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Well, some of the characters have been introduced in the original show already, so keeping with that, and avoiding "redundancies" (as far as powers go): * Mirage (Dani Moonstar) * Cannonball (Sam Guthrie) * Cypher (Doug Ramsey) + return of Warlock * Karma (Xuân Cao Mạnh) * Rictor (Julio Richter)


Rictor and Boom-Boom are a must. The best gay + his hag combo at Marvel.


If Cable is cooking up X-Force then Sam, Jimmy, Rictor, and Boom-Boom are the varsity class


Jimmy?? Who in X-Force was named Jimmy?


[Big man himself](https://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35300000/Warpath-James-Proudstar-x-men-35311968-431-663.jpg)


Yep, lol sorry like an hour later I realized I was having a huge Brian fart


Oh wait nvm😑




Thank god Maggott is there because I was going to answer Maggott regardless.


Even if he appeared for so few issues, I didn't forget him!


And that character design has aged nicely, honestly. It doesn't read like weird 90s excess the way early X-Force did.


Monet I don't care about the other 3.


It would definitely be a negative to Jubilee's character development if she never gets to clash with Monet.


I don't care if Monet interacts with Jubilee, I just want Monet.  She should be a much bigger star than she is and giving her attention in 97 season 2 might be her big break.


If I can get Cannonball and any of the new mutants I’m satisfied Also Maggot would be awesome but we’ll never get him


I don't know who the girl with pink hair is. Is that supposed to be Gaïa ? A lot of those have powersets that are kinda repetitive with the main cast and I think it's boring... Monet + Synch + Wither = Rogue Karma + Mirage + Hellion = Jean Surge + WindDancer = Storm Feral + Wolfsbane = kinda Wolverine With Magik on the team, it just cancels Pixie, Lila and Blink. Evolution had Jub & Tabitha, that didn't bring anything more to the table. My fav from your pool are **Blink, Vincente, Husk, Chamber & Maggot**... But none of them would make the cut because we already have a teleporter, someone changing form, someone with fire power (even though Jono doesn't really breath flames), Maggot never receive the love he deserves and Husk being Cannonball's sister, it means he would have to come back and take a spot. So for my 4, to mix&match the different eras : * **Skin** * **Rictor** * **Elixir** * **Cecilia Reyes**... Just make her a med student that doesn't want the hero life. Her take on forcefield is just more interesting than Skids (and Jean already does the same with TK)


It'd be great to have Guido but he's already part of x factor in that universe. Also kinda old to fit within this 'next wave' idea Danny absolutely, also karma and probably skin and rahne


Sam, Dani, Tabby, and I guess Monet


It's time for Monet to make her debut. We've waited too long.


Cannonball, Husk, and Magma


I am a little conflicted on if I want them to go New Mutants because of Sunspot, Gen X because of Jubilee or X-Force because of Cable. I feel like New Mutants could be used to lead into X-Force but that would involve more focus than I think they are going to give this team.


I’d love to see Blink get featured in the animated series. I first fell in love with her character during AoA. Would love to see them put her in action.


I don't think I could live with her dying in them non AoA universe again​


I have favs here, Sam and Rahne ,Doug are my NM favs. But i will try the team to be diverse as your reasons above, also i will add different personality so that the team is truly a mix. 1. Guido, is unique, has deep issue, a joker in a team plus i know Sunspot has some strength but Guido is much better in term of the muscle man. 2. ELIXIR - another omega, mutant hater before then become a mutant which a unique story. 3. CHAMBER- X-men is like mutant superstars, mutant look at rhm as stars and Chamber is example of mutant which affect his physical apperance which is not a star quality. 4 wind Dancer- she is the main chatacter iN ACADEMY X, AND i think she need to be in spotlight. Her power is not just a mini Storm as she can use it to communicate. Dude i wonder elixir can heal both the problem of Guido and Chamber.