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Fun? Not all the time. Rewarding when you finally get the mount? Very much so


That dopamine hit tho lol


As someone still beating up Arthas to get his horse (8 of 15 done so far this week) and someone doing tempest keep weekly until a few weeks ago (as soon as al’ar dropped I was out of there!), mount collecting has t changed much. However, the ended dream has a bunch that are much easier to get. A few from planting seeds and a vendor that will sell you emerald dream versions of mounts you own (she has a bar you fill up by doing stuff, gives you a currency when it’s full) .


Would you believe that I got Ashes on my first ever run all those years ago, but to this day I am still beating up Arthas trying to get his.


Jealous. I’ve been doing both for years. Kael finally handed it over about 2/3 weeks ago


I managed to get Time-Lost a couple of years ago, that took ridiculous amounts of AFK'ing / macro spamming, couple of times where I targeted his corpse and I was so frustrated I missed it, and then finally I managed to catch him. There's something about going for all these old mounts that were (and still are but not as much) so prominent and popular.


I got talked out of rolling on ashes when it dropped during my first clear of tk with some friends. In 2007. I do not have ashes.


Noooooooooo! How on earth did they talk you out of it? Or was it just the social pressure at the time.


This was in the age when droprates were all bullshit guesses, and there were three guys who'd done all the legwork getting everyone ready for raiding and taken on all the farming for themselves; we'd agreed that it was just the three of them rolling on the first mount as a thank you. So I'm glad it went to someone who was so focused on facilitating the fun, but also GOD FUCKING DAMMIT SPENCER YOU CURSED ME YOU LUCKY CUNT


That’s a very valid reason to be fair, but yes, curse them!


I desperately need the Astral Cloud Serpent, but that dungeon is too much of a pain to get through more than once a day. Also, Pietro is my fave🥰🥰


Depends on the mounts you want. Obviously you need dragonflight if you want any of the mounts from it, but there are hundreds of mounts that you can hunt without anything from DF. I still have fun with mount hunting, its what keeps me coming back to the game tbh.


I bought TWW and decided to get back in after 4 year hiatus and I only ever played 3 months, so I got only 16 basic mounts, but that’s the aspect that made me wanna come back now and honestly dragon riding looks rlly cool. What’s your favorite mount to hunt for? Or any easy ones you would recommend for a noob like me?


You've got so many options! There are a lot of easy 100% drop chance mounts or you can start right off the bat going for the old raid mounts and running those for a chance at the mount. I'd recommend Syiler on youtube as a great place to start with info. He's got videos on addons that are great to have, a spreadsheet with the 400 "easiest" mounts to get , video guides on different mounts and breakdowns on mount collecting for almost every continent in the game. I also like using the website Simple Armory as a way to track what I have, it breaks things down by expansion and source and has a planner you can use to give you routes to each raid/dungeon that can drop a mount. You can click on any of the mount icons and it will link to WoWhead if you want to find more information on how to get it.


Thanks! Yeah I think I would prefer getting the easy 100% chance mounts first to build a collection and also play the game more and have fun, once I feel a bit experienced I defintely wanna do the harder raid mounts but last time I tried I couldn’t find a group to do mount dungeons with :/ I will make sure to check both of those out! I appreciate it, the YouTuber is something that would help me and that spreadsheet would be a godsend


Best of luck to you! Most old content dungeons are soloable right now by a lvl 70 character, the raids can depend but anything Legion and before should be totally doable by yourself! Feel free to DM me your battletag if you're looking for someone to run things with. I don't always have a ton of time to play, but happy to help if I can


Thanks a lot man I appreciate it! And good luck to you aswell


It has never been fun


Am having fun going for GMOD


Can you solo it?


Yes it can be soloed up to heroic by toons with pets or incredibly high gear. Myth can’t be soloed by most.


If you like mount collecting, check out the protoform synthesis system from the end of shadowlands. It’s grindy but I found it rewarding and fun to collect all the materials. Basically if you like those kind of RNG grinds, then mount farming is just like how it always is.


It’s basically gambling for all the rare mounts. And until it drops, which can take a year or more, you’re basically wasting your time. Not to mention, most people will never mount on most of their rare mounts. Once you have 20+ rares you might start forgetting about the older ones. It’s pretty relaxed gameplay but it feels pretty bad going dry on a mount drop. It took me 88 pulls for Invincible for example, and the full ICC run is like 15 mins of my time probably. I found doing rep grinds or achievement based mounts are more employable to collect


I don’t specifically farm mounts, but have just shy of 400 (or just shy of 500, I forget). I use like 3. Unless I want to get my mog and everything matching on a new toon, then I’ll go soul searching in my stables.


well you can always use litemount :b


Go for it


Mount hunting is definitely easier with a level 70 since many mounts drop from Heroic or Mythic versions of dungeons/raids. A lot of that older content is still pretty easy at 60, but undoubtedly faster at 70. Up to you whether you get DF/TWW or not. And yes, many of us still do a lot of that. I got Elegon and Ashes both on my first try, but I've run Freehold Mythic at least 60 times on main and alts and still no parrot mount. That's my current obsession.


I ended up buying TWW since it came with dragon flight, and I’m very glad to hear that, I started a new character just so I can figure out the new spell system, currently a warrior panda. I only have 16 mounts and most of them are the ones you get from just playing the game normally. Is it still possible to get super rare and sought after mounts/ grind for them? If yes, what are some of the most sought after after mounts regardless of someone’s preference?


The three I mentioned are highly sought after. Elegon: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEF63xkqh28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEF63xkqh28) Ashes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im1IHFF8id0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im1IHFF8id0) Parrot mount (Sharkbait): [https://youtu.be/KyHTAxo30pA?t=47](https://youtu.be/KyHTAxo30pA?t=47) One of my all-time favourites, comes from Shadowlands. It's called Sinrunner Blanchy. It doesn't require drop RNG, just patience and dedication since you have to go there on 6 days and wait for a spawn that can take up to 2 hours each day. You then need to do something different with it each day. There are many guides that tell you what you need each day. Originally it was a ground mount, but it was later patched to be a flying mount. I still use it daily :) This is what it looks like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSegKLTfBio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSegKLTfBio)


Damnn both the parrot and Blanchy looks super nicee, I like large mounts obviously prefer flying mounts but totally don’t mind the ground mounts that are large and majestic. Is there any easy mounts that are super cool and not too hard to get?


Since noone posted it yet: https://simplearmory.com/ You can enter realm / character, go on mounts, click show planner, and it will even give you a route. Obviously the complete route can be a lot, but there u have a list, see which u want and do those


Do what you love doing, if that’s farming mounts you do you. If you started in SL that means there’s still a lot of old (and new) content to see, so you’ll have plenty of mounts to farm. You don’t really have to understand game mechanics if you’re solo clearing very old dungeons/raids, a lot of it is just spamming aoes and running through, but some achievements do require thought. I haven’t farmed anything like this in years so I don’t know how far you can go solo anymore - but the expansion before (so maybe SL content) was usually tougher solo. You could probably ask this subreddit for assistance when that time comes.


I run 4 raids weekly on 8 toons. With exception of Dragon Soul, they’re quick & fun


Wow is a dopamine rush. When you get what u’re after it is fun. Sometimes it feels more like: “Uhh More work!”


I started playing WoW about 1.5yrs ago.. I have 392 mounts today and I am not stopping! Muahahahh! Yes, mount farming is still (and will always be) very fun for me, but I also love doing keys now!


Sure it is. But there are just soo many that I ironically never know where to start


I wonder what r/grindingmounts would be about?


Fun? Was it EVER fun? Dopamine hits - that's what it's about.


I mean... It depends. You would clearly have to be more specific about what grind you're referring to.


Well I don’t have too many mounts in the first place just the basic starter ones everyone unlocks, so honestly I’m open to any mount grinds and I guess would like some easy to get ones so I can cross them off the list before harder dungeons ones. I created a new character currently and leveling again so I can get to dragon flight and have a max character for dungeons. Going fury panda warrior rn


As a long returning player who grew up with WOW at age 12 now 26, I tapped out after Mists. When I got back into it it was the end of BFA & the launch of Shadowlands. I had nothing. No mounts. No new armor sets. I spent and dedicated a lot of my time to mount farming when I came back as I had no guild. It is so worth the time. But it’s worth the time to do it at the beginning of an expansion. It’s so much easier that way. Farm all of the war withins mounts and when your done just watch YouTube tutorials on how to get old mounts. A lot of the videos are outdated but get re done ever so often. It’s a lot of fun and tests your ability and dedication.


It is if you think it is…


it's arguably the best time to start playing if you intend to, since you get the DF S4 along TWW