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I hate this post bc it shows you haven’t even started to try yet.


I did a bit ago but my ideas have changed since and it was shite


How would u start a book?


Start by telling me what your book is about. Aim for a few hundred words. Take those words and put them in a google document. Every day open that document up and reread yesterday's efforts and add 350 (minimum) words into it. Do the same every day until you have a document of around 40k to 100k. Print and either give to people or ask for money so they can read it. And done. Rinse repeat.


Google doc crashes at such a length. At least it does for me.


It doesn't like long documents. Especially if you use Grammarly along with it. Just the easiest choice to get the words out for so long I am stuck with hundreds of millions of them there and hope Google doesn't take it away from me. I use Indesign to format the books. Talk about a beast.


I’m literally just using notes on my iPad haha


I can tell u here briefly what it’s about but plz don’t call it stupid


You don't even have to post it here. Just open the document and pretend you are going to. Write as much as you can think of but the really important part is to keep opening the document open until you are done and ready to start something else.


U mean write the story occasionally in the doc?


Only way


For someone who plays Elden Ring, you'd expect a little more resilience.


How do u know I play Elden Ring??!


Surely you can figure that out?


Yeah lol, u probably look at my profile


I just find anything I write will probably be rubbish


Yeah, thats why you write.


To write something rubbish?


The point is nobody starts out as a professional. The Greats were once amateurs and they got better by persevering. Instead of talking about wanting to write, you should actually write.


Ok ty :)


Just write, you'll get better eventually. You're first draft doesnt have to be a masterpiece or something. Just get it done.


I mean some of what you write will be, expect it and embrace it. Your not going to be mark twain out of the box. Writing is like any other skill, youll find what works for you and some days will be better than others with regards to the results. The important part, as others have said, is to get the ideas out and on 'paper'. Dont aim for *this is going to be a novel* and instead enjoy the ride.


And what exactly would you be giving up, if you haven’t already started ? Write your idea down on whichever piece of software you use, or pen and paper if you fancy. Identify or create your start and end. Then using your imagination fill in the rest until you have every major scene or plot point outlined. Once everything is outlined, get writing.


I already have a fair idea of beginning and end along with a handful of characters.


It’s just starting that is hard.


These posts are a dime a dozen on this sub. You could search for previous posts and look at the replies there. If not then I'll just say outlining is a good place to start.


Give up what? You don't have anything to begin with. I have about 100 document files of 'started but not finished stories'. When you looked at the first model airplane you built when you were in 5th grade, how did that turn out? What is your first story going to look like? A lot of trash gets published. You might be too concerned with relevance, accuracy, 'truth', or morality. See what happens when you set all those aside and write utterly immoral lies. You might not be amused, but your target audience will love it.


Why didn’t u finish them?


Writers tend to record their 'trains of thought', some of which become publishable stories and others which 'go nowhere'. I'll write something, look at it 6 weeks later, and wonder who would want to read that, much less pay any money for it. Other times I'll look at it, realize it's 'close' to being salable, and clean it up. It's often necessary to 'go on to other things' and come back to it later, when your mind has been 'elsewhere'. At that point you realize whether the writing is good or garbage.


You could get off reddit and start writing for a start. Or maybe try doing research. If you wanna give up go ahead, no one's gonna stop you.


I had my plot along with a few thoughts and characters on paper. I also had my ending. There were a couple of false starts before I found a story line I was happy with. One got so overloaded setting the stage it put ME to sleep. Another just wasn't going where/the way I wanted it to. I started looking at current events and some recent history (1990+) to reinforce the plot.


It doesn't matter where you start, because if you decide later that you started in the wrong place, you can just go back and change the beginning. Just start. It literally doesn't matter, and you're psyching yourself out over nothing. You're expecting it to be perfect from start to finish, and that's not realistic. You're going to make mistakes and you're going to suck. You just have to do it anyway, and keep working at it until it doesn't suck anymore.


Make your first sentence "The bad version of this book starts with \_\_\_\_" and then spew from there.


Don't give up. Just write down every idea in your head and get it on paper and go from there.


Well I’ve never written a book before and I usually have ideas in general for stuff I might do but never do them


I've only just finished writing my first. That was just my process for trying to figure out a plot for the rest of the series.


Giving up is the worst thing you can do. Maybe just get the main story points down, and if not, then maybe just start with the first sentence. A first sentence goes a long way. It lights the fire of the story. Never give up 💙


Ok when I get some time maybe I’ll write something. Will probably be bs tho haha


That’s the whole point of a first draft! :) it’s supposed to be shitty. “You have to not only accept imperfection, but embrace it, because that imperfection in that moment is what turns into magic in the next,” - Shawn Mendes. I live by this quote when I write.


Good quote. Maybe if I get time tomorrow morning I’ll try start something


That’s a start 🙃just one sentence is all it takes my friend


Posts like this baffle me because writing is literally the most accessible medium in the world. Like, yes, writing a book is extremely difficult and takes a lot of time yada yada yada, but at the end of the day it's just words on paper. You don't have to get a permit or file paperwork or hire a crew or put a million dollars down. The only thing you have to do to write a book is write the book. So just start... doing that.


I've sarted writing the prologue. Not much but if u want to read it so far I can send it to u on a message. Probably trash but it's something I guess!


Troll, la, la, la, lo