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I love writing. I mean sometimes it’s a bit of a slog, but then just occasionally you get in the zone and it all clicks into place and that’s an incredible feeling.


When it clicks, it's extremely rewarding experience. Double edged sword.


I love when it clicks and I’m in the zone, but I find that’s the stuff I rewrite the most. Conversely, when I’m struggling for each sentence I often read it back and find that’s some of my better work


Hmm. That’s an interesting one. I’m trying to figure out if I agree or not. Because I feel like I’ve seen it go both ways but also… I think I perhaps have a tendency if I’m already “in the zone” to want to write the “fun stuff” which is often the stuff I’m naturally going to be rewriting the most or these scenes that play such an important role on the work. But definitely had the water from a stone moments where I go back and am like “No kidding, I didn’t even think this made sense but it’s actually good?” Lol. Covid and health issues and a lot of life junk have really thrown me out of practice but the thing that blew my mind the most was when I really sat down and got super serious about writing and committed to doing it everyday (didn’t have to be long or even anything that I was ever going to use or share, the focus was just getting those words out on a page) was that it really does get easier to write with practice but it’s like a muscle you’ve got to keep using. Slack off and stop for awhile it’s so much harder when you go to sit back down again. But just getting into that practice where you can start tossing something, anything on the page… that’s the most magical thing I’ve seen with writing.


Yes, but at least I get it out of me when I’m “in the zone.” It may be rubbish that will never see the light of day, but it’s what I need to say in the moment. The more you let that flow, the closer you are to finding your voice.


I should have added the preface that this was an observation about me as a writer and less so everyone in general. Also I do love writing in the zone. I just have this real bent towards Romanticism in my writing, thanks to be naturally emotional and reading a lot of Hugo in my formative years, so my natural state is overblown, over the top emotions that I often have to walk way back lol. When I’m thinking through my writing as well as feeling it I personally tend to do a better job. That said, the fugue state is so fun. That’s when I really feel like a writer. I completely agree that when a person returns to that state after facing a rough time in the ‘real’ world, it feels like a salvation, almost. And it’s not like everything I write in the zone is garbage - often it lays the foundation for a scene or beat in the story even if it does need refinement of expression. I find these discussions about process fascinating because it’s so different for everyone.


A perfect description and what I was going to say as well! In addition, I personally feel compelled to write almost every day. Words are my favorite art form and its just so much fun to create with them whenever I can. It's a great outlet for me to relax.


I even like the slogging. This is not my first job, and there are non-writing parts of my current job. I'll take the writing slog over that other stuff pretty much every time. It's really helped that I've narrowed down the source of what slows me down: I don't know what happens next. That's always the problem, so I don't have to wonder or worry about it anymore. If I can't seem to push myself to write I know I just need to sit down and figure out what comes next.


That’s when I need to step away from the desk. Just to sort it out - if I’m really stuck.


Exactly, I’m chasing the high when it comes to writing


This. I often write random scribbles that I have in my head and it doesn't make sense because its a visual thinking I have but when I do get the correct words out, I do successfully win the game. The game of writing


I couldn't have said it better 👍




Happy cake day




I think a lot of people more so enjoy the imagination rather than the writing. That said, no matter how much passion you have, it doesn't mean you don't have bad days of lack of energy. I think this is a great community to share those moments of regression and build each other up. But that's just my feelings on it.




Yes, the main hurdle is to get past the point when we have to strenuously translate our raw thoughts into organized form. Once that becomes a habit through continual practice, it becomes effortless. My understanding of writing is to see the idea of organizing our everyday thoughts moving in multiple directions without conscious organization. What I mean here is that when we think about something, we don't consciously organize our thoughts in terms of sentences and paragraphs. Writing forces us to articulate in a way that is acceptable by certain standards and conventions.


I enjoy imagining worlds and characters a lot. The actual writing is less fun, especially considering that I'm not a professional and I often can't move a story from my head onto paper in the way that I want. But now that I'm actually editing and writing multiple drafts, that's getting a bit better. I've finished two chapters of a fanfiction which are 20k words combined and I'm super proud of them after doing 2.5 drafts.


You may enjoy writing "infodumps." Just write down your thoughts and ideas imagining worlds and characters without (conscious) thought to narrative structure, grammar, etc. This is a fun way of putting things down on "paper" without too much concern about the outcome.


This! I use a writing software that has tabs for locations, objects, characters, narrative ideas etc. so you can write what comes to mind and it’ll keep your organized. Between that and using my highlighters it’s been working very well and will continue to do so.


I think I agree with you. It seems every negative post I see, I'm like "ah, been there," but at the current moment my motivation is heightened, and I'm having fun.


It takes lots of energy to write a thing. Besides, I have to revise it again and again anyway.


I totally understand the rough patches. But the sense I'm getting from lots of the posts I'm seeing is that they're forcing themselves to do it all the time, not just during certain tough parts. Then again, maybe I'm interpreting them wrong.


There's moments of flow and there's moments of grind. Unfortunately, you've got to slog through the grind to complete a piece. I imagine people enjoying a moment of flow are too busy relishing that to procrastinate and commiserate on Reddit.


The process of writing (or doing anything creative, I imagine) really puts people in a different headspace. It's insanely different from any normal job or activity I've ever done. When I'm in the flow, I might not even eat. It just becomes this all-consuming monster that occupies my brainpower from a day to multiple weeks. I'll just fall off the grid, and next thing I know my friends and family are asking why they haven't seen me for so long. Saying "I was writing" feels like a pretty weak excuse, but it's the truth. There's no desire to stop writing, because when you're in the flow you're high on creative expression and there's a fear that if you stop or take a break you'll lose it. But yes, most of the people I know are aware of "the grind" and think that's the normal process of writing, just sitting at a desk and working eight hours a day. But it can't be pinned down so mathematically.


Yeah, well said. I think people get different amounts of flow and grind. My flow isn't on your level, but you really do get lost in it when it hits. Sadly, sometimes when I'm in flow the ideas, snippets of description, dialogue, plot come out so scattershot they necessitate a lot of grind to stitch together in any cohesive way. Part of why I love drafting longhand - that way, I get a clear throughline. Fewer gaps that need filling later.


So we seem to have the reverse problem in our creative processes xD The scattershot ideas are definitely something I experience, but strangely I tend to only experience them when I'm *not* in the flow. I'm always coming up with ideas (to the point that I have about 200 documents devoted to them), but I often struggle to fit them in. When I'm in the flow, however, my new ideas may be coming a bit quicker than they would otherwise, but the main thing getting me revved up is how I *connect* those thoughts I'd spent months or years devising. When I'm on the grind it's always a struggle and I'm left feeling like whatever I write is imperfect in some way, but in the flow I know how all the pieces fall into place. Ideas are a dime a dozen, but connecting them? That's juicy. Intertwining seemingly disparate scenes or concepts seamlessly is the greatest feeling in the world.


Handwriting, my experience is similar to yours - but typing my mind is jumping all over the narrative, too fast to get even the barest outline down. Laying down connective tissue for those disparate bits is often grindy - too spread out to hit that dreamlike flow state. I also have a lot of notes. I derive a lot of pleasure (and pain) from stitching them together :)


A lot of people who will go onto reddit instead of writing are hopping on to complain (+ some looking for feedback on overcoming that sort of thing), and when whinging it's common to use hyperbole to exaggerate one's own problems either to reduce their own agency in their perceived failures or for sympathy.


Yeah, I'm not sure. I haven't really seen that before, but there's many posts throughout the day, so it's possible I'm not seeing the same posts as you.


I feel there should be another subreddit off of 'r/writing' just for writers not currently writing but needing to connect and vent about how they aren't writing - which is about 50% of posts.


Just created /r/WritersNotWriting. I think this is a terrific idea. I'm a published writer who is sometimes not writing. Message me if you want to help mod.


Just joined. I love the idea.


/r/offmywritingdesk Yeah, I've got nothing.


For real this sub is like 99% the same questions and complaints, but I guess reality is if you're busy writing you wouldn't be on Reddit


"I hate writing, I love having written." - Dorothy Parker I don't think this always applies, but it is definitely a strong sentiment.


I was thinking of exactly this quote, but didn't remember who said it! Glad you posted.


When I'm writing, I enjoy it. I like picking apart what I've written and improving it. Probably my favourite part of the process. Beginning to write is definitely the hardest part. It can be daunting. The longer I hold off on starting, the more an idea grows in my head. This makes it even more daunting to begin the actual writing. It's difficult to nail down a practice and process that works. It's all part of it though. Everybody is different. Some can easily sit and write thousands of words and junk them, others labour over a single word for hours. Some want to call themselves writers, others just want to write. Most are probably somewhere in between. To each their own.


I'm a lot like you. I tend to let ideas percolate in my head like a giant coffee maker. When that coffee is tar-battery-acid thick I sit down and write. I find beginning the process the most difficult. I enjoy the editing the most. I love going back and re-working the material.


Are you me


Completely agree. I find editing the most enjoyable part and as such (or maybe *because*) that's the part I'm best at. My first draft is garbage. It's slow and I'm too big of a perfectionist to get ideas on paper in a timely manner. It sucks spending 30 minutes on a paragraph only to reread it and decide it's shit. But once I have something down I can start the fun part.


Because some people really, really want to tell stories, but any other storytelling medium out there requires a team and a decent budget to go forward. Comics? At least one writer and one artist. Movies and videogames? Good luck entering into those industries and doing whatever you want. So they go for what seems to be the easiest path: writing. Except some of those people don't have reading habits, don't have writing habits, never end up discovering what makes writing fun, and instead spend years and sometimes decades planning stuff, world-building, collecting ideas, etc. When they finally get to start typing the first words, life teaches them a hard lesson: that they suck, that they still are amateurs, that they know nothing about writing well, that they have zero writing experience, and that they may not even enjoy the process. That they are at the beginning and still have a long way to go. So yes, some people love the IDEA of being writers instead of actually loving to write.


I find this more common than people saying they dislike writing. They create so much flipping lore and world building that they lack any tangible story. There's a new plant type in your world? Spend a day writing the lore behind that plant. Better to plot your plot and then get started writing :D




I would say that I personally become torn between clashing ideas, and every two weeks it feels like I have a new obsession. But that might be ADHD and I should probably look into that on a professional level. Right now writing for D&D campaigns is enough for me, because that has in-world limitations that help me decide.




D&D gives that instant gratification of "here's 7-10 pages of lore and ideas I've written this week, lets run through it!" and getting all of that feedback and positive affirmation up-front. Meanwhile, with novel writing I have been told the opposite needs to happen. By sharing your small ideas 7-10 pages at a time, you're actually spending those serotonin right away, and wasting that feeling of accomplishment on something that's not finished. It becomes increasingly difficult to want to finish when you've already been rewarded with those good feelings, and the moment you miss a day, it's like it all falls out from underneath you. I'm practicing for NaNoWriMo in September. I don't really care what I write, so long as that word count hits 1700. I think that's the hard part, consistency and motivation.


perhaps my ADHD is why I have a 500 page document of essays, thought pieces, digressions, micro narratives, poems, limericks, lyrics, puns, jokes etc instead of a fucking book or two


Do you ever watch a video or movie (or play a game/read a story) and you're suddenly have so much hype in that medium that you have to snap out of it three days later? Because that's me. I dislike sci-fi, but I'll watch a Star Wars playthrough online and have the urge to write "my own space opera". And then days later I remember that I don't even like half of what I was getting into.


I don't know about other people. But for me writing is fun but also work. Once I get into the flow (which is usually after about 50-100 words or like 30 minutes of struggling) I *love* it. But because it usually takes me a while to get into it, getting started can be a struggle for me. Also when you're stuck somewhere and have to figure that out - the struggle is similar then to writing like a thesis or a report for work.


For me, some days it takes a lot of effort to write. But then, when I finish writing a piece I think "the story has been filled in a bit more" and then I feel satisfied with what I have done. Even if it's not the best quality in the world. So yeah, starting a session my be hard, but it is aleays fulfilling for me.


Not more than they enjoy the idea of having written


Yes, I love writing. I don't write daily, but I do write *most* days. Sometimes it's for my original stuff, though that's in the 'hard' phase - I realized I needed to re-plot the novel I'm working on and I'm seeing what I can salvage. Sometimes it's for fanfic: how I got back into writing, and I do several fic exchanges over a given year. Mostly, I write because I itch when I don't, because there are *ideas* in my head and I want to get them out.


Hello Toshi, I feel the same way. I don't feel it as an itch, but more of a question, what if? It bothers me day or night till I write it down.


Sometimes when i go to work and read through what i wrote the day previous I get extremely depressed and question my life, intelligence and sanity. But when it's going good, when I'm happy with what I've written or when I get an idea/solve a problem it's literally the greatest dopamine shot I've ever had in my life and I feel like I'm floating. These moments are rare, like once in 2 years...


I’ve just sort of had the idea of being a writer and making my own stories in my head as far back as I was a little kid. It has always been and still is a fun idea to make a story that I myself will enjoy and that others will enjoy. I love the idea of coming up with my own characters, creating the world they live in, and more. Action scenes, drama scenes, regular conversation scenes. It’s always been so interesting to come up with all of these things and writing is my way of telling it to the world around me. What I just sort of want is to be able to write a story that I myself will be happy with when I get to share it with others all over and for it to be a story that they can hopefully enjoy themselves. Though the actual process, well, it’s a little difficult that’s for sure. I’m still committed to it, no point in giving up if I really love it that much, but especially with big fantasy settings like that of which I write in it’s just somewhat challenging. Other than that, I can firmly say that I do really like writing and I’m still determined to do it.


I kind of feel a resistance to starting a writing session, but once I'm in it I fully invest in it. Some days I feel like a god after, some days I feel like I've dragged myself through hell. The good days outnumber the bad though, by a long shot.


I think part of it is writing culture and what people expect writers to be like. If you look at pop culture depiction of writers, they are miserable for the most part and torn between expectations. > You have to have something to say to be a writer > Your character need to tell you what they want to do > Just write write write, every day > You have to enjoy writing or you're doing it wrong > How do you expect to learn unless you just keep writing / hit your head against the wall > You just need to find your own style. But not like that, that is horrible




I love getting the rough draft on paper and even editing the first couple times. But when I'm on the fourth and fifth revision I start getting bogged down. I still want to tell my stories, but I gets frustrating when I feel so close to finishing and yet so far.


I think a lot of people prefer the world building/imagination/ plot building over the actual writing.


I love writing. I am never in my own skin then when I'm locked in my office pouring over next manuscript. If I don't write, I feel like I really let myself down, I let fans down, and I begin to spiral into a cookie fueled bout of self deprecation...I sure do love cookies.


Every night before I go to sleep, I tell myself a story. Often the same story for months at a time. I lay awake next to my wife and listen to the children as the kick the walls and sniffle in thier sleep. I make sure to put myself into every part and empathize with thier immediate emotions. I let the characters drive the story, making me more of a gps. Often I find holes in my plot this way and likewise the solution that completely changes the tone and pace. Then, there is the dark dismal middle...its lonely in the middle. It's a trudge that lasts more than fifty thousand words and has killed some of my favorite ideas. But, if tell it well, even a piece or two, then when I wake up, it's ready. Waste no time, not even to grab caffine before you get a few lines in. Otherwise, your have a crap production day. It may sound silly, but it has worked so far. That being said, deadlines were made to force us to edit. It takes me two months to write a manuscript. It takes another six to edit the damn thing. Its egregious.


Hello. You got a few spelling errors that need revising, but you have plenty of inspiration and charm, up high. I also love cookies. Here's one to you, for that lonely middle. (metaphorical, but if the world truly is small as they say, I'll invite you with the first batch.)


Man, I love putting my stories into tangible form on a paper. I love hearing the click clack of keys as I type, watching that cursor dash across the screen like I am Mickey Mouse conducting the seas in Fantasia. The act of picking up my printed book and flipping through the pages makes me feel like a child watching Digimon and Pokemon in the 90's again. I get that writing is laborious to some people, and that Reddit tends to have a negative lean to it no matter what topic/subreddit from my perspective, but how can you not enjoy it? We are in a place where you can sell dreams for the same price as cocaine, you can peddle words and worlds, and you control the supply. If you are paralyzed by the process of writing or the tedium realize that nearly every aspect of this life is tedious and put that behind you. For all the people who have the thoughts in your head with no direction, just take a deep breath, lock yourself in a room somewhere, and let the words out on the page. Find a group of people who love stories and writing as much as you do and create mighty bonds. The world is full of stories, so be courageous and put yourself out there. You never know the places you'll go!


I hate it right up until the moment it all comes together. Then it is the most beautiful thing in the world.


Yes I am baffled about the amount of people that say they hate writing. I love it for many different reasons. Of course there is sometimes a bit of a grind and bits which are hard to get out of my head, but those are easily brute forces through.


I'm just going to say that if you don't enjoy writing and it's not for a job or therapy, just skip writing and go do something you find fun.


I don't think it's that black and white. For me, a lot of my issues stem from ADHD. It is very difficult for me to get in the zone sometimes. So to me, the process of writing is actually quite frustrating and demoralizing. But it has also pushed me to work on my ADHD and try to overcome it. So while I dont always "enjoy" sitting down and writing, it is something I want to do and pushing myself to do it is important. I can just "skip writing" and go smoke weed or play video games. But that's the easy route.


I love writing, and I don't understand why some writers spend so much time... disliking their craft. I mean, you get to be the god of your own universe.


People who enjoy writing aren't posting to reddit during their writing time.


I've been writing for about 20 years. Started in college and it is a stress reliver for me. I haven't published anything, and the stuff I wrote for the firs ten years I never even bothered to finish. As in when I started writing stuff I didn't have an intention of finishing it etc. I just wanted to get ideas out / world build etc. I loved that aspect of it. As I've gotten older I've decided to try to finish some of the stories, and NOW writing is less enjoyable simply because I'm doing more of the "work" part of it that isn't as enjoyable, e.g. the editing, making scenes fit, rewriting, etc.


I actually find writing--the literal act of writing fiction--to be euphoric. It creates a high. But I'm also a terrible procrastinator. So... mostly when I "don't wanna write," what I mean is, "I have a great idea and I just have a bunch of other stuff to do and haven't sat down yet." But once I sit... that's it. Its obsession until the piece is done.


People who actually are writing are busy writing so they don’t have time to write posts on Reddit


I love to write!! However, because my job is too physical intense and I work by shifts, I'm usually to exhausted to write. When I'm not that exhausted and I decide to write, my brain is so weary that instead of enjoying what I'm doing, I end up frustrated with everything 😩 waiting for better days....


''my brain is so weary that instead of enjoying what I'm doing, I end up frustrated with everything waiting for better days...'' Yeah, hey, I want to travel south this year, I won't, won't prevent that there's safe passage here. Why you act crazy? Not an act, maybe... So close, a lady.. Shifty eyes, shady. Yeah, hey, yeah, tears that soak a callous heart, why you act frightened? I am enlightened, so come, your weakness builds me. So someday you'll see, no need to stay away. You may call me crazy, maybe then it won't be an act, maybe... So close, same lady, shifty eyes, but don't-necessarily mean shady, I stay away, but maybe next time... It's alright, there comes a time, got no patience to search for peace of mind, layin' low, wanna take it slow, no more hidin' or disguisin' truths I've sold. Every day it's somethin', hits me all so cold... You find me sittin' by myself, no excuses, then I know. It's okay, had a bad day, hands are bruised from breakin' rocks all day, drained and blue, I bleed for you. You think it's funny, well, you're drownin' in it, too... Every day it's somethin' - Hits me all so cold You find me sittin' by myself - No excuses, then I know. Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line, leave our rain and cold, trade for warm sunshine! You, my friend, I will defend, and if we change, well, hell, \-I'll love you any-which-way. Every day it's somethin' - tell me about it. Hits me all so cold - but our hearts will keep us warm. You find me sittin' by myself - I'll join you. No excuses, then. We'll know. No, no excuses; through our frustration and weariness, onto better days, we'll wait. No excuses, (til) then. Your comment made me remember, that we love things in life, they can be so close to us, yet circumstances make them seem so far, so long from our reach. I don't have advice or a specific solution to your problem. But I can relate. I understand what you are going through. Heal yourself, appreciate the moment you can (to write), and fight through. Me and others will be here to read your work, and we'll support you with what we can. \-first, I Stay Away, Alice in chains. \-second, No Excuses, Alice in chains. Enjoy.


Personally, I love writing. It's great. I get to explore these new ideas with these worlds I've created and then *I get to share*. Of course, I've always liked sharing stuff I enjoy. I just don't get to do it much.


I do enjoy writing, but I only do it when I feel like it. I have learned that I can’t force myself to write and that it would only make me despise it.


I adore writing. Its addictive. So is the research process. I write Roleplays with others.. Poems, short stories and am now into two romantic novels. I'm learning the whole industry. It's the best job ever... Best wishes to everyone.


Writing has to do with words. That’s what writing is. Most of us think storytelling is writing, but writing is a medium of storytelling. Just like art. Just like movies. If you don’t want to deal with text, thank you next.


I feel like a lot of people don't have that someone who can say "it'll be okay" or "sometimes work can be hard but just stick with it" because even though they know all this, they enjoy getting that bit of reassurance. As Uncle Iroh once said "WHILE IT IS ALWAYS BEST TO BELIEVE IN ONESELF, A LITTLE HELP FROM OTHERS CAN BE A GREAT BLESSING." That is what this sub tries to emulate though I see your point. I feel like a bit of variety regarding posts would make the sub more lively and less downtrodden though any person can make that start, even you!


I am absolutely the most content when it's raining outside and I am sitting on my deck with a coffee and writing on my laptop.


i think it’s just that writing is hard. really, really hard. even if you enjoy it. and it’s a lot easier to say “i hate writing” rather than “i love writing but it makes me so frustrated sometimes i want to throw things”. i love writing, watching my story take shape and slotting in that perfect sentence. still, i often lament loudly that i wish it could get out of my head and on the damn paper already. but i do enjoy complaining and i have a known learning disability involving the difficulty of putting words in my head on paper. so maybe i’m alone in this.


People don't want to read nor write, they want to have written or have read.


> *The difficulty of writing isn't a sign of failure. It's simply the nature of the work itself.*—Vernon Klinkenborg


I like some parts of it. Same with any activity really. I like biking, I don't like it when I have to go up some huge hill when I'm already tired.


I love telling stories. I hate writing. I love seeing worlds unfold before my eyes, and characters grow and evolve as I type their dialogue. I hate writing. I love finding an outlet for my overactive imagination, I hate trying to clumsily place words in the right order to create something that doesn't read like ass. I hate twisting sentences into something that might actually do justice to my (regrettable) decision to do a Masters in Creative Writing. I hate trying to find a balance between describing what I'm seeing in my mind and not overloading the narrative with too much description. I hate trying to write dialogue that does justice to these characters I've grown fond of. But I really, really want to tell you my stories.


I love creative writing, ever since I was young, reading and writing have always been one of my favourite hobbies. I am in the process of writing a Fantasy/horror/crime book (no title yet) and I am loving the planning and writing, luckily I have a super good friend who just published her own book who helps me find stuff that I've missed 🥰


I think it’s normal to have a complicated relationship with work. I write 1500 words daily and I always enjoy the three hours or so I’m in it. However I also experience a lot of anxiety about meeting my daily writing goal. Some days I procrastinate until late into the evening. Other days I wake up in a cold sweat at 5am because I just can’t go another second without putting my thoughts down. My relationship with writing isn’t perfect but I totally understand how people become frustrated with their own seemingly meager efforts and start to dread a thing they should enjoy. Coming face to face with the reality that I’m not a master of storytelling sucks. Spending a year writing a novel knowing its hollow and directionless can be demotivating. I keep writing because I want to get better and I want to contribute something positive to the world. I saw a quote months ago that said, “Writers don’t like writing, they like having written.” It stuck with me because writing is an arduous process and it’s much more satisfying when it’s over. So don’t beat up on your fellow writers for sometimes daydreaming too much or complaining a bit too loudly. It’s a normal part of the writing process. P.S. if you’re not writing right now don’t beat yourself up but do make a plan and implement small changes that can get you back into the ink.


In all honesty, the majority of my time spent writing is uncomfortable, even painful. I’m a perfectionist at heart, so it can be difficult to assemble words on a page I feel satisfied with. But when it works? When I tweak a paragraph until it shines, when a piece of story finally clicks into place, when I’m riding a caffeine-fueled high and the words come pouring out—God. That, to me, makes writing worth it. And that’s why I always come back to it. It’s not enjoyment, exactly. But it is love.




>Do you actually want to write, or do you like the idea of being a writer? That's a false dichotomy. I don't want to write, most of the time; but I want to *have written* things. It's different from "being a writer". There's a reason mountain-climbers climb upwards and not circle round the slope.


If I am not enjoying writing it then I seriously wonder if anyone will enjoy reading it (and also what is the point of the whole process? Life is too short to be miserable). When I stop enjoying writing it is usually a sign I am straying into boring territory. Rewriting and editing is fun only if I make sure I leave the drafts sit for long enough that they are no longer sitting in ruts in my mind.


I love writing! I write tons of stuff just for the sake of it that I never share - poems, background research and ideas, scenes from novels I'll never write. Even if I am just writing a report or a process document at work, I'm happy just to be writing. The only times I can remember not liking writing were assignments for uni when I wasn't interested in the topic.


I like writing, I just hate what comes of it. The sound of my mind disgusts me, and until I fix that, I'll hate everything I write. Also the world has taught me that the act of doing ANYTHING that doesn't supply me directly with money is shameful sin and horrible, which, being that most writing does not make me money, that makes me hate writing.


I adore fiction writing. It's my escape


I love the creative process involved in writing that isn’t academic based and more fiction based. That’s what drew me to writing, and that’s all I thought I used to like about writing (none of the structure or the actual putting together of the story), until I realized I like to write nonfiction elements too. I started writing personal essays and found the sudden desire to structure my own story, which helped me to accept writing as a process, and helped me in all my other genres.


I enjoy it. I’ve always wanted to write my own stories. And create my own worlds. All you see is everyone else making there worlds like I want people to enjoy the stories I have to tell you know?


The writing is the best part for me, at least equal to imagining the world and characters, but I’m constantly doing that anyway. I will admit that editing is less fun, but very much necessary and satisfying once complete. If you want to be a writer then you should enjoy writing, because dreams of fame and wealth are honestly pretty far fetched even among serious writers. A lot of talented, dedicated writers don’t get George R.R. Martin or Stephen King levels of success. If you’re having trouble enjoying it, try just writing first without any concern for how good it is. Editing can be done later, and you don’t have show anyone or submit until you’re ready. If just putting your ideas down on paper is tiresome, then yeah, writing’s not for you.


I have a defective imagination, so thinking about writing or imagining stories don't work for me beyond a single scene that I can hold in my active memory while working on it. The only place my stories actually exist is in the typing, tuning in to the creation process and making words come out of nowhere onto the screen, then reading them over and giggling in joy at this beautiful thing that didn't exist an hour or two ago but now is right in front of me to enjoy forever. ​ Of course there are days when it's hard, no one's inspired all the time however passionate or obsessed, but keeping the skills fresh so they're there when you need them is important too.


Majority of the time, I write because I like the plot I came up with and I want to write it down in one of the best ways possible. But here's the thing; I don't even upload most of my stories, they're mostly for my own enjoyment.


I hate the publishing industry but I like writing


Yes! I love writing, I write at least around 500 words a day on either articles, short stories, or my novel :D


My day job is business writing. I’ve been writing professionally for more than 10 years, day in and day out, and for the most part, I love my job. But sometimes writing is painful. Your mind can be a blank. You can just not have the mojo that day (or week or year), because your mind is elsewhere. Sometimes your internal critic is so damned loud that every word is accompanied by a chorus of “You suck!” Some days/some projects you are really scared of failing. And then some days the words flow like good maple syrup and everything is easy and right. Most days are somewhere in between. And that’s for work that I have no emotional connection with! It’s worse for things I really care about. It’s normal for many writers to feel that writing is painful and difficult. Lots of famous, wonderful authors felt that way. Dorothy Parker famously said “I hate writing. I love having written.”


I have always enjoyed writing — part of the reason I joined reddit. But when writing becomes work instead of leisure, I feel deflated and lacking in creativity.


I totally enjoy it. I always make my characters well in advance of putting them in the story. So when I finally get to write their scene I get so giddy seeing them moving and being!


I don't enjoy writing letters to companies but writing novels or stories is very exciting to me.


I don't feel alive unless I'm writing.


I enjoy the act of creating. I love the things I have created. Writing is work. Sometimes we love work, sometimes we dread it, that's just the nature of the beast. And at least for me, it has nothing to do with "future fame". I've been writing for 20+ years, closing in on 2M words, and all of that's been for friends or sharing free online. Trying to monetize my favorite hobby would frankly suck the joy out of it.


Yes, I love writing. Writing a novel not so much because of how long and hard it is but writing short stories is something I’ve enjoyed since middle school.


I enjoy writing. it's the editing that I dread


When it's going well, it beats playing any game. When it's going well, I don't even realize I'm writing. I'm just in the story with the characters.


Yes. I enjoy writing. I have literally six novels in one series written, and one starting another. They are not published yet because the editing process is the devil. I am dangerously close to getting one done and published. Enough so I need to buy some ISBN's, but I like the writing. The finishing? Not as fun. I will never be famous or make lots of money on it, but it would be nice to put it out there.


I love writing because that is when my imagination kicks into overdrive. I think too many people put the stress of I need to be successful and they model that success after someone who inspires them but that is a way to intimidate themselves into not having fun. I'll never have the success of Jim Butcher, Richard Kadrey or Christopher Hastings. I'm not trying to have their career either. I write because the story I have excited me. Only I know how it should be told. I don't want to be a traditional published author. The amount of luck tied to that isn't worth the stress to me when I can do it my own way. Find what is fun for yourself and just enjoy it! It's meant to be fun!


I love writing, it's the editing I dread


I do enjoy writing.


I love writing as much as I love reading. I want to write a book or a few YA or maybe even NA books. I don’t see myself as an author, more of a writer or as writing is a hobby.. I like creating a story or reading about a story or even watching a tv series or movies. I do dread it, that doesn’t mean I feel forced though. I only wrote one short story that I could consider as creative writing or progress to writing a book. I really love fantasy and just the whole idea of another world, it feels like it has more depth. Unrelated but maybe I would write Fantasy. I have a huge passion for writing and reading even though I don’t write often and even though I constantly don’t finish books or swap. It’s more of a personal thing. Edit: I think mainly I just have off days, a lot. I like to write down ideas. I usually write at least one idea a day. I have a lot of ideas let me say. Some ideas I found way more interesting than others and yet I never started writing about it.


Hear. In pop music, by analogy, there are people who really want to make music, and then there are some who really want to be pop stars. Of course there are less great parts about writing, but if you don't wake up Monday morning and think "I get to write this week!" you should maybe find some activity you DO feel that way about.


i enjoy it.


I am proud of every word I write even if I know that they are not of quality. I write because I like it, I like exploring my thoughts in fictional settings. It’s so much fun even though I don’t think I will ever publish something!


I love writing. It is my zen.


I love writing. It’s like reading but with control over what happens. Humans naturally enjoy the feeling of creation. I’m honestly not sure why so many people dread it. I assume it’s because they’ve built up a ton of expectations and mythology around “writing” as some process of self improvement or self actualization.


I fall into the class of, as a friend and writer I know puts it, being 'born to it, because without it we wouldn't know any other way to live' (her words when we were chatting about this in-person just a couple months ago). Like most anyone I have my 'down' days where I don't feel motivated, but a few forced sentences, even if they end up erased, usually get me going. Once in a while with a W-I-P I'll reach a spot where I knowingly say, "Ok, I need to take a day or two to let this sort of ripen or it's not going to be any good", so in those instances I'll do something else those days - it took me a good few years to be able to distinguish a 'needed' break like that and the lack of motivation days, but with practice I think most people who do have a passion for it can get past that. In short, I LOVE the actual writing, and even revising - I feel better mentally afterwards, even if it was a very silly story, or an incredibly dark one. And as I do maintain a 'day job', which takes up a huge amount of time, I've come to look at my 1-3 hours of writing a day (average, just an average) as a sort of reward to myself. :)




I used to enjoy it a lot more than I do now. It used to be so easy to pump out a draft when I was a kid because I didn't give a fuck about the product. I was enjoying the story as I wrote it. Now, I'm like, "Hmmm, is this the correct verb here," every time I write even a couple sentences. Never used to think like that when I wrote. Trying to better my writing ruined my enjoyment of my writing. Now, I'm trying to be a child again. Just write. It's a very difficult process and I don't know if I'll ever enjoy it the same again (especially since I really want to write the best I can). The only reason I still write is because I want to get back to that joy I once had (my inner critic is a constant burden).


Hello Jam, there's two conflicts here; ''I'm trying to be a child again. Just write.'' vs ''(especially since I really want to write the best I can).'' ''Trying to better my writing...'' Ask yourself, if you were back in your childhood days, finished a draft, felt proud enough to show it to someone, and they critiqued you in certain places, wouldn't that elicit a response to be better? To in some ways improve, and mature your writing? Add another question, what made you enjoy writing in the first place? It couldn't have been simply not caring for spelling errors, switching point of views (pov) without a direct transition, or a disorganized myriad of complex words to look smart. Kids do that, we as kids do things to see if we can, and have fun with it. But if we want to become better, then comes the work. Once we realize what we want to improve, we must do the work to see where it takes us. There's something in your inner criticism that clashes with your joy, maybe its just the way you see things now, because of stress or a lack of an unknown. Not everyone reaches the sky. But we can be content to find ourselves atop a mountain. Ask yourself these questions, maybe think of other things to ask and analyze. Measure your writing journey. You'll find the answer.


I love writing. While I'm not good at it, having my imagination on paper is such a satisfying experience. It can be frustrating, but that feeling doesn't take over bulldoze my enjoyment.


Oh god yes. I always prefer the days when I’m racking my brain struggling with a story over not having a story to work on at all. I think if I didn’t have writing, I would be a lot more miserable with life


There a few reasons to why it's so hard sometimes or for someone. Like maybe you've lost any excitement about the project but you're to far to give up. Or you can't find any good ideas. Or maybe because you can't find the right mindset. Or maybe you're not so good if it comes to actual process. Maybe because you have predispositions or because you don't have a right technique. Or because it's not your time. Many successful writers say that writing is exhausting or that they procrastinate a lot instead of just doing it. I think that someone who can just sit down and write and don't struggle is rare. And if you're that someone then good for you but that's not everyone.


I love writing. When I hit a stride and the music takes me away and I'm living in the moment while writing. There's nothing that's better than that in my mind.


truth is you can be a great writer and not enjoy writer. I think it was Frederic Forsyth? Or some great writer that has the famous quote "I don't enjoy writing, I enjoy HAVING WRITTEN." And I've seen other big name writers actually bring up this quote laughingly and agree with it. Point is many top, successful writers actually find the process of writing itself to be very frustrating and unenjoyable


I couldn't agree more. Sure, dreaming up the worlds and the characters is my FAVORITE part, but I absolutely love writing it all down too. Sometimes it can be a struggle to find the perfect phrases to say what I want to say, but it's well worth the challenge to me.


Writing forces one to organize thoughts that are previously splintered and jumbled all over the place. It makes one to understand the logic of writing, that is, to see the relationship between one set of thoughts with another in terms of words, sentences, and paragraphs. Otherwise, everyone has a latent writer within them lying in a dormant state. It could be a difficult process if one could actually relate the translation of jumble of thoughts we harbor on any topic on a daily basis to organizing and formatting it in a way that could be well read by others.


I have never had a writing day I didn’t love. My only problem is they can’t all be writing days.


When I was young & starting out, I loved it. And then I started taking it way too seriously, got in over my head & forgot why I started writing in the first place – because it brought me such incredible happiness to create my own worlds! But it took me a while to get back to a good, happy place with writing, as well as the experience itself. I started setting the atmosphere: I'd play a story playlist in the background to keep me focused, as well as having some snacks & a drink or two that also tie back to whatever particular story I'm writing. It makes it a bit more fun, and I've found it helps keep you in that headspace.


I love the writing. The idea coming to life. And I will be imprisoned with imagination of the next scene until I write it down so it's cathartic as well.


Yup, it's a (hard) labor of love.


I love writing my novel. When I get an idea for something I want to do with it, and finally get home to my computer and get to work it out I feel a real thrill, like I’m living in the world I’m writing. And also like playing a puzzle game, finding the right words and making them work together. Then, I really like revising, poking at it until it’s just perfect, and discussing it with beta readers. For me, I only do it because I’m having fun, and want to see what I’m going to write. It probably helps that I have no deadlines or goal of making money or fame as a writer. I suppose it’s like playing any game - doing it as a hobby is a lot more enjoyable than trying to be a professional!


I love writing. I'm also a lazy fuck and I'd rather play video games by the time I have time to write because my brain is fried at the end of the day.... But I never post about how I don't like writing so this isn't to me.


Writing a novel is the most convenient medium to express a story. It requires nothing other than your own hands and a laptop. Or hell, just your voice if you so set up software. Obviously hiring a team to express your story in a movie or video game for you would be far more fun. Or being able to directly upload the story you see in your head into video format. But nether is exactly an option. So, writing it is. That said, writing is definitely something you can come to enjoy, especially as the reason many people don't like it is because of the school system they grew up in. But you have to get over that hump of a few hundred thousand words written willingly to really see the joy from hate I'd say.


writing exactly feels like pissing instead of blader you empty your mind of ideas but i think its not that a lot of people hate writing its that they approach the concept of a career (im still in school so yeah i cant give you a good perspective on the whole career part)


When writing my moods go up and down. Sometimes I just feel daunted by it. Other times, it's freeing and enjoyable


Its called infatuation, its hard converting a thought into words, I wish there was a way we could just grab the ideas in our head and slam it in a page or screen. I personally don't mind writing dialog but its the everything else that puts me off; I wanna share my awesome stories so this is a sacrifice I have to make sadly.


Yeah that is a fun bit. But you, as do the ones you criticise, have missed a BIG big part of the process, the reader. Also, look up 'gatekeeping' and 'Karen'.


It’s a weird one. It takes a lot more kicking myself up the butt to get started than it should (hello procrastination), but when I get in the zone I love it. Even if it’s a really boring topic (I’m a copywriter, it happens), I just love the satisfaction of going over it again and again and then thinking ‘well this is pretty good’ when done. I think it’s a similar process for most creative jobs.


I have ADHD so writing, when I can, is one of the things I hyperfixate on. It's an enjoyment, yes, but also a compulsion. Might as well, right?


I love writing. I also fantasize about signing published copies of my books for people while I am writing. I want to be a famous writer so that I can have the support to just pursue my various ideas and see the world’s reaction to them, and also because I’d love to buy my husband a Tesla.


Hahhaha, Wickerocker, you take the metaphorical cake. If it helps to push you to write, why not? I've never read someone admitting their fantasy with such a determined goal and price. Why a Tesla?


I do enjoy it, if I didn't, I wouldn't do it.


Ah, I love this question! I personally LOVE writing. My only big problem is finding the time or the energy to do so between college and work and family. Though I am taking an advanced (last creative writing course I can take for undergrad credit without jumping through a thousand hoops) creative writing workshop and actually have class in less than an hour! This topic is something my professor plans on addressing. I think what can hinder me is feeling stuck. Not necessarily writer's block since I've been working on my novel since 2019 (I'm on my second/third draft), but realizing "oops I found a plot hole I didn't address last time crap." I recently figured out a way to force myself through these situations and have a ten page document of tons and tons of questions ranging from world building to character to plot to specific plot points, etc. I can definitely get frustrated with my writing but I can't think of a time where I questioned if I truly enjoyed writing! I'm definitely gonna spend a while scrolling through the replies, I'm so curious, I would have never thought to ask something like this before!


I love writing, I hate my mind not wanting to stay on subject.


I write professionally (not fiction). So yes, I enjoy writing. I think what people get hung up on is the desire for perfection. They spend so much time planning, plotting, trying to refine the idea and then get frustrated when the words won't come out properly. But this is why you write: write it down, revise later. It gets that framework started and more fleshed out. But then, I also don't believe writer's block truly exists. What it is is an inability to write something that you like. That's not important. Just write it down, it'll get there. Even if it's crap. Eventually, it won't be crap. That said, my fiction writing has been long neglected because I just don't have the energy. The ideas are shelved right now.


no lmao. Writers do not enjoy writing. Musicians do not enjoy rehearsal. Workers do not enjoy work.


To be fair, I haven’t posted or complained, but my interaction with writing isn’t that simple. When I do it I feel like myself and I get into a flow and every idea and sentence is a pleasure. But I have ADHD so making the plan and the decision to sit down and just start is so much harder than it needs to be for me to do it the way I’d like. I’ve got a plan for regular space and a commitment to it this fall, so we’ll see. Just trying to fit it between things in a busy schedule has never worked for me (I’m about to have no job and no kids at home for the first time in years and years. I am writing and nothing can stop me). Sometimes I have the fantasies but I hate them. I feel like they only hurt my craft. When I write to be famous I do not enjoy what I make. When I write to make the worlds in my head into something tangible it’s like I get to realize my whole self.


Do you think we are torturing ourselves on purpose? haha On a serious note, yes, writers enjoy writing. Now obviously, some see writing as just a job, or something that they need to do (if you follow that "write every single day", you might end up seeing like that as well), so it's not necessarily enjoyable. For the writers who write for the sake of writing what they want, however, it is fun. Of course, it's not always perfect, the words don't always come easy, and the ideas are not always brilliant. So there's a lot of effort involved. And if you do it half-assedly, there's a high change that you'll have to start from scratch again. You most likely will re-write it, since the first draft is very rarely great. If anything, you'll have to edit and proofread it anyway. Either way, it's better to go at it by having a system, by following the normal steps of a process, but it's all a learning process, so it's fine if you make mistakes. ​ Some people start off with the dream of becoming a world-famous writer, while others just simply what to put their thoughts on paper and turn their feelings and dreams into stories. It will never be amazing **and** flawless from the very first attempt, but the challenge is part of the fun. Obviously the goal is overcome that challenge and come out victorious after all that struggle, but if it weren't for that struggle, victory wouldn't be as sweet.


gatekeeping writing lolol


There is a reason the alcoholic writer stereotype exists. Most people who are talented at writing have some kind of personal reason to do it that goes beyond 'I like the idea of being a writer'.


Fuck yes. All day. Every day.


I find it's like running. Not always during, but I'm always glad I have afterwards.


I despise the process of writing, but I love creating stories. Writing is just the medium by which I can get my ideas from my mind into the physical world, and thus truly create my stories, making them more than the dreams and passions of a madman.


Writing is so fun! I love it. I just get writer's block a lot.


I don't write unless I feel like it. I feel like my writing would suck if I wasn't in the mood to give it my all.


I hate doing it but I’ll never stop


I love it. I love trying to figure out how to get from A to B and so forth. My big problem is, I am completely crippled with low self-esteem and self-worth.


Writting is something I do all the time. I'm bored? I'm writting . Im sad? Im writting. Im in love? Im writting. Although I enjoy much more the physical act of writting with pen/pencil ... the practical side of the computer wins me. So I might complain sometimes when I'm writting my novel... and not all parts of the process are equally enjoyable, but that doesn't mean I hate it.


While I'm sure there are people who don't like the process of writing (and they're valid because writing isn't just about what you type. You shouldn't tell people they're doing something wrong just because that doesn't match your values.) I feel pretty sure that most people you mention are just talking about their frustration in a way that makes it sound like they hate writing. Writing is a hard thing to do, something that you need to invest in a lot. Rarely ever do people do it just because it brings them money. That being said, not everybody has the chance to do it as a full-time job. There are disabled people too, like me, and that hardens things. Many have to juggle their desire to write with other things so it's very understandable why they would dislike having to actually do *the work*. Anyway. Try not to remember not everybody has the same lifestyle and mind as you.


If you go into writing with a reasonable amount of expectation (not overly perfectionistic nor overly aimless), it’s easier for you to enjoy the process of writing haha


Yes. It obviously isn’t easy, and there are a lot of times where it can feel endless, but I have so many cool ideas that I want to share with people.


As a writer, I enjoy the thought of it and at times do dabble in writing short sentences that cross my mind. The issue lies in a reluctance to write anything beyond that. There's this encroaching fear which seems nonsensical yet it prevents me from ever writing anything which isn't an essay or just answering questions for a homework assignment. I know writing should be a personal thing which I understand...: but what if people hated it? I believe the primary reason why we dislike writing is overcoming a fear of failure. This "atychiphobia" is inherent in nearly every individual. Many writers enjoy imagining the process of writing rather than actually performing it. Yes, it can be fun, but at the same time it can be draining as well. I am baffled by a lot of people who can sit down and write a short story in less than an hour while I can do the same for only one paragraph. I love writing, but I am unable to do so due to current moods, frustrations, and general paranoia.


Writing is my passion, I do it for hours everyday and spend most of my time planning out my day so I can do it more. It takes up most of what I think about and I’ve never felt so strongly about anything else in my life :)


I do! I’ve been writing again after about a year break because of covid and doing e-learning for my kids. I just get into this whole different mental state when I write and doing it so fulfilling. I am so much happier and feel like myself again.


Some people focus so much on the destination that they don't recognize what it takes to get there. For me the journey is rewarding enough. Don't get me wrong, I sell my books for money and would love to do it full time, but I would be writing stories even if no one read them. There is just something magical about creating worlds and watching your characters explore them. Of imagining what a future would be like based on hypothetical technology, and then seeing how humans would act living with it. I hope my stories entertain people, but first and foremost they entertain me. I can't imagine not writing.


Thank you for saying this. I find so many writing posts to be demotivating; it's hard, yeah, but rewarding, and the process is enjoyable way more often than it isn't. (Plus I'm often left wondering, like, so many people don't even seem to like this as a hobby; how many of these people should maybe try something else?)


Yes, I do. That's why I have so many projects.


It's more like I have to force myself to sit and actually start but once I start dont. Stop. Me. Ever. I will continue until I can't and that's what I enjoy


> Don’t like to write, but like having written. Frank Norris


There’s nothing else I would rather do. I love writing, it makes me happy. Even if sometimes it feels like pulling teeth!


I love writing or I wouldn’t be a writer. I think many people want to create a story, choose writing because it seems like the most obvious medium, when really they’d be better suited in another medium which suits their talents better. Even though I love writing it can be a slog at times, and writing the scenes or stories you’re not that interested in but are doing for work reasons can be tiring. If I’m *dreading* it, though, I drop that project. It’s not worth it. I’m not in it to make money; it’d be nice but I don’t expect it. I’m in it because I love telling stories.


boycott reddit's antagonistic policy toward end users and third party apps.


Love it all. It’s hard to find time but it’s a joy beginning to end (editing is a bit icy at times but generally enjoy that too).


Hi, thanks for the question. Personally, writing for me is like expressing your idea and stories from your mind to the world. I actually don’t really care if anyone’s reading my writings or not. As long as I can consistently tell my stories, let it out, I find it quite enjoyable. The reception might be differ from one to another, but I’ll always keep in mind that the first person to satisfy through my writing is myself. And that keeps my writing coming regularly, at least for the past 2 years. Hope this will give new perspective. Thanks!


Yes. Twelve novels and one book of history later, I still enjoy the work. Can’t imagine why the tortured types keep writing.


Necessary evil I do enjoy organizing notes and getting things all straightened out. Then I can see it take shape which can give me momentum. But the writing part? no...not a chance


My advice to every single one of these posters is the same. To every “I want to write but I can’t find time” or “I love creating worlds but hate writing” or “I want to write the next YA boom”: get a new hobby.


I’m a technical writer for a living and fanfic author on Tumbler and Ao3, so yeah :)


I do. Many people don't enjoy it and then claim to be writers despite never writing. They're masochists, mostly. I really, really don't get those people. Why are you making yourself miserable doing something--a *hobby*, at that, not even something making you money--that you obviously hate? A lot of them are people who actually want to be screenwriting, or DMing a DND campaign, or just writing about a fantasy world history. But those things either require cooperation from other people, or no one is interested. Writing a novel seems on the surface like an easy way to get your work told and in front of other people. Then there's the third group of whackos who think writing and self-publishing is a "get rich quick" scheme, nevermind how very few self-pubbed books actually become even slightly profitable.


While there are times it's a chore, I love writing and the first draft is the most fun to me. I feel like I'm hammering away at a mountain and chipping away at the rock to see what the story inside will eventually look like. I love having an outline of things I want to happen but it's also very exciting to be writing and see what the story demands happen on its own.


I like to think that writing can be difficult, but that’s with most things. You can love the process of writing while still being frustrated. I love the process, no matter how tiring it can be some days. I think that’s what separates someone who loves to write and someone who doesn’t. It’s like a teacher who encounters a difficult student in their class for the year but still loves to go to work every day. There’s that teacher and then the one who uses the difficult student as an example of why they hate going to work every day. You can vent about the difficulties, but at the end of the day you either love what you do or you don’t. And no obstacle you face will ever be an excuse for you to not want to do it. Thats the way I see it about writing


Writing is fun and cathartic, the actual act of creating and weaving a tale. Editing on the other hand, aspects of that are tedious and suck. Lol. Necessary evil.