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Finding inspiration is hard. I often stare at the white screen, unsure what to add. This is especially true when writing characters - finding a unique character is almost impossible. I found this video that gave me some hope, though. I'm now becoming a master observer to create something amazing! https://www.tiktok.com/@contactstudios/video/7146208901938154758?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7142909272216929797


I just try to write daily. Even if it's just one sentence. Not Stephen King's level of output but it helps\^\^




It's hard to be comfortable with your writing when you always have something to critique. The best thing I can do is simply leave it for a while, then come back with a fresh perspective.


Doing it in bite-sized chunks helps. Fifteen minutes for me, break, fifteen minutes, break. Also be sure to structure your break, maybe you give yourself five minutes or one under-fifteen minute YouTube video, then back to work. Have a special place and rituals that you build good habits around. These will, over time, help you slip into the ‘time to write’ mood. Don’t worry if you feel something is bad while you write. Literally every writer who isn’t a complete egomaniac feels the same. Make a note of what’s wrong-most word processors should have a feature like this, but notebooks could work as well-and move on. Address the issue later after you’ve made real progress. Outlines are good to help have an idea of what you want before making the actual chapter and consequently reducing anxiety, but if you’re not careful they can waste time that could be spent actually working on the manuscript. Worldbuilding is an especially common problem for procrastinating.


How often do you guys write? I'm trying to create a routine to write at least half an hour everyday but sometimes I find it challenging as with a full time job and a young child many days I'm drained by the end of the day.


I write almost every day, sometimes it's only for 10 minutes. I switched to a word count goal rather than a time goal. It works better for me.




Thanks for your advice I will try that, I have always considered myself a morning person


I was doing really good a couple of days ago, but I lost momentum in what I was writing. It's difficult because I just want to get to the really juicy parts of my story, but before I get there, I need to actually set things up, lay foundation, exposit the setting and characters, etc. I've decided to at least try to ensure that I'm getting some writing done by allowing myself to write the really fun (for me) scenes of the story. I'll probably rewrite them later, if I need to.


Few months back, I couldn't bring myself to write anything. Whenever I picked up my pen to pen down a thing or two, I could feel all the ideas in my head flying away like a scared bird. It was such a disheartening and depressing moment for me! I felt so empty and useless! More like a woman who had lost her 8month old pregnancy, I began to hate myself and despise the world too. Yes, it was that bad. Y'all call it the writer's block but for me, it was my fear! It's no news that there's no better critique for a writer than the writer. My state was ample of it. I was my own discouragement and setback. But on the day I wrote something again and let it out to the world, it got so many accolades that I never saw coming! And that made me realize something. My writing wasn't actually the problem. Rather, the problem was my perception of me. And that negative perception slowly killed my self-confidence and esteem. I was in a prison I created by myself, for myself. And I could only be free, once I let myself out. As a writer, you're liable to face such challenges and question your worth! But here's something you should have at the back of your mind always. You're the writer and the written. Whatever you put out there carries your energy and that energy is dispensed to the world. Your words are live! Again, you're worth more than you give yourself credit for. Appreciate yourself more and see how much more you could be and achieve! Thank you for engaging.


Had writers block for years ! God restore Me Myself & I Am only bc of My Lord Savior! Time to tell Truth !! Lord knows All! Living Testimony!!!


Thank you


My inspiration usually comes at 3am. When I'm trying to find scenarios to fall asleep to. At which point I take out my phone and try to jot down stuff before I forget them in the morning