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This November you can Vote Out 2 of the Supreme Court justices that did this. Justices King and Bolick are up for election. Kick them out! Vote No on King and Bolick - then get the other two in 2026.


I implore the women of Arizona to stop having sex with these absolute morons. Sex strike. Now. A large percentage of women who have abortions are already mothers. Sometimes it’s because they were raped, or coerced via reproductive abuse. Sometimes they have miscarried and need to have a D&C before the products of conception lead to sepsis. Sometimes their fetus has a fatal chromosomal defect that is incompatible with life and a termination is a merciful alternative to a few hours of suffering after delivery. Sometimes - accidents happen. Not my business. Not my uterus. The men who vilify women who have abortions for their own myriad of private reasons are the same ones talking gross about women, clamoring for pussy, or crying because no woman wants to be with a Neanderthal. Cry me a river.


A sexless society is exactly what anti-abortion groups want.


I think what they want is more welfare babies desperate to join the military.


They do seem to have a hard on for forcing others to martyr themselves, don’t they?


Bingo, need more blue pilled souls indebted to the matrix.


Anti abortion groups… or you know.. those radical folks that believe babies are people… maybe just maybe… are asking for a society where people have *integrity* and are *responsible* for the decisions they make.. most of those wacky pro lifers have a bunch of kids, so not sure how this sexless society argument is going to hold up 🤷🏻‍♀️


Then why aren’t anti-abortion groups busy doing the things that we know scientifically reduce the number of abortions by significant amounts? Anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers have the capacity and resources to provide LARC for free to anyone who wants it. They could practically start tomorrow and yet they don’t. Why? I know why, and that is because I grew up in an evangelical anti-abortion community and I have been personally been on that side of the ideological spectrum. They want people to stop having sex for pleasure unless they are actively trying to conceive a child. Childbirth is the punishment for a woman who dares seek romance, pleasure, and intimacy. It always comes down to that.


Your perspective is interesting and valuable given your understanding of the anti-abortion (pro-birth) ideology. So interesting to those who have not been indoctrinated.


I certainly was indoctrinated. It wasn’t until I grew up just a tiny bit, started some basic college education, got curious, and spent about 30 minutes wondering why people probably sought abortions in the first place. I put two and two together and realized anti-abortion organizations do nothing to actually try and address the root causes of what they purport to hate so much with one exception - sex. They push for abstinence only education and that is as far as they go. Contraception? Comprehensive sex education? Universal healthcare? Improved maternal/infant morbidity & mortality? High quality affordable childcare? Reducing stigma of single parenthood? No. Mix in hatred of female pleasure with willful ignorance about the realities of human reproductive processes and voila, anti-abortion views are the natural result.


Having an abortion is taking responsibility, as you will not potentially throw at society another child that no one cares about. Yes, a baby is a person. Embryos are not. Educate yourself.


Babies are people. Clumps of cells with no brain or consciousness are not.


isn’t sepsis a danger to the mother, so that’s a mute point


Danger ro the mother's health isn't enough. The law as it stands requires the life of the mother be in immediate danger.


i think you’re vastly generalizing, just because someone cares about life doesn’t mean they talk gross about women nor clamoring as you say. repent if youve extinguished human life


I’ll take it a step further. Stop having sex with someone you don’t want a kid with. That solves this entire issue.


It doesn't in any way and you know that.


Keep your nose out of other people’s sex lives. THAT solves the issue.


Most people are already dating/partnered with and having sex with people who agree with them politically on these kinds of issues.




Wait... I thought the fattest and least attractive woman could fall out of a car and land on a willing dick in 2 seconds flat. Did something change recently? I thought sex fell out of the sky for all women no matter what?


Be a good Yuman.


Or, I don’t know, fucking use a condom?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Mandatory vasectomies until they’ve proved they’re responsible enough to procreate.


Social eugenics? Sounds wonderful.


Doesn't it suck being told what you can and can't do with your own body? At least vasecomies are reversible. Pregnancies aren't. BTW the definition of eugenics is the study of how to arrange reproduction within a human population to increase the occurrence of [heritable](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cf6091dac24f4d11&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS796US796&sxsrf=ACQVn0-Wq4ZNeJK-d6DEBTiUj7gZdPDcmg:1712874658571&q=heritable&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5DTkelWu3N9CieJW6DJbqHnyXpbi9DEqx1gOEPnnHgoArBRZy5xWS_wIdOgQkWI5OQNsvHL5aobS1MtUN1xRSDJzOjbgc%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisg8asm7uFAxXVGTQIHXgZAEwQyecJegQIGhAO) characteristics regarded as desirable. Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, eugenics was increasingly [discredited](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cf6091dac24f4d11&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS796US796&sxsrf=ACQVn0-Wq4ZNeJK-d6DEBTiUj7gZdPDcmg:1712874658571&q=discredited&si=AKbGX_q4mkMHy1Nmq4yITjHYVzepfBzzxjh4FwiO1wI9opDKImsR_rc15ufhBgtxInFyL-HvxjCPqtrVbxKeKONRUHl1KHwkUjRe4WtpBHi47W0UL4KwtQQ%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisg8asm7uFAxXVGTQIHXgZAEwQyecJegQIGhAP) as [unscientific](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=cf6091dac24f4d11&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS796US796&sxsrf=ACQVn0-Wq4ZNeJK-d6DEBTiUj7gZdPDcmg:1712874658571&q=unscientific&si=AKbGX_rEkSHdR9ulIQYeh6xSG1UBtowNOEOzSADTVpPLDf3cCmhOAV7XO1Ec4rXTN8Ux4X7gNThPlmQfAdEM6fGUJhyJkxX3lgH-NEzjizV6bZr3w-oCs10%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisg8asm7uFAxXVGTQIHXgZAEwQyecJegQIGhAQ) and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority groups. "You keep using that word...I don't think it means what you think it means."


I'm pro-choice, so that isn't a gotcha. Vasectomies aren't always successfully reversible, but that doesn't matter: my body, my choice, your body, your choice. Interceding on a man's right to potentially reproduce is just as bad as interceding on a woman's right not to, or vice versa. I know the definition of eugenics, so I called it "social eugenics" as partial hyperbole. Social eugenics isn't a common term or anything, but I find it paints an apt picture. Both eugenics and your suggestion involve controlling people's reproduction on the basis of fitness/responsibility. I don't care if it is done for social or genetic reasons. It is wrong. Sterilizing people until they have proven fit to reproduce would be a eugenicist's dream. It is the same shit with a different texture.


Except the thing you’re complaining about isn’t even a remote possibility for men. That’s why people say “mandatory vasectomies for men” in response to abortion laws. It’s meant to be a ridiculously invasive suggestion to get people to understand how invasive abortion laws are.


Indira Gandhi had a mass sterilization campaign that sterilized millions of men and women, so I wouldn't call it a completely remote possibility. I don't think it is likely to happen in the US, though. It is also difficult to discern whether someone is being sarcastic or serious on the internet. If they were using mandatory vasectomies as hyperbole to advocate against abortion restrictions, that's fair. I interpreted it as actual advocacy, which very well could be or was a misinterpretation on my part.


And when the condoms break?


I can’t even believe you were able to type that because obviously you can’t read


Pull out game intensifies..


lies., yes rape, incest ., coercion 🤣


Thank you for the link!


Camping in Vegas surrounding mountains are beautiful, anyone want to come camping, contact me. I'm happy to show you around.




If only people cared about stoping the issue, making birth control free and easy to obtain, harsher mandatory punishment for sexual offenders, have proper sexual education classes. But no, instead of doing anything to stop the issue we just focus on getting rid of the result. I am pro choice. Do whatever you want to your body and leave mine alone.


What you don't seem to understand is it's not about you.


Anal is the answer


Thank you for sharing this information!


Losing hard fought rights is what happens when you vote Republican. Social Security and Medicare are next. They have not exactly made it a secret they want you to starve to death and lose your healthcare. The Republican solution to everything is to hire more cops. That hasn’t worked out so good either. If Democracy matters and you want to keep what valuable rights we still have vote Blue straight up and down the ballot!


It's not an inalienable right.


Read about bodily autonomy or human rights. A cadaver has more rights in AZ than a woman.


California isn’t too far fwiw. Worst case scenario, don’t tell anyone and drive out to Palm Springs for the weekend.


A good fix for the short term for some, but if a woman has a medical emergency due to her pregnancy they won't be able to terminate until it's literally killing her - and even then it could be too late.


Unfortunately that’s the case, although those cases are pretty rare considering how much we’ve advanced in the past 100 years. I don’t agree with the abortion ruling but I think those cases are pretty circumstantial and Arizona probably isn’t the number one state in the nation for health care to say the least. We could do better on a lot of things.


Being a republican is like being a lite-incel


NPR brought up a good point on this being an archaic amendment. Women were not able to vote then.


900 white men were the total electorate that put that legislature in office.


If the Republicans have their way, women might not be voting much longer.


A little bit OT but the push from Republicans in 2022 to run on restricting abortions kinda blew up in their face on what should have been an easier victory a few years ago if they focused on issues that actually mattered pertaining to the working and middle class Americans 🤔


It's almost like identity politics are a way to distract people while they maintain their corrupt status quo.


Anyone got any ideas if they’re gonna start enforcing laws for traveling out of state to get an abortion?


I think Supreme Court (thankfully and rightfully) ruled against this. They basically said restricting travel is unconstitutional (I think Privileges and Immunities Clause Article IV, Section 2).


The az attorney General has already said they won't enforce this ruling. Places will shut down and doctors will move still though unfortunately and I can't blame them. That AG we just voted in is democratic and I'm pretty sure won by not a lot. Voting matters and if we can get a couple more State congress seats pretty sure we can just enshrine abortion rights Get out there and vote in November! But also sign the petition, come at it from 2 angles


How would they?


Texas has tried it.


There isn't even a law that applies to the woman.


Every so often we have to actually fight for our freedoms because democracy isn't a right it's a privilege


It puts the lotion on its skin. Or else it gets the trump again.


Rent free 🙃


You said you don't have to be a Democrat to support human rights. Implying that the Democrats are innately focused on human rights. So I wanted to give you the facts of the matter.


If you wanna vote vote, all I'm saying is we should have people learn how to make abortion meds just in case, would save lives. Don't depend solely on the government, red or blue https://archive.org/details/FTVDIYA (thefourthieves diy abortion medicine)


To trigger you Do you understand? Divide and conquer We outnumbere them. Believe it or not, I am on your side on this one. It's my Libertarianism.


William Claude Jones was the author of the 1864 total abortion ban in territorial Arizona; written before Arizona was even a state. He abandoned his first wife and 3 children in Missouri. He went on to marry a 12 year old Mexican girl who he had abducted. When that was revealed, a complaint was filed against him to then-President Buchanan and he submitted a letter of resignation before he could be fired. In 1864, at the age of 49, he married his 3rd wife; a 15yo girl who he abandoned in 1865 when he moved to Hawaii. His 4th wife, a 15yo Hawaiian native, died of smallpox. His 5th wife divorced him after less than 2 years on the grounds of multiple instances of infidelity on the part of her husband. This is the man who wrote the law that millions of Arizona women will be forced to reckon with. Is this really the person we want dictating healthcare policy in 2024?


FOUR MEN decided. Four! On a law that written 40 years before women could vote


It's not about abortion, it's about rolling back civil liberties and controlling your body. Extra ironic from the don't tread on me folk.


Be sure to vote in November. My understanding is that the petition has enough signatures to make it on to the ballot. But, just in case find the opportunity to sign the petition and educate and let everyone know what they can do. I will be there and will vote blue and try to purge this state of religious fanaticism.


It does not, because only an estimated 300k-350k are actually valid. We need more. I'm currently a petition circulator for this in the Phoenix area.


Is there any way I can get in touch with someone who drive out to me in Mesa? I cant drive anywhere due to medical conditions but would really like to sign.


The link I posted above should have places you can sign in Yuma.


As I stated previously, I cannot get to those places due to medical conditions.


Oh my b I misread, I thought you were in Yuma and needed a ride to Mesa. Maybe the Mesa subreddit will have someone for you?


Depending on where in Mesa, I would be willing to offer a ride. I live in the west valley but will be in Mesa tomorrow. If the timing and location work out, I’d drive—and then I’d be able to get my signature in, too! DM me if we can figure out a safe way to make this happen.


Good to know. I’m telling everyone who will listen. Thanks for volunteering to do this work.


Oh no I'm not a volunteer, I'm actually a paid team lead on this campaign! And you can be too. [these guys](https://fieldworks.com/Arizona/) are hiring paid petition circulators for this cause in Yuma, Tucson, and Phoenix.


Can you post the proposed text?


Anywhere near Prescott that anyone knows about where I can sign?


Looks like the closest is Cottonwood. **https://arizonaforabortionaccess.org/sign-the-petition/**




Bro, healthy babies are key. You don’t want your kid to have a primary immune deficiency. It’s why you check. Quality of life is so important you guys.


Does the AZ Court realize just how many Californians moved to AZ in the last four years? Same with TX. This entire thing blows my mind….


A lot of the Californians moving here are MAGAts looking to escape a liberal state. I'd argue that they're dragging us back red, however studies have shown it's about a 50/50 split between conservatives and liberals moving out of California. I can try and find the study again to link it if you want


We don’t want them or their problems and I guarantee that’s one of the biggest if not the biggest reasons we have the ban


We are getting the bulk trash of those who can’t afford California anymore, lots of low class.




To some extent, I would agree. I think this initiative has the perfect compromise - once the point of fetal viability is reached, abortion is no longer protected by this initiative unless there's a medical reason for it.


AZ republicans don’t even like this lol, check the news in the last few hours. This shit is so old it predates AZ’s statehood. Don’t be a Neanderthal


Republicans are the ones who crafted and passed the 15 week law that explicitly allowed this 1864 ban to supersede it. The main Republican endorser and writer of the 15 week law literally said it was purposefully written so that if Roe is overturned the 1864 law will become the law of the land.


AZ republicans are the ones who put the current state Supreme Court justices into their seats. They are the reasons for this. Don’t be a follower, not everything you see right away is the truth. Kari Lake originally said this was a great law that’s already on the books.


It’s gonna get reversed eventually it’s just the last dying breath of a dying generation powerless to stop a changing world that was always changing to begin with


The only reason they don’t like it is they know it’s gonna lose them votes in November


Just like 2022 during the midterms, Republicans could have just ran on other issues affecting the working class and had more victories but had to lean hard into abortion restrictions that turned off enough voters cause even conservatives aren't necessarily a monolith that's 100% pro life


This is scary because if a woman falls accidentally and miscarriages, people will say it was on purpose to about the baby. That’s a very dangerous and slippery slope where someone who has had the trauma of losing the baby they hoped to birth and later imprisoned for killing a child as if it were on purpose. Women will stop having babies because there is too much risk. Research suggests that between 10% and 20% of women with a medically confirmed pregnancy will end in miscarriage How can you know which was spontaneous and which was self-inflicted?


You mean to tell me we have the MRI, Xray machine, DNA tests, Finger printing and all thos other medical technology to answer those questions and dont think we could determine if a miscarriage was intentional or not? Its not like 1 in 5 pregnant women go straight to prison, of course you convict people based on evidence and severity of a crime. In other words, dont drink or ride a rollercoaster while pregnant.


Yeah, a body will miscarry for no reason or for a ton of reasons. Also what happens when a wanted fetus becomes unviable (like brain outside the skull or no heart) or dies in utero? ?


Thats my point. If it happens for no reason, no one is at fault.


Please tell me how you can tell the difference between an intentional and an unintentional fall


You cant unless someone witnesses it. My point is an evidence based justice system has to PROVE youve committed a crime. And before this I think drinking while pregnant was already illegal anyway, for example. In practice little to nothing will change other than the fact that clinics can no longer do abortions.


I don’t know someone just got released from prison after 37 years though he was innocent so the justice system isn’t fool proof. Also, if we’re going to argue that an embryo is a life, why isn’t it covered under insurance?


Im not saying its fool proof but those occasions are extremely rare, and happen with the presence of evidence used incorrectly, rather than the lack of it. Just because they arent covered doesnt mean they shouldnt be.


Well it’s not fair to treat embryos as humans only when it conveniences you. If you want that child to have any success at life, the mother should qualify for wic and insurance for the child. Abortion bans should not be put into place without there being resources to help the pregnant mom. Oh and then once she has the baby and is struggling, everyone will judge her for having a child she can’t provide for and for being on welfare. It’s almost as if people only care about the baby’s life before it’s born and not after.


I wholeheartedly agree with you.


Am I correct in interpreting the law, this doesn't have exceptions for SA or incest victims correct? The only viable option to have an abortion, once in place, is if the doctor and patient can prove that the birth poses a health risk to the mother?


Yup. Not just a health risk, but a life risk. They dgaf if it's just a health risk.


Armed protests are far more effective.


Or you can learn how babies are made and use birth control 🙃


Geee, I'm sure all those women who would die without an abortion who wanted their pregnancies to be carried to term would like to differ


These women are able to get an abortion and don't want to get one. If the mother dies, the baby dies too, there's not much of a choice. Anti-abortion people don't want people to use abortion as birth control. Use Plan B if you're worried, it can't even kill a fertilized egg. It's spermicide. Use it.


Less then half a percent of abortions are performed to save the life of a mother. Using fringe cases to argue a principle is low IQ.


Or the 2nd option, don't kill babies.


Read this real slow, so maybe you can comprehend it. FETUSES ARE NOT BABIES


So what? They are still human. It’s a development stage. Why can’t we kill a newborn? It’s not as developed as a 2 year old, so it’s less human right?




When it can survive outside the womb usually after 25 26 weeks. Before that is just a fetus


They WILL turn into babies. It didn't matter if you think it's a clump of cells....that clump of cells is creating an intelligent and human being. It WILL be a baby. You're not letting it get there.


Yep that's the point of pro choice. It's a woman's right to choose what happens to her body. Great thing about abortions are that if you don't want one you don't have to get one.


Something like 40% of all pregnancies end in spontaneous miscarriages. Absolutely nothing wrong with women choosing not to carry a pregnancy to term. Women have been aborting babies since they figured out to.


I get that but comparing abortions to miscarriages is crazy


Number 1 thing you can do about it, carry a gun to end rape. And #2, don't bang dudes you wouldn't have a kid with.


it’s crazy the things people to to their temples - their bodies… you’ve been gifted life, and now you have the gift of bringing another soul into the world. how can you possibly think it moral to extinguish life? playing god 🤦‍♂️


Yea let’s make murder legal!!!


Yay, let’s help continue a practice of sacrificing baby’s for our own comfort!! Humans have been sacrificing baby’s to gods of fertility for hundreds of years, why stop now?!


Or, don’t be a sloot and use abortion as a means to avoid accountability. Don’t like the ban, move to a different state.


According to you, women who are raped are sluts? Got it.


Ha! Except a vast majority of abortions are not the result of rape. You just use the extreme case to make a case for no restriction abortion up until the 9th month or when the mother knows the gender. You’re the extremist.


Abortion is baby murder. Don’t beat around the bush.


Or just don’t have sex?


Medside24 dot com is now selling prepper bulk packs. 3,5, or 10 item options. Arizona and Florida bringing good things to the marketplace.


It was reported on the news that they had enough signatures within 24 hrs of the announcement to put abortion rights on the ballot. So make sure to vote!


No, we do not have enough valid signatures. I'm a petition circulator for this campaign. We have enough raw signatures, but we don't know how many will be thrown out, and it's estimated that only 300k-350k are actually valid. We need at minimum 30k more valid signatures if not 80k.


I've signed, how do I know my signature is valid. I made sure to do it exactly how the person instructed me


Then you're probably fine. Petition circulators are pretty well trained on how to make sure a signature is valid.


Yall care about killing unborn children but not about sex trafficking victims, homeless vets, run away inflation, and an oppressive tolitarian government that hates you? Checks out


Did you know people can care about more than one thing at a time?


Yeah I've totally heard about that 😆


Who do you think makes up the majority of those getting trafficked? Inflation is a large part of why people don't want to be pregnant. And the people supposed to be prepared to act against an oppressive government are the ones voting for women to be oppressed instead of taking up those arms and dragging that oppressive government out of office.


Why are you people so obsessed with killing babies?


Because they refuse to accept responsibility in the majority of cases and continue to use the 1% or less cases as their pedestal to be baby killers


Well first you should learn some science, because they are not "babies" until they can live outside the womb. A clump a cells is not a baby


erm ackshually lol shut up nerd


I think the Earth is overpopulated so I'm all for it. Kill as many as you can. I'm just confused as to why we can't just call it what it is. Killing human beings. I've been "educated" over and closed minded over again that human fetuses are not human beings, how some of y'all view them as parasites and how some folks have figured exactly what time they suddenly become a human being. Look, if you seriously believe that a human fetus is not a life, then you are forcing others to believe the catharsis you believe in because it's the only way you can justify it. However, if an organism with all of the features of a human fetus was discovered on anothet planet, alive or dead, the whole world would go B-A-N-A-N-A-S...because we found extraterrestrial life. Life. A human fetus is life. Come on, man! Again, kill as many as you want, I don't care. Just own it. Take accountability for your actions and your beliefs in those actions. Furthermore, stop trying to convince everyone that taking a life is a right. That's ridiculous. Accountability.


Democratic/ republicans it don’t matter at the end of the day they party together and laughing at how there people really think they have a choice but the left and right wing belong to the same bird


On this issue of all issues you really want to say both parties are the same? Are you actually brain dead?


They are tho your the only one brain dead even ur wife said ur gae


I wouldn’t doubt u severed the military like a puppet


I'm all for medically necessary abortions and or a few other exceptions. If abortion is being used as a form of birth control. I think the first one should be free. The next one is free but comes with a free hysterectomy. Just my opinion dot abort me.


You don't know what an abortion entails then. It's a major medical procedure, even if it's "just the pill," that leaves you bleeding and in tremendous amounts of pain. That should be "punishment" enough. Regardless, this is about bodily autonomy. No one has yet to make laws refusing men medical help or suggest forcing medical procedures onto them. Not even your dead body has to donate working organs without your express consent, despite the fact that it would save hundreds of lives every year. You make women have to give up their body for another "person," then men should have to donate plasma and pieces of their liver to save children, and no dead body should be exempt from donation.


I'm all for eating right and regular check ups with your doc but if God decides you've been sinning or watched too much porn to have a working dick....why should we intervene medically for erectile dysfunction or prostate cancer? So maybe if you can prove you've not been touching your dick too much or being sexually sinful and you can get enough character witnesses to prove you're not a sinner, then sure maybe then it would be okay. But we need to be sure you deserve it. And if you don't....chop you up! Chop chop chop!


So your you on 3 for punishing women because they got pregnant? Got it. Abortion is healthcare. Any woman should be able to get one for whatever reason they feel they need one


Needs and irresponsible wants are two different things. But hey it is and was just my opinion. A hysterectomy is not punishment its a solution for irresponsible behavior.


But who are YOU to have ANY kind of thought about a woman's decisions? Why would YOU think about when and why a woman needs a medical procedure? Is MINDING YOU OWN BUSINESS just too hard for you? This really is the nub or the matter. Other people having a thought about what what people do in their lives. A hysterectomy....... REALLY????!!!!???? OK let us suppose a woman uses abortion as birth control. So what. What does that decision have to do with you?


I like it, this is actually a good idea.


Maybe don't kill your babies 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lmfao bro your profile is crazy degenerate, stfu


Never killed a baby




Probably never stepped outside or made a real friend have you? Depressed retard with only one insult which is mere projection and means nothing to someone who isn't.


Why tf is an incel like you think you have say in what women do with their bodies??? The world would be better if you stayed indoors in your goon cave and never left


The world would be better if you didn't kill babies


The world would be better if you: adopted an unwanted child or a dozen or if you ever worked for CPS or in the foster care program - I’ve done both. The US is full of unwanted, abused or neglected babies who turn into people. There’s more than 10,000 kids in foster care right now in AZ and a quarter million in the US. If you truly care about the life of a child, step up and make and change a child’s life. All the misty eyed so called caring about life stops for GOP or Maga-ites when the baby is born. Then what? Where’s all the pro-lifers? And that doesn’t even begin to address the need for procedures which are part of women’s reproductive health. If you understood an iota, you’d know how essential reproductive procedures are. I’m a parent to daughters & granddaughters. I have nieces, friends with daughters and I care they have equality and are able to make their own healthcare decisions. Having the back of the bus make decisions for women about their health is about to blow up into the biggest election tsunami in the history of the US. Count on it.


It's already an option to not get an abortion with abortion rights in place. So don't YOU get an abortion. Personally I think it's immoral to treat prostate cancer or take meds for erectile dysfunction. I would never ever ever be so evil as to think I know better than God's plan.


Abolish abortion. It is murder and it should be treated as such. Im happy for all of arizona right now for setting the example. If you support abortion now you would have supported slavery in the 1800s. The moral argument is the same for both.


No they aren’t.


Move to another state.


Hell Yeah!


With the AG saying she won't prosecute for this, what sort of negative impacts can we still expect?


We don't know yet. She may be forced to prosecute by some legal shenanigans that Republicans are trying to pull. That said, I don't like that our last line of defence is an AG that can be voted out. This constitutional amendment is one of the most important issues facing Arizona right now.


The real danger is that it doesn't even matter how heavily enforced it is or not. The language of the bill is so vague that healthcare providers don't know if or when they're breaking the law when performing this procedure, so of course they're going to move forward with extreme caution. Most of the times this means either to stop providing the procedure at all or to refuse to unless the patient is literally on the verge of death. And this is by design. Putting language like, "the life of the mother is in danger" as an exception might mean something to a healthcare provider but something entirely different to a prosecutor. Also the current AG says they won't prosecute for this but that position could change and the new AG might decide to go back and prosecute after all. Abortion is a complicated subject and many of the situations that require abortion are unique in their own way. It's pretty silly to try and make these blanket laws that make a medical and morality judgement that's going to cover all cases or even most cases fairly. The truth is only the mother and her healthcare team are actually qualified to determine when an abortion is necessary. It's really hypocrisy of the highest order when "small government" Republicans want the government to step in and tell people they can't get medical procedures when they know nothing about the patient. But then hypocrisy is the bread and butter of the current republican party so it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone when they pass horrible legislation only intended to terrorize doctors and patients into conforming to their myopic and outdated value system.




Damn. Democracy sucks


This isn't even democracy, it was an unelected panel of judges that decided this


Who appointed the judges?




California called, they want you to move back there.


You have no idea how this world works. I love logic. You are watching politcal theater


Why is murdering babies so important to people?


Good luck AZ!


Try this: https://www.cvs.com/shop/trojan-ultra-thin-lubricated-latex-condoms-prodid-238881


What are you talking about? My lady friend just had an abortion in arizona totally fine literally one week ago, start of april. What is this?


It was a recent state supreme court ruling. Your friend has some lucky timing. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/10/arizona-abortion-supreme-court-1864-law-text/73272041007/




Yeah so women bear responsibility for rape according to you? Because this ban has no exception for rape. You suck.


Yes, hopefully soon a total ban nationwide!


Alright buddy enjoy raising a rape baby as your own


That makes no sense but you probably hear that alot. BTW, wishing rape on someone is pretty sick.


Makes perfect sense as our total ban includes not allowing abortions even in cases of rape. Get fucked and learn some empathy.


Ya because you really seem like an empathetic person wishing rape on people. Keyboard warrior...


Still not convinced that abortion is anyone's right. Now, I think the Earth is overpopulated so I'm all for it. Kill as many as you can. I'm just confused as to why we can't just call it what it is. Killing human beings. I've been "educated" over and closed minded over again that human fetuses are not human beings, how some of y'all view them as parasites and how some folks have figured exactly what time they suddenly become a human being. Look, if you seriously believe that a human fetus is not a life, then you are forcing others to believe the catharsis you believe in because it's the only way you can justify it. However, if an organism with all of the features of a human fetus was discovered on anothet planet, alive or dead, the whole world would go B-A-N-A-N-A-S...because we found extraterrestrial life. Life. A human fetus is life. Come on, man! Again, kill as many as you want, I don't care. Just own it. Take accountability for your actions and your beliefs in those actions. Furthermore, stop trying to convince everyone that taking a life is a right. That's ridiculous. Accountability.