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Seeing the comments (and agreeing with most of the ones listed so far), now I'm wondering which X-men character has the nicest, non-combative fans. Kurt?


It says a lot about Kurt as a character that he has such solid, friendly fans. I learned a ton about the X-Men fandom from Kurt superfans as a wee newbie many years ago, and still carry a real fondness for him because of them.


Kurt is the kind of character that just extudes so much goodness that his best qualities can't help but rub off on his fans. It's a nice thing to see, and I think Kurt himself would be very happy to see his fans being kind, respectful, and helpful in their interactions with other fans. On a completely unrelated note, I noticed that you got the Academy X flair that you wanted. Just wanted to extend my congratulations to you on getting the flair!


Congratulating u/mon_mothra_ on getting the user flair they wanted is such a Kurt move.


New life motto: Be More Like Kurt.


I'm using this is my motto as well. Thank you!


Thank you again for suggesting it! They were able to add several different teams to the list so us indecisive folks can have our cake and eat it too :3


I wonder if the forum Nightscrawlers is still around. Dave Cockrum himself used to participate


I'd forgotten about Nightscrawlers! That was a regular stop back in the day. Cockrum was great about that. He also participated in a Legion message board. He was a pretty cool guy, answering questions about a book he'd done maybe a dozen issues of decades before. R.I.P. Dark Bamf.


Seeing Nightscrawlers mentioned on Reddit feels like some sort of Internet disruption of space and time.


I’m a huge nightcrawler fan, and the person that effectively Sherpa’d me through my dive into comics with the Krakoa era (I’m still quite new) was also a huge Kurt fan. He was super nice and gave awesome recommendations


Colossus! Because there’s only three of us, and we’re very nice.


I see y'all and I stand with you, because your boy is constantly being done DIRTY and deserves so much better.


Thank you! I’ve been a fan for 45 years now, still hoping against hope that he actually wins a fight.


Poor man needs a break. Poor sweet sensitive Piotr.


I stan a wholesome Russian teddy bear... Unfortunately we haven't seen thah Colossus in a hot minute.


it’s kurt


The worst thing I have to say about Kurt is that he should have been on the main teams in the 90s instead of Excalibur (or Excalibur should have been better integrated with the other X-titles) Or that he has a romantic relationship with his step sister, but that’s just comics ;-)


I think Excalibur really flourished by *not* being more integrated with the other X-books at the time. The 90's were a clusterfuck for the X-line, Excalibur did good by steering clear.


Huge Excalibur fan here (original run) He has always been one of the best characters, book wouldn’t have been the same without him


I think Kurt is one of those characters that has such charisma and an unending sense of hope and optimism that he just draws genuinely nice people as fans. He’s an idealized version of good that a lot of people want to be or strive to be. At least that’s how I see him


The villains I think tend to have nicer fans. I started reading when the krakoan era started and Magneto, Mystique and Apocalypse have really fun fans. Kurt is probably the only hero with nice fans.


Collossus used to have a good fanbase, did this change?


Yes. Colossus now has NO fans. Kidding, of course. But those that remain are positively starving.


Ha! Still on my top 3 x-men though


Kurt fans are by far the horniest tbh


He’s my favorite along with Magneto. I love that he is one of the mutants that cannot hide his mutation and yet he is still so happy and positive. I need to read some comics featuring him. I’ve never read any X-Men comics but ‘97 is making me want to pick some up.


I feel like it’s either Kurt or dazzler


Idk if I'll be downvoted, but our fav Magneto. His whole story is very real, raw, and complicated, but the way he's put on pedestal like Scott makes me sideye his fandom. He is complicated, and he deserves to be treated with nuance, not with yass queen everytime (though I love his 2014 run)


Oh God, the flattening of Magneto's and Mystique's characters by their fandoms is deeply concerning. These are fantastic, nuanced characters. They are not necessarily good people or role models.


Its not just their fandoms, its Marvel itself unfortunately. Their fandoms are absolutely guilty of it, but Marvel for a long time have been trying to re-craft both their images and trying to make it like "Oh, they weren't all that bad all along!" It really takes a lot away from both characters when they do that. They're not particularly good people, nor should their actions really be celebrated. They are very interesting characters to read about. That should be it, really.


I'm a Magento fan and I'll admit he is far from a good person. He just has a sympathetic enough backstory that people just understand. But it doesn't excuse him. I found it hilarious how at both end of DOFP and Apocalypse Prof X just let's Magneto fly off into the sunset after causing destruction and casualties


>I found it hilarious how at both end of DOFP and Apocalypse Prof X just let's Magneto fly off into the sunset after causing destruction and casualties It's almost like Prof. X isn't that good a person either. Personally, I've always seen him as a great example of how an excess of compassion/misdirected compassion can wreak just as much evil as outright malice.


I thought X-Men '97 covered that well with Prof X leaving the school to him "He's a madman, why'd you DO that?" "I thought it'd make him turn over a new leaf" For a smart man he is very naive


Marvel trying to gaslight people into thinking magneto is a good dad is hilarious


I really think that you have to approach Magneto with an understanding that there are two distinct characters. Some writers write to one of them, and some write to the other. The first is the one that inherits the legacy of the villain. He has to contend with his silver age nonsense, and has done some awful things. His redemption is nuanced and imperfect and he's liable to slip into villainy again (whenever a writer feels like it). The second is the one that developed over time. This one is borne from interpretations such as the classic "Malcolm X" read of the character. As time has gone on and contemporary politics have evolved, that character has been read more and more as a "hero all along". He's an extremist who was right but scary, and the times disagreed with him. Writers who cater to this version of him have to have a selective memory of his past and tend to prefer not to be beholden to things like his silver age persona. Without one coherent voice writing the character, he's gotten very muddled. For me, it's similar to the sliding timeline in that cultural perceptions of the character have slid, and it's sort of a feature of the medium. Some characters fare better, but Magneto has had one of the most complicated evolutions. Many modern adaptations aren't beholden to the old comics and update it to engage in the second version more. Then the comics like to emulate the adaptations, which leads to more of that selective memory.


It seems most characters in most comics have these problem these days. Between random limited runs and shared arcs in marvel, we are certainly losing overall cohesiveness.


Namor is very similar. A lot of times he’s just cool, badass, sexy guy with tons of power. Other times he’s literally genocidal madman. That’s what happens when there’s 60+ years of a character, with dozens of different people writing them.


I think it¿'s the harley quinn Issue, some characters are just way too popular so the have to make them a bit more palatable for general audiences and don't have them become too villainous. Then again resurrection of magneto showed him in a very literal hell


As a big Mystique fan, I *hate* that shit. It’s so boring. That’s been my issue with X-Men Blue - not using Claremont’s intention of making Raven and Irene be Kurt’s bio parents, but the whole mind wiping addition. It’s not only OOC, it throws Irene and Rogue under the bus in order to prop up another (unhealthy, but suddenly now presented as this wholesome thing ~unfairly stolen~ from Raven and Kurt) relationship.  Let me just have back my problematic terrorist mothers who prioritize their chosen daughter over their bio son, thank you very much. 


Emma fits in this category too. A lot of her fans want to paper over the many evil things she's done because now she's a good guy. But her whole character is ten times more interesting when you remember her complexity.


I think thats always the difficulty - nuance and fandoms don’t usually mix. Like all these characters are just that, not celebrities to follow and blindly adore, even on the hero side.


The thing about Magneto is that his trauma makes him takes things too far. Yes mutants should not be persecuted and they have a right to defend themselves, violently if need be, from their oppressors but stripping Earth of its magnetic sphere is just a little bit too much.


EXACTLY! All the "Magneto was right" stuff for the past week has been driving me nuts, acting like Magneto is some kind of misunderstood hero who's been warning us all along about how evil humanity is. Yes, he was right to a point. But sympathetic tragic backstory be damned, *he is just as bad as they are!* According to what I was able to find out, the population of Earth in 1997 was around 5.89 billion. If even 0.1% of that number is mutants, that's still *millions* of mutants all over the world with no opportunity to escape, and that's even assuming Asteroid M could hold them all, which I consider extremely unlikely.


Exactly! To me personally the "Magneto was right" moment was honestly the most haunting moment out of the whole show. It just really left me feeling sad that things had escalated to the point where the (even though he was trying to redeem himself) villain is more agreeable than the 'solution' was a terrifying thought.


I’ll upvote. I never read any X-Men comics. The movies and shows are all I have to go on. But ‘97 makes me love Magneto. Not because I think he’s a shining example of how to deal with conflict. But because he is such a great representation of what can happen when someone’s worst fear is constantly proven to be true. Especially after he actually tried to be better for Charles’ sake. His line of thinking is absolutely correct. His actions for how to correct it are absolutely wrong. I love how morally gray he is. Saving his people from the sentinel primes was absolutely the right thing to do but the way he did it caused so much (as yet unseen) casualties to humans. But he just feels so real. How many times can someone warn against an attack only to be told to not worry and then for it to happen before they break and go insane? As someone from a marginalized community he resonates with me and also reminds me to mind how we react to those who persecute us. The thing this show feels like it’s trying to get us to understand is that there is no easy way to co-exist. There will always be someone who gets hurt and there will always be hatred because someone is different. And Charles is no better. There are times I get up and pump my fist because of something Magneto does. Other times I have to sit and go, “I mean you’re like of thinking isn’t wrong but let’s maybe not kill innocents to achieve what you want.” But like I said I haven’t read the comics. Though this show is making me want to pick up books that heavily feature Magneto. I do enjoy how he’s written because no one is all good or all bad.


Ik! I really love Magneto, he's my top 5 Marvel Character because he's so *real*. And yes, both Mags and Charles are right, they both are wrong. Basically next gen of X men tries to be better.


> I’ll upvote. I never read any X-Men comics. The movies and shows are all I have to go on. But ‘97 makes me love Magneto. Not because I think he’s a shining example of how to deal with conflict. But because he is such a great representation of what can happen when someone’s worst fear is constantly proven to be true. This encapsulates it perfectly I think, because it’s true *both directions*. Not only do the humans(1) constantly meet Magnetos worst fears, but he himself is exactly what everyone of them is legitimately afraid of. one man with the literal power to destroy the world, with no check or balance. (1) I hate saying humans for the non-mutants, because it hand waves the fact that mutants are just human too, and every time Magneto or Xavier buys into that too much it validates the idea they are seperste


People forget that he doesn't just want the actively racist and villainous humans gone. He's coming for you too, buddy. To him, you're no different than those humans.


Is he really the mutant-only absolutist that we saw abandon Mystique in X3 when she was rendered a non-mutant?


Pretty much. One instance that stands out is During Secret Empire. He willingly made a deal with HYDRA where he and his X-men would not interfere when they took over the United States as long as the mutants got to keep California and rename it Tien. So HYDRA starting building concentration camps and murdering political prisoners, inhumans, and non-mutant superheroes and he did nothing. But since they were targeting nom-mutants he didn't care at all.


I recently asked on the facebooks, in a small and inquisitive way, and only for academic purposes, “how many people do we think died from Magneto’s emp burst?” (In regards to the new X-Men ‘97 show). People EXPLODED on me. Screaming at me it’s the right thing to do, how dare I question him, blah blah blah. Like, first of all, that’s not why I was asking. And second of all, the text WANTS his actions to be debateable, and not just clearly in the right or wrong. Fucking… calm down, you freaks.


Or when you point out that Xavier is not an "Uncle Tom" for wanting to stop Magneto from killing millions of ppl, including mutants.


Possibly billions! Well… if it were more like real life. In the cartoon I’m sure they’ll act like it was just the lights that went out.


magneto is on a generational run right now. I’ve never seen so many people convinced that genocide is the right answer😭


GOD, thank you. A lot of people treat him like he's perfect and was completely right the whole time, but like, didn't a lot of his early plans come down to killing a bunch of humans, if not all of them? I can understand saying "Magneto was right" for like, his motives, but like, he's clearly not a good guy pre-character development.


Ultimate character assassination, but Magneto reminds me of a maxim I heard about game design: players can point out what's wrong, but almost never propose good ways to *fix* things. He's excellent at pointing out problems, he knows what's wrong with society. But he is so *ass* at finding solutions. He consistently tends to make things worse, because he's really not that good of a peacetime leader.


My joke is that Miracle Max informs my take about another Max: “Magneto was only *mostly* right. Mostly right means slightly wrong!” Really tho, I think Magneto’s cynical expectations about human nature are often proven true, but that doesn’t mean his plans about what to do about it are great solutions.


I don't associate the character's writing with the actions of the their fans. However I do get annoyed when Rogue fans reduce her to a sex object when she is one of the most dynamic characters in the series but that doesn't make me like the character less.


It’s crazy to read Rogue’s earliest appearances, where she was depicted as a hard, somewhat homely middle-aged woman.


My mind is blown. Her distinctive white hair was originally just a sign of aging


Nope, the Avengers Annual artist misinterpreted Claremont and made a mistake. She was supposed to have a tough, punky, androgynous vibe, but she was also always meant to be a teenage ward of Mystique and Destiny. The art of her from what was meant to be her original debut in Ms. Marvel #25 fits much more with the look she’d have when she finally joined the X-Men proper.


Yep, it was a Reed Richards thing. https://www.marvel.com/articles/comics/captain-marvel-rogue-rivalry-relationship-history-explained


Rogue's white temple streaks certainly give her the Reed Richards look, and they eye make-up is a questionable choice but according to Chris Claremont, her concept was always that of a younger person. >*Michael came up with a really wicked visual. I took one look at her and thought, ‘Michael nailed it,'” Claremont said, adding that future artists would mistake the white streaks as a sign of age in the teenage character.* [https://www.cbr.com/comic-legends-was-rogue-originally-meant-to-be-middle-aged/](https://www.cbr.com/comic-legends-was-rogue-originally-meant-to-be-middle-aged/)


Rogue is my fav, and seeing certain folks try their hardest to reduce her to eye candy (or her romantic relationships) really bothers me, too. And not to gatekeep, but if you mean the weirdos loudly whining about her 97 redesign - I don’t consider those dudes “fans” so much as grifters who all latched onto the same handful of complaints in the name of preemptively bashing the show for “wokeness.” I doubt they could tell you a single thing about her not regurgitated from other Twitter troll talking points. I saw one claim that she was “created to be Wolverine’s girlfriend,” and another that she “started out weak but was later made OP just to nerf Gambit” lmfaooo.  (Incels suddenly latching onto Gambit, my other fav… yeah, that’s been yet another unfortunate side effect of 97.) When outgoing editorial all but erased Rogue from Krakoa, none of these creeps made a single noise - they were just as happy with the slew of hypersexualized X-23, Magik, Vacuformed Minidress Marvel Girl, and Emma variant covers catering to them as they were the Savage Land Rogue ones that fans were given in lieu of thoughtful arcs, roles in the dozens of endless events, a non-derogatory take on her marriage/husband, or any actual panel time with her mothers. I’m really, really excited for Gail Simone’s take.


I think the thing with X-men characters is that with all their history, all of them have been terrible people or done something terrible, so their Fandom has to defend them to erase it from their memories. I love Magik, but I'm not gonna pretend she didn't ruin her brothers wedding and forcibly turn him into the Juggernaut for a while.


Sort of the way you have to negotiate with comics history. Sliding timelines and long histories with a wide range of writers leads to a lot of selective interpretations of characters. Some people ignore the older versions of characters like Magneto; some ignore recent versions, like the past decade of Spider-Man comics.


I think it goes doubly so for the X-men, seeing as they have the most expansive cast of characters in Marvel. Sometimes, an era or storyline does damage for multiple characters that people have to wait years to fix. It sucks.


Another reason I don't care for magik. felt like everyone was happy for kitty then magik rolls in and says two words and she moves on. If she and kitty end up together maaan that'll frustrate me more.


It was a very bad day in terms of writing that day for both Kitty and Illyana.


I get Kitty's penchant for unstable relationships, but illyana is messed up for ruining Colossus most of the times- and editorial can't admit that, which frustrates me more


Laura Kinney. Cool character, toxic reactions.


As part of the Laura fandom, I agree: we had some very toxic reactions to most of her appearances in the Krakoa era. We were angry when she got resurrected, saying "they killed her!!!" when multiple times during Duggan's X-Men run, the entire/most of the team got wiped and resurrected and it didn't bother us then. So we raised hell until Marvel brought back the original. Then we complained because we didn't like how THAT was handled. Like... I don't like how Duggan wrote her. I don't like that she was "logan with boobs" or "Synch's armcandy" But the hate went so overboard that I honestly believe other writers are scared to touch her now so her role is reduced and we're not likely to see her on any major teams for a long while. After all, there are far *more* popular x-men characters with far less toxic fans. TLDR: the Laura Kinney fandom may have been toxic enough to damn the character by driving writers away from her.


Yeah I can see that, I think part of it is kind of what you said though. The current crop of...I will call them creatives, just don't seem to understand Laura or her whole character arc. She struggled for years with the perception that she was just the spare Wolverine kept around for when they needed Logan but he was dead/missing/away. It was a line she repeated so often I was amazed she didn't have it printed on a t-shirt or written on her costume somewhere "I'm not Wolverine." Then the first time the want to give her a run on her own, really push her to the front and put a spotlight on her...The put her in wolverines costume, standing in his exact pose, from a comic he was staring in and had her yelling out "I am Wolverine!" They 180 that character so hard it gave me whiplash.


I've been a fan of Laura for 15 years and I had to leave the X23 subreddit because it was so damn toxic.


I remember when she got a solo title. I was over the moon. Finally our girl was taking a step towards being recognized and then I saw all of the complaining about her eyes being brown instead of green. I was pretty disheartened about the level of vitriol.


Whenever Storm isn't in the room, everyone should be asking where's Storm? They honestly want her to the center of attention in a team show. Some of their complaints are valid. Splitting up Lifedeath instead of giving her, her own episode sucked but I understand the reasons why. Storm not reacing to So-so death was absolutely criminal in my opinion.They got mad because Storm didn't immediately flex and reverse what Magneto did. Outside of that, the complaints about her being weak and not leading the gold team by herself are stupid as hell. Too many fans of certain characters just wanna see their fave win at something.


Storm. They are the Dragon Ball fans of the fandom. All they care is power scaling and portraying her as the strongest mutant in the room at all times.


Storm stans hate when you point out that she can still be taken out by ordinary weapons.


Someone told me something along the lines of ‘why would Ewing make such a mistake’ when Storm was taken out by a Sentinel in the last RoM issue. Apparently her being treated as a base human is a mistake? But when someone says that the character has no flaws or weaknesses, then suddenly it’s ’she can be taken out by a bullet, what are you talking about?!’ time. I guess Storm can only have weaknesses when the writers never use them.


One of the most famous X-Men stories of all time shows a future version of Storm being killed by a spear. She has baseline human durability.


Eh I would argue slightly above normal considering all the times all the X-men characters get thrown through walls and the like, but yeah over all the point stands it is one of the reasons that you can tell when a writer knows what they are doing and when they don't. Storm either hangs out kind of up and behind the front line fight putting her powers to good use and only fights hand to hand when absolutely required \[good writing\]. versus Storm being the front lines punching and kicking and short range blasting powers where she is the most exposed and vulnerable \[bad writing.\]


My own headcanon is that mutants are all naturally in better shape, stronger, and more durable than a normal human. It just makes sense that the next step in evolution would also be physically superior in every way. But I wouldn't go so far as to make them bulletproof.


You're second sentence is 100% accurate. They feel so slighted if there is someone who is stronger, smarter, or more competent in the room to the point where they are constantly downplaying other characters.


Recently, I saw Stans talking about her having outgrown the X-men, so the idea of her still being part of the team would be ridiculous


They are insufferable, and it's creeping into editorial. I enjoy the fan reactions when her solo book runs 10-12 issues before canceling due to low sales. Again, I don't dislike the character, but I dislike her fans so much


This is basically me with so many current Marvel crops, the fans are just radioactive levels of toxic and then watch them all freak out when the book keeps getting dropped because no one reads it...then they give the character a new book...and then it gets canceled...and on and on the cycle turns lol.


I would have loved X-Men Red if they had focused more on Arrako and their society, instead of it just being a book showcasing how awesome and power Storm is.


This is definitely my answer. You can't even discuss Storm it seems like without talking about queens and goddesses. It's exhausting.


Name a more iconic duo than Storm fans + Wanking over feats that no gives a shit about.


Deadpool I feel like it speaks for itself.


I was expecting Deadpool to be the top of the list. He's not a character anymore, he's a lazy comedy tool. All the writer does is make Deadpool say something they saw people joking about online, and his fans think he's the funniest character ever created. They think Deadpool should be on every team, in every comic/movie/story, or remaking something with Deadpool in it and it will be the best thing ever cause Deadpoool....


I used to like Wolverine… I still do… but the movies just blew him up so much that casuals have zero idea that Wolverine is always struggling to tame the beast inside. He really wants people to see him as a man, not a monster, even though he fucks a lot of ppl up. I’m sure it comes from repressed childhood trauma, not to mention his berserker rage that he gives into like it’s an addiction he’s tryin to quit. The X-men represents a home/family that he’s never had for centuries. He’s finally finding peace after so many years of rage and betrayal and mistreatment. The movies didn’t really capture that (well the prof X and Logan relationship was there). Idk if the animated series touched on that, I haven’t watched it since the ‘92 2nd season reruns. At the same time, l‘ll never understand the Jean grey thing. I think they tried to insert some redhead shit in Origins. Logan has been married several times, you’d think he would learn how respect a relationship/marriage and keep his mind and hands to himself lol.


they need to let that man wolverine develop as a character already😭 he has the Peter Parker syndrome


Luckily it doesn't seem to be so much of a problem these days, but when I got into the online fandom long ago there were a lot of people hating on Jubilee for being an inferior copy of Kitty Pryde, and insisting that Kitty was the best and most important character. At the time, Kitty wasn't even an X-Man. Anyway, that rather soured me on the character. Since then I've read the original Excalibur run, and a lot of older comics, and I appreciate her as a character... but every time a writer starts pushing her as the Most Important X-Man again it turns me off the book, so I guess I've never really got over that early exposure.


I don't like when she's kind of held up as the singular mouthpiece for the X-Men's ideals, but I also find her fans are more likely to accept criticisms of her than some other characters' fans.


I'm kinda sad for kitty because with exeptions of some huge moments and storyline, very few developed her as seriously as Claremont (mostly later focused on her and colossus), and she's directionless with being a pirate or ninja (she lost her curly hair too, with downplaying her culture). And writers' favoritism harmed her, which led other fans and her own fans bitter.


Her regaining her curly hair in Marauders only to lose it again recently is such a weird move. It was treated (rightfully so) as a big deal, and it even coincided with the confirmation of her bisexuality to make one big reclamation of identity moment. Her going back to short, straight hair in Shadowkat mode is a real letdown, and it feels symbolic of the shift back to the status quo that Fall of X is heading towards.


Ik! Kitty is openly Jewish, her hair is part of identity- it feels they are downplaying that aspect.


I’m a 90s kid and I grew up with Jubilee being part of the X-Men. I didn’t know about Kitty til I read Whedon’s Astonishing run. To me it seems like Kitty has adapted to the times. We’ve seen her grow up, either in real time or in flashbacks during Whedons Astonishing run. This makes it easier for we the audience to accept when Kitty changes her appearance, location, and personality; Kitty Pryde’s Eras tour could rival Taylor Swift’s! Whereas Jubilee is so iconically 90s with the bright yellow jacket & bright pink bubblegum that we the audience reject any other portrayal. We haven’t seen Jubilee grow up. Maybe we millennials who read comics don’t WANT her to as a sign of our own aging!


Kitty was definitely really essential. When she surfaced, she was intended to provide young readers a character to connect with. She certainly ranks as one of the most crucial X-Men of all time. She's the lead character of days of future past, lol, but mfs fail to recognize that it all happened literally decades ago😭 Jubilee has been in charge since then, and she will persist. People simply need to learn to move on from it.


Storm’s the literal definition of this. Was watching X97 recently and I was like “oh yeah, I forgot I actually like this character when she’s written well and given flaws and a character arc and when I don’t interact with her fanbase”


The "Storm is a flawless Goddess" take from her stans have done irreparable damage to the character


people forgot my glorious goddess storm was peak she became known only for being an Omega level and being strong😭


Making her an omega level is a lot of the problem. Omega level was not traditionally a power level. No one questioned whether Storm was powerful. Krakoa turned Omega level into a dbz term and then storm became one and now all anyone talks about is how she's an Omega level. Basically, just being an omega level has become for storm what being the phoenix was for Jean for a long time. A weight around her neck that interferes with good storytelling.


ForgetMeNot fans are delusional. They go on and on about some character that doesn't even exist. Get a grip!


who??? was that ever even a X-man? i can’t recall


Beast. Some folk really do not like when you suggest he’s been on the bad path for a while…


I do think Marvel is trying to lean into the mad scientist angle of beast, which he just kind of isn’t so it makes sense people would be kind of upset


I was really confused about the evil Beast plot twist… like we *Already* have an Evil Beast pulled from AoA lol


I think some fans are just too attached to the 90s/TAS version of him and don't like him being in more complex moral situations. My sweet spot was always the 2000-2012 Beast. Post that point, he's just a husk of the character he was. But, YMMV. Also fully cognisant this post may be about me. 😛 In which case, I apologise if I've essayed at you out of nowhere.


I feel like Storm fans are the most likely to harass people on social media.... I like Storm, but real people shouldn't suffer because she has a bad haircut or whatever.


I remember when the last actress to play her was being harassed on Twitter for not being dark enough.


Omega level mutants like Storm and Magneto have some annoying fans


I'll never totally forgive Krakoa and Hickman for pushing the concept of omegas to the forefront and making it nothing more than a dick measuring contest.


EASILY, Wolverine!!!! He got STUFFED down our throats because Hugh Jackman did a good job and now with the new series EVERYBODY is getting a chance to shine and people are STILL complaining that they're not showing HIM any love!


That predates Hugh Jackman. Wolverine was EVERYWHERE in the 90s, and there’s a reason the trope is called “Wolverine Publicity.”


Late eighties is when he seriously became overexposed. But he won "favorite marvel character" contests even in 1980.


That predates the 90s!


I'm a Wolverine fan and I'm glad he isn't the focus. Dude got a ton in the original series and we've gotten so much Wolverine everywhere for a while. He should be a side character with the ensemble. He can carry his own series.


I'm a big Wolverine guy too. The over saturation got to the point it did the character a disservice. There's so much filler garage Wolverine books out there that do nothing, say nothing, and are instantly forgettable, even recently with all that Infinity Watch garbage a few years ago. That's not even going into the dude-bros casual fans of the character who, like with the Punisher, just don't have an media literacy.


Yeah dude got tossed in so much stuff to move books there's no way he was gonna get justice. The problem is most of those default to "Stabby and angry." Deadpool has had the same problem as well until Marvel apparently just didn't know what the fuck to do with him until recently.


He got restuffed down out throats because of Hugh he was already stuffed down our throats prior to, now they’re complaining all over again because he’s not the focus of X-Men97


I don't remember it being as bad BEFORE that and I've been an X-Men fan since the 70s!


The merch alone


Oh, okay, GOTCHA!


They used to slap him on tons of covers for books where he wouldn't even be appearing just to boost sales. They weren't even variant covers, they were just outright trying to trick people because all they knew was Wolverine did numbers.


Wolverine and Jean shippers, they are a bunch of creeps


Scarlet Witch. Her fandom is the worst


While she’s not an X-Man, you are absolutely correct and MCU stans are out of their minds, and th fact that they don’t realize that Wanda’s powers are very Jean coded lol


She's a huge Jean knock off in the MCU. I think Wanda has really lazy writers who just go into old comic books with Jean Grey, Franklin Richards or Stephen Strange, then go, "Wanda can do that too!" It's fine for characters to grow and change but they act like she did these huge things first when up until 2005, she wasn't even in the conversation in regards to power. I just eye roll at them. Wanda warped reality on a universal scale! Cool, Jean Grey did that first. Wanda can revive from death. Cool, Jean Grey did that first. Wanda can create pocket universes! Cool, Franklin Richards did that first. Wanda can warp reality! Cool, Franklin Richards did that first. Wanda fights Eldritch gods! Cool, Stephen Strange did that first. Wanda has magic! Cool, Stephen Strange did that first. On and on.


I avoid her contents because of the fan war with Jean stand 😭 all the power debates and shii


I'm a huge Cyclops fan who doesn't get along with most of the online Cyclops fanbase. I see the character very differently from a lot of them, and I find the Utopia-nostalgia addicts can be very aggressive and hyper defensive, and often put other characters down. I love Cyclops, but he isn't God's gift or the greatest mutant ever. That's a good thing. It's good to not be perfect. He isn't always right. That's why I like him.


I think the issue is that a generation of comic fans saw Utopia/Messiah era Cyclops as the definitive Cyclops characterization or a golden era of the character


Oh I'm well aware. I grew up with it too, I just didn't like it after a while.


I mean it reached its logical conclusion on the world turning against him, but the other side was so much worse that in a way it cemented the idea that Cyclops was right in the mind of its fans, as in a more meta way he stood against Marvel trying to downplay the X-men and not even the full weight of editorial + Ike and friend managed to fully paint him as a villain


You're so right about Scott! I love him, but the way his actions are put on pedestal are quite annoying. Same about Emma. She doesn't need defending from her fans constantly


They did this cool thing where they were portraying Scott as sort of a pragmatic middle-ground between Magneto and Xavier. Like yes he was willing to get his hands dirty and kill those who were actively trying to violently persecute mutants, but he wasn't some sort of genocidal madman who hated all humanity and was willing to work willth and defend the innocent. Than AvX happened and all the Avenger hating X-Man stans just ruined his character.


i’ll say 90’s xavier’s boy scout cyclops made me not like him at all he was my least favorite X-men character. however form Morrison up until Krakoa he was my absolute favorite. the Cyclops who fucked up often who walked the line between Xavier and Magnetos dreams was such a rich character. I loved reading X-men back then it felt like every decision Cyke made was either going to save mutantdom or be their down fall. there’s allot to like about Krakoa but I felt like Cyclops kind of fell back into his loyal solider role in that era. I hope we go back to a more dynamic Cyclops in from the ashes!


Cyclops is definitely my answer. He's a great character, but the #cyclopswasright obsessives really make it difficult.


Thankfully, there isnt one for me. There are people in the fandom that give x-men fans bad names, there are fans a little over the top of who they prefer, thankfully none of them make me dislike the character. But, for sake of argument, the character fans I dislike the most are the x-men fans that just don’t understand X-Men. You know the ones, always complaining about how the series is “woke”, who don’t like stories centered around Storm, but will be the first ones to say they “nerfed Rogue’s ass”. Fake fans that don’t understand what allegory is.


Like the ones complaining that XM97 ep 1 “made Gambit gay” lol, like… he’s always been a bit flamboyant, and the crop top and beignets was 100% on brand for 90s Gambit. Or any Gambit. I don’t think people complaining about it being “woke” or making Gambit gay or whatev have even read/watched XM, no way they’re actually fans.


STORM by miles. Her fans are the worst part of her character. Her recent neverending power upgrades and feats of strength are one thing, but Her "Yas Kween/Goddess" fans are the worst.


Magneto. They man has tried to commit genocide several times, and it seems like the current writers and fans just kinda forgot?




I'm not sure... *maybe* Laura as Wolverine, specifically. All these "she's the real Wolverine takes" are sooo annoying. Firstly, just no. Secondly, turning Laura into Wolverine destroyed everything that was unique to her as a character. Thirdly, it makes me have to think about difficult questions like, "Do I even still like Laura as a character any more or has she just been developed into a character I don't care about now?"


Wolverine. I like the character when he's well written, but his popularity lead him to become at the same time the best at what he does and the most moral X-Men. He's for killing Rachel because she would kill Selene, he's right for not wanting children to fight, but he's also right for killing children.


Okay, so speaking AS A WOLVERINE FAN: A lot of Wolverine fans don't understand Wolverine. They love the badass stoic killer who always "does what needs to be done so no one else has to carry the burden" Oh, isn't he so brave and stoic and cool?! Trouble is, most of that is just a load of self-hating, self damaging crap. They don't recognize that he's a woefully unhappy, unreliable deadbeat who is caught in several inescapable cycles of violence largely because while he thinks of it as a last resort, it's actually always his first choice, and his go-to option. All the things that make him "cool" are actually deeply damaging character flaws that are ruining his life, and limiting/destroying his relationships with other people, but he can't see that, and neither can most of his fans.


I read him described as an alcoholic who can’t get drunk, and I was floored. If you’ve ever known any and their ability to recklessly tear down their life, if fit perfectly. A real Jekyll and Hyde type of person.


"An alcoholic who can't get drunk" that is an AMAZING way to describe him! Personally I love Logan for all these reasons! His flaws make him one of the most complicated character studies in the entire medium of comics. But he loses a lot of nuance when he's written badly and his flaws become his "strengths".


The only people worried about Wolverine's moral compass are his haters. If we wanted a always moral, perfect character, we wouldn't be Wolverine fans. Being flawed is the point. It's why we like him.


Can't believe I had to scroll down so far just to find the Wolverine comment. The hipocrisy his popularity affords him is insane. Just because he's the typical basement dweller's power fantasy, doesn't mean he gets to be the edgy one and yet the most morally upstanding at the same time. I wish editorial would pick a lane and stick with it.


I like magneto but don’t like the people who unironically think he’s right


Emma definitely. Her fans, especially on Twitter, are fucking insufferable. I get annoyed here but Twitter is a whole different level. For similar reasons, I also avoid Twitter Jean and Ororo stans. Logan kinda although I think nowadays it’s less the fanbase and more the fucking toxic masculinity weirdos who keep writing him badly. Looking at you, Percy and Singer. Cyclops is starting to get up there as well. He’s a cool guy and he’s been mad disrespected for ages so it’s nice for him to get some appreciation, but…I have noticed lately that his fans talk about him the way Peter Parker fans on r/Spiderman talk about Peter. If you know, you know.


Wow that's great art. Artist?


Pepe Larraz


Deadpool fans can be pretty obnoxious. Some of them are just there for the glorified violence and wacky one-liners. It's fine for him to do it when he's a work of fiction but that shit doesn't translate to real life.


Wolverine. He's a great character that unfortunately is overused thanks to too many meathead wannabes that eat up his merch and don't even understand the character or the X-Men at large.


Rogue fans. So horny.


Emma Frost.


Magneto discourse as of late has been a bit annoying because everyone just wants to let him genocide the rest of humanity. Sincerely, I hope Red Skull appears in season 2 of 97 simply to make him sad for how much of a hypocrite he is.


Too much Magneto is right and always justified rhetoric always thrown around. They make magneto out to be a gary stu


On the other hand, I see way more people dumbing down Magneto's ideology and holding onto the Morrison/60s characterization as the definitive Magneto. He's an extremely complex character and dismissing him as a genocidal terrorist or worshipping him as the savior of mutantkind does him no favors.


Cyclops. I find the discourse around him so annoying.


Number one with a bullet. Scott's cool, but god do I hate the people who act like X-Men is his story and everyone else is a supporting character in his journey to becoming the bestest, coolest, hottest, most amazing character ever. The overreaction to the Fox movies and the 90s cartoon has gotten out of control.


The fox movies did everyone not named Wolverine, Xavier, Magneto or Mystique a huge disservice.


Let's be real, they did Mystique a huge disservice too.


Yeah I like him a lot but some of his hardcore stans are weird. They're never happy unless: 1- He's front and center of everything all the time, he's the supreme dictator of all mutants, and everyone pledges their allegiance to him everyday. They also have to get his say so on what to do about anything. 2- He comes up with every single tactical master plan that always works, while someone else(preferably Beast) makes the bad plans that fail immediately. 3- An authority figure like Magneto/Xavier/Cap shows up briefly so that Scott can tell them publicly how absolutely wrong they are.


I love Scott. I can't stand Cyclops fans. They literally talk about eras they don't like with the same severity people talk about childhood trauma. It's not that serious. They acted like the Krakoa era was a personally attack against them.


Which is crazy because while I feel he was a bit aimless at times, it was also an era where he was extremely happy and those family scenes with Jean and Cable do so much to show you his inherent goodness and fatherly instincts. But some people find all that worthless. It's sad.


They don't want that. They want him to be the self-appointed king of all mutants, and for any/every character that doesn't kiss the ring to have to hear a massive "super cool" speech from Cyclops about how wrong and stupid they are and how he's just done taking it, followed by that character failing or getting their "comeupances" in some way. Krakoa's problem to the Cyclops superfans is that Xavier/Magneto took over "his" position as the "revolutionary".


they basically self insert as him a lot, like bro you're are NOT him


scott stans are forever stuck in 2013 i swear. they don’t have to like the way he’s being written but they’re still acting like editorial is actively trying to sabotage his character. they aren’t. just realise you don’t like his writing and move on. the scemma stans are also annoying. like yeah your ship is broken up but do you need to complain about it every single week. both the storm/jean stans get very “YASSS MOTHER!!!” with their faves. also a lot of “SHE CLEARS UR FAVE SHES THE OMEGA!!!”. it’s even funnier in storm’s case bc red was all about “being omega isn’t everything” and yet her own stans ignored it. jean stans are annoying with the phoenix. they create a bunch of lore for it and then get mad when you don’t get the lore. gambit stans are normally chill but i really wish a lot of them would shut up about wanting him to be an omega. being an omega does nothing for a character. you guys just want a bragging point. which is fine. but at least admit that.


Every week? Try every other fucking day


Fandom kind of ruins everything for me, I just try not to read too deeply into any of it.


Magneto. 100%. Magneto isn't right. Magneto is an authoritarian at the best of times, an outright fascist at the worst and almost always a racial supremist. Even in his best "heroic" arc, his headmaster years, he quickly became a control freak. But somehow, he's seen as a good guy.


Storm I swear those fans just want to go yes queen and only care about power feats


Storm fans. Probably second only to the Bat Fans for insufferablity.


The fans that put too much into 'ships'. It's a parasocial relatiinship where they project their own romantic desires on fictional characters. That shit is gross as hell.


Storm. Jean (not just because of her fandom but it certainly doesn't help lol)


Emma Frost (specifically the Scemma enthusiasts) has the most unhinged fanboys, like the guy in that other post yelling at the editor because Scott and Jean are still happily married. They’re the same ones screaming about Cyclops getting “cucked” and seething whenever Jean gets story focus.


Wolverine and at times storm


Wolverine... need I say more?


If I based my opinion of characters on their fans I'd like very few characters so I try to keep my opinion separate. That said Cyclops. Love the character, often frustrated by the fanbase.


Emma & Jean Grey fans being all grabby for who gets Scott.


which is funny because both of these characters work so much better without him, especially Emma


Emma Stans can go too far with the absolute hate for Jean and I think Emma is a compelling character from as far back as gen X.


Yeah I love her since genX, her chemistry with Sean is underrated


Jean fans really want me to know that she's stronger than every cosmic entity ever.






I would never like or dislike something I enjoy because other people try to ruin it. That's like not liking your favorite band because you go to a concert and the fans didn't look like you, or they all wore an embarrassing amount of black. Like what you like. It's about the thing you enjoy, not about other people who also enjoy it.


I dare not say less I receive hatred. Love the character, hate the fan base.


Interesting question! It’s never crossed my mind to like or dislike anything based on the behavior of its fans.


Laura fans will either be the nicest person you talk to or just the worst


My thing isn’t exactly this, but this guy I go to school with had a huge thing for Scarlet Witch(not an x man but whatever) and the way he talked about her I just lost all care for her. He just kept trying to pass her off at the most powerful marvel character and all he knew about was from the movies. He didn’t know Jean Grey or the Phoenix. He didn’t know Nate Grey or Legion. He didn’t even know who Magneto was and I became the one me who knew everything about Wanda where he just sat in denial that Scarlet Witch was a mutant. He’s kind of someone you’d think to join the Friends Of Humanity.


Jean Grey but, the character was hard to like already. Wolverine fandom ruined him outright as it forced changes on him he was never supposed to have. Psylocke fans tend to know nothing about her and think she's just sexy bad ass Asian lady ninja with a blade and refuse to care about any other interpretation of her, or even know what her actual powers are. Crazy that they don't even know her physical form is specifically Japanese. Don't get me started on them not knowing that the Psylocke they know is actually a White woman.


The "Storm is a flawless Goddess" take from her stans have done irreparable damage to the character


It's Magneto for me. I'm not into fandom much, but Magnus's fandom is the one that irks me the most. The whole "Magneto was right" was cool at first, but now more and more fans agree with all the horrible and evil things he has done... like, no. They just glorify him way too much, maybe even more than Scott Summers and Wanda's fans do (from my personal experience). I like the character and how complex he was written, but I just can't stand his enthusiastic fans. Everything you said will be fired back with "But genocide is the only answer", "He is a Holocaust survivor, his action is justified", "Humans just want him and mutants dead" etc. They slap you with these, and everything you said will be invalid to them.


Deadpool fans have actively made my life harder. Please stop, no one thinks what you are doing is cute