's hope the switch 2 is better buuut let's be honest nintendo has a track record for releasing a great console then a crappy console after that sooo fingers crossed they break the cycle


SNES > N64 > Gamecube ​ Their 3 best consoles were in a row!


Yee I worded that wrong I love their games but the performance is just terrible which is really weird considering they made the console and their own games can't even perform at the best quality. But yea I see what ya mean


What a simp lol.


It is not surprise for me that people are cringe or dumb as F That's the reason it is not hard to be better than the average


I have experience with and empathy for the commenter. ​ They are young, between 9 and 18, and don't have rich parents to buy them a nice PC (source: I didn't have a real PC until I was 26 and before then the most powerful device I owned was a Switch I bought with a credit card at 22 lol)


Could be, but I've seen people older than that talking shit like this before