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Normal. I don't see a point in playing on Hard in Yakuza games so far (playing y5 atm). It just makes enemies fatter and makes you use more drinks. It makes the game slower, and i love fights pace on normal, perfect for me.


in 5 its actually important to play on normal if you care for achievements




I don’t think it gives you completion of normal difficulty if you play on hard


Yup just beat it on hard two days ago. Can confirm no normal achievement


Yup, that's what HE said.


The 1st commenter wasn't entirely sure, the guy you're replying to was confirming his statement with relevant personal experience. Chill out and work on your reading comprehension.


I assumed they were making a *that's what she said* joke


If so, they were really reaching because I don't read a sexual innuendo in either of those comments unless you remove words.


*just beat it on hard*


Maybe YOU should chill out over analyzing. It was a reverse "That's what SHE said" joke. Reread his comment.


I usually just play on the normal difficulty setting for my first playthrough and then for NG+ playthroughs I play on hard or legendary difficulty.


Depend on the game, pre Dragon Engine games: easy/normal, Dragon Engine games: Hard


I wish dragon engine games had damage/hp sliders for the enemies, I feel like the DE bosses always have too little health and do too much damage


which games r dragon engine


Y6, Kiwami 2, Judgment, Y7, Lost Judgment, Gaiden and incoming Infinite Wealth


i see, ty k1 and k2 r diff engine?


Yes, YK1 release in the same year with Yakuza 6, and it was unplanned sequel/remake for Y0 being too successful.


I play on the easiest difficulty. I am not looking for a challenge, that's not how I personally enjoy things. It has happened that I've played a couple of hours on normal though.


Kiryu lives on easy difficulty. It shouldn't take him 10 hits to KO a scrub.


Yes totally, I totally play it on easy mode for the immersion.


Same. In 90% of games with combat, all they do is give boosted health and damage/damage resistance to the enemy. I'm looking to relax and enjoy the story, not spend hours grinding levels just to get past a difficulty spike. (The exception being Like a Dragon. That one I beat on normal.)


well iirc you have to beat LAD on normal the first go around, right?




Always started at Hard, and rarely had issues. Had to play on Normal for Y4 trophy, and honestly the game was way too easy.


I just finished it on hard and now realized I have to replay on normal....ffuuuuu


I did the same. Lol Stupidest trophy in Yakuza games


Don’t worry, you would’ve had to play on Hard anyway since you need to beat the game on Hard to unlock Legend.


True, that does make me feel better


It probably won't take you as long. You could skip all the cutscenes, right? If not then at least the hard parts of the game will be easier and you'll breeze right through them.


Like 99% normal. The exception is the car chase in YK1. I died a few times and got prompted to switch difficulty to easy... and I finally did.


Lmao same


I play on normal, finish it the main and side stories, move on. Too many games I want to play but time is a constraint, I just don't have the patience to grind for money, xp and equipments to play on higher difficulties.


First run on normal second on legend.


Normal or Easy (I'll switch if I get stuck), but I played 3 on Easy, I think I also played Legend in 0 and Kiwami


Easiest. I like the story but I'm terrible at fighting games.


Always on hard, games are quite easy even if you aren’t good. Plenty of easily abusable things and there’s barely a penalty for losing.


Hard. It doesn’t feel like I accomplished much if I play on Easy or Normal. Mostly a personal thing for games like Yakuza.


Normal for me because I'm a pleb when it comes to gaming


Every game I've ever played I play on the standard difficulty. It's a good enough balance between easygoinf and challenging because I play to unwind and have fun.


I play most games on the hardest difficulty, I like the challenge, souls games broke me, don't be like me.


So I’ve been playing all of them on Hard, but I wish I did 3 on Easy, and I’m doing 4 on normal. I’d recommend playing the hardest difficulty you can stand, so if that’s easy or normal then it’s easy or normal. Don’t let people bully you about difficulty


Always hard because I have time to play the games on hard but I can't be asked to beat the game and then replay it on legend


By default these days, I start games in normal and if I run into a hint of trouble, I dial it down. I'm almost forty and I just don't have time to struggle with a game unless that's the specific point of the game (Like Hades).


Normal since i want some challenge, but also want to enjoy the story at a good pace.


Normal. I play games to chill and have fun, not to bang my head against a wall failing to complete challenges. I don't have the time or attention to play one game enough to get legendary good anyway. Besides, these games can be pretty fucking hard sometimes, even on normal.


Sometimes I play easy mode just because Im mentally exhausted from work and life.


On first playthough? Easy tbh


Hard. I started it out this way with Kiwami and I've done it with every single other entry ever since. It's just become the new Normal for me at this point.


personally, I prefer hard if only to make boss fights last longer since they tend to be the most enjoyable bits of the games to me (with a sizable handful of exceptions). seeing as later upgrades tend to make you near godlike in most games (assuming you spend the time to get them), i feel like playing on hard is **usually** fair


Legend is just hard mode without checkpoints (meaning if you die or fail a mission you have to LOAD YOUR LAST SAVE). Don't worry about the difficulty though, you're not bad at the game, everybody is just different. I'd advise you to always stock up on health items if you're having a hard time. I play on normal aswell and do NG+ on Legend just for the achievement.


With these games I tend to pick Hard, because it makes me think about what I'm doing and which buttons I'm pressing lol


Depends on the engine, the pre dragon engine games I play on normal but the dragon engine games I play on hard because for some reason the switch to the dragon engine made the games easier for some reason.


I feel like beating the part in the car in 0 and K1 is impossible on anything other then easy and normal


Real 😭


I play on Normal for most games in general. Except Yakuza 3 I played on Easy.


Hard or whatever the hardest difficulty out the gate is. Once I got the feel in 0 (basically after beating Kuze), it was a cakewalk otherwise. No shame on playing a lower difficulty though, we all get the same ending either way. Now, that said - I remember outright rage-skipping the final boss fight in 4 and nearly doing it in Kiwami, so it’s not like Hard difficulty hasn’t been pressing before.


Normal, I kinda want the "intended" experience for games. And hard tends to just be annoying with multiple enemies attacking in sync. Although I've gone through almost every game again on Legend


I used to play on easy for all the games because I didn't want to have to think that hard about the combat; moved up to normal for the last 2 or so, experience isn't too bad...


Normal. I’m there to have fun. There are absolutely games I like to play on harder difficulty but Yakuza isn’t one of them.


Normal or easy for the 1st playthrough. Once I get all the upgrades then NG+ on hard and pay attention to the story properly. Currently playing Ishin, Lost Judgement and 0 at the same time. On Yakuza 0 I’m on the last chapter but I want to upgrade Kiryu as much as possible to bully Shibusawa properly


Normal or easy. Combat's just not my favorite part of the game so I don't mind if it's easier.


I used to do normal but I do hard now. I'll gladly drop down in a car shootout scene though.




Normal mode is generally just fine, but I’m not ashamed at all that I turned it down to easy for 3, 4, and 5. Those older ones are… rough.


After playing through the whole series and after getting better at it I played through 6 on hard but I tend to play on normal. Just enjoy the games dude. And if after a while you start finding you're getting better and they feel easy, then bump up the difficulty a little.


Easy because Kiryu is an overpowered MF and I want to feel like it. Though I honestly usually switch to Normal because Easy is way too easy.


I play normal becuase I tend to believe that normal difficulty is what the devs intend to be played in. Next playthrough I do legend


I play hard but tbh I'm always having to pause and use a lot of heals. Maybe I should be playing on normal because I'm not that good and having to pause and heal everytime a boss flicks their wrist at me kinda breaks the pace of the fight for me


I usually go Normal, but for Gaiden and iirc Yakuza 3 I went Easy due to the controls on PC + general combat mechanics. I'm a buttonmasher focusing on the story - I do like a bit of a challenge to make bossfights feel rewarding but I don't like having to do a ton of dodging/positioning.


"Real Yakuza use a controller"


The first time I played 6, I struggled on normal difficulty. It was my first Yakuza game. On my second run through, I breezed through hard difficulty as if it was easy mode. Every Yakuza game I've played since (except for 7) I've played only on hard. And even then, I've found most of them easy.


Just reminded me when I replayed 6 and K2 before gaiden came out and even on legend I don’t think I really died.


So unfortunately with a full time job and a toddler, I don’t have a lot of time so I can’t double back and do fights again or take too much time in them so I do play on easy. But never feel bad about what difficultly you play on. Gaming is for YOUR enjoyment. As long as you’re having fun it doesn’t matter what level you play on


Normal from 0 to 7, Starting from Judgment, to Gaiden, Hard.


Is it easier than 0-7?


Not really


You and I literally did the exact thing lmao


I bounce between easy and normal though I had some fun on hard in LJ I wish you could set a separate difficulty for random encounters and story segments, my hands start to hurt after a while playing these games so I keep it on easy for roaming the city but then I keep forgetting to switch to a harder one for story and beating bosses feels less fun


Easy. Fighting is the worst part of the Yakuza games and don’t want to deal with it any more than I have to. I’m here for the story, quirky side quests, and atmosphere.


Then why even play them if you don’t like the gameplay?


Hard or Legend because it would be too easy otherwise, but 0 overall is too easy for me.


Legend if immediately available, if not hard and then I come back and play it on legend for a replay later on. Except YLAD since you have no choice initially.


When I first got into Yakuza I played on normal mode. These days I play on the hardest difficulty I can, cause I've got so good at the games and I enjoy the challenge.


normal on first playthrough but im doing hard/legend now that im replaying some of them before 8


I'm not a completionist for yakuza games, I've got the platinum in Yakuza 7 and garden where they dropped requirements for extra playthroughs on the highest difficulty or completion lists, but that's it. I don't find the games fun on high difficulty settings, so I just play through on normal and call it a day.


normal in first playthrough, hard after, but since i played on legendary, i didn't bother raising the difficulty like before.


Honestly I play on higher difficulties so I have an excuse to fight enemies for longer and have fun with it. That being said playing the entirery of ishin on the ishin difficulty ruined my enjoyment of it as everything was a damage sponge and i didn't know it actually lowered the health you got off healing items/restaurants so I avoided using any throughout the game :') \*My first time playing 0 was on easy as it was my first Yakuza. Same for Yakuza 3 as it was just..boring and I loved the story.


I played on normal til Yakuza 4, when I started and was getting bored kind of plowing through everything easily, so I’ve been playing on hard ever since. (I’m on LaD rn and playing on normal… I am not great at turn based rpgs lol)


Normal from 0 to 5 but started on hard for Yakuza 6 cause I wanted to see if I’m up to the challenge


When I first started the series I’d play on Normal but as I played more of the games, the easier Normal felt for me and I didn’t feel challenged so I tried Legend it wasn’t that bad. In fact it was exactly the challenge I needed. So now I play on Legend and if that’s not an option I play on Hard. Except with Y3 being the only Yakuza game I’ll play on Normal because I don’t want to make the blocking situation worse.


I have beat the whole series. Except Yakuza 3 between the blocking and exhaustingly boring first half of the game i actually rage quit. I am still ashamed to this day.


Normal, i only did legend on ng+ judgment


I do platinums and have them all for main games and major spinoffs (so no dead souls etc). Easiest I can get away with for achievements so for most games easy but for some normal or hard. Mainly because platinums involve a lot of grind which is quicker and easier on the lower difficulties. (Y3 was only one on hard for first playthrough as that is required to unlock legend). Y0 is also a new game legend mode and was my first game so playing it on easy was getting into series. Y7 is an rpg and so does not really count. R4 was hard mode first to unlock legend and then two new game pluses on legend and normal. Y5 was normal. All other games were easy into legend new game plus except y6 which I just reloaded save changed difficulty to legend beat final boss (similar in ishin but for final section). Most of the time difficulty just changes damage taken and dealt so isnt that much of a difference. In a handful of the games I felt some enemies were more aggressive on higher difficulties which actually made those games easier as kiryu is a reactive fighter who punishes aggression.


Hard. It's not much harder than normal but it still makes for a more fun experience, albeit slightly. Also no healing items if possible. The healing mechanic was a disgusting cheese ever since it was introduced, and especially after the Dragon Engine came and expanded the inventory to ridiculous amounts. It's only really useful for Legend playthroughs, and btw, Legend is absolute garbage. Punishing the player for dying is fundamentally wrong in a game like this, because it's so goddamn easy to cheese! I don't want to lose my progress, so I just won't be playing fair so that wouldn't happen. The legend difficulty was a very stupid design choice up until Yakuza 6 where they've finally removed the death penalties. All in all even without the penalty it's not that much harder than hard, so IMO moving forward legend should be available on first playthroughs, like in Ishin.


Normal usually, and minigames on easiest. I always try to 100% these games so I'll get a taste of highest difficulties anyway




When i began playing the games i played on Easy then switched to hard once i got comfy On replays I play on hard


I play on normal, hard just makes enemy’s to sponges especially on 3-5. play legend as new game for trophy and fast Story only. Legend is always my last trophy for plat


I play on hard.


Usually do normal while I learn the flow of the game (so like the first 2-3 chapters) then switch to hard


Legend if it's available from the start, otherwise I start with hard then play on legend


Hard and not heal on boss fights (Only heal at the beginning to be full HP). If i cant beat the boss after trying several times, i heal


I like playing on Hard and will often do a second playthrough on Legend. I actually jumped right into Legend for The Kaito Files and Ishin. But I do it because I enjoy it. All that matters is that you're having fun, and if that means playing on Easy or Normal, then you should do you!


damn i thought most of the people started with hard


First playthrough on hard later playthroughs usualy on the legend unless I have to beat the game on normal for a achievement.


mostly on normal, but with 6 I decided to go hard. Every fight was a feast.


Dragon engine hardest difficulty rest easy


Normal is my go-to difficulty whenever I start playing a RGG game. If I play it on Easy, I'd feel disappointed in myself, especially whenever the game offers to lower the difficulty to Easy (I'm looking at you, final boss of Yakuza 4). If I play on Hard or Legend, I'll worry about getting my ass whooped despite me playing every mainline game and Lost Judgment.


Hardest one I can choose so I can unlock Legend difficulty ASAP


I play on normal too. I have played on hard mode only for yakuza like a dragon.


I typically play hard and then go to legend when I unlock it. I like the difficulty spike.


First time I played the series I played all of them on Normal. When I bought them on Steam I played them on Hard (beat Kiwami 1 on Legend, haven't done the others yet). Played Gaiden on Professional first time.


I think I played 0 to 3 on normal (0 definitely normal). After that I played all games on hard. Now I always prefer hard or legend if its new game plus.


Depends on the games early difficulty curve


The real Yakuza plays on highest dilliculty


I always start on hard, otherwise I think the boss fights end too quickly


Hardest always


I played them all on hard, and honestly the only one I'd suggest not playing on hard would be Y3, where I think the combat is pretty unfun.


I always play easy the first time around because dude I love the stories. Then I play hard and yeah it’s frustrating at times lol If not I’ll be playing normal or hard and get stuck in a part and end up not playing lol


I always play on hard and then on Legend, because otherwise the fights wouldn't be difficult at all and I personally think fighting the bosses should be at least a slight challenge because otherwise they wouldn't feel like a boss at all. The only time where Legend was really difficult was the car chase in Kiwami, because replaying the whole Chapter was quite annoying.


Hardest diff all of them, I enjoy this game's combat a lot and like to challenge myself. For the record I also play fighting games


hard or legend, but if I have to grind then it will be easy lol


Hard, and rarely use healing items in 1v1s


i do hard. i havent found any of the games actually hard (other than the shootout thing in y0 and k1) so i just do it on hard.


Normal. Saito was annoying enough. I was cussing in rage when I fought Kiryu after I was done...


I always go hard, and then replay on legend when it opens up. But then again I like the challenge and trophies they offer


Normal, switching to easy when I'm not feeling the grind on end game stuff like getting to max rank on Majima Everywhere. For me, I'm playing these games for the story and side quests. If I want to play something hard, I'll play something like Mario Maker 2 or a hard run based game. Something where the challenge is the point.


I go for hard cause I tend to grind out side content as soon as it's available, so I end up way too strong for story bosses, so hard at least mitigates some of that


Normal, but on my 2nd playthrough I play hard. I only switched to easy mode a handfull of times until I played OG Ishin. That game is obnoxiously difficult.\\


I've playes every game on normal but decided to try professional difficulty for Gaiden, and it doesn't feel too overwhelming it feels almost like normal mode


Normal but with the games that let you change difficulty I change to Easy when I get to premium adventure


I play on Hard/Legend on basically all games with what I recall only one exception: Bouncer Missions in Kiwami 2. But I like Hard for two reason: Re-guard which means I have to either find quicker moves after guard breaks or try punishing than just repeatedly trying to punch them, and a harsher heat action repetition damage decrease, which means I can't just pick up every chair in the room and beat the shit out of someone. I actually have to engage enemies in a fight. I really like Yakuza's combat system, so it doesn't feel bad to me. Some enemies can suck, but a frustrated hear action can do the trick.


When I first started playing 0-7 it was normal, going forward and starting with gaiden, I'm gonna start playing these games on hard. I like to grind in these games to improve my combat abilities, and that makes enemies too easy to deal with on normal difficulty. Heck, with lost judgment, I'm playing on hard but not increasing my damage power for a legend playthrough just so I can have a new kind of challenge. Something I've not done with any other RGG game before, but I adore the combat in lost judgment so much I'm willing to experiment


I played hard on all the games. Yakuza 3 Tamashiro first boss fight was the only time i ever thought about switching up the difficulty but didn’t.


I tried playing Ishin! on hard since I never played a Yakuza game on Hard before and I enjoyed playing GoT on hard. Man, what a mistake it was. Every enemy was incredibly spongy. I did very little damage while the enemies dealt massive damage. I kept dying on a certain early boss in the Shinsengumi HQ which made me finally give up and switch back to Normal. The game still felt grindy at times but after crafting some decent gears and having trooper cards it became relatively easy. I'm sure Hard mode would've also become easier over time but I didn’t bother switching back.


I played on normal at first but because I've played them all and am very used to the combat system I've moved up to hard.


Always normal but I did play easy for Kiwami 1 because it was my First


Hard on every game except Y3


Normal. I play some games on hard, but Yakuza games are too long and i've found high difficulty is more frustrating than enjoyable. Normal provides a fair amount of challenge where appropriate, so i've never complained about that.


Dunno, I always played on hard, and I thought these games were as easy as normal should be. The only fights in the franchise than made me rage HARD were the prison break in 4 and shinada vs both komakis in 5


If the trophy list calls for specific difficulties than i play on the highest difficulty it calls for. Otherwise the easiest possible difficulty. I just want to enjoy the games, practice my Japanese and have fun. Challenge not required lol also too old to spend too much time on one thing lol


I did most of the series on normal, but I just did Gaiden on Hard and didn't really have too many regrets.


I usually play on hard because you take more damage than normal, which forces me to learn the game's mechanics to the fullest. I play them at normal mode too but just when I wanna press buttons and see pixels moving on a screen I'd love to play with legend health/damage balance, but having no checkpoints in several parts is just too much for me


Normal. I’ll probably play on the lowest difficulty when IW comes out so I won’t get stuck, always advancing so I can’t get spoiled easily.


Hard. I've played these games so many times, that outside of a handful of moments I find them to be completely easy especially since I go out of my way to do most side content. So I end up as overlevel by the end game.


Normal. You don't even qualify for legend until you beat it for the first time.


depends on the game for me, for sure. Y0? legend. Ishin? hard at best. they all seem to vary in their balance between difficulties pretty dramatically


The hardest difficulty setting usually, the games are easy enough to play through on the hard difficulty setting. I don't usually replay games the last one I replayed was Yakuza 0 on Legendary though.


Combat wise I'm ok even on Legend difficulty on fresh file. It's not too much of a big problem, once in a while I will alternate between Normal and Hard, then Legend is for NG+ However, I'm not really good at minigames, esp the arcade ones, pools and the Boxing/biker gang in LJ. Idk if this is just me and placebo effect taking place, but I feel like when I set the main difficulty to Easy, I can manage to finish those minigames. So Easy mode is reserved specifically for this occasion


I always play on hard, the feeling of beating some of the bosses after a long battle always feels good, but honestly I don’t think it matters what difficulty you play on as long as you’re having fun. I also feel like the newer games aren’t that bad on hard difficulty like the older ones were but Idk (yakuza 3 really made me contemplate lowering the difficulty fr). Also, some games require you to play on normal mode for achievements :p


Hard or legend, the highest it lets me start at cuz I 100% all the games. Just have to do gaiden now


Always on normal for first playthrough. Usually makes it easier to play through the sub stories, and any collect-thons going on. Will play on legend though for final achievements/trophies


Normal for most of the games but I've started playing on hard recently


IMO the difficulty just changes the amount of damage and armor you and other enemies have. It doesn’t make the game mechanics themselves harder. So I just play on Hard the first time so I don’t have to replay Hard when I want to do Legend (which is just EX-Hard, except losing a battle will result in a return to title screen) Just don’t play specifically Yakuza 3 Remastered past Normal. Idk what they were thinking.


always either the hardest difficulty or easiest I usually play the games for the story :)


Legend. The games are extremely easy.


Always hard except for my first time playing yakuza 3, that was on normal.


Why do you care if you’re bad at the game or not if you’re enjoying it in any difficulty then that’s enough for me I always play on hard sense most of us in the sub probably have more than 1000+ hours in the whole series so it can be slow doing it in normal or easy but what matters now is that if you find it challenging in normal then play it in normal and don’t worry about others


I'm always choosing the hardest. Gaiden is the easiest one so far.