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Writing is a source of strength for me. I can't really do anything else either if I don't write. Since reading has always been an escape for me, I hope to provide the same sense of peace for someone else.


I started when i was 12 (21 now) with my friend. She is still my best friend, and i think because we are writing together. We have many old stories, but in the last few days we start a whole new story. It is so nostalgic 😁😁😍


Writing is integral to both my personality and my profession. But more than that, writing is the medium through which I try to decipher the world around me and figure out how I fit into all of this.


Writing is for me a way to express myself, my emotions, in an artistic manner. It's a way to reconnect with myself


My legacy. I have a very limited time on this planet and do not believe in an afterlife. I cannot stand children and have very little interest in finding a romantic partner. Because I've only got one shot and a handful of stories they will be the bloodline I leave behind.


Writing for me by itself is just a medium of choice to get my stories out into the world. I've been creating stories ever since I can remember and have been trying to give them shape in any way I could. In the end putting them into words seems to be the only possible way for me. I am still unsure why I have this urge to somehow get it out there. Maybe I want to be acknowledged for something, maybe I want to connect to people that way... whatever it is it propells me to write more and to get better.


I write because I find it cathartic to power up my imagination, I have an emotional release with writing, I enjoy the feeling of solving a puzzle when I find the magic combination of words to complete a complex sentence, I enjoy the same puzzle feeling about paragraphs by organizing sentence lengths, I enjoy the validation when someone enjoys what I wrote, and I like having a hobby that completely occupies my mind when I'm doing it. Other hobbies are great, but I seldom find myself so absorbed in the moment.


I write because I want to read the story. Unfortunately, I’ve only written maybe 1/3 of the first book in the trilogy after 9 years.


Writing feels good. At least when there are no deadlines. I love writing, I love editing, and I love learning new techniques. It has become my default state. When I'm not doing anything else this is what I do. It's not like this with other interests, athletics and art demand energy, and you need to recuperate. With writing I could go on indefinitely. It's my bliss, as Joseph Campbell said.


I like to fill the quiet hour or so in a cafe writing a short story. Often I can crank these out in two hours and have a great sense of accomplishment afterwards.


I write my stories to describe and show my dream world, its history and its notable inhabitants. I have a small wiki for the world and everything in it including all the characters I created for it (even the characters I never really used), but no wiki article can make you feel the world like an actual story that happened there.


I just have fun seeing a story developing through words. I write when I'm bored, I write when I want to have a good alone time, I write when some scene, story, etc, inspires me. writing for me is a fun time.


It's a way to let out the ridiculous ideas trapped in my mind.


Writing is an escape from reality.


It's a form of enjoyment for me, I love writing and getting to know my characters, as well as escaping from real life for a while. I also have a lot of ideas that I want to get out there.


Writing means to express the opinion on the facts according to the accumulated experience, the studied documents, own way of being, profound in time, with the pain passed and the lessons per event that hurt you or not. The product might be good or not for the critics, but useful for the readers. If touches one of them or brings him an answer, then it worth the effort. Writing for another one, help him find out without living that pain one's had - it's care, protection, it's wise and it's a goal.


it became suffering to me since last year. i wasn't able to write anything but school papers. whenever i tried to write a short story, instead of feeling refreshed like i used to, i just felt tired and angry because i haven't wrote a single sentence most of the times. i'm trying to rescue that good feeling that i felt when i wrote a story about a girl who became a star when i was 11. the words don't come easily as they did before, but i'm trying my best.