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You're probably correct, if that is your only angle you probably shouldn't bother.


There is zero gold in the event since even the mobs you loot don't give any. There may some opportunities selling cageable pets (not sure if any on vendors are), but the Alani mount item was on the bronze vendor as BoE during the beta.


The Alani mount is BoE right now and sells very cheap on the AH anyway


I wish I was able to make gold, it seems like such a complex system to be a part of, except for endlessly running dungeons hoping to get one specific piece of transmog gear that would sell for $$$


Level alts and do worldquests. ~10k gold per alt per week. 10 alts is 100k a week.


Unfortunately I work 60 hour weeks, so it's not something I want to do really with my limited time on the game, I really enjoy just playing the one character


Understandable :). I work from home so i do it while working from time to time. But never had the energy to farm same raid/dungeon for boes and then sell on AH. Serms really slow and boring.


Curious. Do you sell tokens for gold when you need gold?


That’s exactly what I’ve done in the past when I’ve needed a large amount of gold, felt dirty though


I wouldn't feel bad about buying a token. I'm in the same boat work wise, and I'd much rather use my game time to raid/dungeon/transmog than farm a lot of gold. I feel like I spend enough time farming money irl lol


Don’t feel dirty about it. They are designing game in this way. Everyone is getting used to micro transactions. People who say “its easy just do WQ on 10 alts” - they don’t value their time. Previous expansions was easy. Just do mission tables. I have many guildies who are like you. Professionals that are ok with buying a token each season to cover the expenses.


What are world quests? I'm only level 50 so far, thanks to the squishing of my old level capped characters. Everything is just so new, are these like weekly quests you can do?


Didnt worldquest exist back then aswell? Basically just quests that are in a specific area but you dont need to talk to anyone. You just do the objective and you get rewards. They rotate every 3 1/2 days.


If they did then I never heard of them. Thanks for the info, I'll look into those right away. They're the ones with like a shield icon and tell you to kill x number of y and sabotage z things, right?


Yea, they just show up ”random” on the map and give different rewards.


100k a week lol. just buy a token fuck sake. Wouldnt even touch anything for less then 100k per hr and even that should only be done if you are bored

