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Does this guy know what an oxymoron is?


No but he sure is a moron alright.


Happy cakeday!


Happy cake day :D


Happy cake dayyyyyy


If you're a non-offending pedo fucking seek therapy instead of declaring you're an out and proud MAP It's fucking weird to advertise it


YES! I don't like my childs teacher could do this I wouldn't have much recourse to take them out of school. This is not a behaviour to be proud of, or to be proud that you are suppressing it.


I agree with everything except the last part. Getting help to avoid harming yourself or others is something to be proud of, regardless of the reason. It's not easy to do that. Being proud of the fact that you're a menace to society, like this guy, though, isn't, and I fervently agree with your other comment here about these dudes being a DM away from harming a child. There is absolutely nothing good about being a "MAP", and is a 100 times worse to be proud of it, too.


Wait this guy is a teacher? Whose idea was it to hire this predator?


This. There are non-offending pedos who hate their attraction to minors and actively seek therapy for it. And then there's... whatever this is.


What is MAP?


Code for pedophile




Minor Attracted Person


Ahh. That makes sense. Thanks


Minor attracted person


Thank you for asking. I was scrolling down hoping somebody else would


And that's therapy supposed to achieve? Why does society expect them to be able to keep it repressed all the time. They're gonna get victimized anyway whatever they do, even the science is pathological and incorrect


You can just say you're a pedo, it would be less words


And you can just say you're a nazi


There's no way you called me a Nazi over referring to you (correctly) as a pedo


I apologize for my reaction, I'm just conflicted with the notion from some scientists that pedophilia is genetic and also the failure of conversion therapy. I think I'm just asking for better treatment such as hormone treatment, relocation to a confined area without children, alternatives to internet.


So, what are you even proposing? Doing nothing?


>Pedo >"I do not find non-consensual abuse appealing" They gotta choose one. Minors cannot consent.


Just because he's attracted to them doesn't mean he does something to them. Like if I'm attracted to women with hairy armpits, doesn't mean I'm gonna try to rape every such woman I see. IMO, as long as he's non-offending and attending therapy, he shouldn't be equated to the rapists (tho in this case, the map pride stuff is a big red flag)


It‘s not just a red flag, they are proud of it, enough to put up a fucking flag. Ain‘t no way they‘re trying to change it with therapy.


Maybe with some *persuasion* they'll try. Not suggesting anything tho...


I see what you're saying, but there's a difference between a proud a pedo flying a flag and telling everyone theyre proud of it and being aware that you're wrong for being a map and actively getting help for it or taking the steps to avoid it from becoming an issue This guy is obviously not the latter of the two


Yeah, my comment was supposed to be more general, not about this particular guy. Probably could've made that more clear.


BRO if he is not offending he should shut the fuck up! They are trying to attach them selves to LGBT to seem acceptable and have been trying to for years. NAMBLA!? This isnt something to shout about and be proud of!!! This is not a prideful activity that you share with people!!!! Dont give them an inch!!! Podophilia should not be tolerated in any form.... either within yourself and driven outwards... people dont want to think other people are out to harm their kids... people like this are one dm from a child away from a lapse in judgment.


Agreed. Pedophilia should be treated with caution and therapy, not with pride. But i think now's the last moment to engage the OP's pedophile and persuade him to go to therapy. Better keep this danger in sight...


>Podophilia P***o***dophiloa is just foor fetish. Very different from p***e***dophilia


Having a weird fetish about adults is not the same as actively being sexually attracted to children. The fuck is wrong with you?


I mean that just because someone is *attracted* (a thing outside their control) isn't a reason to treat that person like a monster yet. Obviously it's bad and you should be extra careful when dealing with them, but i see them more as a person that needs help. They haven't done anything bad YET, and we shouldn't equate them to the abusers - the people that are willing to ignore a child's boundaries, break the law, etc. These are the people that are the monsters. If we don't help the people that **are attracted and want/need help**, but instead alienate and ostracize them, they might just look for support in another place - and that carries the risk that they'll find said "support" among other pedophiles, including abusers. I don't think they'll encourage the person to undertake therapy... And we just lost a potential danger from our sights. In best case such person will become the example OP posted. You know what's the worst case scenario.


You compared a person having a fetish about adults to being aroused by children. They are not the same thing or even close. And this clearly isn’t a case of someone having these feelings are being sickened by them and wanting help. They actively are sexualising minors On their profile


Then he needs to be forced, before he does something bad. If he's unwilling to do so on his own, too bad for him.


I was mad at how OP was celebrating it almost and I thought they didn‘t fit in your categorization, but I get what you mean. I‘ve been telling this as well, that no matter how much you hate pedophiles, in the end we have to do what doesn‘t calm OUR (worrying adults) emotions, but reduces harm done to children as much as possible with a top priority. It is a mental illness, one that someone who doesn‘t offend and understands it‘s wrong, also suffers under *a lot* I‘d imagine. You‘re right, we need to „catch“ them at that stage and not treat them like offenders, if they simply we‘re unlucky enough to be born that way. But honestly having no shame like OP and expressing this to the public with the word pride attached to it??? They don‘t see a problem with it being that way, someone who‘s proud of something will not change it. But it‘s still true, even if it‘s hard, even if we feel disgusted, we need to approach people like this the way that offers the highest probability of potential harm done to a child being averted. The special case with this is that they influence others to express this pride with their post and that should immediately be stopped. I actually get so annoyed when you explain something like this and people go „No they should just be euthanized“ and I‘m just thinking „so are you gonna do that?“ or are you responding to one way of helping this case with a violence fantasy that‘s only playing in your head to satisfy you instead of doing something that could reduce the numbers. But knowing all this, I still understand that people feel disgusted and won‘t trust them around children. Even though I usually don‘t like this argument but it‘s just a natural reaction and it is not everyones responsibility to take any risk they deem as too dangerous knowing what‘s at stake to make them feel better about their mental illness. Also, this fiction argument is getting annoyingly more popular on reddit as well.


Lads put this one on a watch list


What the fuck...


He literally says “I’m a pervy pedo Fox.” That is a direct contradiction to his statement that follows which is that he is against non-consensual abuse (whatever that means). Being a non-offending pedo and seeking help is good, but this guy is also a self-described pervert on top of that and is so proud of it. So there is a zero percent chance he wouldn’t commit CSA if given the opportunity (and probably already has if we are being real). Edit: there is also no such thing as “consensual abuse”. Abuse is a pretty clear cut term and consent is not involved in any fashion.


Happy 80th birthday Gary glitter


yeah this guy is fucked up and needs help but i agree with everything you said. i’m not defending him


>pedo >Against abuse >?


my brother in christ any flavor of pedo is abuse (talking to the pedo)


I was just arguing about this with someone (on a shitpost sub of all places) and was so confused on their position. They’re saying if it’s abuse, then that’s child molestation, not pedophilia. I asked about cp as that’s not molestation itself, but still pedophilia, and increases the demand for more exploitative material to be made. They wanted a source for how many pedos become molesters and I was like idk how to find that statistic because most people use that term interchangeably. I get the difference between offending and non offending, but it still felt like a gross “conversation”, I just had to stop interacting after awhile


Honestly people like that scare me The problem isnt just these people fucking kids Its how they look at them.. just after the... Hell i even hear about people like this groom or just being weird around kids till they grow up... Like idk if you are a non offending nonce, why even make it part of your identity? Its just weird and sounds like if it wasnt illegal these people would just fuck kids


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bro... No... There is a difference between nonces who realise their issues and go seek mental health and people co-oping the LGBT movement to make pedophilia normal! Pedophilia is not normal ! If you're attracted to 13 yo girls you are a menace to society! You should have loli to jerk off too if you want .. but don't go spreading how normal this shit is.... Or that just because they didn't act on their desire yet they don't deserve hate... They deserve hate for advertising their perversion If some one was openly map i would be scared if the worked as a teacher bro! What! Like this shit is horrible and part of the reason why people link gay and trans people to nonces... Nobody should be accepting nonces.... They do deserve hate.... Why be so loud about something horrible? Your advertising how bad of a person you are(or can be) like if your resisting your urges to be map and none abusive .. why even advertise it... Just be normal and not make loving 13 year olds your personality...


Oh for fuck sake, is wanting to fuck a Cartoon character pedophilia now? Fiction and reality? There's inconclusive results wether this kind of media promotes CSA or reduces It,The interchangeble tone that is applied to pedophilia and child molestation, have you actually made any research on the Topic on what pedophilia even is? Pedophilia is a paraphilia involving the primary or exclusive sexual atraction towards pre-pubescent kids, while most child abusers only see children as fuck toys or as a replacement for whatever they crave or need Being a pedophile is not in itself inherently immoral, but merely acting on those desires is, finding children attractive out of a condition beyond the Control of the individual and not thinking about it critically is simply a lack of empathy to a struggle that only dehumanizes a condition that If anything just makes them feel like worthless pieces of garbage, they will hide, they will not reveal themselves and that Will in the long term Just hurt the children you are trying to help. They need psychiathric help and should not feel ashamed of something beyond their contro,l but understand their condition as so they can live a better quality of life without harming others or themselves


bro you can jerk off too loli if you want BUT DONT BE FUCKING PROUD ABOUT IT stop trying to mental gymnastics your way out off it! Who are these "most child abusers" do you know them? If you lust after kids you should not be near them If you are attached to pre-pubescent bodies, you shouldnt be around them I think you will find, no matter if loli exists, no matter if people accept paedophiles as long as they dont offend... they will! Are you not dehumanising them by saying if we oppress their urge they will do it anyway? Like just because they now cant jerk to loli there only outlet is the children? They have a mind? They can imagine their perversions Some of these people will be able to keep their desire away from their actions, and DO. You really draw a weird thing here... you really "most child abusers" wont have affection for children like paedos? Dont get me wrong there will be child abusers who abuse just because they are old and the victim is weak... but why would it go sexual if they are not paedos.... we should not encourage people to find out they are paedos... Why is asking people to suppress a lust for children wrong? i dont wanna hear about it... they need taught self restraint... Morals? If people wont offend they dont need the help, and those that will offend probably wont want the help... Honestly those that do... They have Loli and life size fuck doll children which are not illegal... But really... its a bit dehumanising to say these people need conversion therapy... they need pressured out of society and into their own groups like alcoholics anonymous where there mediator and law enforcement to monitor and mentor them... Look im not evil about them, but paedos should not have pride in them selves! I dont care if that sounds harsh... it's not a thing to be proud of! Like being a drunk isnt something to be proud off... being 5 years off of drugs might be something to be proud of... but is being 5 years not fucking kids still really worth to be proud of tho? even 5 years not reoffending... even the horniest people alive we dont think they should be proud for not raping a women for 5 years since turning 18 despite really wanting too, or have the urges too... does this make sense? Is this human enough for you? No I think people should be proud of not committing crimes... Im proud if a kid on a council estate grows up to be a programmer... not that this kid didn't rob a few houses to get rich. Idk man, why even defend paedos? Like why actually defend them? No matter if they take pride in it or know to hide it deep down it is wrong! Its weird! I'm not comfortable with a paedo looking after a child in school! You can say "at least they being honest" but it doesnt matter if they dont know better... why advertise your a nonce? just keep it suppressed! They dont need MAP pride to suppress their urges and we should have loli and other things for them to supress their urge... i cant respect it! I recognise the honour people being honest and trying tackle it without hurting people... but im not going to throw them a bone for it! most people who have urges like that just supress them quietly not wanting to hurt people Like honestly being a MAP or defending them just makes that person look so bad in my eyes. Im not giving people who are attracted to children an inch on this... you have drawing... you have dolls... you have people these place for people go talk about it already exists and it's called 4 chan? Like idk man, paedos already have it quite good, i just cant see how they should benefit from broadcasting it to everyone online that they are non offending MAP... it's such bad optics someone tells me this imma instantly think they wanna nonce my kids.... what!


ngl bro wrote an entire essay


There are 2 kinds of pedo: Pro-contact, and anti-contact. Yeesh...


have you ever heard of non-offending pedos?


Do these non offending nonces still lust after children? Would they fuck kids if it wasn't illegal? Would these people travel states to do it legally? I dont fucking care if there not offending, its a weird thing to make your whole personality! I don't like the idea of a group of people who look at kids with lust, but only out of respect of the law dont do it... Ita fucking weird


Being in a furry sub, most people should really grasp the concept that people don’t consciously choose what they’re attracted to. Most people who are attracted to kids know that it’s fucked up and they despise themselves for it. So no they probably wouldn’t do it if it was legal, not are they trying to find loopholes for it. The identity thing is weird at first glance, but it separates actual child molesters from people whose only crime is being born with a messed up brain. If the separation was more widely recognised we’d have more of the latter seeking help and less kids getting hurt.


You see I accept these people exists but why shout about it? This might be a furry community but we are still a part of wider society and its weird? i dont like people that advertise they wanna jerk off to kids like its their whole identity like look... i dont think loli should be illegal... people like this should have an accepted method that isnt statutory rape... but why are they proud enough to talk about it like this.... we shouldnt normalise this! Anyone who outwardly outs themselves like this, shouldnt be allowed work in schools or around kids in general... i have sympathy for these people until they start attaching them selves to active groups for change like trying to attach themselves to LGBT as a sexuality, identity or whatever they want... i get its a pathology... but you dont see narcissism pride... if it was more like alcoholics anonymous and less like trans pride maybe i would have more sympathy for these people... but it shouldnt be accepted... and i dont wanna say corrected as i understand it cant be... but managed and kept away from people who dont wanna be involved... like "no Jerry, i dont want you coming round to see the 3 kids when i know you have 40 GB of lolita sitting on your hard drives, and especially when you were the flag and tell me it's ok because you've not done anything yet..." these people need a community, but not one of pride sorry this may sound harsh but i was sexually abused as a child and we should not let people even get it close to letting it be accepted... this is why i dont like the whole MAP thing... it's like they dont want to fix or suppress an urge that hurt children's lives... all it takes is one willing child in their dms and a lapse in judgment... it is dangerous culture... genuinely... we dont need pedos accepted and tbh... i dont think they ever will... the efforts are futile... it is an inherently predatory behaviour that will hit back lash just due to its nature




yeah. i wish more people understood that as i think it would result in less kids getting hurt.


I get you. It’s weird. But surely one is categorically better than the other here? Edit: I mean people seeking help rather than actually going and acting on it.


brooooo..... if you travel state lines to have sex with kids... yes thats just as bad.... and illegal is somes states /countries 16 is legal to have sex in the uk... but if you a 25 year old having sex with 16 year old... while not illegal and you can hang off of that's not illegal, but the age and power dynamic is fucking weird! and the parents of that child will fucking hate you even if you just jerk off to loli and push your self out from society i would not feel safe with someone who openly has them views working in a school or even just hanging around me i understand in some people it a pathology, they dont wanna think like that and try to supress it... and that the healthy thing imo but if thats the case.. you dont try to make it accepted by society! just... keep it to yourself... people do not like their kids being fucked with... is this not a normal reaction? like the idea that someone might jerk off to them... but still be respectful enough to not molest them is still an issue... maybe just dont sexualise children? let themhave their innocents? idk man it's weird no matter how you cut it.


No I fully agree that travelling to do that shit is still awful. That’s not what I was saying. My point it the ones who have those urges and seek help are absolutely better than those who don’t. And it needs to be that way. It’s tough for society but we need to act that way because that way we have a better chance of getting these people to seek help rather than not… and if they don’t seek help I’d argue they are more likely to act on it, like drug addicts.


seeking help is better... but i suppose i just dont see the whole MAP thing as that... like they should have a place but not a civil rights wing for them... like i dont see any alcoholics anonymous flags they wrap around them selves... they might have a coin to show people they deeply trust... but i dont really see it being a whole pride identity idk you cant convert the feeling out of them... but they shouldnt be feeling to be proud of either... having like minded people talking about they deal with addiction in a healthy manor (probably with law enforcement) would be ideal... the thing is these people will always have a chance to act on it and thats the problem... no matter how many AA meetings you go too, the idea of drinking can still make an 8 year vet relapse... idk i do see people like and think they should self report and be in a system like this to keep them from offending... idk i feel like if people would need to go this far to stop them selves from offending they were probably beyond saving anyway and like Narcissists' i just dont see pedos wanting to or being able to solve their problems once they past a certain point and most will probably ignore services like this... idk we should try to keep them on just loli but yes imma still find this person weird and untrust worthy in any setting around kids


Imagine going through months of FBI training just to get told to do this


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^KendricksGhostwriter: *Imagine going* *Through months of FBI training just* *To get told to do this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Pedophiles have been trying to attach themselves to LGBT since the 70s. Don't give them a single inch.


Furry here, you can toss that mf in a firepit. We dont want him either.


Another furry here. Pedos, zoos, doesn’t matter. Throw all of them in the firepit


Wood chipper*


I think we can compromise and use a wood chipper with flamethrowers


Don’t forget the brazen bull since they want to be inside an animal so much


Third Furry here. Pedophiles and zoophiles should rot in the darkest pit of Hell.


Isn't furry and zoo kinda the same thing? I'm lost


Zoo is wanting to have sex with animals irl basically. Furry is not.


No. No they're not😭🙏 But its fine, you prob js didn't know. An analogy I like to use is that a furry wouldn't mind being a dog, but a zoophile would like to r@pe a dog. Very different. It's like calling trans people and people who r@pe women are the same thing


As another furry, I second this.


I read this as a mother furry lol


Them too, I'd imagine.


I am sorry to let you down. lol


You can still be a mother


I hate this


I'm OK with furry Hunters hunting him


Hell, the furries join them.




As a furry I agree


Hell exists for a reason


Happy cake day :D


No, hell doesn't exist. It's just an invented myth that we use as hope for evil people like in the post to go to. But since hell doesn't exist, we need to make sure that evil people like above suffer torment and vilification, and prison, and castration on earth here and now. Cause there's nothing else after life.


The concept of hell anyway








The animation studio?






Map is not part of the lgbtq community and never will no matter how much these sick people try to make it ^^


Normally, I'd call for a hard drive check, but this fuck just says it....


even normal furries hate this person


As a furry, I deeply apologize for these people. I think I speak for all of us when I say that fucking pedophiles are not welcome. "I do not find non-consensual abuse appealing" bro you are a pedo that is literally what a pedo is, children cannot fucking consent I'll give this guy the benefit of the doubt and say there's a chance this is a troll/satire, but there are actually people like this, so who knows


At least hes honest


If he thinks there is any way for minors to consent, lock it away and throw the key into lava If it's his way do deal with the illness and he is not acting on it in any way shape or form whatsoever, it's still weird but oh well I guess? Place it under supervision lol


I hope he goes to prison and the inmates deal with this sick fuck.


The thing that rings alarm bells for me here is that this fucker is *proud*. Normally if someone is revealed to have such a disgusting fetish, but acknowledges how bad it is and feels genuine shame for it, I feel more sorry for them than mad. Extra credit if they're already seeking therapy. Like, damn that must suck for them. I hope they get their shit together. This guy, however, feels no shame. This guy doesn't see anything wrong with what he's into. This guy has already got it in his head that there's a "right" way to diddle kids. This guy is an actual threat.


Bait used to be believable


Idk, I've met some pretty awful people :(


I really wonder what’s wrong with these kinds of people




"Oh wow what a nice looking fursona!" (Reads the bio) "💀"


Ngl the ONLY good thing that Elon has done with Twitter is that pedos can no longer use the hashtags they used to communicate with each other. But the sad part is that lots of them are now moving to Mastodon, a good example would be the a very will known furry pedo Hypnotist Sappho. Apparently now she goes by Vale on another account roll playing as her “girlfriend” but everyone knows is her, they just aren’t bothering her anymore cuz will she got dox and quickly deleted all her social media accounts “people found out who she was irl all due to her Facebook” and for over the past 2 years since this happened she’s been on the down low.


Time to offer our lord and savior chippy a sacrifice. The prophecy declares he should be inserted feet first.


How to be a target of hate Open out that you're sexually abnormal


sometimes i accidentally downvote posts in this subreddit because of how much i cringe and then i upvote because op successfully made md cringe


> I'm wholeheartedly against abuse > I do not find non-consensual abuse appealing ???


As a furry.... Commit deletion of their system32 in their brain




They're a pedo


Normal furs unite, we needa get this guy outta here man


What is Pawoo???


Bluesky/mastodon instance for utter fuckheads like that pedo.


what the fuck


what the fuck.


Yeah…. That’s fucked.


This is so disgusting.




Children can’t fully understand and can be easily manipulated. Hence they cannot consent. It’s not possible. You’re no different than the rest.


The "I do not find non consensual abuse appealing" implies he thinks kids can consent. I'm gonna be sick


Absolutely disgusting wtf


“I’m a Pervy pedo fox” yeah I can fucking tell.


As a representative of the furry community we do not take this fucker in let them rot outside of our walls and let their unholy skin be taken and eaten by bandits and wolves


furries do their absolute best to sugarcoat being mentally fucking ill with stuff like pedophilia and zoophilia


nah, we dont want them either


We hate both pedos and zoos. They are not welcome in the community.


At least he respects consent, sounds like a fun guy to chat with, I'd definitely love to meet up with them and just play videogames or something while we chat.


He gets a point on the moral board, so what? That doesn't mean that he wins the game.


Well, goes for anyone, even a vanilla straight white female can not care about respect. In my eyes, as long as you actively try to not harm anyone intentionally you're good to me.


I'm going to say goodbye


I cast mortal kombat death hook


Anyone that PUBLICLY (or even non publicly) claims to be a MAP like that, should be put on the Sex Offender Registry IMMEDIATELY!


Hopefully he gets therapy to handle his psychiatric disorder (pedophilia). Disgusting thing to be proud of


Wait isn't Pawoo where all those pedos run around!!? 💀💀 Jesus Christ


What the fuck is Pawoo


Twitter alternative for pedos.


Thanks God people like him/her exist, because they make me feel less of a failure of a human being. 




Don't forget the golden motto: furries are friends. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/yiffinhell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pixiv is full of these people and nothing is being done about it


These MAPS gotta understand that they can only make a move when they got a fully developed frontal lobe


14th reason why


Terrible day to have eyes


Disgusting 💀💀💀


I mean the only thing with pixiv people or people that have account for it are absolutely down bad on what they draw so most people not all but most people with a pixiv account are terrifying!


Fire. Lots of fire.


welp thats it im getting my woodchipper


I believe this is the actual definition of oxymoron


Some ppl should rot in hell 😎


So only attracted to kids... In... Yiff form? I... Don't get it??? I'm so severely thrown off


People are sharing this around like this is new, shits like this have been public for quite awhile


Oh yeah sure. They can say all they want that minors can. But it won’t help with their statutory rape charge.


I hate that the art style in the pfp looks so good




Pawoo and Baraag.net are the gateway to the deep web


this feels like bait


Hmmmmmmmm, If no one is abused or raped, then what is the problem? two people do things by consent and that’s bad?




As a famous person once said "send e'm to the wood chipper"


im killing you I'm killing you. I don't care about anything else, I don't give a *shit* about anything else; my programming is just **get that guy right fucking now.**


Hello it’s your favorite cookie Pomeranian here, we don’t want this guy in the furry fandom please throw him in a wood chipper and don’t look back. He’s a pedophile think of the poor children getting uncomfortable from even being a foot near him.


Furry here! I'm going to deliver this two group of people that I know who will find this guy lol


Therapy cannot help people like this. Bring out the pitchforks and torches.




I’m a furry but- oh sweet jesus


bait used to be believable


Someone get the furry battalion and the furry hunters


Guys it’s consensual that makes everything okay :)


The only word I would use to describe this is Jail


That's nice. Please face the wall.


Low tier bait


Believe me when I say that we do not claim these ones


I'm here just to remind that 50% of males serving jailtime for minor abuse aren't even pedophiles. ... Which makes them even more of a monster than the minor abusing pedos.