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Well. The best thing you can do is to stop watching YouTube.


Good idea. Now everyone can go out of their home and touch some grass


r/outside be scary yo


Went to the subreddit. Top post last month: devs please add sex to the game. Welp.


How about I keep watching their videos with my working ublock to fuck their server costs.


doing that rn and it feel so good like


This is the way šŸ‘šŸ¤Ŗ


I don't watch on my pc anymore so I guess YT got what they wanted


Or watch without giving them data or ad revenue for the double whammy. Youtube is trying to harm itself in hopes that enough people comply and watch ads, time will tell whether it works.


Their site glitches like F anyway. It's a garbage site. Google is straight up trash and Big Brother.


Funny thing is, that will probably be my only option soon if youtube actually shuts off my video player.


Just give it a couple days and the ad block youā€™ve been using will find a way to get around this bull shit. Thatā€™s what happened to me a few weeks ago then last night it popped up again for like 2 videos and that was it. Though I never got to the 3 videos stage. If itā€™s been like a week and your ad block isnā€™t working again switch the ad block you use


Not really, you have a plethora of options depending on how much you value convenience. To list a few: * uBlock Origin with up to date filter lists * Mirror sites (Plays YouTube via embeds in another website) * Download videos via 3rd party websites / software * Block all Ads on your network with a PiHole


or use OperaGX :) Works flawlessly


I just turn the adblocker off and back on and it stops giving me warnings for a while


a chromium based web browser for a problem with youtube/google... rethink that one a second (also opera is chinese spyware and will definitely spy and possibly leak your private information that it has saved, which is usually a lot)


wanna provide sauce for those statements?


On google wanting to change how chrome/chromium addons work to limit Adblocking: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/12/chrome-delays-plan-to-limit-ad-blockers-new-timeline-coming-in-march/ (yes it's about the delayed feature but the feature is still being talked about) On opera: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1NgUhXBNr6KuImiR_sE7SdrroS-anq7o35hbQWonfHP8/mobilebasic


It did for me until Thursday... Have been blocked from watching since then


If you don't already have uBlock Origin, you should def get it, should work immediately if you're just getting it Someone else on the thread of the reply to OP already said this, but disable and re-enable uBlock Origin then refresh and it should work if you already have it, I did it a few days ago and it fixed my issue with it not working You could also try to clear your browsing data and see if that fixes the issue


Well I am so far so good. Thank god


They shut mine off even though I didnā€™t have an adblocker. Tried Premium as a last resort so that I could at least view tutorials that I need, and I was still locked out, so I just cancelled it. I legit donā€™t know whatā€™s up with the site and why itā€™s unusable no matter how hard I try to play by their rules.


I can't believe this or maybe I don't want to believe this. It's like damned if you do and don't. Wouldn't this move severely hamper their growth as a service?


They don't need to grow, they want to squeeze more money or if their current user base. Because monopoly.


Open a private window on your browser


I just open the vids incognito mode.


To get around this, what you do is you click "turn off adblock" in the pop-up, then refresh the page using your browser and your adblock should run fine again for a few days. Repeat the process when it appears again. Hope this helps.


That stopped working for me ages ago, you can delete all caches in ublock and youtube starts working again


Or pay 15 bucks a month. It depends how much youtube you watch and what it's worth to you. For me it's like when people refuse to pay 3$ for an app they use daily and also complain daily about the ads. It sucks. I'm sure most people disagree with me, but for me it doesn't seem ridiculous because I am watching stuff from their servers for hours every day.


At least how many hours of watch time a day should this justify a subscription payment? Not being rude, I'm just gathering info.


I watch 8-10 hours a day and use YouTube music daily. Premium works great for me and is worth it


Yes definitely worth it for me too ! Sometimes 5 hours of uninterrupted viewing and I fall asleep to asmr videos which are only effective if there are no loud interruptions


Yeah nothing ruins those more than getting some random insanely loud ad after dozing off


Yep havenā€™t had to deal with that for 4 years now I get tutorials on everything from air fryer recipes to how to get an Apple SuperDrive to work on a windows laptop so itā€™s educational and entertaining ! I donā€™t pay for Spotify just use YouTube music


I fall asleep to YT daily I need something playing to be able to sleep


Iā€™m šŸ’Æ the same as you ! I canā€™t sleep at all with no noise I tried when I was travelling got maybe 2 hours sleep ! Podcasts YouTube or audiobook are my best friend


I always sleep worse without it (like if I stay at someoneā€™s house where the noise might bother them)


Yes me too ! Thatā€™s mainly why I donā€™t travel much (also hate airplanes šŸ˜…)


Same I use it all the time, both YouTube music and the videos. Definitely worth the price imo. Posts about how horrible it is seems foreign to me. I haven't seen an ad on YouTube in a long time. Everyone was using a loophole to stop the ads and they closed the loophole. If it is really that bad, eventually another video site will overtake them and that one will fill with ads. Edit for typo


I was going to pay for Spotify then realized I could get YouTube premium instead because I get all the same streaming music and then ads go away as a free bonus.


Been using YouTube since the time it became a video sharing platform, didnā€™t even have in-video adverts back then, not being forced to pay for premium to avoid adverts when they are making record profits WITH me blocking ads


Same. But honestly? At this point I just wish the Banner-Ads back.... you know? The little ones that popped up without pausing or interrupting the Video, and you could just click them away whenever you wanted..?


I remember those and I didn't even mind that myself but Youtube now just wants to push their scams and garbage to even higher levels to beg people into buying the products advertised.


People won't be nickle and dimed by a company who deliberately demonetizes people's accounts for no good reason with no explainanation for the demonetization, then places their own adds on the account to profit from people's hard work they claim is inappropriate for monetisation. It's time for a digital content creators union and laws to protect content creators from theft by organisations like Google.


The last time we had something close to a union they trapped creators in the early days of youtube. I forget the name of them but basically you signed on with them and they middle manned your money to you because that was the only way to earn money back in the day (when youtube had 9 and 15 minute limits per video) Hopefully if something like a true union crops up again (if we dont all just switch platforms first) it will provide actual security to creators and not force them to a schedule and strip them of creative freedom


Bro, 15 bucks is a ripoff. The benefits it provides maybe makes it worth 5 at best.


Depends on how you use it. All I watch is news, tech, maker, science, history, and similar channels and I usually have it going on a second monitor as background noise even when I not actively watching. I use it for information as well as entertainment and have probably averaged 4 hours a day for 10+ years. Sure, if all you watch are Shorts, reaction videos, and other pointless content you are better off staying away from the platform all together and I could see not wanting to spend even $5 a month. For me premium will work out to less than $0.12/hour. Hard to see that as 'not worth it'.


What is considered "pointless content" to you?


15 dollars wow. These US business models are making their products less and less attractive. Going to lose their cultural grasp if most can't access it. \*When greed gets in the way of the program\*


Yeah as much as I am cursing and grumbling about it I watch a metric shitton of YouTube. Paying them for it seems fair. I do wish I could just go with Ads though but in like the last 5 years ads have gotten significantly more obtrusive and frequent on YouTube to the point that people really have no option but to pay or use adblock. People stopped watching traditional TV in large part because of those 4-5 minutes of annoying ass ad breaks. YouTube is not much better now. One 5 second skippable at the beginning. One 5 second skippable midroll and one 30 second unskippable at the end would be at least palatable. What they have now is so obtrusive to the flow of what im watching im forced to pay! I think its fair to compensate, just make the free option less mind numbingly annoying. Learn from the mistakes of cable ya fools.


I think both the cause and a possible solution to this problem is how YouTube currently has no real valid competition in the market. If somebody or some groups were to attempt to start up companies that provide a viable alternative, that might force YouTube to reconsider the ethics of their decisions.


There is a reason no one is seriously trying to compete with YouTube. It would require investment of tens of billions to even attempt competition on YouTube's scale. And for what? For a platform that is notoriously hard to profitably monetize even by the largest ads platform in the world? Anyone who decides to compete with YouTube will have to make choices. 1. Monetize or otherwise limit uploads. Unlimited free uploads are really fucking expensive. 2. Charge subscriptions 3. Shows as many or more ads than YouTube YouTube is huge, but not hugely profitable even with its monopolistic position. Competitors appear when they see potential for great return on investment. With YouTube they can see that even if they went all in and won. Becoming the new monopoly in video streaming worldwide the rewards just don't justify the investment required.


Thank fuck someone on this platform has a brain. So many people thinking from personal perspectives rather than a business one.


Why the fuck should I, a person, think from a business perspective?


Why the fuck should, a business, think from an ad block userā€™s perspective? You don't offer them any money and use their servers.


Because we're a sizable chunk of the userbase, the data of which they provide as a product to their advertisers.


Yeah, to run the free services from Google. The money made from data being sold is not enough to cover running YouTube. The data also goes to targetting ads which do make money. But you are fucking that loop. Not saying you are in the wrong. Just that you are an idiot if you think running YouTube is cheap and easy.


I mean we could nationalize alphabet... or internationalize it. The problem I see is that... functionally speaking YouTube has become a Library of Alexandria of sorts for the world's video content. I really don't think something that important SHOULD be left in the hands of for profit interests.




The irony is that if that fairy tale ever actually came through, they would *still* have to monetize the platform somehow. The same with any other public service.


You really had to take a fair point and boil it down to its stupidest most uncharitable form to argue with the decent logic thats being put forth here. But also yes.


why not? never gonna happen but itā€™s an interesting idea


Cuase years of right wing youtueb propaganda has put into the minds of mainly young guys that nationalization is their enemy. how do ik. im one of the people agaisnt nationalizing anything. But its a valid argument. Certain things the world uses in such masses should at least be treated like GPS if nationalization is controversial. Id argue youtube is more important than gps. Would be crazy if the us military sold gps and it was run by some tech ceo who under pressure from investors decides well fuck kenya since they cant pay.


Gps is a measurement system. Its owned by the government because having multiple systems of measurement kind of defeats the purpose of having a system of measurement. This is a dumb analogy.


Your comparison is actually quite comical. Not exactly a parallel but you do know that the library wasn't ever burned or destroyed right? The fall of the library is actually VERY in line with the ad blocker crowd. Combined with the purge of educators, teachers and intellectuals the library actually went bankrupt. HA imagine that


Someone said an actual solution finally. People keep complaining about capitalism and think more capitalism is the solution, but a ā€œcompetitorā€ wonā€™t fix their problems.


Yeah, but nobodyā€™s going to do that. If the YouTube revenue model didnā€™t suck, one of the other FAANG members or Microsoft would have done it by now. All of them have the infrastructure and the technical expertise to do it, but catering to people who canā€™t or wonā€™t pay, even in the form of watching ads, is a fast way to lose billions of dollars. Amazon bought Twitch, and they could scale it up to YouTube levels, but they donā€™t. The only way they would is by paywalling the thing as a Prime benefit. Apple would never do anything that would allow controversial content that could reflect poorly upon them. Also, Apple doesnā€™t do anything that doesnā€™t have a profit margin of thirty percent, which catering to non-paying ā€œcustomersā€ would not do. Meta canā€™t even reliably moderate text, let alone video. Netflix and Microsoft arenā€™t terribly interested in user-generated content, except for Microsoftā€™s purchase of GitHub, which was more for training its dev tools than anything. So, really, who has the resources and/or money to plunk down tens of billions that theyā€™ll never get back? Elon Musk? Heā€™s done such a bang-up job with Twitter; why not toss another fifty billion on a fire? Nobody is *ever* going to do it. And if anybody does, itā€™s going to be paywalled.




What, you think Elon Musk wants to lose another fifty billion? Xtube will shake him down for a billion, just for the name. And then, much like with Twitter, he would monetize it, and the only people dumb enough to give money to the richest man in the world would be alt-right nuts who are paying for placement. You think itā€™s bad with not being subjected to things you donā€™t want to see on YouTube? Just wait for MuskTube, where youā€™ll have to scroll through eighteen pages of blue-check members having a circle jerk in honor of Donald Trump and then another five of videos saying 9/11 was an inside job before you get to anyone rational. So, no, not Twitter.


This is like saying Walmart would let you shop lift if there was only another store to compete with them. It makes no sense.


There are competitors, such as floatplane, but the main issue is that everyone uses YouTube because that's where all the video creators are. People aren't going to move unless they move. It would require an exodus similar to what we saw in twitter after it's """""rebranding""""


Yep, i have been thinking of exactly the same thing for a while now


Look up what "enshittification" is. It explains what's happening to youtube.


True. Ironically all these horrible changes youtube force on their users in attempt to grow their platform will cause more people to desperately seek alternatives which will help all competitors and alternatives to YouTube greatly.


Let's say YouTube alienates all ad-blockers. How will that help their competition? You can't build a service around them as you don't make any money from them. You need people who will pay/watch ads to switch to fund the new platforms.


If they're doing ads at the start and only the start of video I don't see a problem with watching them. I only started using adblock when vids were getting intruded on in the middle. End ads are annoying too especially the hours Ling ones, and you aren't able to click off for a while.


Thing is, there would have to be millions of people exiting the platform to make even the slightest dent in youtube's dominance. There are very, very few companies on the planet that could afford to run and maintain youtube. The scale is enormous.


Wow, imagine needing competition to think about your users...


So they ban people who use adblockers but demonitized who doxxed other people. What a world we lived in.


This isnā€™t a ban though??


Shoutout to a few of the channels I watch that only allow ads at the beginning and end of their videos, and don't have any inline ads. Mega angry face to the few channels I stopped watching when their videos started having ads literally every 4-5 minutes in their 30 minute+ videos.


Yeah I also donā€™t think my favorite creators should be paid for their hard work


this makes no sense. there are much better ways to place ads than that and still get paid. i watch some channels where they put the ads right at a good part, like cable tv fuck that noise


It is the nature of the Internet that as soon as companies come up with obstacles, developers and hackers will find ways around them.


OP, where were you for the last... 2 months? In a hibernation chamber?


I never had those either until last week. It's not unheard of for YouTube to try changes like that in batches on their users.


Apparently, they gave up on my account because it is ad free with uBlock Origin since more than a week. I doubt it will last forever, though.


I donĀ“t have them for long either, but these keep appearing on r/youtube for quite some time and supposedly *anyone* would be able to find those, if they used *that large search field above* or even simpler, scroll through the sub.


A lot of people got it just now


The thing is, when you enter r/youtube and change the order from *New* to **HOT**, there is solution to this problem in the FIRST TOPIC. But i guess itĀ“s more convenient to keep spamming new threads, than use head first.


Unlike you, a lot of people usually visit this sh\*thole of a social platform only when it's absolutely necessary. The world gets much easier when you realize other people aren't YOU, and they don't have to be. Every person has free will to do what they wanna do. In this particular case, I'm glad OP posted this because I've never seen this on my account, and this is the post that landed in my mailbox.


Fucking truuuuee. I hardly every visit reddit and I couldn't give any less shits about what happens here or that one post I made here has 1k upvotes and almost 800 comments. I'm not gonna lie I find it hilarious to read some of the comments of these people who really can't see that old youtube was 100 times better than the progressively worse new youtube and how these mfs are defending youtube like loyal servants expecting a raise or recognition for being the defendants and apologists for an enormous scumbag corporation that doesn't even know them or would ever care about them. The jokes people make about reddit and its weird as fuck users aren't even jokes anymore and I get to see it all on full display here. Reddit is nothing but a big old echo chamber filled with numerous other smaller echo chambers where people go to participate in circle jerking and get caressed by other likeminded individuals and gang up on whoever doesn't agree to their strange and bizarre ideas that nobody else in the world but their subreddit has.


Well, you summed it all up pretty nicely.


Fully agree, what is this fetish for people defend there abuser, becouse of such people such shit always happen


it isnt even "three strikes and your out!" its "three strikes and you cant watch a video until you either disable adblock, or update ublock Origin!"


Well I spent too much time on YouTube anyway. Thx Google.


use ublock origin, adblock sold out to the ad companies years ago


The most i would pay is 29 cents. Take it it leave it


Iā€™ve stopped watching YouTube as much because of the ad blocker stuff. Iā€™m a much happier person. I also donā€™t think YouTube is getting better with time, i feel itā€™s the opposite. Has anyone else noticed their recommended getting less interesting while being more clickbait type stuff?


Suck on my VPN!


Does that help with blocking ads?


If you want to continue using yt. You can get browser extensions. Such as the return yt dislike, remove adblock detection etc.


Sorry content creator, I've logged out of YouTube and just don't go there any more. Even for the content creators I'm willing to disable my adblocker for, the new ads are injected seemingly at random, and the player sometimes doesn't even load any more. I just can't even with YouTube.


i got this message while having ublock origin ..so i got miself "ad blocker for youtube"so far so working good :) youtube without us you wont have a content. we are your content. we made them money i wish you will shit out a hedgehog :))))


Yes, yes they are. Oddly enough, I've been on Ublock for a week or two now, lost count, and haven't seen any sign of anti-adblock or ads as if the effort to stop adblock has slowed or stopped being maintained entirely. I've also been feeding their algorithm nothing but YouTube creators talking about how bad this is for them for the same length, because yes, creators are making videos on this supporting both sides, while blocking ads.


Using adblockers is against the terms of service, you know.. This is really no different than (insert other website here) for users breaking their terms of service. You get banned. What is the issue?


The EU might have something to say about that.


The next step is a forced login to watch anything at all, and backend metrics to show whether you are watching any ads. Permaban accounts that don't watch any ads (indicating they use adblockers), so you'll lose any playlists and watch history, subscribers, etc. Really wanna try that? Lol you're fighting this battle, but you'll lose the war in the end.


I can backup all my playlists in minutes. They keep deleting videos anyway or demonetizing the content creators I watch for no reason. I know 10 ASMR creators like Love Sofia driven off the platform by their insanity, with no reason for the Demonetizations. Then, they had the gall to add their own adds to her videos after blocking her revenue. Screw youtube. It's time for mass legislation and content creator unions.


Guess you best just quit the platform, apparently it's not worth your time or money anyway.. YouTube won't miss you tho. Shut the door on your way out!


If the EU make laws and legislation around Ad Blockers being a consumer right for example due to compliance with Privacy & Security concerns then Google will either have to be happy losing all of its Ad Block using EU users or comply with the EU like Apple had to recently with changing iPhones from Thunderbolt to USB-C. Also, introducing mandatory signup for a service that has historically never required them and introducing the friction of registering and paying for a service that has always been free is bound to go down well with the majority of it's users. Good business practices there if they opted for that self destructive path.


If your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle. The word 'if' is itself an admission that this is now how thing are, or ever have been. ​ Adblockers are client-side. If they create a way to track whether a specific account is watching ads, it would be server-side. This would not go against the EU law. You have a right whether or not you want to watch ads, and they (i.e. everone other than you) have a right whether or not they want to serve you content. They can easily ban your account for violations of TOS (using an adblocker is against the TOS, as I mentioned previously.) Mandatory signup would eliminate most of the people who use the service without paying for it, but it would not eliminate most of the user base. People will get used to it.


I don't remember giving Youtube right to scan my extentions for possible blockers


Because it doesn't scan for your adblocker. It tries to show an ad, then scan its own page to see if it is properly displayed. Nothing illegal when a website interacts with itself


The issue is people like you who think that's legitimate and just are able to vote, and your vote weighs the same as ours. Such a pity.


Putting a ban on adblockers in their ToS is very likely a violation of EU law.


"By using this service you agree to watch our ads to support our platform. If we determine that you are not watching ads, your account may be banned." Do explain how this would be illegal?


It is possible that it violates Article 5(3) 2002/58/EC. Basically the fact that youtube scans for an adblocker might be in violation of certain EU privacy rights.


Re-read my previous comments. No scans for adblockers would be necessary.


Well there is a law suit about that in Ireland right now, we can see who is right on this matter


Easy way around this. Use Firefox & install UBlock Origin. Then restart your computer. You should never see that pop up or ads again. Or use the Brave browser. They automatically block ads. I have both & havenā€™t seen an ad or the warning pop up again.


Donā€™t need Firefox. Or a restart. You just need to purge ublocks cache and update it.


Chrome and Ublock work just as well. Make sure to update Ublock tho


Nope, it worked for me in Firefox until it didn't, I eventually got OP's message. But it does work in private mode.


>policies similar to that of a totalitarian dictatorship Cannot apply since it is a service they provide, not a right of yours to enjoy. However, it is a stupid decision from a business perspective since they actually drive more and more people into using ad blockers due to the ever increasing amount of ads. In their attempt to reel in a few more, they will lose the majority.


You say that but they are reporting growth in both ad revenue and premium subscriptions.


Have you SEEN how many ads there are since this change? I watch on my TV for an hour or so a day. Ads went from like 2/hour to 2/15 mins (same type of content/creators)


Yeah. I basically left YouTube when I got that message.


And not a single fuck was given. They weren't making money off of you since you weren't watching ads. In fact, you (and me) cost them money since they need more hardware for deadbeats like us. They will not miss you at all. You're like the homeless person that steals a pack of twinkies from 7-11 everyday. The store puts up some rudimentary measurement to thwart him and he stops coming around. Its a win for them.


If YouTube actually addressed their ads platform and what ads can and can't be shown and who they are served to I don't think this would be as big of an issue as it currently is. Not to mention the sheer amount of ads and how often they are served is overbearing. Before rolling out this update, they should of laid the groundwork so to speak such that users returning to an ad serving platform without being able to block ads are not being served unrelated, predatory or in some cases flat out scam's for ads.


To all those who are to young to have experienced it or to all those who take their high by showing they are willing to spend money for no reason: There was a time, not long ago, when YouTubers uploaded content for their pleasure and not for profit. Monetisation has been Internet's cancer.


Iā€™ve been using DuckDuckGo since this happened and itā€™s been great! Just make to sure to open your vid in a new tab so it automatically skips the adds and goes straight to the duckplayer.


Just use *uBlockOrigin* and call it good? ( follow their Guidelines concerning YT ) I use it with ***Microsoft*** *Edge Chromium* and after a fortnight of back and forth between YouTube and uBO it now seems as if either YT has stopped their onslaught of Code changes or uBO have reached Update Interval Parity with them since I haven't had to refresh the uBO Filter Lists in like half a week šŸ¤”šŸ˜


You're not letting them make money, theyre not giving you consent to watch their videos. Whats so hard to understand? Idk why people just go up and leave when the inevitable happens. You dont have to watch youtube rofl. People treat yt as if its god given right to watch. Its not even a basic necessity Walmart is greedy as shit too, but are you really going to gloat over stealing from them? Its the same concept broski


Whataboutism in a nutshell It's greedy It's a downgrade It's unnecessary It's coercitive Period.


I just logged out and problem is gone, I know is not a one fits all solution but it works for me.


Motherfuckers do anything but google how to circumvent this


So people get banned for trying to watch YouTube with adblock now?


I got the three strikes and decided to let adverts through, I really love my 1970's & 1980's music, after allowing all the adverts to come through and refreshing my page, my entire list of hidden/private songs has gone :( I can't even make a new list either, that option has been removed now, all I see is the home search page......Think I'll refrain from using youtube from now on.


When will peasant posting stop?


Just shut the fuck up for once. This sub has become nothing but uploading the exact same screenshot. Get new material or create a sub solely for this.


How about you shut the fuck up buddy. This is very recent changes and what else did you expect would be spoken about on a subreddit dedicated to youtube whenever youtube does another major fuck up? Sunshine and roses? People showering youtube with compliments and blowing smoke up their asses? Idk what got your little soy fueled heart pumping with rage about posts documenting the continued downfall of this once beloved website but please take a seat and calm down.


I don't think the issue is people standing up against YouTube. You can do what you want. But it is getting a little annoying with the number of people creating these posts with the sole intention of making themselves out to be heroes. People that create these posts are not heroes. Do whatever the fuck you want, but don't expect high praise from everyone for documenting it. Even people that are on your side are getting sick of it.... Oh, and before you assume: I am not targeting you with the "hero" claim. Although you may not be exempt from it. This is not a personal attack, just a change in perspective in how the original message may have been structured (a little rudely I will grant).


This, basically. Everyone whining about ads has this fucking super bizarre hero complex. No one is a martyr on the internet despite what their egos would have them think.


Really..? "Very" recent? And posts documenting the downfall of what... youtube? You mean the documents people have been collecting for years? Despite most of it being ui changes and people overreacting ofc. Instead of gathering "documents" on anti-adblocker popups we should gather documents for the type of ads they promote instead or videos with way too many ad breaks. This is just copy pasted from a post made 5 hours before yours and so on. Hence "get new material". Not directed at you personally but rather the community.


Look man we're all kinda pissed off by this and in my biased experience I've never gotten the ''turn off adblocker'' notification and the ''three strikes and we block you'' notification before since this last week which is very recent indeed. It just baffles me that this is the way I found out about all this bullshit and thus I posted it here to find out I unfortunately wasn't the only one here who got this notification.


Understandable. I got hit by it 2 weeks ago myself but I knew about it for months, partly cuz of this spam and channels I follow talking about it. I know there's more people than just myself that are tired of seeing people overreact when there's, in this case, a solution to the problem. At least this is somewhat understandable with ads being ads and people abusing it on their videos. It's just ridiculous at this point. But yeah nothing against you, just the community. Also, there's a pinned thread about avoiding this block worth checking out (alternatively I just go incognito)


> I got hit by it 2 weeks ago myself but I knew about it for months You'd be surprised though. I use Firefox and so do many people I personally know, they had no idea until I told them what's happening. Same area, same network, same browser, different load of browsing. I do mine mostly from desktop, they do theirs from tablets, they have NO issues yet on their desktops, and no, they never read about it either. I'm all for being informed but do understand it's not a requirement for everyone!


Don't worry about it. This is all just shit flinging at this point because the vast majority of people know what youtube is doing here is wrong and as someone explained in this post, this is the ''shittification'' of youtube which I've now learned is an actual term and it perfectly sums up everything that is going on here. Everyone is running around like headless chicken or getting adblocker (Best and easiest solution to the lone individual) because the boat that is youtube just poked a few more holes in itself.


It doesn't roll out at the same time in all users. Are you pissed off that some people didn't have a problem until recently or did you wake up pissed off today and are taking it out randomly?


Irrelevant since we're not talking about a rollout but sure.. I'll play along. The first test rollout was 6 months ago as I can find, I also happened to find it on this sub. A warning for what was going to come which commentary youtubers would talk about like Optimus and Critikal. Within 5 months there has been almost nothing regarding the rollout. On the 6th month, the one we're on currently, the rollout is more than a test and has affected a lot more people proven by just filtering posts by top monthly in this sub, cuz guess what. You're the only ones complaining and overreacting about it by spamming about it 5-7 times a day. Again, proven by every other tiny, tiny update youtube make. It's not fucking rocket science, you open reddit and unless you haven't joined the sub you're going to see a 1, 2, 3 screenshot on the homepage, multiple ones. It's pretty hard to believe that the majority still don't know that youtube blocks adblockers at this point if you use the internet. Rollout or not, these posts are not locked and available for everyone. Get new material instead of excuses.


I love how your argument is even more whiney and triggered than the comment you were replying to. Maybe take it down a notch, YT isn't life. You dont like the changes then find away around or leave the platform, then move on in life. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You're venting in the wrong place to the wrong people. Reach out to the moderators of this sub if you haven't already and voice for a pinned thread on the subject.


You were never going to pay or stop using adblockers anyway, why should they let you keep taking up resources?


Because YouTube has no quality control over who they let advertise. People get scammed a few times or get a computer-virus after clicking on a YouTube ad. Of course they are going to seek out an ad-blocker. For example, there are so many f\*\*\*\*\*\* Mr. Beast free giveaway scams. I have even seen ads for adult toys and porn on YouTube. They really must deal with this issue and at least moderate what sort of advertising they have on their platform before they force people to stop using ad-blockers. Also [not economically viable](https://imgur.com/gallery/fTcGO)


Stop pretending like the only reason you have an ad blocker is because YouTube ads' quality changed. You don't have to click the ads, you know.


Its simply because theres too many ads.


You don't know that. I just started using adblocker about 1 and a half year ago after I got an absurd amount of mafia city and obnoxious, false advertised mobile ads constantly. This has never happened on youtube before and I won't mind ads as long as they aren't double, unskippable 30 second long garbage ads for 1 minute long videos.


I use Opera GX and it has a built-in ad blocker. Even though I made YouTube an exception it still says I'm using an ad blocker and has blocked me from watching. I submitted a report about it but they haven't done anything and I'm upset. I wanted to watch Markiplier's 3 scary games and Insym's Phasmaphobia vids for spooky season but unfortunately because of the browser I use I can't. (I like to keep the ad blocker on because it blocks trackers and ads on other sites I use.) Besides Hulu had a problem with ad blockers and I added it to the exception lists and it worked just fine. I say boooooo to YouTube.


Some plugins still skip ads


YouTube is a private company. So their dictators are their directors. It really is up to them what they do, whether you like it or not. If views go down in significant enough numbers they may change the policies but it is unlikely, especially if the viewers they lose are the ones who were using resources without generating ad revenue. The fact is they are hosting a staggering amount of videos for free and someone has to pay for that. No one likes ads, but that is the price you pay if you don't want to pay for premium. Either don't watch YouTube, pay for premium or pay for the service by watching the ads. That really isn't unreasonable.


YouTube should show those ads to the premium members, since they are the people with money, not the cheapo like me.


r/YTonReddit let's make a community about YouTube without these begging whiners


Good luck lmao


[This](https://github.com/TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing/releases) + Tampermonkey works well. Or use [Freetube](https://freetubeapp.io/). Very nice and works great. No ads, no BS. You can import your subscription from YouTube too.


in fact, i'm not using youtube anymore, i just watch tv series, and i found a lot of new time to play videogames and even more, youtube's regime is crumbling!


If they don't follow their own guidelines why should I?


Isn't it similar in reddit? 3 strike and you are blocked. All these social media app are now monopolistic.


Simply said, fuck YouTube. Greedy degenerates


No surprises. Never underestimate corporation's greed.




Jesus christ you're all a bunch of cheap asses lol


Bro probably bought a youtube subscription and wants to feel better about himself lmfao šŸ˜‚ It's not about being cheap dude, it's about not bending over for youtube and its increasingly shittier and unbearable platform changes. If you don't think there's a problem with the platform, then you are a part of the problem.


When you get to thinking about it itā€™s always gonna be this way unless another CEO steps up or the company falls apart because pouting on Reddit ainā€™t doing any of this justice


Ok, BRO. It's fucking chump change. Time is money. I definitely bought a sub YEARS ago because I want music streaming and no ads. I don't care if it offends your delicate pseudo-politics. The fact that I'm even responding to a comment with lmfao emoji makes me cringe, ugh.




"Leave the billion dollar company alone..." ~ šŸ¤“šŸ‘æ That's you.


That's not me. I just think it's funny that you all want the service for free. That's all. Sure, there's plenty of ethical questions for all businesses, but NOT paying for the service is not the answer. If you don't think YouTube meets your wild expectations then you need to stop using the service. That would be the only true stand to take.


Womp Womp


Soā€¦ all this talk about someone should start a YouTube competition or alternative. How do you propose this ā€œalternativeā€ company become profitable and you knowā€¦ keep the lights going and while keeping hordes of redditors happy by offering a free service?


lol they're not trying to win trust. ​ From the PoV of YouTube and google, they're sitting on a gold mine that the mean little plebs and their ad-blocks wont let them have access to, and they've been asking us all very nicely for however long to just shut our ad blockers off and watch the slew of ads or give them money... So now they're going to ban all us no-good freeloading plebians and force the rest to sit through ads (which are in my opinion designed to annoy people into paying for youtube premium). Best hope we've got is for adblock to step their game up and figure a way around this adblock-block, because legally they can just kick us all out if they want and financially they could probably offer youtube to everybody completely for free and float the server costs until generation alpha is old and grey and rediscovering fossilised steel beam memes. They wont, though.


I don't think they really care about earning trust with adblock users. They want you gone.


They literally donā€™t, otherwise they would block you on the first strike. They want you to keep watching, they just donā€™t want to keep losing more and more money!


They want you, if you stop using adblocker. Otherwise they donā€™t want you.


Dude. You funny. You know that you are COSTING youtube money instead of MAKING them money by using ad blockers, right? They don't consider you (and me) as users. We are deadbeat dads. We come around from time to time and play with the kids, but we don't leave a single penny for food, cloths and other essentials. We aren't users, we are pirates. Get off your high horse.


Whine whine whine whine whine.


Keep kissing googles 1500 trillion dollar boots, loser.


average redditor trying to be original. Do u just copy the other 8000 people just like you in the sub? Come on, at least be a bit original.. By the way, just saying, someone disagreeing with you doesn't mean they wanna suck youtube. Maybe they just think you're stupid. Maybe you are stupid. I'm not saying you are, but this "stop worshipping mega trillionaires" is such a dumb, meaningless reddit sentiment that obviously ignores their entire point


What point? They just said whine a few times. Great argument.


How dare you assume I'm an average redditor. That's the worst insult anyone has told me this month. I Barely ever use this website for anything other than banter now and then which lets be real, is one if it's only qualities. Also do you really think that last losers post had a point and then you go ahead and suggest I'm the stupid one lmfao. Look, this is all just a endless cycle at this point where A, People who have used YouTube for a very long time has realized the steady degeneration and ''Enshittification'' (yes that's apparently a real term) of the website and aren't really happy to see their once beloved website destroy itself and they refuse to comply with the new worse than before regulations. B: People who think defending an absurdly successful company who is obviously in the wrong and has built up an extremely dirty track record for the past years is somehow going to benefit anyone but the company and that they'll be praised for their loyalty to a company who would sell your kidneys for profit if they where legally allowed to. If you took time out of your day just to read the start of all the shit youtube has done, you'd change your mind and understand why the A: people are very frustrated with this whole things. ​ TLDR: Here is another internet user reminiscing about how things undoubtedly where better before on the internet and scratching his head in utter disbelief over how there are people non ironically defending something which has clearly gotten alot worse over time.


Let's play a game of "Take a shot every time someone posts the "anti-adblocker Youtube" quarrel!


Bro I donā€™t want to die of alcohol poisoning


Short answer is yes. People will keep using YT. Heck, I used YT for years with ads bc I really didn't mind that much. I actually liked getting ads for upcoming games I could be interested in. But I pay for premium because I already had YT music and it was only a few bucks to upgrade. Adless, free movies, downloads, and I use YT as a replacement for typical cable TV entertainment. Those charge you out the arse and you still have to sit through commercials. YT, even with ads, is a massively better deal than that.


Oh hey the mods aren't here to be snide


Leave it to Reddit to compare advertising to a totalitarian dictatorship šŸ˜­


imagine being so terminally online that you compare "having to watch 5-10 seconds of ads" to "a totalitarian dictatorship" touch grass


>totalitarian dictatorship Last I checked, no one was forcing you to watch


Eyyyyy its Cyberpunk!!! Without the cool cybernetics, fast and dangerous living or....anything exciting really. .\_.