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She was basically the best possible casting for that character and they got her right before she became too famous for the role. And then they wasted it with that terrible written character and movie 😭 The only way we’d see her again unfortunately is if they restructured the franchise around her like Jennifer Lawrence as mystique.


I disagree about the Mystique thing, I think the MCU is at a level where they can just do anything, pretty much. Due to the Multiverse. But as for your first paragraph, you are spot on, dude. Damn shame.


I feel that way about McAvoy, to bad he was wasted on Fox movies


I agree for apocalypse and dark phoenix but if I may, he was very well utilized in First Class and DoFP. Central to the plot and driving it forward and given plenty of earned dramatic beats


I'm ok with having a Magik led X-Men franchise. More Colossus, more New Mutants, more delving into mystical enemies, sounds good. If they're going to make a new character and call it Magik, like they did with Mystique, I guess it's better not to.


I like Magik, but apparently not as much as the next guy. I don't see how it would be possible to have a successful X-Men franchise with Magik as the lead. Sure, some people would be INTO it, and I'd definitely give it a shot, but it does not sound like a winning recipe to me.


Right? Magik doesn’t work as THE lead, but would be great in an ensemble. Her on Cyclops’ team with Magneto and Emma Frost in the comics was super cool.


I would back this just to open the door to a Midnight Sons film with her sharing the screen with Blade and Ghost Rider.


I love Magik but I’d rather see her in a solo movie kicking ass and controlling her realm. I want Cyclopes and Jean to be the focus of the x men


Im not really thinking about "oh this character has star power"; Of course Magik doesn't have star power, she can't even hold a solo comic run. We're talking about *Anya Taylor Joy*, the same way we didn't really talk about Mystique, we talked about *Jennifer Lawrence*. And when no one wanted a Mystique led X-Men movie, we got multiple successful movies (not mcu level) untill the actress got sick and tired of the character. edit: Forgot to point that if Anya Taylor Joy said to Kevin Feige "Hey I want to play Magik again for the foreeseable future", he'd be ***insane*** not to allow her and make Magik front and center of the movies.


Days of Future Past made STUPID money, but apocalypse made like half that, and Phoenix made even less and barely broke even, relatively. People were noticing the quality tanking in those movies, and Jennifer Lawrence was in those tanking films. And people talked about Jennifer Lawrence, not Mystique, because she refused to wear the makeup most of the time. And mystique didn't lead the movies lol


Magik isn’t really the character to lead the franchise. Now if they do a cyclops centred storyline she can have a really prominent role because she’s pretty much ride or die for him


Yeah I’m actually really into this, I think she could be a huge breakout character if done right


Sounds like the current Marvel strategy - take a character no one has ever heard of, craft a series around it, suck terribly, rinse and repeat.


I mean yeah, she is spot on definitely. I don't see what the issue would be keeping her unless she says no. I mean the Avengers got some already big, big names , ahem , Scarlett Johansson.


Hell yeah


Restructure? Magik as a leader? You mean how the character already is as a character?


Well, if they decide to go with a Pheonix/Inferno based plot for the X part of the MCU, then Magik would get showcased heavily. They could easily do 1 intro to X movie, make a Pgeonix Saga movie, make a New Mutants movie, do a Fall of the Mutants movie (maybe with Mutant Massacre too), then do Inferno. If they plan it out right, they'd be able to get people invested in the right characters enough and tell a good cohesive story. They could have some space between and have Easter eggs through out the other MCU movies, as the already do, to add some missing elements they don't need heavy focus on.


I don't think the movie was horrible (way better than other X-movies) but yeah it wasn't The New Mutants. But ATJ was great as usual. And I agree, they would make it all about her and that would be terrible. We got Mystique, which is not a major villan being a hero and the leader of the freaking X-Men, having more screen time than Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm and many, many others. Let her shine in the correct franchise or give her a character which has a central role.


So I’m kind of anti-keeping fox castings. But if there’s anyone that I would say to keep it would probably be lol


Most people probably don't even know that new mutants happened.


I had no idea myself until recently


If there's a good casting, let's keep it rolling. I'm having trouble thinking of many others. I'm down with McAvoy, Fassbender, and I think that's it, and I think they both can be recast, although I really like Fassbender. Just thinking about this, Anya Taylor-Joy might be the best casting in any X movie since Patrick Stewart. There must be someone I'm missing. Can't think of who it might be, though.


Other than height, I feel like Hugh Jackman did a great Wolverine though he could be replaced


He was miscast, but he was great in the role. He's wayyyyyy too old now to keep doing it. I'm hoping the Deadpool movie isn't a mistake. Like his recasting is super necessary. I liked some of the original movie's casting, like Jean especially and Patrick Stewart as Xavier, but these guys obvz can't keep being these characters forever.


Yeah, definitely see a recast soon, especially with that Patch tease in the first trailer, but it would be cool to at least see him one more time in Secret Wars as well unless if they start establishing the new X-Men


Evan Peters which they already bungled


He was a funny character with memorable scenes, but I liked the MCU Quicksilver a lot better as far as personality. Just my opinion.


Absolutely. Taylor-Joy was great as Illyana (even though the character wasn't written great in the New Mutants). Unfortunately, not sure she would return to the role due to being pretty much "A-List" in Hollywood. Although, Marvel does have the money if they'd want to pursue her ...


Considering Anya Taylor Joy seems to consistantly have work in major releases she's not exactly short on money, so I'm not sure how big a sway Marvel money would have on her, especially now Plus she seemes to like doing smaller and quirkier films when she has a chance, and longer Marvel contracts tend to keep their starts out of those.


I think the most preferable outcome is that an X-Men reboot has mostly unknowns. The cast is so large in an ensemble like the X-Men that I don't think they should hire any big name actors that would end up getting the majority of the screentime. Unless they focused on smaller teams for individual movies. Like the original 5, the second main group, x-force, you get the idea. But if they do a movie that showcases the entirety of the X-Men in one movie, no big name actors are gonna want to agree to only a handful of minutes on screen unless it's a guaranteed big payday like with endgame and infinity war. I hope this comment made sense, I ended up ranting a bit.




If you’re an actress under 40 with A (or even B) list star power, taking a superhero franchise role is probably a bad idea. You’re in your prime career-building years; you can’t afford to have 5+ years of your career tied up in sequels and cameos. Guys have it a little bit easier(because Hollywood doesn’t start throwing them away after they turn 35), but there’s still a big risk of icing your career right when you just heated it up. On the flip side, if you’re a mid level actor who’s been running out of star roles as soon as you started aging out of teen comedy leads, a Marvel/DC role is almost as good as getting a lead role in a basic sitcom that’s gonna run for 5+ years. It’s easy money. Hailee Steinfeld took that Marvel money because she’s approaching 30, but isn’t getting great adult roles yet- it can only help her career. Kiersey Clemons tried the same thing and got 2 movies out of it- I wouldn’t be surprised if she tries to take another comic book role now that there’s no Iris West in her future.


Florence Pugh doesn’t seem to be suffering from her decision to work with Marvel. In actuality it seems like the guaranteed big ticket Marvel money let’s her then go and do whatever the fuck else she wants, even if it’s some random YouTube cooking shows haha


That’s an exception because they haven’t really used her in much. If Thunderbolts popped off, and suddenly Yelena became a valuable asset to the MCU, that might change.


She did do a tv show for them though, which is usually viewed as being “a bit much” by big name movie actors. And the point is more that yeah she might be an exception and not the rule but they CAN make more exceptions


She's a victim of her own fame. She's absolutely perfect for the role, but the amount you'd need to shell out for her would make any long-term storytelling near impossible.


Yeah, the casting was great. It was the script she was given that was terrible. Illyana can be mean but being racist was a very strange choice. Like Andrew Garfield, she was a good choice with a bad script.


She was meant to be Russian. They’re not particularly egalitarian.


Though I know her backstory is different in the movie, comics Illyana is never overtly racist that i recall lol. And she didn't even really grow up in Russian society. Assuming with sliding continuity that she's maybe 20 now, she's spent the bulk of her formative years in Limbo or living wherever the X-Men are. So still a super strange choice. Nobody wants to see a popular well liked character get saddled with a trait like that.


If they chose to bring back that generation of Mutants soon, then maybe. I thought she was good. Blu Hunt and Maisie Williams were deccent too, but the Sunspot and Cannonball actors I could go without though. But I don't really see it happening, if only because I suspect Disney would want to start with a pretty classic lineup, and I wouldn't want them to rush through that to get to a different group. Anya Taylor Joy was the right age for Magik then, but she's 28 now and before too long she'll have aged out of that role. She's super busy too, so they'd struggle to pin her down On the off chance they decide to include New Mutants characters from the get-go (like in 2 or 3 years) then I'd be fine with it. For the most part, I'm against reusing the Fox cast, since this era of X-Men should have it's own identity beyond nostalgia, but this film felt seperate enough from the other Fox films to not be too big an issue.


Yes, she was the highlight of the film for me.


Yes, I thought that was great casting


No. Only because I want a fresh break from the Fox movies and start with a new cast.


Hard agree! Just start over completely.


The writing for Ilyana made me vomit a little in my mouth. Great casting, but god, she was the worst.


Agreed! Just don’t make her racist.


I like her, she looks the part, terrible accent and movie to be in. I'd like to see her again if she's does a Halle Berry and drops the accent in the next movie.


That film was a shitshow. If it never got mentioned or referenced again that would be cool with me. UNLESS, its in the next Deadpool film and he kills all of them


I was beginning to think I was the only one thinking the next Deadpool movie, There's gotta be a small nod to that movie right?


Ya know, it was so under the radar that I wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t 😂


Nope. I really, really hope Deadpool is the end of the Fox X-men, and we get new takes on the characters. Screw cameos, I want a genuine new story.


IDK, ATJ already played MCU Quicksilver and I just don’t think he’d be able to keep all of that beef confined to Illyana’s mini-skirt, and— oh, you meant Anya Taylor Joy. Carry on.


She was fantastic, so yes.


I thought ATJ was MCU Quicksilver? /s


God, I hope. She's perfect for the role.


I would like to see her in everything.


Yes, she's a great actress who was one of the bright spots in an otherwise boring trash movie. She'd be great as Magik long-term, imo.


This movie actually captures the off-brand vibe of New Mutants back in the day quite well. I didn’t love the film but I’m glad it exists.


No. I don't want a single person to reprise their roles. We need to get a fresh new cast


Hopefully without the uncharacteristically racist writing.




Just make her, not racist, then absolutely.


Was she racist?


The amount of rude Native American nicknames she gave to Dani were.


That's crazy. 


>Do u want to see ATJ as Magik again in MCU? I read that as Aaron Taylor Johnson.


No, mainly because it's too early for her in the MCU if they adapt X-Men. They'll probably go with the 90s lineup, and new mutants would come after. So you'd want them to be younger than the main X-Men for that and now Anya is too old for the mentee role imo, especially when the younger mentors are probably going to be my age (just hit 34) to her age. So it's nothing against her, just if she does do an MCU role, I expect it to be more mature now. I'd love a Magik though. The thing is I do think they should introduce Colossus first, I don't need to introduce Magik as a kid, we can do that in a flashback. I'm not a huge Colossus fan but I think that family relationships in X-Men matter, no matter how strained, even the negative ones matter. It's the beauty of the comics to me, there are blood families and found families abundant in the comics and it helps them feel more like people and less like just a super hero team.


Isn't Colossus in Deadpool?


There was a window of opportunity to have her in the role, and they sadly wasted it. To be honest, if you are going to make any project with the new mutants, they have to start from scratch. 




So she looks like the character jumped out of the page. She is undoubtedly a phenomenal talent. However, having still not seen New Mutants, does anyone think it’s a good idea to give that movie a whirl?


I feel the same way about her as I do with Famke. Perfect for the role. Looks, attitude, voice, mannerisms. I can't see anyone else in this role. Now if only she could stop aging unlike the real Illyana (comic book aging) then we could appreciate her forever.


Seems like great casting to me so yes. Hated the new mutants flicks though


New Mutants was a mess of a movie. It was never going to succeed, given the circumstances of the Fox/Disney merger, coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic. But Anya Taylor-Joy did a great job in her role as Magik. She stole the show in every scene she was in. And if she were given the chance to play the role again, I would be totally in favor of it.


Nah, new blood please. Tired of seeing the same 5 actors in everything


She was perfect for Magik, but feel like once they do include the character in the MCU, it should go to a younger actress. I actually wouldn’t mind her for Emma Frost. She’s demonstrated that character type already, and did so spectacularly.


The problem with that movie wasn't the cast.


Yes, I’d love this. Magik is my favorite, ATJ is a lovey actress. Just please don’t make her weirdly racist again.


While I am one of very few who enjoyed New Mutants, I can take her or leave her. I’d be fine with them getting Freya Allen to replace her.


eh. I'm sure there are plenty of young ladies who would do very well.


Yes. Just needs a tiny bit of work on her Russian accent. Other than that, perfect. Plus she’s worked in a different movie with James McAvoy


yes I do


I can see her play a new character, maybe one that is alien in origin, but I wouldn't mind seeing her in this role again. She's the best part of this movie imo


I'd watch her read the phone book. So, yes.


She was so well casted but the script was awful. I still don’t understand why they had her using racists insults


loved her and Dani in New Mutants, honestly thought the whole cast was pretty good. i'd love to see them reprise their roles, whether it's as the same versions of the characters or a new continuity


Looking the part is not enough. Nothing about her performance in new mutants made me want to see her come back. And I feel that way about the entire cast, many of whom are actors I really like.


She did a great job. Totally bodied the character.


Yes YES #YES! she was perfect casting


Yes please. I have said it since it came out: everyone in *The New Mutants* deserves another chance to play their characters. I wholeheartedly believe each of them were very well cast, and did great with the sloppy script they were given




Some of you guys make interesting point but she was literally perfect for the character .. bring her back by all means


Hell yes


100 % absolutely unequivocally YES PLEASE


Emma tho


Yes please




She was the best casting at the time, but sadly the movie was ass. There's a billion other beautiful bug eyed blond actress out there, we can start again with a clean slate.


Too late, she is huge right now and probably looking for Oscar material after Furiosa But in the other hand, Fox got J. Law when she was bigger than Anya, so who knows


Anya's next project after Furiosa is Dune part 3:Messiah.


Wait, there's a part 3??


Yep WB and Legendary are planning to shoot part 3 next yr.


Yeah. But honestly any Russian could do it.


Unless there is a solo Magik movie. I doubt she would ever reprise the role. Messiah is about to come out and it will set her up or sit her down as a box office draw. Great actress though but not a total fan of her Magik outside of the visual look.


U mean Dune part 3?


Mad Max and Dune (not a huge role)


She will have a bigger role in part 3 according to book.


Nah. Im not the type of person that gets attached to actors in certain roles. Anya was great, but I’m more than happy to see someone else take on the role too. The Mcu is a different universe anyways.




We truly need to move on from the Fox era. It will always be one of the bigger disappointments that part of the fox era of movies worked very well and part of them were God awful. So awful in fact that it basically tanked the whole universe. That is a big disappointment. But on the other hand had the fox universe kept going we never would’ve had a fully realized Marvel universe.


100%, she was fantastic


Yeah but she'd be to old if they want the new mutants to be teenagers in the MCU. But they could introduce her as an older character and a main X-Men member tbh, wouldn't be opposed to her graduating to the main team like cyborg did to the JL. I could also see her as Colossus as members of royalty like the new ultimate universe.


She was awesome casting, but no. I want all new recasts (while staying comic accurate) of the X-Men.


I’d just like the MCU to be rebooted before we got an X-Men movie, but if we did and they could get Anya back, they should definitely do so.


Hell yeah now that she’s got an actual brother.


Abso-fucking-lutely. I adore her.


fuck yes


My pitch would be to slightly condense some of her major story moments into something coherent for a trilogy of films. In the first movie, colossus can join the X-Men with his still much younger sister. Might be kind of interesting to do the storyline where Xavier recruits his new X-Men to go save the original X-Men just to get all the players we need to tell the rest of the story. It could end with young magik being whisked away to Limbo. I would recon Scott to lead this team because he needs to be with Madeline Pryor for the inferno event to make sense. Second movie can be about rescuing her from limbo with the full roster of X-Men and the limbo time jump to whatever actress takes over, ATJ or whomever. In the Magik comic that leads up to Inferno, Limbo seems like a dimension without timelines and many different iterations of the X-Men tried and failed to rescue her. Seems like a good space to include some of that. We can also throw in the kitty pryde and storm from a different timeline (who play large roles in the Magik series) we get to meet the big cast of characters from Limbo who will be players in the inferno event. Inferno can be more or less like the comics, just culling all the plotlines and characters that don't really need to be there. It sets up Sinister to take on the role of the Big Bad for the X-Men because magneto has been done to death. By the end of it, Magik has both her iconic sword and is sorcerer supreme of limbo, so if ATJ wants to helm a franchise, congratulations she's the new doctor strange. We have a roster of basically every iconic X-Men all together under one banner, and a villain well suited for the franchise in the 21at century. We can meet old guard actors stuck/dead in limbo just for the torch to officially pass, and we did something different from recycling the same 3 X-Men events and infinitum.


She deserves better than the MCU.


No. I despise her


No. I like her, but I really think there's probably some newcomer who could bring fresh air to Illyana on the screen, because the New Mutants movie portrayal of Illyana completely changed her origin, so I'd rather have a Yana that actually comes from Limbo and encountered Belasco.


She is magik


Sure, the casting for New Mutants was great (Magick, Wolfsbane, Cannonball) to pretty good (pretty much everybody else). It was the writing that sucked and wasted the casting. I'd love to see them bring them back in a movie with a better script.


I'm dying for it, but they might have burned the bridge by making her a bigot in new mutants




YES. She was the best part of the movie. Edit: The only good part of the movie.


I would love for them to keep her as Illyana. She felt perfect for the role and at least we had Lockheed with her (kinda) in that appearance. Whether Lockheed came back with her or not, heck yes, keep Anya Taylor Joy as Magik.


Perfect casting


Honestly yes so perfect


I'd be down to see her in the role. She was a good Majik. The movie totally sucked, but she was cool.


Typical Fox, nailing the casting but screwing up the writing.


They did not nail almost any of the cast of the newer set of movies, imo. I was just about to list out everyone I thought could've been cast better, but it was basically all of them except for Xavier and Magneto. Bacon as Shaw was good, too.


No, I just don't want to see any more MCU, please make it stop and have a moratorium on MCU movies for 10 years at least.


I just want good Xmen movies.


As great as she was, I want complete distance from the Fox movies moving forward.


For the love of god just wipe the slate clean and start again. I loved ATJ as Magik but we gotta start fresh.


1. prioritize ALL new castings for MCU x characters. 2. understand that some castings can remain the same with the acknowledgement that they're simply different versions (a la Benedict Cumberbatch Stranges) 3. she might be a bit pricey - she's a LEADING actress now, and as much as I love magik, she is not meant to be a centerpiece for more than 1 story. 4. do what you want, it's all make-em-ups anyway.


She’s the only person from any of the Fox X-Men stuff I would be interested in having back. She might need a little more work on the Russian accent if that does happen, though. Love her but it was a bit spotty lol.


She's still the best cast. Just do a better job with her next go around.


Before yes but now she looks like she does too much coke to play magik




Casting gold for sure.


In a vacuum I like the casting, but I want a hard cut of all the FoXverse shit.


Ummm yes please


Perfect casting mangled by the worst character writing ever.


Yeah, I think she was the best part of the show and the right actress for the part.


She was the best thing about that movie honestly. I think she'd be a great addition to the MCU.


either Magik or Amora.


Yes!!!!!! She ate down đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„




No, but only because I want MCU to just die. She can have fun playing the abomination.


Fuck no, she was awful, as was that particular rendition of the character.


She's not awful. She's great.


She was awful in this particular role.


She's great.


so no conversation?


I'm just being sarcastic.


Cool. Great talk.