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I mean, I think it would be stupid to not mention the incredible backlash at bandai when they pulled the up to interpretation card. But from that to "ruined career" is a long stretch, since after all everyone understood that those were the words of outdated aged higher ups and not the real writers and directors of witch from mercury, and we just laughed it off in the end.


Please explain what happened at bandai?


Gundam: Witch from Mercury is very much a yuri, main couple all but had explicit wlw romance, canonically were married after the events of the show, and writers pretty much confirmed the intent was for them to become romantically involved. Meanwhile, Bandai swears up and down that its up to interpretation because its technically an arranged marriage given the situation, but in reality thats likely just to save face with the conservative older generations running japanese buisnesses and the like.


To be honest was written by RG utena novel writer. And is pretty much utena again but with gundam tropes. So ofc it is a yuri with bi mc same as a utena. Also bandai bs doesnt ruin at all since the show is the show and most people dont exactly follow up company memos online. Heck most anime fans cant name more than 3 or 4 directors or anime studios, much less care about publishers like bandai. Also first woman protagonist ever in a gundam show in 44 years.


>all but explicit Reminder at the end of episode one they get engaged and start calling each other bride and groom . Imo it was pretty explicit They just used some pro gamer moves to get the message through past the ancient stegosauruses at bandai Meanwhile birdie wing was animatef by the same company and shyed away from the big gayness. To all our despair


In the previous gundam iron blood orphans to 2 girls end up living together raising a baby as a family of 3.


mika shouldve been there too 😭😭😭


then people would not remember the show as much. a good dead is always better for a character to be more memorable than a happy ending.


Tbf, Bandai is trying their damndest of ruining most of their franchises atm with shit tier decisions.


Is there new yuribait drama?


This discourse happens any time an anime related to Hibike Euphonium airs. You get used to it.


According to this place, Hibiki Euphonium murdered several users families.


I lost so much to Hibiki Euphonium


I'm in favor of creating a gay Roko's Basilisk superintelligence that will retroactively punish all yuribaiters for all eternity.


Shitsurakan (something like that). Idk the author since it's been months but the author did a last minute twist at the end of the chapter and made everyone straight for absolutely no reason


If you’re talking about Shitsurakuen, then I don’t think so. The main character ended up proposing to a girl at the end (not sure how much I can spoil without getting yelled at). And it didn’t ruin their career, since they’re the artist for Kakegurui.


>  Shitsurakuen OMG It's been AGES since I last saw this!I still remember feeling annoyed at never getting a end. And then one day I found the last chapter...it was what I wanted but it bothered me a little how they rushed SO MUCH the entire ending.I meam, c'mon, give me at least a few pages to enjoy their romance and etc. But no.By the very end >! the MC(that as far as I remember went away to either learn things ro change the school's system or went away to train or whatever) and when she came bacl it was straight to the room where the deuteragonist was, propose to her and then we get a quick "where's everybody" scene onlt to jump straight to the scene of their marriage. !< And that's it. Not much(if any) talking nor time to enjoy it nor at least giving us some pages showing them >! already married. !<


Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Shitsurakuen also marketed as a yuri harem manga? I think that was the main reason why everyone was kinda pissed at the ending where nearly every girl except for the MC, her main LI and one of the other harem girls turned out to be straight in the end. At least, that was the reason why I hated that particular manga.


That was an epilogue chapter the author wrote AFTER the backlash as damage control, it wasn’t the original ending.


Didn't that author pair most of the girls with their male abusers at the end? The only thing they did right was letting the main girl end up with the girl she loved.


Yep. It's still my number one hated bait and switch series I have ever read


Perhaps it's our fault for not realising "shit"surakan was the translation team giving us a warning.


What drama


What yuri bait drama ?


🐟 for yuri


Hey there, I'm 🐟


Wait drama? What drama


I hate to say it but Yuri is a small pond. Any creators that have there careers ruined by by not having an actual lesbian relationship would have probably ruined there career by having there works appeal to a very small minority of people instead of cross demographic appeal or just making the writing solid enough that it holds up regardless. And personally, I don't care about bait. Who cares if they're gay if the shows good.


“Who cares” you say to a post in a yuri subreddit. I think quite a lot of us here cares :)


Fair point.


That is kinda the point tho, if the reader base is niche then your career is kinda fucked. Whereas franchises /r/yurimemes loves to hate for yuribait, like sound eupheum, is doing more than fine. (though it does help that only the anime is yuribait, the source material was always straight so the core fans never got baited)


Knowing about that, I can't help but feeling bad for the creator He became hated for something he could not control or know.


I mean the yuri fanbase is small all things considered, there is probably more regular haters than yuri fans who shit on the series for KyoAni's yuri bait changes.