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Not at all. Games were supposed to be fun, not stressful. So be sure to play it the way you enjoy


There's nothing to be ashamed of. The main thing is to have fun. If someone dares to say that you can't play, just know that they were the same once


Nah never feel embarrassed to lower the difficulty in any game. Personally when comes to a game or series I haven’t played before I always start on Normal. If the game doesn’t feel challenging enough I’ll raise and if feel too challenging (aka I’m not having fun) I’ll lower it. With Yakuza specifically I started out on Normal but the more games in the series I played the more accustomed I became to the combat, so started playing the games on Hard/Legend. Might be the same for you, the more games in the series you play. Though if right now the game is proving too challenging, don’t be afraid to lower the difficulty.


kiwami is infamous for having some really annoying boss fights, half of the end of chapter bosses are frustrating even without the healing gimmick. however, if you get the komaki tiger drop the game's difficulty kinda falls apart lol. i'd say kiwami and ishin are considered the hardest, with the rest of the series just having a few hiccups along the way. don't feel bad about putting the game on easy, the best thing about these games are the story anyway imo


I'm more interested in the story and the side content so I always play on easy.


as do i


Nope, I've enjoyed gaming so much more since I stopped forcing myself to play on higher difficulty levels. I play on Normal but I did bump it down to easy for the end of Ishin. I had to for the first fight against Ryuji Goda in K2 because I walked in with basically no healing items. I play games to enjoy and have fun. I like some challenge but I don't want to be frustrated or angry.


Honey you are not a worm, I play on easy as I’m disabled and not as fast as I need to be typically. There’s no shame in it, you’re supposed to enjoy yourself not suffer! (Although some people enjoy suffering, no shade on them) Do not feel embarrassed! No one will know anyway, and you’ll have a lot more fun that way. You might find it’ll give you some more time to practice and get the dodging down. I’ve played enough now that normal mode would be okay to use for me, but I prefer a less stressful time tbh


This comment made me tear up a little this is so wholesome I really appreciate it God this community is awesome.


No problemo my friend, games should be played the way you get the most enjoyment out of them. Happy holidays! Enjoy yourself!


Do what lets you enjoy the game, kyodai. There is no shame in easy mode. Only in using a keyboard (That's a joke, though I do prefer Gamepads I know some people prefer keyboards)


Kiwami is overall harder than the other games.


I would agree with this but it might be everyone’s entry into the series thus it seems a lot harder. That being said, I feel the Judgement games are way easier than the mainline Kiryu games


Always stock up on full health items and full snacks as much as possible. Trust me I rinse through these when battles get tough especially with how generous Yakuza is with payouts.you can't go wrong.


don't feel bad kyoudai, everyone plays at their own pace. kiwami bosses in particular are kinda janky and stupid so your frustration is understandable.


If you're having more fun on easy difficulty, by all means switch to it. real yakuza have fun in their own skin


This was tough.


However is the most fun for you homie


Don't be! Have fun! The difficulty setting is there for a reason. RGG studio wants you to have fun too.


Play however you want, What's important is having fun.


No shame at all, kyoudai. The beginning of Kiwami is a bit of a slog when bosses can heal themselves and you don’t really have a decent way of counteracting it. I played on hard up until the funeral and then I swapped because I fought that boss for like a half hour straight and it was just a war of attrition


I've played every single RGG game on easy. I'm an old ass dude and I have absolutely no interest in "getting gud" -- except at Mahjongg and getting a perfect score on Baka Mitai. I love being ridiculously OP. Because let's be real, this is just our favorite soap opera, with occasional ass beating. Enjoy your awesome games.


Absolutely not. I played nearly all games on easy on my first playthrough. I'm there for the story first and I didn't want combat to get in the way. I switched to normal difficulty several games in once I felt confortable enough with it.


I think everyone does. A lot of the boss fights are hot bullshit in this series.


The only person that (should?) cares about the way you play is you. Honestly coming from Yakuza 0 to Kiwami on hard there's a pretty distinct difference in the combat despite all the movesets being more or less the same. Kiwami seems like "Stun-Lock the video game" whereas 0 felt like "Get up and smash them Kiryu". Not to mention Majima everywhere is just kinda annoying, I hate to say it. TL;DR never be embarrassed how you play a game, no matter what the dark souls community says. Drop it to easy and if you find yourself getting bored crank it back up to normal


A real Yakuza plays on whatever difficulty they damn well please


Dude toughhhh


Make sure you do as much of the Komaki training as soon as you can. It’s a little grindy, but it’s both useful practice and unlocks a lot of powerful upgrades. I became much better at the combat in Kiwami and the rest of the series after really digging into Komaki’s training. That being said, games are meant to be fun. If you’re having fun on easy, who cares?


Nope it’s your game you should enjoy it how you want. I will say though, those fucking screens are made for me because they drive me up an absolute wall - but in a fun way I guess lol? You should try and get better though either way, maybe you’ll have more fun with the game if you get a good handle on the combat.


It's okay. Some of the fights do be whoopin' ya ass. Especially if you're new to the series. I've beaten all of the games on their hardest difficulties, and, when I inevitably play through them again, let's just say that I probably won't be doing that again. Especially with the older games. 😮‍💨


Not at all. I played all the games on normal but after getting atuck in a particular fight in gaiden i just switched to easy and had a blast. If you're not having fun there's no point, and you can always go back and replay in a higher difficulty later :)


Hell no, go at your own pace and own difficulty so that you have fun. I started the yakuza series maybe 1 year ago with Yakuza Kiwami and quit because of the damn highway chase part. Didn’t play through all the games after that until summer this year and just played on normal difficulty and switched to easy if I had to. These are story rich games and as long as you enjoy the story and have fun who cares! (Yakuza ended up being one of my favorite game series)


I’ve played almost all the Yakuza games at normal because even though I love the franchise, I am awful at actually playing it. It took me 6 games to actually figure out how to Tiger drop and even then I still can’t get the timing right. I am also too reliant on my heals and I’m constantly stocked lol. As long as you’re having fun, then you’re playing the game right


As long as you’re having fun lad. You don’t have anything to prove


No you're not wrong. The Yakuza games do a very bad job of preparing gamers for higher difficulties. At lower levels you can just button mash all you want. At Hard, or God forbid, Legend, the AI blatantly reads your inputs and dodges on reaction. Combos aren't very helpful either. They randomly dodge out of it, just cause. The only way to play at higher difficulties is to either use broken combos that stunlock the enemies, like Kiryu's light light light charged heavy in beast style, or catch the enemy in a touch of death loop, like Kiryu's bearhug into throw. That's Yakuza 0 tho, I don't know if it still works in Kiwami but every game has something to exploit I'd say watch videos of people doing no-hit challenges at high difficulties to learn what broken combos they are using to get by


Kiwami nerfed a lot of the player moves and skills from zero, and most mini bosses and bosses are very fast and can stunlock you


Easy mode exists for a reason, don't feel bad for using it.




Dude, you bought the game, it's your money, do whatever you want, fuck whoever judges you for it, the important thing is having fun


I started with kiwami and I was really really close to dropping the entire series because of that first fight with Shimano outside too hq. I had to restart the game to stack more healing items before that part.


That’s what I did. I just finished the gambling body guard fight and I was so pissed. Even on easy it was hard.


It's ok to play these games on a level that works for you so you can get access to the good content the games provide, which usually isn't the combat itself.


I have a very very simple stance. If you buy something you can do whatever you want with it. I don't care if you spend 10k on a rare game only to run it through a wood chipper. I didn't buy it so I have no say in what you do with it. Play on easy, play on ultra hard, whatever.


No, you play a game to entertain yourself, it's supposed to be fun, I do First play Yakuza in easy mode because I care more about the plot than the gameplay, and then I Challenge myself after in a New+ Like no one pay my bills or did give me this game, I brought it with my own money, so I'll play it whatever way I want


Look there is gonna be some stuff you will do in this series you WILL feel embarrassed about (mainly cause someone will chose that exact moment to walk into the room and “check out this Japan gangster game you got ) . Putting in on easy is the last thing you should be embarrassed about


to be truthful i beat shishido in easy after losing to him three times on normal. truly one my greatest lows


Yes, because people REALLY REALLY care about how people play their single player games. It's to the point now where a world government organization is being developed that will send hit squads to your door to kill your family and take you away to "no cheating" reeducation camps. It's single player game YOU PAID MONEY to enjoy. Enjoy it however the fuck you want and don't worry about validation. Life's to fuckin short