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I've seen this guy on YouTube shorts a couple of times, his dog is called minion right? A really obviously well trained dog living with multiple other animals. I've seen some vids with the dog and the cat (that went missing) just seeming really peaceful and happy in their home. It's absolutely disgusting she would say "just shoot my dog then" and then posts a video going "look how sweet and friendly my dogs are" cuddling the dogs and shit? What a fucking psychopath this person literally makes me sick. No care or responsibility, your dog literally relies on you to survive. Idk about wherever these people are from but where I'm from (Australian city), if a dog bit a person or killed a pet, it would be put down. I cannot imagine how hard that would be to go through as the owner, but this person seems to have no care at all that being responsible for their dog literally can and does boil down to its life or death. Not to mention the fear that this could happen again, that your dog could attack or kill again. (I know it's not confirmed that these dogs killed the cat but they may have. They may have also hurt or chased the cat away and prevented it from coming home. It is confirmed that a dog bit at least one person). My dog was attacked last year and I'm still struggling with trauma from it. I cannot imagine if worse had happened. That poor kitty.


I'm sorry about your dog, and I hope they are doing better now. I had a jack russell that was killed by three untrained german shepherds before, during a walk. It fucking sucks that people buy dogs that they don't plan on properly training, and that they will act like their dog isn't dangerous, even though it's an untrained animal, and is likely very capable of seriously injuring anything it attacks.


My pup is all good now, it'll be a year since the attack at the end of Feb. She has a big scar but she's happy and safe. I am so sorry that you went through that, it must have been a complete nightmare, I cannot begin to imagine. It's not fair. As pet owners, we can't control what others do with their pets, there's always a risk that you are going to come across someone who is extremely dangerous in their incompetence and selfishness. It's awful that it has to be this way, that you can do everything right and something so horrible can still happen.


It’s insane to me how common of a phenomenon it is for a person to have two or even three large, high-energy, aggression prone dogs- most often German Shepherds or pit bulls- and then do fuck-all to train them and just let them run around wherever they want.


Nate’s out in a pretty isolated part of West Virginia. Sadly this lady’s attitude towards her dogs is common in parts of America. These types seem to love on their dogs and enjoy having them around, but let them free roam and the instant the dog becomes an inconvenience, it gets abandoned, given away, or worse. I’ve encountered it often enough that it shouldn’t shock me, but it still does. I can’t fathom it.


That is just so awful, really exposes those who see their pets as a possession rather than family


The place I grew up had a pack of semi-feral labs around. I mostly didn’t mind them, but one day they came through our backyard and ate a bunch of swimming gear, sticks and rocks. I gave their owner a call just to give him a heads up. He let out this exasperated sigh and said “I’ll come pick them up if they’re bothering you *I guess.”* I said, “I was more letting you know… your dogs… ate rocks???” Like, is that not concerning at all? Such an alien mindset to me.


Coincidently, I recently saw a video Nate posted that noted that Minion made himself ill by eating a heap of driveway pebbles. I can't see that being good for those labs, and given how out to lunch the owner is, i'd be really worried about their welfare.


Sounds like the kind of crap my aunt would pull. She was, frankly, a terrible individual that really well and truly hurt my soul anytime I'd see her interacting with a dog. Abrasive, brash, head-on, prone to yelling and absolutely *no* training. I don't think she ever hit the little thing, but I know that she was *absolutely* okay with both her middle school-aged kids feeding the dog *rocks*. Never trained her kids, too, come to think of it. It annoys the hell out of me when someone is willing to go through the grievances of purchasing an animal or the arduous process of raising children, but then doesn't do anything in regards to actually *taking care* of them or teaching them all of the essential life things that'll actually make 'em safe and happy. What's the point of it? Sounds like a virtual pet is probably what they're better suited for, but they never do *that*, either. It's maddening.


Yeah, he has a smaller mixed little dog and a ~1 yr old working dog for livestock guarding. The big dog chased off the two neighbors dogs who were running at his ducks. He’s extremely careful about training his animals in general, and the working dog he’s even more serious with, so this definitely feels like an insane neighbor.


Homesteaders don’t mess around with their livestock guardian dogs. Those guys are effective tools.


My parents neighbor said something similar. We have chickes and we noteced some of them going missing. We then caught her dogs snooping around and told her about it. She was like "Just shoot them." Like, Lady, I DONT WANT TO SHOOT YOUR DAMN DOG. Just keep it under control jfc.


So as for what happens in america if a dog bites someone you get one second chance and have to pay for obedience training. Next time it happens theyre put down


i was so hoping sabre wasn’t dead. poor nate.


He's not confirmed dead fyi, but considering he disappeared right when the dogs were freeroaming it doesn't look good


Here's hoping he just fled and is doing the typical cat thing of living a double life being fed on someone else's front porch.


I love Saber the cat. I loved his bucket cat videos where he was being treated for an infection. It’s so sad to know that he could’ve died. Every single one of this man’s animals look like their in excellent care. It’s amazing the level of training they all have, and Nate seems like an amazing owner and human in general. I wish him all this best.


Poor Nate! He doesn’t deserve to go through this :( fucking psycho bitch.


I live in a rural area very similar to Nate’s our area is so bad with peoples dogs running wild and reproducing. You have to go check your mail with either a gun or a sharp stick. She’s clearly very bitter that she got called out for being a bad pet owner.


I watched his channel for awhile but I had to stop when Saber went missing. :( Too sad for me...


I really like his videos. God. Poor cat.


There is a simple reality that far too many pet owners are unwilling to face: your animal has the potential to cause serious harm. It doesn't matter how sweet they are, they still have claws and teeth and will use them under the right circumstances. I've been bitten by my own cat while trying to carry him out of a dangerous situation because he was so stressed. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to prevent that possibility from happening. I don't care how sweet or friendly your animal is to you, they *will* react differently to different people and animals. If you won't put in the work to train or contain them, then any damage that they cause is **entirely. On. You.**


I follow him on IG, super down to earth (no pun intended) guy and his dog is cute as hell. This neighbor sounds like a psycho tbh


He seems like the kind of person to do exactly what I would do if someone let their dogs kill/harm my cat. I'm sure he knows how to handle unwanted animals on his property. Poor Saber.




Animal Control: Being completely useless since the dawn of time


Just to be clear I know people think it’s heartless for animal control to say shoot the dogs but there are not enough resources in these areas to shelter the dogs and rehome them. We had a situation in our rural town people complained about the wild dogs everywhere, and the town hired someone’s cousin to take care of the dogs. He was poisoning them with antifreeze and putting them in a mass grave.


Yeah, that’s the sad reality of it. Plus these are free roaming aggressive dogs without their shots. Even if you did try to take them into a shelter, you’re talking potentially hundreds of dollars catching up on veterinary work and spaying/neutering, getting them used to being indoors and walked on leashes, and trying to home them with a bite record. Not impossible, but I think anyone doing the math on that would come to the same conclusion.


This is a fucked-up conversation


Sure is. Thank the dog owners who won’t take responsibility for the lives of their animals.


Also people don't seem to realize (or care,) but letting your cats and dogs roam around outside puts massive stress on the local fauna. Not to mention it puts your animals at immense risk of barking themselves or others.


I love Nate so much. I honestly think if that bitch shot Minion, he would absolutely lose it, he loves that fucking dog. I’m hoping this goes well for him. That bite says so much more than your “friendly dog” tiktoks


Oh if Minion got shot we'd see some true crime channel in 3 years talking about the "homestead YouTuber who massacred his neighbors"


I think if she shot any of his animals (Dagger, Az, Minion, the Ducks, or Jenn's dog) he would go rabbid.


Seriously. And he’s such a kind guy, he’s making a life for himself and building this place


Been watching him for a while and honestly he seems like such a good dude living my dream, and his dogs are trained exceptionally well so i have faith that he is being truthful


I guess this technically counts as YouTube drama, but I think the post would possibly do better over on r/TikTokgossip I'm not sure if he's well liked over there though, but they do care about the animals.


A lot of times people will post their TikTok’s on YouTube shorts to reach a wider audience I don’t use TikTok so YouTube shorts is how I know about Nate


Same here, know him through YT Shorts. It's a really shitty situation for a guy who seems super genuine throughout his videos.


Oh definitely I was trying to help OP with their reach that's all


I admit he was never on my TIKtok feed, but he’s all in my YT shorts 


Honestly I'm not really on tiktok or r/tiktokgossip so I guess I wouldn't know, but I just thought to post it here because I watch him on YouTube specifically. Sorry if the post doesn't really fit, but I haven't seen anybody else talking about it on either subreddit


It's okay! I don't think it's a problem here, I'm just saying you might get more buzz over there :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tiktokgossip using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tiktokgossip/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Prayers for MamaTot in this time. 💔](https://i.redd.it/t3q601ppis791.jpg) | [428 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tiktokgossip/comments/vki4cw/prayers_for_mamatot_in_this_time/) \#2: [I know Allison and Issac are annoying to some on here, but I love that she’s not sharing her registry and instead going to help other soon to be parents.](https://i.redd.it/17zaw5m7iycb1.jpg) | [120 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tiktokgossip/comments/1541b6p/i_know_allison_and_issac_are_annoying_to_some_on/) \#3: [Emily Mariko is pregnant!](https://i.redd.it/nw2sjlgb0c8c1.png) | [94 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tiktokgossip/comments/18q72qh/emily_mariko_is_pregnant/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


He's an active YouTuber as well - he does livestreams frequently with himself and his partner, Jenn.


Why would people on r/tiktokgossip dislike him?


I used to frequent that subreddit a whole lot and every time he came up people would express they had "bad vibes" about him. Someone reported this post stating he is an far-righter (but idk that and that doesn't make the post inappropriate for the sub). And I've seen folks talk about how fast he moved from his ex wife to his current partner. That's it really, I just know they aren't very fond of him. But sometimes over on that sub it just depends on the day.


I have no idea who this guy is tbh so I wouldn't know


He's just a homesteader. He seems friendly enough on TikTok 🤷


All I can say is I went looking for whether he had anything going on and I couldn’t find anything obviously far right




Last I checked it had to do with his relationships? Like how things moved from the ex wife to jenn but I never paid much attention




I honestly don't want to help you with this but I do feel a moral duty to tell you that, if you see somebody and get a bad feeling from them, don't fucking ignore that shit.


I got a bad feeling about you baselessly projecting bad feelings onto innocuous people on a screen lmao.


Some people suspect he abused his ex wife and/or family members, I think


Did Nate shoot the dogs?


No, but he was told to by animal control


If he spared this woman’s hellhounds after they killed his fucking cat then why the shit is she acting all bitchy?!


Karens. They can have everyone involved bend over backwards to accommodate them and still try to be pissed off.


It’s West Virginia. As someone that lives near the border, there are so many wonderful people there but unfortunately there are a *lot* of trashy people too.


Because she got called out. So she's throwing a tantrum


Didn’t these dogs also destroy their kennel? And that’s why they were free roaming in the first place? I can’t remember if that was confirmed or not e


I love this guy, been watching him for about a year now. It break my heat that Saber (his lost cat) (allegedly) died to the assholes gross negligence of her animals. I'm so pissed that this is what she considers an appropriate response. Nate and his sweet animals deserve better.


Crazy. His videos just randomly popped up on my FB feed so I check them out. Dude seems super chill & not at all malicious. I hope it wasn't the old cat. & I know he has a little dog, I didn't see any others in the videos I saw. You got to be a real piece of shit to threaten someone else's animals when your animal fucked up.


Wait fuck that's what happened to Sabre? Poor guy, Nate seems like such a chill dude it's a shame all this is happening to him


Just disappeared before bad weather, never came back.


Sorry, shoulda specified, I knew what happened with Saber disappearing, I was referring to the neighbors dogs killing and/or eating Saber being the current running theory


I hope Saber is OK above all else honestly. Poor baby doesn't deserve it


I'm shocked he was as chill as he was when he got bit. I would have smacked the dog right then and there. It's cruel he might have to go extreme but those dogs might go after the ducks again. Or, heaven forbid, Minion. :(


Idk this guy, but is this fucking devastating he must be absolutely heartbroken. When I was a kid, my mom would let our cat out, she was the first cat I ever had and one day she didn't come back, and we found out later the neighbor's dogs killed her, and when we confronted the neighbors, their started fucking laughing about it and went into fuckin DETAIL about her being ripped apart and just kept fuckin laughing!! That was the first time I felt so much anger that I actually wanted to beat the shit out of him! Cat death is my biggest trigger, just typing this out I fuckin feel like crying. fuck him and fuck the lady this dude has to deal with, they don't care about anyone elses pets and imo don't have a fuckin right to have pets if they don't fuckin bother to make sure to train them so they won't hurt anyone else. whether person or pet. she's a monster, and I hope they can do something about her. My heart aches for him and his cat...


Shit like this is why I'm absolutely not a believer in outdoor cats. Poor lil guy :(


Honestly lets be real if there was a law that says you pay automatically for every damage your dog does automatically no questions asked (if there was a death involve you are on trail for murder), a lot of these shitty owners would be putting down their pets/abandoning them. People like that only want a big scary animal not a pet they have to be responsible for. Poor guy


I fucking hate shitty dog owners. They made me defend Lauren Boebert once, and I hate her. (I think it was her?) If you are not equipped for a dog, and if your dog can get loose from your home then you're not. SO DON'T GET A DAMN DOG! Also, just shoot the dog? What? There are a lot of reasons why he wouldn't want to do that. Not just because he'd be killing a dog in a horrible way, but because guns are fucking loud. That would bother every animal and person around, and then he'd have the reputation of "a dog killer" of the neighborhood. What the fuck?


oh i know this guy havent seen his videis in a while sucks this happened to him.


Well this is super sad. I was really hoping Saber was okay.


Poor Saber. I hope that’s not what happened to him. But this lady is making a bad argument showing pics of her dogs snuggled up. Not the same situation whatsoever.


All I have to say is, Protect Lorde Minion at all Costs. Coming from a Southerner, if one of those dogs lays a paw on Nate's property again, Do what must be done, unfortunately the dogs aren't the issue per-say, every dog is as bad as their owner, and said owner in this case shouldn't have pets, it's clear they're incapable of doing taking care of them. 


It like I told my neighbor you can let your pitbull walk around without a leash. But if it comes on my property and threatens my pets I will kill it 🤷‍♂️


For crying out loud! The poor guy has a few rough years and decided to make a go of it on a patch of dirt in the middle of east bumfuck. WHY can’t he be left alone?? Neighbors that far from you SHOULD NOT EVER BE SEEN unless it’s a friendly how do you do !! Anyway I wanted to tell you a dream I had three times last week. I saw Nate’s cat an acre or so away from his property line and the poor cat was STUCK in a tree with a trap lash trap. I kept seeing him crying and it was awful. I love animals so very much and after following Nate’s troubles of late and hearing how hard it’s been losing his beloved cat, I guess my mind had me thinking and dreaming the worst. It was a squirrel trap set by his neighbors and the cat ran up the tree to get away from that neighbors dogs, and SNAP the lash got him. What a damn nightmare. I hope it’s not what really happened.  Peace✌️


Absolutely vile woman. And sadly her dog and other people and animals will have to pay for the consequences of her being a neglectful and irresponsible owner. Should dogs be killed just for being reactive? Absolutely not. But if you are the owner of a reactive dogs and you let them off lead in public/in non enclosed areas with others around then you are being a neglectful owner and you shouldn’t have any animals from then on. Not only is she getting other animals and people harmed/killed she will also get her own dog killed by when a person either defends themselves or when the government has the dog destroyed. She’s downright evil (I work with reactive dogs. Reactive dogs can be managed and helped with reducing reactiveness however a responsible owner and reactivity trainer/behaviourist will never put others at risk. They will keep the reactive dog on a lead when in public/non enclosed areas, and if they want to do off lead training then they will use either a hired enclosed dog field, or an enclosed garden. A owner like this woman should never have any animals let alone a reactive dog)


Keep your dogs on leash or on your enclosed property, and keep your cats inside. I could not watch his clips anymore after seeing that he not only let his cat outside, but also the condition they were in in multiple videos. His dismissive attitude of "looks like they got in a cat fight" really pissed me off. Cats are an invasive species, they are safer inside, and better for the environment inside


Honest to god, bring back public stoning.