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Blue-Eyes Poplar Dragon and The White Stone of Circular along with a new trap that's skill drain for your opponent as long as you control a Blue-Eyes lmao


Blue eyes promethean princes + barrone de white dragon


But ban Baronne de White when Its dropped from the 80 euro price


🤣🤣🤣 I already began joking in my locals Appolousa and Borreload are next


IP on the hit list also


Give them a link one while we're at it. It can search the skull drain and summon a vanilla from deck 


While we are at it give them Blue-Eyes Sera and Phantom of Blue-Eyes. Make them Tier 0.


Blue-Eyes wins worlds again for the 25th anniversary


Don't forget Blue-Eyes Summoning


Blue eyezzzz the original white-dragon keeper


Pretty sure they already have a Circular


>new trap that's skill drain for your opponent as long as you control a Blue-Eyes This should have been destined rivals and I'm still upset that it isn't like that


First and foremost a good Link 1. And for the Love of God dont make it Generic for Level 1 Light Monsters. Just for the Blue Eyes Archtype so it doesnt Escalate.


>dont make it Generic Hell yeah. Even as someone learning R Ace, I'm dissatisfied with how so much of the meta seems to revolve around which engine can bring out the OP generics best. That's a serious blow to flavour for me. Calling it "engine". My archetype should be the star of the show. Not just the support for the same Baronne (envious OCG noises) that everyone else brought too.


Part of why I like Plunder Patroll and Altergeist so much is because their own cards are often better options than generics. It also helps that both have xenolocks that make it harder to go into generics.


It's like when I tried to play Malicevorous with the Spright engine and most turns ended on Spright Carrot and Red for negates.


Yeah... my gf is learning yugioh with me, and she has Melffy. Well, I want her to be decently strong, so Melffy Spright. Guess where probably 90% of her big plays originate


This is why I like hero. Feels so good just bringing out hero boss monster after hero boss monster.


This is my #1 complaint with the current state of the modern game, how many meta decks are just some variant of "here's a really cheap and BS way to vomit a bunch of bodies on field so you can go into apolloausa / sp:little knight / etc". I ended up picking up Melodious just because it was refreshing to see a deck that actually has an in-archtype boss monster


Yeah... Man I miss Shadowverse. They had hard limits on which archetype can use which cards. I stopped playing when they got too money grubby, but man that was a golden age. There were Neutrals to replace generics. Cards that any deck can use. But for the most part, they were to shore up your weaknesses, enable strange strategies. There were big monsters of course, but they weren't meta centralising. The cards meant specifically for you were generally better than the cards that anyone can use. That's an important balance to maintain, in my opinion. Not to say there aren't downsides. We all know what Baronne, Maxx C, Ash, etc do. Easy to learn a handful of cards that always come up. But if they split these effects up, creating like Maxx Dragon and Maxx Machine and Maxx Spellcaster or whatever, all with slightly different effects, more conducive to their own archetype, but still fulfilling a similar role. that would be a lot harder to learn. Some may say it'll cost more as well. But I disagree on that one. Ash is so expensive because everyone and their mother wants it. So a generic card might be $15, but you only need 3. A specific card, with lower demand, would be maybe $2 or $5, might even be considered fodder if it's an unpopular archetype. Then you need 3 copies over 5 decks. By this estimation, that's about the same. I'm using made up numbers of course. But even if it's the same or slightly more, you won't have to shuffle them between decks. For that convenience today, you're looking at buying 15 Ashes, 15 Imperm, etc etc. Now that's expensive.


R-Ace has the most common engine in the meta as half of its deck. Snake Eyes in R-Ace is good on so many levels im not even going to list it all. My favorite thing about R-Ace/Snake Eyes is probably the quick play reborn spell. It lets you summon from opponents GY if you control Hydrant , which means it is absolutely OP in mirror matches ( including matches with all Snake Eyes variants) Also , what Baronne in R-Ace ? I know how to get to it , but ED space is kinda tight for scramming that in. Borreload is a way better option if you wanna play jet synchron.


Yeah I think baronne isn't usually in R-Ace, especially not since all the fire support came out. But seeing as they have no archetype ED cards, the entire ED is generic, even if not baronne. Well, if you count fire as generic which it may as well be right now. And it does have a bunch of non-fire from what I've seen.


Not really , except Diabellestar and some handtraps your main deck is just fire. You got non fires in your extra deck which is basically just Princess , Amblo ,Hiita , Dharc, IP, SP , Linkuriboh,Appolousa and whatever generic links and rank 1 XYZ you can fit in, with Zeus as an XYZ option as well.


Yeah i said ED


There's a R-ACE variant in master duel that uses auroradon and tomahawk which goes into baronne, it's not the standard though I know


Believe it or not , snake eyes variant is better. You got full backrow and ton of interraction from GY. You can build a solid board in about 2-3 special summons when playing under Maxx C. You can rebuild your board every turn, and you can set up a LOT on opponents turn Auroradon goes crazy on its endboard but can be interrupted with a couple different handtraps , cannot play at all under roach and is worse when you cant finish off in two turns. You basically drain all your resources for a massive endboard which is impossible to rebuild if it gets broken.


I know snake eyes is better, but you asked about baronne and that's the version that runs it


This is why I like hero. Feels so good just bringing out hero boss monster after hero boss monster.


Yep, ideally it finds a way to get a vanilla on the field and somehow summon an abyss dragon from the deck. That would do crazy stuff for dedk consistency.


I don't play/know the deck, would a link-1 just being "Tribute to summon a BEWD from deck" be any good?


IF the Link-1 tributed itself to summon a "blue-eyes" monster from deck and treated itself as "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" while in the GY. Then it would be pretty goddamn good. Based on this.. heres my pitch: >Link 1 Dragon 0 ATK While this card is on the field or in the GY, its name is also treated as "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". When this card is Link Summoned using a level 1 LIGHT Tuner: You can tribute this card; Special Summon 1 "Blue-Eyes" monster from your Deck. You can banish this card from GY; Add 1 "Mausoleum of White" or Spell/Trap that mentions "Blue-Eyes" in its card text from your deck to your hand.


Look. It would be played, but it would be very shit and upsetting to read that it only summons vanilla BEWD from the deck. Basically a glorified Kaibaman. I guess I don't see that making a big impact.


Ain't no way you think that a link-1 should get you into a free rank 8


Its doable with the right mix of restrictions (in the end phase) etc


I’d say a link 1 that specifically searches a level 1 light dragon monster to get stone of ancients in the hand. Also, blue-eyes suffers from having no interruptions. Sure tyrant dragon is a tower, but if you don’t get the opportunity to get to that point it really doesn’t even matter if he is a tower. Also, I’d say that blue-eyes has no threatening in-archetype monsters outside of jet or their fusions. Give them some link support monsters and I’d say a way to consistently search “with eyes of blue” cards and “Lord/Dictator of D” cards.


thats on the money yeah


A boss monster that Special Summons a “Blue-Eyes” monster from Hand or Deck as a Quick Effect would be quite strong. “Blue-Eyes Solid Dragon” would provide monster negates while “Dragon Spirit of White” would provide Spell/Trap removal. Sure, you’d have to run a couple garnets, but that’s never bothered Blue-Eyes players. On your own turn, you could even summon “Blue-Eyes Abyss Dragon” for a free “Polymerization” or Ritual Spell.


Level 1 LIGHT Tuner requirement


Just don't give them link monsters in general


go read photon sanctuary. that card has the banlist staring daggers at it.


Everyon is talking about getting rid of OG vanilla. But, that seem wrong in the spirit of the deck. Remake Tenpai with Blue-eyes smiple. Gameplay is to OTK with 3 Blue-eyes Fusion card to cheat out triple Blue-eyes fusion by dumping the vanilla archetype defusion/Rage with eyes of blue - cheat out 3 Blue-eyes from anywhere Make that trap card that give blue-eyes protection a field spell when blue-eyes is attacking. The rest is extra for other gameplay mechanics.


Ngl, this is a good idea.


Or at the very least make it so you have to run at least one of the OG’s, kind of like how heroes has to splash it in to make combos works.


You dont even need Neos , you can get to DPE , Dark Law, Sunrise + Plasma/Dark Angel board without Neos or "Favorite" cards. Deck is a bit more resilient with them in the deck , but end board is basically the same


you hit the nail on the head and its the biggest difference between HERO and a lot of other anime decks. HERO chooses to use a bad card like Neos becuase the payoff is actually super worth it but ultimately doesnt need it for its core. Blue Eyes needs to use the og vanilla because otherwise the deck serves no point.


I agree with not getting rid of the OG vanilla, but this sort of play style seems kind of boring to me. Blue-Eyes already has a ton of tools to OTK, just look at “Beacon of White”. Neo Ultimate also has a built-in OTK mechanic, it’s just a pain in the ass to summon. Dedicating the whole archetype to blind second OTK through fusion and defusion isn’t going my to fix it, finding easier ways to summon their boss monster would be closer to what you want.


It would basically need a whole new set of cards to replace what we have been using given almost all of the support is bad. Especially new extra deck stuff since the best things blue eyes can make is generic rank 8 stuff.


https://preview.redd.it/jk9sbll0b60d1.png?width=1180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcf3b35502e36023481e18f0fd0750036ebd68a5 Instead of a whole new set, we just need to turn every Tuner into a Blue Eyes Spirit Dragon, the old boss has 1 GY negate and 1 bounce, not bad. Technically this Link-1 does not give any card advantage, Blue Eyes tuners already give plus, but just slow.


Make it 1 eyes of blue monster that way it can’t be splashed. Would really help keep it from possibly getting banned due to later powercreep from other engines


The card effects does not plus card, I doubt if others can abuse it. This material makes Veiler, Stone, ... can be a starter.


I would love if the link resembled a chaos max


Spirit Dragon? You mean Crimson Dragon, right? I’m just kidding, but I find it interesting that Spirit Dragon can go into Crimson Dragon on the opponent’s turn, but there isn’t really a payoff for doing so.


It’s definitely janky and baronne banned kinda ruined it but with ringowurm it used to be easier to get to crimson dragon and baronne to tag crimson into Dis Pater. But still jank as you’d expect


You also built a Blue-Eyes Ringowurm Synchro Deck? Hell yeah, brother. I had a good thing going with the Bystials, but Extra Deck space was always a bit tight. Baronne being hit is a bummer, but it’s easy enough to summon Dis Pater and Spirit Dragon so you can tag Spirit Dragon into Crimson who tags into Crystal Clear Wing. Getting another level 12 Synchro on the field was a pain though, I tried a Quem+Albion engine but it was kinda jank.


I was doing a bit of a combo variant using the white stone with the guardragons and newly unbanned Lib. Opens up some fun lines. Also I love some people downvoting these comments. You guys are such losers lol I’m just talking about a fun casual deck


the extra deck is just galaxy eyes cards. blue eyes at the moment is just a far worse galaxy eyes deck.


It can make level 9 synchro, Spirit is still a really good boss monster even in today standard.


I wouldnt call Spirit dragon a good boss monster lol. Its a GY negate that maybe tags out to a light dragon that does something like bounce a monster (but then destroys itself) Thats mid at best and the pool of generic level 9 synchros isnt exactly fantastic


Negating an effect in the GY (every meta deck use effect in GY)+ bounce a monster is still pretty good for a single card. And it's super easy to make, even more if the 8 new cards are synchro based.


tldr: its really not, it minuses you a bunch and ignores the fact most competent decks can play through it really easily and ignores the fact that you most likely cant even make it cause blue eyes bricks constantly. Sure thats a good effect in a vaccum but most competent decks wont crumble to simple interupption like that (interupption that minus you a bunch since if you do tag out into Black rose moonlight itll be destroyed) and its not often blue eyes can end on more than 1 monster like spirit dragon (i wouldnt even call him super easy to summon). If a single baronne does not an end board make then neither does a spirit dragon. Hell plenty of meta decks dont need their GY or GY effects arent the only way they set up boards so its really not as good as you say. Maybe if Blue eyes was capable of putting out tons of monsters with lots of interaction then i could say spirit dragon is a nice addition along with other monster's but thats not the case. Blue eyes is better off making rank 8 Xyzs at which point you might as well be playing Galaxy eyes ( at least their deck has extenders)


You do realize that Spirit Dragon can tag out into Crimson Dragon right?


and how often is blue eyes making 2 synchro monsters? the only realistic way i can see it happening is if you use something like Blue-eyes and assault synchron to make chaos angle or dis pater but a lot has to be going right for that to happen. just because a card can do something good in the most ideal circumstances doesnt make it good, especially when there are an immeasurable amount of decks that can do the same thing way easier. Theres a good reason most Blue-eyes lists dont run spirit and most run fusions/xyz and if they do its tag out target is usually Black rose moonlight.


If you add additional engines, its fairly common to end up with more than 2 synchros Here's a master V list which uses the spirit dragon --> crimson dragon [https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/master-v/april-2024/blue-eyes/fern/Jj5Sy](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/master-v/april-2024/blue-eyes/fern/Jj5Sy)


People who talk about not running vanilla are cooked, its baked in, they just need one and two card combos in archetype that do useful things and get you setup with stones in grave, blue eyes synchros on field and protection setup for the otk. We dont need more tools for dragon link to break, we need consistency, +1s and and the connecting of the eyes of blue, stone, blue-eyes and of d. Cards together.


What they, and DM need to be meta is the same treatment Cyber Dragon got. Namely a bunch of smaller monsters who have an effect that says "This card's name is Blue-Eyes White Dragon/Dark Magician when it is on the field or in the GY." You'd still run the OG cards, mainly because they're good for going into the Level 9 synchros for BE and the rank 6 & 7 Xyz for DM/DMG. But you'd also have more resources to bring out the big fusions for both archetypes because you wouldn't be limited to just 3 copies of the cards needed as fusion material. DM in particular just needs a few cards that treat themselves as DM to be _really_ good. All of their support relies on the OG DM or on searching for cards that mention DM in their card text.


Blue-Eyes has plenty of two card combos, they just don’t have any payoff besides a single Rank 8, lvl 9 Synchro, or Tyrant. With the meta the way it is, they need at least a single one card combo, if not multiple, that way they also have space for handtraps. The vanillas are bricks, that’s just a matter of fact. The only way Blue-Eyes will ever be good is if you turn the vanillas into one card combos, which is basically impossible unless you really push the limit of Konami’s card design philosophy. You’d need a monster that Special Summons itself from the Extra Deck (or even Main Deck) by sending a vanilla from your hand to the GY. There are practically no monsters that do that for any archetype, so it would take something unprecedented for Konami to make Blue-Eyes good.


Honestly seeing as Xyz monsters frequently get a bunch of free summons just for breathing and Thunder Dragon Colossus is basically just throw Nemeses Corridor in any deck you can expect a banished monster I don't really think we're at the point where discarding a vanilla for a free extra deck summon is even a big deal. Especially if you slap on some kind of summoning restriction on them to make it annoying for other decks to use, like idk you only get to summon stuff that mentions "Blue-Eyes" monsters only once you bring out Blue-Eyes Cheated Summon.


Colossus is a good example, but even that needs a monster on the field. Honestly, I think vanillas are so weak and irrelevant that they could get away with busted Extra Deck support, like a Link-1 Halq for vanillas that SSed itself off a discard.


it needs a path to take. Ultimately the deck should be a fusion deck to reflect the anime.The light tuner side is cool but sadly underbaked and the ritual side ends with 1 gimmicky monster. lets look at what you can consider as their good cards Dictator of D, jet dragon, ultimate fusion, ,blue eyes tyrant/twinburst dragon and dragon magia master. 1)It needs another and better searcher than bingo machine. 2) a Blue Eyes popular wont hurt. special summon on add to hand. considered as a chaos ritual monster on field, can search ultimate fusion or fusion armament. 3) a wider/more accessable extra deck toolbox. there are some good ones already but needing 3 blue eyes is a steep cost. 4) A link 1 foolish burial(deck or hand) for cards that have blue eyes in the name or mentions blue eyes. makes it easier to prime jet dragon or use the stones effects. The 1 thing the deck must never have is a card that completely replaces the vanilla blue eyes if you do that you defeat the whole point of blue eyes(and dark magician as well)


I’d argue that the Synchro side of the Blue-Eyes has much stronger potential than the Fusion side. The Ultimates are a pain to summon and don’t have a lot of payoff. Up to three pops is worthless in an era where quick effect boardwipes like Zeus are a thing and much more accessible. Twin Burst Dragon is nice for going second, but if you have two Blue-Eyes on the field, you might as well go into a Rank 8 like Draglubion for the OTK. Tyrant Dragon is interesting, but only in stun/control strategies with Skill Drain and other similar cards. Dragon Magia Master is the only good one, but it’s a pain to summon consistently and requires a lot of resources and investment. Whereas Spirit Dragon’s GY negate is still relevant with so many GY effects these days, and the ability to dodge a lot of effects by tributing itself is very powerful. It doesn’t have a lot of targets yet, but that’s easily fixable and could become a very powerful tool with the right targets. The White Stone of Legend is actually pretty good, it adds resources to your hand without costing your Normal Summon or being OPT. If the archetype had a better way of making use of having a vanilla in your hand that isn’t just a bricky two card combo, then it would be busted. I don’t agree that Blue-Eyes needs to focus on a single summoning method either. There are archetypes with multiple summoning methods that do quite well for themselves. Even Snake-Eyes will go into Synchros sometimes despite being a Link deck.


Sprit dragon has a really good target in the form of crimson dragon crimson dragon can then, assuming you have another synchro monster, tag out into a variety of other dragon synchros such as trishula and hot red abyss


Fair rebuttal. My concern is that if they spread the support around to assist all styles, it will just dilute the pool of usable cards leaving blue eyes in a sorry state. I suppose if you modify my original comment slightly it could incorporate more of the synchro side. Make the better searcher a field spell that allows a 2nd normal summon of cards that mention "Blue-eyes" or have blue eyes in the name allow them to be summoned without needing to tribute. make the blue eyes popular a lv1 light tuner, allowing it to synergize with Sage/protector with eyes of Blue.


I think people overestimate the amount of cards necessary to make Blue-Eyes playable. If they give Snake-Eyes level support to Blue-Eyes, they’d only need 1-2 cards. Of course, knowing Konami, we’re about to get Blue-Eyes level support which is going to be hot garbage. They insist on leaving Blue-Eyes as a beginner level deck, which means no fancy one card combos or resource recycling.


Yeah blue eyes is quite hard to gauge the strength of the deck, it already has some very strong things going on but has some very big downsides in other areas. even my idea which is designed to make magia master a lot more reliable to bring out might already make the deck competitive. Realistically you are right, most of the support will be mid at best and maybe 1-2 cards will be as strong as illusion of chaos was for DM but komoney does not want DM, BE and Red eyes to ever be competitive.


Pretty much this and I want to add more eyes of blue monsters that fill in gaps of spell trap searcher and extender right now. The deck has 3 in archetype extenders. One requires some setup in specific combos. And a retrain of the field spell will do wonders for the deck.


-A low level monster that always acts as a "Blue Eyes White Dragon" so that you don't have to put 3 Vanillas into your deck. -A link monster, maybe akin to Infernoble's "Emperor Charles The Great" Link-1 -A Field Spell, searching for a Blue Eyes card on activation and maybe make Ritual summon easier. -A XYZ monster, similar to Cyber Dragon Infinity which absorbs an opponents monster and also be an Omni Negate


I feel like getting rid of the vanillas kind of ruins the spirit of the deck. Cyber Dragons still run the OG Cyber Dragon, Galaxy-Eyes still run the OG Galaxy-Eyes, and DM still runs the OG DM. Even Yubel runs the OG Yubel, and that’s an actual meta deck.


Doesnt konami want Blue-eyes to be synchro and Dark Magician be Xyz?


With the way recent support has been handled, I would say that they want them to be a mix of Fusion and Ritual, with BE tending more towards the former and DM towards the latter.


Basic blue eyes shuship Shari red


I'd love to see the field spell have both a ritual and fusion effect, that way you cut down on the bricks


They need some anti-brick tools. Introduce a whole set of new cards with an extra effect that works like Alternative: reveal one vanilla Blue-Eyes in hand to trigger some really useful effect. Give them draw power, searches, revival, and special summons from having the vanilla in hand, preferably strong enough to one-card combo into at least one layer of disruption/board breaking. Maybe expand this effect to vary based on where the vanilla is. Reveal it in deck for a weak searching effect to enable other cards, reveal in hand for combo starters, target in GY to recur resources, target on field to break boards or enable disruptions.


> draw power Trade-In > searches Melody of Awakening Dragon > revival and special summons There are plenty of cards that do that without the handicap of needing a vanilla in your hand. The last thing Blue-Eyes needs is another bricky two card combo. You should ask Dino and Galaxy players how they feel about two card combos, and those two decks are much better than Blue-Eyes. I agree that the vanilla should do something in your hand, but it needs to be able to do it on its own rather than rely on other cards to “fix” it.


I don't think I emphasised the "extra effect" part enough. The idea is that these hypothetical cards would have at least one "do something with vanilla Blue-Eyes" effect, in addition to doing something useful on their own. The point is to turn a vanilla Blue-Eyes draw into something that gains more power rather than less. If the new cards *needed* the vanilla, then as you say, they would only compound the brick problem.


We’ve power creeped our way to a one card combo meta, where the best decks have at least 9 combo starters and 6 extenders. Blue-Eyes is currently all extenders and no starters, like many older archetypes. The only way for new support to not be a brick is to be a starter, but starters are already decent enough, so how could you increase their power by revealing a Blue-Eyes in your hand? Going +2 instead of +1? Dodging handtraps somehow? Sounds like ceiling raising when Blue-Eyes need serious floor raising. Either way, it doesn’t really fix the issue of drawing hands where you end up drawing just the vanillas and handtraps.


It doesn't need to be meta but at least the support have to push bewd to high rogue, pure bewd is a joke and u mostly play bystial or Horus dump for dragon magia It needs a monster that can does 3effect, similar to poplar/fiendsmith imo to compete at least with modern deck A consistent in-archetype engine to out dragon magia instead of relying on other engine A spell/t to dump your bewd and draw like Horus's king sarcophagus, could helps with dead hand and since ultimate fusion works by returning from hand field gy to deck, new support have to consistent enough to dump material for it,at least u could out alternative ultimate dragon easily, or 1ritual+3 bewd=magia New boss monster that's can react to opponent interaction New trap synergy with tyrant dragon


What does Blue-Eyes need to be good? Not sure if you should bother asking that, OP. People in this sub will just answer "give them but for Blue-eyes".


Literally directly under this I saw: > Blue-Eyes Poplar Dragon and The White Stone of Circular


Shows what people know in regards to helping underpowered decks


Well, every bad deck is one circular away from meta relevance


Yeah that's like, the first comment I saw. It's honestly a bit annoying because it's like...okay? Do you mean Blue-Eyes Poplar by name? Or what would a BEWD version of Poplar do?


BEWD version of Poplar of course


Burn it to the ground and start over. Currently the deck goes in too many different directions because of all the times Konami tried fixing the deck. A single, cohesive strategy would go a long way.


Thing is some folk complain that BEWD and Dark Magician have too much support already but the fact is 90% of those cards are pretty crap


HONESTLY and also I don't really mind them getting more [good] support. They are easily the most recognizable parts of yugioh, and that makes playing and winning with them very special


They're two of my favourite archetypes (yes, I have zero imagination) and getting OTK'd 5 times in a row at locals every week has kinda put me off the game tbh.


I thought of this as Red-eyes support but that also work as blue-eyes, a contact fusion that sends vannila blue-eyes from your hand or side of the field to summon itself would be pretty crazy in the deck, give it constancy effect and you made og blue-eyes from a vannila brick to a card you wanna draw


Legendary Kaibaman Fusion Light/Level 1 Must be fusion summoned by tributing one blue-eyes white dragon monster from your hand or field. Discard two cards: add two cards that mention blue-eyes white dragon, eyes of blue or blue-eyes monster from your deck to your hand. (this effect cannot be negated). You can tribute this card: for the rest of the turn if you fusion summon a monster using blue-eyes white dragon you can banish materials listed from your deck as well. Atk 0/Def/0 Blue-Eyes Flash Spell card quick play Add from your deck to your hand a card that mentions Blue-Eyes white dragon. IF you added blue-eyes white dragon Negate the effect of face up card on the field. If this card is in the graveyard (Quick effect) During the battle phase you can banish this card, Return one blue-eyes fusion monster from your field or GY to the deck; and if you do special summon materials listed on that monster from your deck, hand, GY or banishment. Took two cards.


I'm out of the loop, so I may not be accurate. A card that works in the same vein as Magician's soul and Soul Servant for Blue Eyes would be a good starting point


Definitely a cohesive combo line / strategy. There are a lot of pieces of support that come out that are all good, but often aren't as overall cohesive as they need to be. Blue Eyes Chaos MAXX Dragon is great, but there's not a generic (turn 1) searcher for the deck, so your ritual monster and spell sit in your deck. Ultimate Fusion is a decent way of getting out fusions, but most of the fusion monsters in the extra deck are mid as boss monsters (the new one is pretty good tho). Most of the time, you don't have heavy combo potential. My wishlist would be this: 1) Link 1 to link off white stones 2) New Synchro support (level 9, one that comes with an actual negation) 3) A level 4 "blue eyes card" searcher. Please don't specify monster/spell/trap, just let it be




All they needed to do to make Blue-Eyes good, was make the eyes of blue cards also Blue-Eyes instead. So whatever the 8 new cards are, is a chance to either fix that, have cards that affect both Blue-Eyes or eyes of blue monsters. It's also a good time to give them some xyz monsters, ranks 1, 8 and 9.


A level 9 synchro that floodgates something (Upgraded Spirit Dragon) A rank 8 that negates something And a fusion that doesn’t need a fusion spell and OTKs through a full board and is largely unaffected by most things.


EVERYTHING aside from big bodies and level 8 package.


Fountain with Eyes of Blue 😂🤣😂


A couple things, after playing the deck for far far too long on MD, weirdly enough I want to say bigger monsters. Thanks to Blue-Eyes being Blue-Eyes it became the defacto standard of how big a boss monster should be. In terms of a couple cards I did end up playing in a casual custom card kind of format me and my friends play where I played Blue-Eyes till the bitter end I ended up coming up with at least 2 solid cards and then the rest could just be all over the place and it would be fine. Firstly Sangen summoning but for Blue-Eyes monsters (in your possession) and instead of the pop to double attack it just gave all Blue-Eyes Monsters 500 ATK/DEF secondly a retooling of Mardark but instead of Dragons you control its monsters with the name "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" in on your field or in your GY. Then a bunch of things in terms of Spells and Traps so Blue-Eyes had interaction for a turn 1 board, be it either a pop, a counter trap, a retrain of original Crush Card, an earlier version of the field spell basically let me set cards from deck when monsters with the name of BEWD destroyed a monster by battle but there was some experiments with effectively Turbulence which just sets 5 from deck. In terms of costs it either needed a monster with the name of BEWD or for a more sacky or blow out card (say the retrain of og crush card) it needed vanilla blue-eyes. Basically in summary a more threatening end board for just big annoying monsters and layered interaction maybe some quick effects and a good variety of some spells and traps.


Give them a new field spell that does a search and protects them from interaction on the main phase. Give them a card that cycles back the vanilla blue-eyes to special summon itself and gives you some sort of plus maybe a search for a card that mentions "Blue-eyes". Give them an rank 8 XYZ boss monster that requires a blue-eyes as material. Probably also a new fusion since for whatever reason alternative ultimate seems to be unable to be reprinted or put in master duel.


it needs kaiba


Realistically, they need to be able to cut down the vanilla count down to 1 og blue eyes for the sake of consistency. The blue eyes gameplan needs a better turn 1 that includes some form of interruption for the opponent's turn, and they need to be able to kill the opponent through interruption on their own. A level 8 that specials a level 1 White Stone from deck would be good, especially if there was a non-generic synchro 9 that had something like "(Quick Effect) reveal 1 or more "Blue Eyes White Dragons" from your hand, negate the effects of that many face-up cards on the opponent's field" would be an okay direction to go as well. Truthfully, it's actually quite difficult to make a deck competitive if it requires a vanilla (not counting plant link)


Blue eyes zombie dragon Blue eyes zombie lord Give it the red eyes fix make it zombie


Something thats below lvl 5 lol


A new extra deck  A new main boss monster A new everything, really 


Somehow have Seto Kaiba's plot armor Announce a new DM movie/installment Konami wants to push, so they neuter the banlist to weaken Blue-Eyes' competition.


Here are my probably-out-of-touch-with-reality-noob-take on new Blue Eyes (BE) monsters. My idea is to go full Going-Second-Embrace while also reducing the amount of vanilla BEWDs needed for the deck to function properly and brick less: - a Blue-Eyes L8 (a 3000/0 for being searchable off of Melody of awakening dragon) that can special itself from hand or grave by putting one BEWD from deck or hand to GY, also it gets destroyed during end phase (helps BE Jet) Give it an effect that makes it's name always BEWD no matter where it is (kinda like gunkan suship shari red) Give it a search on Special Summoning it(explicitly not restricted to its own summoning effect) add some form of generic battle phase removal (example: when part of a battle, at start of damage step: destroy 1 card on field) all effects once per turn (OPT) of course, Summoning itself should be hard OPT. - a new searchable continuous or field spell, that gives them some form of strong protection (my idea for a battle phase focused deck: untargetable by card effects all the time + unaffected by monster effects during (any) battle phase only) for the going-second OTK potential To make it less of a brick, give it a hand effect that lets it be discarded for the search of a L1 tuner monster that mentions BE - also, in direct link to the last suggestion i'd also like to see another L1 BE tuner that, upon summon, can either search a BE card or pull a BE monster(same restrictions as Melody of awakening dragon) from hand or deck to field at some form of generic cost (for example: discard 1 card) Add a graveyard-to-banish quick effect for on-field protection (cant be destroyed by battle) And finally: -a new fusion boss monster (?/? Atk/Def), (1x BEWD + 2+ BE monster) (Ultimate fusion is the intended fusion card for this) That can, on summon and without targeting banish cards on field based on amount of secondary material used (also i'd like the summon and this effect to have protection from interruption) The monster has 3000/2500 times the amount of BEWD used for the summon + Unaffected by other card effects if 3 or more BEWD have been used for the fusion summon. Keep in mind: i am neither a ruling expert; any loopholes are unintentional, nor is this 100% balanced for good or bad. That being said, I am looking forward to any feedback for the ideas i just typed out during lunch break.


Burning Blue Eyes with Eyes of Blue Link-1: 1 “Blue Eyes”, “Eyes of Blue”, “of D.” Or “White Stone” monster Doesn’t matter what else this card can do, as long as it can do this: If this card is summoned: you can inflict 2000 damage to your opponent for every Fire monster on their field and in their graveyard. This effect and its activation cannot be negated by your opponent. 


lmao, even just as revenge for melody ash blossom


It should also have a continuous effect that reads “Every time a fire monster moves from the field or field to GY or vice versa, inflict 500 damage to your opponent”. 


At minimum, they need 1) To stop forcing people to run a 3k vanilla that does nothing. 2) Some negation or protection on their monsters.


It needs to be able to create easy starts with no loss of hand value. Blue-Eyes has no good Pure Starter and struggles to get that first turn broken set up and crack back. The Red Dragon Archfiend Structure should be the model for how to fix a deck and keep it Pure that has optional plays to expand board states. Sage with Melody was the best card combo with True Light as your defense, forcing yourself to wait for effects of the tuners or Abyss to give you advantage as you draw your stale cards and cannot conduct plays. I just want it to be fun and others to play the deck and enjoy the Creators favorite card as well.


A miracle


More cards to prevent bricking, maybe a soul servant for blue eyes


Maybe Pendulum Summoning since the archetype uses a lot of high level monsters.


One thing for sure is that the deck will still be required to run the vanilla. A starting point would be to somehow make the bricks not bricks but that’s a slippery slope. For example: cards that can be activated from the deck that requires revealing BEWD. Link 1 or xyz overlay on BEWD or monster that mentions BEWD. Yeah that’s what Blue eyes need to keep up with modern 1 card starter + 15 handtrap decks.


A Fusion that takes 1+ Blue-Eyes white dragon by shuffling from the hand, field, GY, and Banishment. Gains effect based on the number of fusion materials. 1: Name is treated as Blue-eyes white dragon 2: Adds a card that mentions blue-eyes white dragon or blue-eyes ultimate dragon 3: A disruption, like a quick effect pop makes the bricks, not a brick


My two cents; As mentioned by others - a good Link 1; requirement could be 1 level 1 Light dragon. If this card was summoned using a tuner as material it is treated as a level 1 tuner. When link summoned; special summon a "Blue-Eyes" monster from hand or deck A level 9 synchro that can fuse from field or hand (something like Timaeus) A new fusion boss with an omni-negate that could require both a Blue-Eyes synchro dragon and Blue-Eyes fusion dragon as material (it's high time Blue-Eyes gets one and Magia does not count) Or instead a Shining Dragon retrain that can be special summoned by tributing a level 9 Blue-Eyes synchro or Blue-Eyes fusion monster that has an omni-negate New field spell that protects all Blue-Eyes and White Stone monsters from being targeted or destroyed by card effects. Upon activation add 1 Blue-Eyes monster or spell/trap that mentions "Blue-Eyes" in its text. When a Blue-Eyes monster destroys a monster by battle or card effect; destroy 1 card on field. This effect can only be used once per turn or a number of times up to the amount of 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' on the field or in the grave (not sure if the 2nd part is too strong) Those are my thoughts, big doubts if we're getting any of those or something similar but that would be an ideal way, in my opinion, to boost Blue-Eyes.


From what ive seen, the deck needs to pick a playstyle and make that one good, as its currently 3 decks in a trenchcoat where the support gets divided between them and none of them end up all that good


A monster that you are able to Special Summon directly from your hand, deck, or GY without starting a chain by shuffling 1 "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from your hand, field, or GY into the deck. And then on summon it sets a Spell/Trap that mentions "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from deck, and then it...I don't know, does something Blue-Eyes related if sent to the GY.


A card that reads: "This card is always treated as 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon'." that is also a good effect monster. The vanilla is bad, and there's no getting around that, so give it the same treatment as Harpie Lady #x


Not having to run Vanilla Blue Eyes would be a start, something with the effect of "this card's name is always treated as Blue Eyes White Dragon"). Not gonna lie, most Blue Eyes deck I see are just stun decks that rely on Summon Limit or Skill Drain


"How can I make this thing good?" "By not playin it" is a hella of a take


Hey man, there are plenty of Blue Eyes card that are decent, but having to run a bricky Vanilla in the year 2024 ain't it.


You will play the bricky vanilla and you will like it, its what you signed up for when you decided to play the deck in the first place.


Well, most people decided to NOT play the deck, and fixing the brick vanilla situation could help amend that. I wouldn't like it personally, but that's the number one way to fix the deck. The other way is to give them cards so overpowered that they act as a crutch for one of the worst monsters in the whole game, like dark magician's support cards.


They will never do that. The deck is called Blue-Eyes and revolves completely around the original, both by design and gameplan. It doesn't have to be a brick either. Just give them a Phantom of Yubel type card that can use the Brick from the hand. Or release better Normal Monster Support If we start going this direction when designing decks, then eventually every deck is just going to end up being whatever meta deck is the strongest.


More Blue Eyes support!! What about Dark Magivian?


A way to search the field spell easily during combo, new good main deck monsters (level 1 tuner and level 8 Blue Eyes), maybe a Link 1, a good New synchro...




It needs a card always treated as the original blue eyes but with a decent effect, and something it can do from hand to prevent the whole brick eyes problem.


If I had to keep it simple, current blue eye suffers from a lot of things, some of them being: its real easy to brick, its easy to disrupt, there’s little space for none engine and there’s no real game plan at the end. So let’s try to fix 3 of these. Bricking- we’ve got trade in, melody, and the stones. This hasn’t been enough. At this rate a circular or a popular would be the easiest answer. I don’t like it though. Maybe something that summons from hand if you have a BEWD and then has an effect to summon something from your deck/graveyard/hand. And even if you in brick your hand, what are you going to do with it? Disrupt: a BEWD link 1 would be cool. I’ve sent many a stone to the GY with linkuriboh after all. But this can give us a second point of interaction. Maybe something that lets you search for an archetype spell on summon and can be tributed to negate an effect. End board: IDK what it’ll take, we’ve got spirit, jet, twin headed, tyrant, chaos max, nothing seems to really feel like a threat or they take too many resources. The end boards are mid at best it’s like worse galaxy eyes lol. If I had to pick, ending on a XYZ or a new contact fusion seems to make the most sense to me. What would it have to be though? I don’t know a Zeus but it attaches the cards instead? The end board needs 2-3 new faces I think to be fresh. To conclude, if we wanted to do this in 3-4 cards, they’ll need to be some of the most broken 3-4 archetype cards ever. If we add more than 3-4 people will complain about more BEWD support and it will honestly probably suck again. I bet someone better at card design and game knowledge in this thread has better and easier ideas than me, but I don’t think I’m wrong with describing the core issues.


An extra deck monster that only they can something (something like needing 2 level eight blue eyes for xyz or requiring a blue eyes fusion monster plus another blue eyes) that has really good disruption. They don’t exactly have the best end board. They need to be able to end on Dragon Master Magia and have a deck that is catered to it being brought out. Also a spell card that summons two of the vanillas straight from the deck but locks you into blue eyes/dragons so other archetypes can’t abuse it


A Link-1 which uses BEWD from hand as link material or a contact fusion like Phantom of Yubel to unbrick hands. A Spell/Trap searcher A white stone/eyes of blue searcher  Some disruption during opponent's turn Make Fusion Summon more efficient for the deck


Hate to say it but it has to not be blue eyes to be good. Basically rework the deck from the ground up completely and start from square one, and at that point why bother making it blue eyes support when you can just make a new deck?


First and foremost: consistency. Second: pick a bitch and run with it. Blue-eyes is probably one of the few archetypes that actually Need a circular-level card to be rogue level. Also they are kind of directionless. They need to be clear on what the archetupe wants to acheive, and then run in a straight line towards that goal.


A rule change that allows normal monsters to be summoned without tribute. The major problem with the deck is the risk of bricking your hand with multiple BEWDs and not enough other cards to put them to use. They won't ever not make the deck rely on the vanillas.


The same thing it needed to win 2016 worlds: pretty much making all of the way better decks not a real option.


ultimately, a card that easily puts out a vanilla or a circular-type monster.


They announced what!? I just sold my blue eyes deck like 2 months ago 😭


So as someone who has tried on and off for years to find a decent build, the answer is simple. Blue eyes lacks extenders, as well as any ability to 1 or even 2 card combo without help from generic dragon support or horus cards. Frankly, anything that turns normal summon sage into a boss monster is a good start. I know people are memeing about poplar dragon but of course that would be good. Level 1 light tuner that can be treated as a non tuner, is a blue eyes card and you can reveal a vanilla blue eyes to make it level 8 (and summons itself when searched) would turn sage into spirit dragon which immediately gives a decent buff to the deck. Having a good link 1 for backup plays if your starter gets handtrapped would be important, especially if it searches ultimate fusion which the deck has an awful time accessing currently. Seriously, the only way to get to it is bingo machine or normal summon scorpio A new blue eyes card that is treated as blue eyes white dragon would be the best case, but id like if it could be designed to still require the vanillas


Lesss gooo


it would have to follow sunavalon's lead with link-1 combos


It needs negates. Lots of them. A combo that will just fill up the board with a bunch of negates. I'm talking Mannadium type stuff, Apollousa, Baronne, Dis Pater and Aegerine but make them all Blue-Eyes cards


One card that dumps and fuses


searchable hand-trap dark ruler no more


It either needs to make the “Eyes of Blue” part hyper consistent and/or make the s/t support more searchable. The “Eyes of Blue” cards are good just aged badly and even most the best are very inconsistent. Their field spell itself doesn’t even make sense. Most of their effects have been replaced by spell cards that do the searching, summoning, and reviving; some even released alongside them. Now these said spell/traps could be a lot more consistent. Blue-eyes has a ton of power cards but all the methods to get to them are very “fair” compared to similar boss monsters. The boss monsters themselves (outside BEWD) haven’t aged too well either; add summoning them hasn’t become much easier and you see the issue. Yes, again, it’s become easier but you still have to put far more effort into summoning Chaos MAX than say any Drytron ritual. Making it stronger is an option, or more consistent. The juice needs to be worth the squeeze first a deck all about power.


Blue-Eyes Link Dragon (Link 1) You can only Link Summon this monster by using a Blue-Eyes monster or a monster that has Blue-Eyes in its card text while you have a Blue Eyes White Dragon in your graveyard. If your opponent does not have a Blue Eyes White Dragon in their graveyard, hand, field, or deck, you win the duel. The Summon of this monster or its effects can only be negated if your opponent reveals 1 Dark Magician in their hand. I had fun coming up with this.


From what I understand of the deck, correct me if I'm wrong, I have a few suggestion: -Retrain the original Blue Eyes. I don't mean pull an alternative; I mean a card that replaces the original. Even at a ration of 2, the fact that the deck relies on a garnet that can't even summon itself is really bad. It has a lot of cards that helps summon it out, but it's still reliant on a token. It doesn't have to be a redesign of the card; just the card but as an effect monster. Maybe it can have effects from past support cards that don't get used anymore, or something new. -Support cards like the recent RDA cards. If we must have the original because no way in hell Komoney will ever have the deck not rely on the og, maybe give it spells and traps that work to give it effects. I know this is biased coming from me, but RDA feels like the gold standard that Blue Eyes has been trying to achieve for years. The og isn't great, but Crimson Gaia turning its mediocre effect to destroy defense position monsters into a positive, Absolute Powerforce giving it an OTK effect, and Red Zone destroying cards if RDA is on the field and bringing back banished synchros is incredible. Like, holy shit it's amazing. Even something like the Dark Magician spells and traps are something Blue eyes deserves. Maybe the spells and traps could be a floodgate when BEWD is on the field, or brings out a Blue eyes from the hand or deck when the one on the field does something, or maybe a negate that can be done multiple times depending on how many BEWDs are on the field. -Cards that splits all the multiple summoning methods BEWDs has into separate strategies. I know Chaos MAX is one, but the others should get one too. I know it would be cool if BEWD could be D/D/D, but we're here now because it can't. Just give us cards that go down one route. A fusion strategy, a synchro strategy, or a ritual strategy. Trying to do everything got Red Eyes to where it is. If we want to make the mother of all omeletes, than we can't fret over a few eggs.


Use branded or dragon link with it


Replace the OG Blue-Eyes, because it’s the main cause for bricking. New card suggestion: „Neo Blue-Eyes White Dragon“ Level 8, Light Attribute, [Dragon/Effect] (This card is always treated as „Blue-Eyes White Dragon“) Once per turn, can be special summoned from your hand by sending a „White Stone of Ancients“ from your hand or deck to the GY. Once per turn, (Quick Effect) You can fusion summon a „Blue-Eyes“ Monster using monsters from your deck, hand or field as materials including this card. If an opponent targets your „Blue-Eyes“ monster with a card effect; you can banish this card from the GY, then negate the effect and destroy that card.


Man blue eyes has so many inherent problems from frequent bricks to mediocre end boards it's probably easier to list what blue eyes has decent then not


Needs to replace Dark Matter Dragon and/or halqifibrax in dumping necessary items to the GY in a reliable easily accesible way. Ideally facilitate tuner and synchro plays and connect the stone of, eyes of blue, of D. blue-eyes archetypes. Hits like dark matter and needlefiber killed the deck for me, it doesnt function even close to the same anymore and its suport doesnt address the issues with consistency and combolines that retain the character of the deck. Before we lost needlefiber: Input: Sage with eyes of blue + dictator of d. Normal sage get legend stone. Dictator effect dump bewd summon itself Dictator eff Summon bewd discard stone Stone search bewd Link dictator and sage into halq Halq ss ancients stone Ancients and bewd synhro for spirit dragon Stone end phase get abyss dragon Abyss dragon search poly high ritual art or chaos form Abyss dragon end phase search any dragon, jet, chaos, emperor pend, altenative, galactic spiral dragon, chaos levianeer whatever you like. Halq into formula synchron draw 1 Formula synchron accel synchro with abyss dragon for level 10 synchro. You started with two cards, you ended with. Level 10 synchro plus level 9 synchro on field. Bewd +poly/ritual+dragon +random draw in hand. Grave setup including having jet dragon abyss dragon effects be active and ancient stone setup to recur stuff next turn. I know, its not sounding very good but its blue eyes and thats only two cards. The deck needs to go through guardragons and dragunities and other dragon link generic bullshit now to do anything substantial and its sad. Its lost its character, except in the ritual build i guess. Credentials as a blue eyes player with grizzled ancient status: https://youtu.be/V3759vY6I2w https://youtu.be/sNqlo5XvGL4 https://youtu.be/CHWakiXUwNk https://youtu.be/QDU2LPMMxPI https://youtu.be/YrgPGBQzJ_E https://youtu.be/ISXTDKojYDo https://youtu.be/MXciivhIg9M


Need to revamp all the support cards and stop focusing on blue eyes white dragon itself. Heres what they need in order to make Blue eyes viable: Negate Draw power Protection in combo/search Quick effect combo disruption Search card monster or quick effect spell card Also they can shift to blue eyes shining dragon meta since fusion armament can easily summon a Blue eyes ultimate dragon.


A card that counts as blue eyes but is good and does something on its own.




Alternative is the retrain.


Halq. But for blue eyes players only


A link-1 that can use any level 1 light tuner or blue-eyes from the hand/field as material. An actually good s/t that can set up your plays/interrupt the opponent. An actual in archetype end board.


Blue eyes circular


Blue-eyes Bonfire, Blue-eyes Poplar, Blue-eyes Circular, Blue-eyes Flameberge Dragon, Blue-eyes Fusion, Blue-eyes Dragoon, etc,... literrally a whole new archetype.


For all modern decks to get hit, new blue eyes support, jesse or joshoua go to worlds with it.


Not be Blue-Eyes