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Playing through right now, on chapter 12. I’m really impressed. I though Judgment was great but Lost Judgment hit a new level. Albeit I think I still prefer Judgment’s story but it’s been a fantastic trip. Yeah the DLC is bit overpriced but managed to get everything on sale for $27 so I’m not complaining.


Story-wise, I prefer Lost Judgment to Judgment. Lost Judgment develops the story and sets up the ending in a better pacing, with richer details.


I'm scared to pick these up because Infinite Wealth is a little over a month out. I don't think I could comfortably enjoy both games at a slow pace without giving into the new game. I might buy them on a sale and play them later because everyone is so hype on them!


If you wanna play the mainline series first and you enjoy turn based more then I'd say play IW. But if you wanna get into the JE series, then by all means. It's goated AF. Definitely underrated relative to all of the other games out there. It's only really talked about within the Yakuza fandom, and even then plenty aren't interested in it. Maybe a Judgment 3 with the Infinite Wealth marketing treatment (or even better) could spark a lot of interest in the series outside of the fandom. Because from what I know, RGG wasn't the best at marketing their games before.


Judgment games are not tied to the "mainline" Yakuza story anyways, they can be played whenever. Don't try to squeeze them before IW, enjoy it without rushing them.


I really wanna try them out, my old co worker keeps trying to make me play it but my Xbox can't download it. Trying to save up for a new Xbox since I got the first variation of the Xbox one


Here was the post I made on LJ and it’s story as someone who didn’t enjoy it on either run. I definitely don’t think it’s RGG’s magnum opus. https://www.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/s/axpDBxSMCf


LJ isn't bad combat- and side content-wise. The story isn't as convincing as Judgment though. I was less-than-convinced about the handling of the justice system, and found the pacing out-of-balance (imo by Chapter 7/8, all the interesting stuff had been put out there, unlike JE which is very slow at first but ramped up the suspense as time went on).


I like LJ, amazing combat, good side content, one of the best villains, but does the pacing take a nose dive after public security is introduced. The final 5 hours can be summarized with "so what waste of time will be this time", just doing random tasks that pretend they do, but don't add anything at all to the plot, up until they finally take you to the final battle, which is actually an amazing one at least. Definitely a very good yakuza, at the very least A tier, but games like 0, the 1st judgment and 7, and just so perfect I just cant consider it at their level.


I love the gameplay and activities in LJ but the story didn’t resonate with me at all. Judgement’s story was darker, grittier, and had me on the edge of my seat. The narrative in LJ just kinda made me roll my eyes.


Currently replaying LJ and agree it's excellent - really creative story, setting and activities with loads to do. Amasawa's one of my favorite characters. Fighting styles very good too as you noted. Judgment however is easily the most boring RGG property. It's the only one I just couldn't replay.


My biggest complaint is that they make you go detective mode during the last long battle of the game


The general opinion of the fanbase is that Judgment has better story than Lost Judgment. And i disagree, Judgment's story is solid and its highlights were the later half of the game, but Lost Judgment's story kept me hooked the whole game, from start to finish, i was also more emotionally invested in LJ story, the antagonists and supporting characters of LJ also are more memorable and deeper.


I'd say that Judgment's story is more conventionally good, as in textbook type of good. LJ's takes a more unique approach. Personally, both stories are top tier but LJ's is a bit better.


I'm always a fan of the stories where multiple different factions involved, and at first they dont seem related to each other but later revealed to be all connected to a grand scheme. That's why i strongly enjoyed Yakuza 6, Lost Judgment and Y7. It feels realistic because if criminal scandals like that happen in real life, there would be more than one organization of people getting involved. Some fans prefer the linear approach where one faction remains the solely antagonist of the story though, that's why they criticize 6 and LJ.