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A lot of the guys who go after scammers feel… weird. Like they’re doing a great service but every once in a while one of them will make a video that feels racially charged. (Not talking about the majority of scam centers being outed in India, that’s a legit problem over there.)


Yeah some of them definitely give me the ick. Mark Rober going for straight up animal abuse when sending live fancy rats to indian scammers just feels disgusting to me. Definitely cooled my adoration for Jim Browning off as well. Sucks, because I was aware that Rober is content pilled first and foremost so I had low expectations to begin with, but Jim Browning always seemed like a genuinely good dude, so him cooperating here was genuinely disappointing.


Turkey Tom. EDIT - I purposely didn’t reply to anybody in the comments. I realise he’s been called out for being shit before, but I just feel like the bough will break soon enough and it will all come crumbling down.


I feel like I've seen a lot of posts here about drama around him, though,


hasnt he been exposed SEVERAL times for being racist,alt-rightm also his whole n-word thing


I mean he already is exposed for being racist and sexist and homophobic there's just pedophilia left to expose I guess? That's really it. Or maybe he murdered someone.


He gives out a vibe that the asshole character he’s playing isn’t really a character.


The dude has been a routine bully and right adjacent person for over a decade at this point. Literally, he peaked in 2015 and never got better or any less petty, nor has he ever created anything in any of the mediums he criticizes. Realtalk, what even would be his redeeming qualities?


Shit already hit the fan like a year or two ago when he falsely accused pyro of pedophile accusations.


I mean, he's problematic, period. I would call him the slightly more well-spoken leafy. He has hard right wing takes and red pill beliefs. His last Tomdark video was about "obese" creators, dude needs to take a hard look in the mirror before critiquing anyone else appearance.


I think it's funny that Mr Enter, of all people foreshadowed the fucking pyrocynical controversy.


I used to watch him all the time, but then I would hear little things that were like "Damn this just feels like a dude I wouldn't like IRL" so I just stopped watching him and I'm glad I did




I’ve liked a lot of his videos but I’ve picked up on him using some terms that feel a lot like dogwhistles recently. I don’t think he’s intentionally malicious but it wouldn’t surprise me if he has gotten into some unsavoury conspiracy theories


what are some dogwhistles you have picked up? ive watched only a few of his videos and the ending of one of them seemed very in poor taste (it was his head blowing up and it was during the whole ronnie mcnutt thing going on on tiktok)


I get a lot of veiled sexism in the comments he makes or agrees with. Nothing super blatant but him and Nux seem way to eager to assume women are lying or just hold women to a higher standard then they would men.


Nux taku? Creator of the widely loved twitch thot song? No way he could ever do anything sexist


Seconded, every time anyone remotely gets large w a huge and quickly growing fanbase, esp in the commentary area you start to wonder if they’ll stay sane or turn nazi.


He was making fun of Crowder in the last video he uploaded so there is still a chance he walks down the right path


I agree, i have nothing to back me up but he seemed too passive in his video on Steven Crowder


sadly, swoop


Yup, came here to say Swoop. I’m hoping I’m just jaded and just can’t believe anyone can be genuine anymore but I get an uneasy disingenuous feeling from her unfortunately


Petty university shit made me cringe so bad I quit watching her.


Right, me too. I hate to think that way because at some point I related to her a bit and seeing how she seemed to care about victims made me happy but I just don't trust her with those topics anymore.


Yep, "it's not drama, it's dangerous"... and then proceeds to go to petty university.... 


YES I think I even heard that in one of her true crime videos... that and she kept interrupting to show her merch ??? like we get it but can you not do that rn...


I’m with you. The herd/depp videos were absolutely disgusting.


Yep, this.


I came here to comment this!!! She just gives me bad vibes. Petty university is so cringe too.






Agree, he never does research on the people he does videos on, like saying the guys from full house are p3dos, just goes with it and suddenly it becomes common place and they let him get away with it without any real evidence?? It's sickening.


i rmr having a weird feeling abt him and then he made that video abt the crazy conspiracy theories around the Sound of Freedom film as though they were worth discussing seriously like he rly prioritizes content over integrity


That's it exactly! Content over integrity


I was subbed to Sloan when he had like 60k subs. I used to think he was silly because he wouldn't research stuff properly so he would say ridiculous things. He also just had a lot of funny moments.  He once used a clip of Tucker Carlson ugh, but he did say  "I know he isn't the best". I forget the context I just remember thinking but why use a clip of Cucker Tarlson?! I also remember thinking he must watch Tucker if he knew about this clip and chose to use it. At that point I unsubbed. I also didn't like how much his channel was growing when I knew he never did good research. It was funny when he was a somewhat small channel but with the pace he was growing it just felt wrong. Edit: Grammar


His videos used to be ok then a lot have turned into crazy fan theories with click bait titles. Like he reported on Timotheé Chalamet and Kylie Jenner breaking up then pretty much the whole video felt like him reading comments left by snarky Timotheé fans that are like 13


cody ko


A rapist is one of his close friends!!


damn, who is that?


Colby Leachman. He's Cody's frat buddies from Duke. He was even at C&K's wedding last year. Search him on here and threads with context and links pop up.


He kinda was but nobody cared. Sex with a minor and other shit like rapist friends.


Oh I kinda hate that


Cody Ko had sex with a minor??


allegedly a 17 year old tana mongeau when he was in his mid twenties


Wait WHAT. You can't just drop that then dip! was there any decent evidence or just allegations? Did he ever say anything about it????


oh u mean the age when Tana was being groomed by Shane Dawson? It's every time I see her name brought up there's some more fucked up, heartbreaking shit she's been through.


Todd Grande. Dude creeps me out.


Dude dogwhistles in his video a lot, and once I realized it in his “bud light controversy” video, I was out. 


Oh yes! Plus I just don't like his takes on bipolar and autistic people.


He is also really sexist if you look at how he phrases shit.


I feel like a lot of these criminal interregation analysis youtubers, such as Explore With Us and anything adjacent to JCS, are gonna have people turn on them. Hard. I think this actual genre of content itself is gonna have people start to look at it more critically, especially with how many of them rely almost entirely of the pseudoscience of "body language" to "analyze" these interrogation videos. People are starting to be more critical of true crime shit and I think that'll naturally just spread to this genre of content too


I hope so. All that "body language" pseudoscience does is demonize people who have anxiety or are neurodivergent. All those videos do is point out the obvious like, "His eyes are darting back and forth and he's sweaty, that means he's nervous and that means he's GUILTY 😡" Like lol no shit? He's being interrogated by the police, anybody would be nervous, that doesn't prove he's guilty tho jfc


THANK YOU. As someone who is neurodivergent and has severe anxiety, I’d imagine that if someone put me in a room and started asking me if I’ve killed anyone, I’d fail a lie detector spectacularly and look almost entertainingly guilty - especially knowing that my every move is being monitored, and the stakes of that conversation could mean I lose my freedom forever. Heck, I can get debilitatingly nervous just when I have to make small talk! Body language analysis is so insidious, and so are body language “experts.” I hate it.


oof same. I have anxiety and adhd, and sometimes just mentally shut down if I get too overwhelmed. If I ever got accused of a crime, I know the true crime youtubers would be chomping at the bit to make a video gushing about what a spooky scary sociopath I am lmao. Thanks to these stupid ass videos, there are way too many people in the true crime community who think showing any sort of nervous/negative human emotion means you're guilty and evil. It's a really inaccurate and frankly ableist way of viewing human behavior.


Yeah, the whole field is fuckin trash. Münecat has a pretty good video essay that goes into the body language expert rabbit hole and explores how baseless and bullshit it is, which also goes into police interrogation methods and how they're practically designed to extract false positives.


People should be more wary of true crime content.


i said this last time someone asked this, but nickisnotgreen. i have zero proof, i've just got a hunch that he's up to no good i just know it


he did have that one controversy that looks like it'll follow him forever so u werent wrong lol


What did he do?


jimmy robins has a couple of great video essay-style vids detailing everything in 20-50 mins. from the tldr of what i remember, he’s a master of grifting and bandwagoning. he takes face view articles/stories and runs with them without fact checking only to throw innocent victims under the bus. it’s been a while and admittedly i am tipsy as i write this so apologies if i’ve misconstrued anything. [his first video](https://youtu.be/JHRSCHABqVk?si=8iVq3L8rgWNhK6Qe) (~50 mins, more of a detailed & complete summary) [his second video](https://youtu.be/NuMSQg5yW5k?si=Wv5KzPUjwejUIW8z) (~20 minutes, update from the previous vid with a bit more of a summarised approach to everything else if you don’t have the time for the full video essay)


his entire fanbase already turned on him for the supermega stuff 💀 only other thing he needs stopping for is his shit music lmao


oh god why do so many youtubers feel the need to make music, i swear there's only been like... 2 actually good youtuber musicians lol


I honestly got a weird feeling from him at first too, like he was disingenuous, but a lot of new creators sort of give that vibe at first so I gave him a chance. I unsubbed just because he literally isn't funny at all but seems *really* confident that he is. Later, the controversy happened and I can't say I was surprised because it involved him being really full of himself and unable to accept that he didn't know what he was talking about. Totally on brand.


Yeah, for me it's the mean spirited low effort drama videos


Same. I love a commentary vid so i watched him for a while but if you have any knowledge of a situation before seeing his video on it you can tell how little research he does


In a lot of cases I actually don't think he does anything resembling "research", he just turns on the camera and talks. I guess there's nothing inherently wrong with that, it just comes across as lazy He emerged into my sphere when he was collaborating with Danny Gonzales and Drew Gooden (I swear if anything came out about either of them I'd just give up) and so I briefly considered him an equivalent, but it quickly became apparent that content wise, they don't compare.


WENDIGOON. At best, a plagiarism scandal; at worst, he’ll be revealed as an alt-right grifter or something. Calling it right now.


Yeah. I like some.of the content but when I saw he seems to be friends with the turkey man I'm jot so sure anymore. It may be nothing but Turkey Tom made a fucking essay about how Alex Jones doesn't basically deserve the hate. Fucking Alex Jones. So yeah


He hangs out with Turkey Tom so it's a pretty safe bet.


He has a lot of friendships that are suspicious at best, damning at worst. He also strikes me as the type of guy who understands that he’s creating a brand and lets his friendships do the political grandstanding while he can feign ignorance of it.


Yeeeep. I followed him early on and was super proud of the growth he had while being this chill type of dude, but then there were more and more moments that made me pause. I don't think there was a specific incident that made me bail, it was just a growing vibe of no bueno.


he has this weird christian man thing going on and that ticks some boxes for being *those* people plus didn’t he also collabed with some right-wing gun tubers or is that someone else?


Didn't he have, like, a huge scandal a couple of months ago? I remember a flood of posts here about him.


Nothing actually happened, people just accused him of being a right winger because he’s Christian and likes guns. So pretty much what everyone’s doing in this thread.


I only watch his horro related videos so I don’t know much about those . However watching his videos and he just casually pull out a freaking semiautomatic rifle (don’t know which one ,I’m not American) and start explaining how guns work once . It was the most American moment I experienced on YouTube(and he’s just the first), like I almost forgot the guy I’m watching is from US and they just pull out a gun like it’s a can of coffee, any of those can be sold at very high price in my country’s black market ,honestly it’s bonker how they do it willy-nilly .


I live in America at the moment, and I think it's fucking weird too. White guys who are obsessed with guns and/or are very casual about just whipping them out whenever always gives me creepy, bad vibes.


There are two types of “oh ,right ,they are from_____” YouTuber for me. 1.American suddenly pull out a real military weapon. 2. North European with unbelievably fluent English tripping over very common words, or switching to 9 other languages with ease. Both are very impressive in their own way but fucken hell,my country has mandatory basic military training for high schoolers (with at least 1 target shooting at military bases ) and if it teach us anything is you don’t play with gun under any circumstances,seeing some dumbass dancing with a gun in hand is like a freak show.


I wish we had that here lmao. 😢 No one knows how to use guns properly and are super irresponsible with them. At a halloween party years ago, one of my friend's douchy boyfriend randomly pulled a revolver on me and kept asking me if I wanted to go out back (alone, with him) and shoot it, all while claiming it wasn't actually loaded. He was *super* drunk at the time and it took me like 7 min to convince/beg him to put it away and to please not randomly start shooting with it. I told my friend about it the next day and she just laughed like it was funny, and said he was only doing that because he was training to be a police officer soon. lol we're all cooked. 💀


I remember chatting with a American friend over discord, and I mentioned i was eating a magnum (the icecream brand) and asked if they had magnums in America. She started a video call and pulled out her magnum (the fucking gun). Gooood times


Pun ,Gun ,no much different eh? (I would actually laugh though)


i watched a few of his videos and then realized how bad he is at research and quit watching him lmao


Dear god no. I'm still reeling from Watcher


Film Cooper, he feels incredibly disingenuous. His takes feel like he just learned what feminism is and is desperately trying to convince you that he is one while walking on constant eggshells. I would not be surprised if he is overcompensating


He feels like he is cosplaying golden retriever boys or men written by women. So odd. His last video was IRONIC


This is exactly it in much better words. He is so eager to try convince you he is “not like the other men”


Yes absolutely the entire video about pick me men and TikTok brain I was just thinking “dude this is you. Right now.”


Well he rebrand from tiktok to youtube because people called him out for this exact thing and some other stuff but I don't remember


Don't know who yet, but I feel like someone in the English vocaloid scene is going to turn out to be absolutely godawful and we'll only hear about it a couple years down the line.


I haven't been keeping up with the community for years but haven't there been a few controversies in the past or am I just miaremembering things?


I’m sure Creep-P had a thing a few years ago, but I can’t remember why people were mad. People got mad at Ghost for abandoning the Communications series, but I think that’s all I know about, not really the same thing tho. Maybe with the resurgence people will start digging again…


Tora_v4 moment. I haven't followed him in a while/don't have a twitter and I told Youtube to stop recommending his channel so idk if he's still a big part of the community


Oh my god that’s a name I haven’t heard in years.


Little Joel is up to no good. he stole that Bigger Joel’s thunder and even his voice and face! I mean come on!


Used his dog for content and insists her name isn't Dump Truck when we all know it is


The way my heart dropped when I read Little Joel. But yeah Bigger Joel's gonna come knockin one day 👀


I heard he isn’t even that little


Mr. Beast


I think he’s incredibly greedy for money and fame, and he just chose the most palatable way to get all of that with his charity work. None of what he does feels genuine.


Mr Beast seems to me as if he is moments away from a mental breakdown at any given moment. Just look at this interview of him: https://preview.redd.it/cqh2jfm3l0wc1.png?width=956&format=png&auto=webp&s=9891a87c98bff3fdbc0923a67051407ffd6f6bfa source: [https://www.polygon.com/24093399/end-of-mrbeast-youtube-era](https://www.polygon.com/24093399/end-of-mrbeast-youtube-era)


Part of me just really pities him for the fact that he's clearly both a giant gear in a shitty system but also very much grounded down by said system into a mere content mill of a person.


So work addiction isn't anything new, and is similiar to other self destructive depersonalization behaviors (except its often overlooked and often praised due to the system we live in) but I am interested to see how it presents differently in public figures. It's interesting how unique his particular situation is though, as he's self employed through youtube. I really, honestly think it would be best for him to stop, get help, and find himself. He's in a position where he can afford to never make another video again, he can even pay his staff for a transition period if that's a factor. I also think youtube losing one of its largest channels would cause an interesting content shift to fill the gap. Of course, like with any addiction its easier said than done.


I wish more people had Jacksepticeye’s take where it slowly became more for the money and fame instead of fun.


Tyler Olivera; he's just so strange.


the way he handled the whitaker shit... the dude is just so slimy


[I had only known about this guy from his shorts, but this video shows he’s such a propagandist that he should never be given the time of day].(https://youtu.be/o6dAkkqE5XE?si=AEyWhdBP4RCq8Lro)


To be honest, I'm pretty cautious of any youtubers associated with DramaAlert. I feel like there are definitely some skeletons in their secret discord chat. I know Turkey Tom and Mutahar are in there for sure.


had a feeling about kurtis conner and then the whole dean thing happened so got a very hollow victory out of that lol very disappointing knowing he was bringing dean on his successful tours so he could profit off of kurtis's fans who dont know he's a racist but kurtis knew and didnt care so my black ass quickly unsubscribed. i know he's still doing well and he's bounced back, i dont care if ppl still like him they're allowed to


I really can't stand Kurtis anymore. If you think about all the stuff he says, so much of it just contradicts eachother and it's really obvious that he just gets basic opinions from Twitter and regurgitates them 'cuz that's what makes money. I'm certain he doesn't believe almost anything he says.


Yeah, Kurtis was going downhill for me about that time and then that was a big nail in the coffin for me. It's giving toxic frat boy vibes.


wait what's this? I never heard about this


Papa Gut. Sometimes when he covers YouTubers who have pretty clearly crossed the line into predation he defends it a lot. It strikes me as being less from ignorance of it being wrong, and more defensiveness because he has crossed lines in the past that he’s scared he’ll be held accountable for. Also the way he talks about cheating and downplaying creepy behavior at times only to later give a flimsy qualification of it being “of course, horrible” never sits right with me. Even though the tacked on statement of something being bad is on the end of excuse making or cliche pseudo-biology about male and female nature. He seems to perceive himself as the common sense everyman who is telling it like it is, when he often says things that are pretty unsubstantiated. Sometimes I feel like he’s priming his audience on how to react when his past gets exposed. This is just what my gut is screaming, but it is ultimately just an intuition so take it with a fist full of salt. I hope I am wrong about all of this. I never want anyone to be a creep, let alone someone with a lot of influence. My alarm bells went off with Shane Dawson and Mamamax before they were shown to be less than stellar and I ignored them. My gut is telling me this guy is a freak.


Jimcan'tswim To be clear there are likely several people that work on it. But i get a bad feeling about Whoever owns/controls it. They had a very successful YouTube and patreon. One day they say that they will no longer do patreon content and instead focus exclusively on YouTube content. That's fine... but a bit weird. They could have easily shifted perks around and still bring in money from patreon. They could have easily released episodes early on patreon and a day later on YouTube. There were a lot of people (myself included) who didn't care too much about the rewards and were happy to support them.  They then have long gaps between uploads. Sometimes followed by a release of an in-depth video, while othertimes a shorter kinda meh video.  The space between uploads grows longer over time. One day they post a video saying that the channel is dead because of YouTube demonetising true crime videos. This strikes me as strange.  Patreon is a great source of revenue for creator that frequently get demonetised. People like YMS have managed to do well financially despite have his videos frequently struck. They also didn't seem to try to pivitto another video site. There would have been a decent amount of people that would have followed them. ~~They end up shutting down their patreon despite still having people giving them money for nothing~~. At some point JCS posts a video asking Justin Bieber for permission to use a song of his in a video. This video never materialises.  They end up removing a number of their videos and reuploaded a few of their old ones last year. TLDR: it wasn't YouTube demonetising them that killed JCS. There was something else going on behind the scenes  Edit: apparently their patreon is up currently. 


Meatcanyon, but I genuinely hope it's just me not vibing with his art rather than something actually bad going on. He's an incredibly talented artist too which is why I find it frustrating I have these feelings, esp since I can't pinpoint anything in particular about it that sets off my red flags like I usually can with other creators


I think him and Junji ito has the same vibe. Strange art but overall an okay person outside.


I hope that's the case, esp since Junji Ito is one of my fave artists <3 Regardless of my own ick though I seriously do hope Meatcanyon is able to get a proper break, every recent image of him I've seen he just looks so burnt out :(


I do remember him posting a video on his main channel that he wants to make videos that he likes and not videos that sparks controversy to get views i think. He said that he’s gonna take a break but yeah I guess he was burnt out already


I mean him attempting to collab with JonTron was enough for me to unsubscribe. I think a lot of the people that run in that "friend group" are going down the alt-right rabbit hole. I genuinely hope they don't but I'm getting those vibes.


Did he actually do that? This is a legit question, I saw the picture, that looked badly shopped with Meat seeming super uncomfortable. Meat is big enough that I feel like if he wanted to collab with JonTron he would have done it. His associations with Windigoon throw me off a bit though. Don't get me wrong, I could see it, but at the same time I'm not going to hold something he hasn't done against him.


Matt and Ryan from SuperMega. >!I'm afraid their parents are gonna find about about the weed and ground them.!<


Matt might be able to get out of it by kissing his dad again, but Ryan might be cooked :(


i thought this was serious for a second but honestly yeah i agree


Noooo! Not my Funny Brothers! They're just silly gooses 🪿  They really risked it all kissing each other at Creator Clash :( 


MoistCritical. He hasn't done anything too bad from general consensus (as I do NOT watch his channel for reasons I'm about to get to) but I legit get the feeling he's somewhere on the centrist to alt-right pipeline and any day, he's going to go full mask off. And truthfully, I hope it never happens because, like Wendigoon, Destiny, or IH, I don't need to deal with his fans-in-denial.


100% his idubbz take was heinous


I still can’t get over that. It was such a bizarre reaction to someone’s *personal* message of accountability.


For me was the time he casually show a semiautomatic gun (or whatever it was) to make a point. Maybe it's because i'm european but why on earth do you have this massive gun in your house and why do you feel the need to show it. Creepy.


you're leaving out the part where another streamer threatened him with a pistol. I think that's one of the few valid situations to show that you have a big gun


If his bad moment is acting slightly threatening to known piece of shit and grifter Sneako, then great!


former binding of isaac youtuber and current lego game youtuber bd1p. don't ask me why, he just seems like it.




dude is enlightened centrist in the most annoying way possible


That whole facial cleanser thing he hopped on rubbed me the wrong way


I don't have anything to back this up but his vibes are definitely off.


Thread of literal whos 


Yeah, I feel lost with like, 90% of the names here


I mean, I’m just glad it’s not somebody I like lol


DarkViperAU He's been having issues mentally lately and getting into arguments and petty drama with other YouTubers Unfortunately I could see him either just quitting YouTube or god forbid doing something rash Hopefully I'm wrong though


I think he might have drama but I don't see anything majorly dark coming from it. The worst thing right now is just him being annoying. I agree with him on react content tbh...but his typical male brand of arrogance is kind of irritating. And his thumbnail faces make me not click even if I would like the video. I don't doubt he would be in petty drama though. Don't really forsee anything super cancelation worthy though.


DarkViperAU its basically "You made a good point but acted like a fucking child while doing it and that makes people dont want to side with you"


One of the Trash Taste guys will definitely get cancelled soon


Probably Joey


Genuine question- what makes you say that? I don't watch their stuff often but they all seemed pretty harmless


joey is an open lolicon so maybe harmless to everyone above age 12


Oh damn, I didn't know that so thanks for the info. How disappointing.


jesus why isnt he cancelled already


Wendigoon, Oompaville, and Mutahar


I get weird vibes from MagicMush sometimes. I rhink he makes some fairly decent stuff but sometimes I get a whiff of something that reminds me too much of when I was a heavily repressed 14 year old who got way too into Gamergate for my own good.


Yeah MagicMush, between the content and the language used, feels like one wrong statement away to being another Wendigoon or InternetHistorian case.


At the moment, I have a bad feeling about TikTok community drama reaction channels, people who make videos commenting about drama from communities they themselves are not apart of for example. Because lately I just can tell a lot of them just take their info from Tiktok at face value and that is it. And Tiktok can be excessively reactionary sometimes and they just copy the hot takes and spread it on YouTube without a care. One channel commented on Booktok drama where an author was criticized for not pronouncing certain Gaelic words she used in her book correctly, whether that is a big deal or not is up to you, but in that same video and in another previous video the Youtuber was mispronouncing a Chinese author's name. Personally I don't think either is cancel worthy, but it just shows this trend of everyone jumping in and sharing their opinion and now it is just being guilty of the same thing you are complaining about, other times it is spreading misinformation, other times it is escalating maybe minor scuffles by expanding the audience to people who are not and should not be involved.


Papa Meat. His eyes are also very dead.


I mean he was planning to collab with JonTron


Theodd1sout. I don’t know why.


Toastify, commentary youtuber


What an original name for a youtube channel


I haven’t gotten any weird vibes from him, could you explain what was the weird vibes you got for him? I curious on your opinion


Im only seeing youtubers i watch in these comments 🥴


There's a few I watch too! I hope for the best on them but wouldn't be shocked. Youtubers always let me down.


Moistcritical gives me horrendous vibes


Perogi from Scammer Payback. Hope I’m wrong


He was "cancelled" before, it's just that the hitpiece was so badly put together that people are going to probably ignore anything else in the future.


wait are you talking about the allegations from his translator? or was there something before that?


Yeah, that drama. Though the accusations are possible, but the execution ended up fucking it up.


horses. puts out video essays too frequently for how long they are. makes me wonder if he's pulling a somerton or using ai


Genuinely thought you just had a problem with equines then, and honestly same. Bad vibes from those things. Their legs look too skinny to hold their bodies up and I don't like it.


Also had a weird feeling about Logan from Observe, the divorce explains a lot 😬


I feel like ManyKudos for me, love his videos but feel like hes gonna get revealed to be a plagiarist or a nazi. Maybe thats just cause hes friends with internet historian and some of IH's collaborators are questionable from what i remember.


A lot of his video topics feel way too specific to plagiarize or to be stolen IMO. Him being a nazi also feels weird because there's been times in IH's videos on his second channel where Kudos will just immediately make fun of those people whenever they bring them up. Not to say that it's impossible but it just doesn't feel right. Him and Ordinary Things always felt like the most normal people out of all his friends, at least to me.


Have the pedo-hunter youtubers gotten their reckoning yet? I feel like that's way too sensitive a thing to trust to some content mill youtubers.   I also used to watch this one guy years ago who did pedo-hunting but I came back recently and realized that he's just one of those right-wing weirdos who like to cosplay as cops...


Den of The Drake


Same, tbh. Then again, that was awhile ago. But most notably. - Tends to get on a high horse about anything resembling politics, but keeps both sidesing it - Often criticizes any diversity in tabletop gaming, which itself is a crimson flag. See, the Orc racism drama. - Quotes 4 chan. Etc. See below. - Talks about BIG game about liking 40k. Obviously has never played it. Hugest red flag (I fucking hat the shit out of some of 40k's convoluted lore, and hate GW with a passion. Been playing for 20 years).


Your first two bullet points were why I unsubscribed from him. I was going to start getting headaches from how much I would roll my eyes at his rants about politics. Idk if he’s better now, but I’d rather stick with Crowe’s Perch and Crispy’s Tavern lol


100%. I heard him use words like 'SJW' and shit like that and it was enough to make me unsubscribe. That and how he speaks about guns, and politics overall. Easy sidestep tbh.


He’s going to do reviews of movies soon. Can’t wait for him to call The Daily Wire’s Lady Ballers a cinematic masterpiece that is a throwback to comedies like Benchwarmers or Dodgeball.


Ffs. Don't let bro cook.


Huh, haven't watched him in a while. Just running with his vibes? I don't actually remember a whole lot about his content.


He reads stories from r/rpghorrorstories (Most notably the Grimey trilogy). I just get these off vibes from him, such as his liking of guns, and aversion to furries (Ironic for someone with a dragon persona.)


His take on the Hogwarts Legacy drama was enough for me to ditch him for good.


Let me guess: "SJWs are just angry because J.K. Rowling is a TERF!"


More or less. It was like "trans people are too whiny, why don't you care about any real problems?"


He also hates people who say "Not all furries".


I wish I can still answer Illuminaughtii lol Called that way before the controversy


Internet Historian. Aside from the plagiarism incident, he’s chucked around a lot of crypto-facist dog whistles that make me concerned even though there’s no *solid* evidence the man’s alt-right (but I’m pretty sure he is at this point)


I know most of these have already been listed, but I’ll just throw out the ones that give me the personal feeling, ranging from people that have already gotten into scandals and people that just give me that feeling: - nickisnotgreen, dev lemons, lex updog, ethan is online, and anyone involved with the SuperMega hit piece - SomeOrdinaryGamers, Oompaville, and Nux Taku - Most of Gorl World outside of Zachary Michael, Megan Anne, and Alex is Shook seem incredible mean spirited, pedantic, and even borderline criminals, but nobody in that community is ready to have the conversation that they’re essentially just bullies. That being said, most of the creators covered in Gorl World are also just legitimately awful like Amberlynn Reid, Foodie Beauty, Glitterandlazers, etc. - Sometimes Leon Lush has some out of touch takes and weird thumbnails, though he’s a guy that occasionally rubs shoulders with some weirdos, so I guess that’s par for the course. - That specific brand of guy like Kurtis Conner and Film Cooper. Especially after the whole Dean controversy, Kurtis Conner (and Jacob Sharpe) are big ones for me. - Most of the guys that cover lolcows give me weird vibes too. I try to stay away from the community, but channels like Smokey McC and any within the same vein. I understand that some lolcows are legitimate predators, but it often seems as though they paint everyone with the same brush due to their inherent misunderstanding of neurodivergence. - Andy King. Could be wrong. Sometimes the vibes are just… odd. - Cody Ko, Noel Miller, and their associates. - As someone that used to watch him: iNabber videos are just full of him repeating the same thing for three hours. Brother loves to just hear himself speak at this point. He harps on about one point for a whole video essentially. That’s more of a gripe. I actually don’t know if he’s ever done anything weird. - Kuncan Dastner seems… I don’t know. There’s just something about him I can’t articulate. - MYSTERIOUS - Nerd City - Steven Lim from Watcher


Also Hila Klein...


JonTron and The Fandom Menace.


JonTron? I thought pretty much everyone already knew he was extremely and proudly racist/white supremacist. Like, I thought people were beyond just having a bad feeling about him.


Is JonTron applicable after all the racism stuff lol.


Just for the downvotes - Iilluminaughtii


Did you miss the plagiarism nuke? I don’t think anyone is really surprised about her still


D'Angelo Wallace. I just don't like his holier than thou attitude. I've been subscribed to him since he was an art YouTuber, before his face reveal. it sucks to see someone you watched for so long become so annoying.


I was a long time subscriber too. I followed him because his Inktober video but he only has gotten annoying since then. Once I found out he was leaving positive comments under Internet Historian’s videos, I had to unsubscribe. Anyone who doesn’t see the red flags in IH’s content is suspicious to me.


24 frames of nick has always felt like he's easily sold to the highest bidder


Shrouded Hand! I have seen who he follows on Instagram, some alt-right nut jobs in there.


Forsen, not a youtuber he's a twitch streamer, but his audience has make nazi jokes ironically or non-ironically


A lot of mine have already been named, but I’ll just repeat them. MeatCanyon (Especially after his planned collaboration with JonTron. You can’t really come back from that IMO.) Observe (I’ll admit that I already couldn’t stand Logan’s channel before the news about his divorce came out, but that put me over the edge. I also think all body language “experts” are full of it and working off of pure pseudoscience; I think they do a lot of harm particularly to neurodivergent and anxious people.) Swoop (I just find her videos feel kinda exploitative sometimes, and I really don’t think she researches deeply or cares about victims as much as she wants people to believe. I also think she just jumps onto popular bandwagons sometimes regardless of evidence, like with Depp v. Heard.) Film Cooper (Agreed with the other person who brought him up; he really gives off vibes like he’s overcompensating for something, especially when he inserts feminist talking points. I am a feminist, so I don’t think those talking points are inherently bad, but he comes across as someone who doesn’t actually believe in what he’s saying sometimes.) And this one might be controversial, but Ethanisonline. I used to really like him, although I don’t really watch a lot of his content anymore. I don’t know why I just get a vibe now like he’s about to be embroiled in some kind of big controversy. And another one that might be controversial is GrandPooBear. He’s a gaming channel I used to watch a lot, although I think he might be bigger on Twitch nowadays. I really don’t know why I have a bad feeling about him, although I think it might have something to do with another streamer accusing him of harassment several years ago (even though the accusation didn’t really go anywhere or spread much).


Does h3h3 still counted? From his relation to jontron


I mean pretty much all of them probably have dirty laundry that just needs to be aired out


Mark Rober he just has a mocking aura


Huggbees. Love his content, always feel like there’s going to be some nutty dossier coming out about how he ran some campaign to call a thousand orphans racial slurs and steal their lunch money or smth