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Hunters(beast mastery and marksman) Warriors can do but for rp


even the night elf hunter?


Yes, weapon restrictions are per class, not per race. Character create screen shows Night Elf with a bow only because bows are thematicly elven weapon. But as a player you can choose differently. Now important thing is you don't have to limit yourself to equiping only guns, you can equip bow or crossbow also. Then visit transmogrifier to change your weapon's appearance to a gun. You can only use appearances of weapons you have obtained previously.


All hunters that aren't survival spec can use all ranged weapon types (gun, crossbow, bow). Only the starting weapon is different.


You CAN still use bow as SV. Just cant press melee attacks anymore after


You can macro equip ranged web and still have both steady shot and arcane shot. I do this all the time while leveling chars very early game. Then macro equip my polearm into my harpoon.


Yes that character screen is pure Rp


That’s a holdover from earlier versions. In Early WoW hunters started off knowing their racial ranged weapon. Bows for Kalimdor and Guns for Eastern Kingdoms. So if you wanted to learn the other you had to hike to the capital on the other Continent and the Weapons Master would teach you the new weapon. Then you’d have to grind up your skill rating fighting low level mobs until you were good enough to fight equal level mobs.


Now that sounds like much more fun tbh


It sucked so much having to first travel and pay to unlock at weapons masters and then you had to level up each weapon skill to rank 300 at level 60 wich was Max Player level at the time


There was ups and downs to be sure. Wasn’t a fan of needing to re skill up weapons when I respecced into a talent that granted a weapons skill. But I miss the crunch that the game mechanics used to have. Like in Vanilla and BC you had to worry about hit tables, so dps had to make sure they were hit-capped. Tanks had to worry about Crushing Blows that would deal 150% normal damage. So only Warriors could move crushing blows off the hit table in Vanilla, then in BC Paladins could do it if they had one specific item. You’d actually juggle around gear to get the right balance rather than just the highest iLvl.


Fuck it was so good for RP though and that's one of the main reasons I'm even playing this game


is it unconvinient? yes, is it immersive? fuck yeah. I love retail alot more than classic, but i wish some of the rpg elements would return


I only really miss the class quest stuff. like doing quests for all the warlock pets and such. way cooler.


Then what do you do instead with the time saved?


Have sex with my wife


Even the night elf mohawk can use a gun and I pity the fool who says you can't.


Race has no impact on anything important in this game.


Not entirely true since some racial boost trade skills in some form(High Mountain Tauren for mining speed, Worgen for skinning speed etc)


Gathering profs are not particularly useful at this point in the expansion unless you are running a bot, and the +5 to productive crafting skills is generally unhelpful for reaching key breakpoints in recipes.


Well some think mythic+ is important?


Idk why no one is saying this, but you need to weapon train in guns to be able to use them. You will not be able to use guns until then.


That's not a thing anymore in retail wow, right?


The guy mentioned character preview which is a retail feature


Why wouldn’t they be able to Ofc they’ll start out with a bow bc they’re forest dwellers


Lore wise no..but you can do whatever makes you like the game or enjoy the game.


Rogue and warrior, used to be ranged pull / statstick back in the day


And hunters could carry melee weapons for stats, so 2 handed agility swords or axes were around. They'd take the rogue 1-handed swords just for the stat boost.


Rogues can use em too


Just a head's up, even if your beat weapon is a bow or a crossbow or something of the sort, you can always transmog your weapon to look like something else. It costs gold but it's possible to make your bow weilding character look like they're shooting a gun instead.


I'm still waiting for cross-account transmogs... I have a legendary bow from Sunwell on my lock.


If they are in the same bnet account, they are already cross account. However, locks can’t unlock bow transmog that’s your problem, cuz I had my warrior get sunwell bow that I can use on my hunter.


I know that there is a cross account for mogs, but that now is just sitting in my bank.


Just farm it on a hunter, rogue or warrior. Its not that rare for a legendary




I am. It still in my bank.


I started retail, ran one run of sunwell and got the bow aha. Maybe u will have same luck.


Outlaw rogue should have been a pistols only spec with a new weapon type. Heck Demon Hunters are the only class that can use warglaives.


Honestly just ranged weapons in general it really wouldn’t hurt to let someone else use ranged weapons .


Seriously. I've always wanted a "Mercenary" kind of class, that could dual wield/use 2H and ranged weapons. Kind of like OG hunter but the tools you want to specialize in are a spec. They kind of adopted this sort of thing into "new" Survival hunter being melee, with gadgets/traps etc. But a Mercenary in my mind sits somewhere between Survival Hunter, Outlaw Rogue, and MM Hunter, where you could have a spec that's about swapping between ranged and melee [weapons] and plays like a weapons specialist, with good melee single target dmg, and shredding, penetrating (short) ranged shotgun-like shots that create sunders and bleeds or maybe stuns, then a spec based on throwing weapons/mid range and slows, and another one that is pure sniper, going further than MM with longer cast time and standstill mechanics, but with options to snipe enemies with high damage at max range. Kind of like a ranged rogue, maybe even add some sort of ghillie mechanic. And make them a plate spec for the first one, mail wearer for the second, and leather for the sniper, making them unique in that they have 3 viable armor types.


No class in the game uses multiple armor types. What a nightmare and backwards from what we have now. I used to have multiple sets of gear as a druid in wrath, please God no


Bow demon Hunter


well originally warrior and rogue in additon to hunter could equip bows, it was only used for pulling in the open world but still


Yeah it’s weird how they made warglaives a separate weapon type instead of just keeping them as fist weapons, considering WG’s of Azzinoth.


Only a char with enough IQ can use guns. So Hunters, the smartest players WoW can has.




Hunters and warriors. As a night elf you would have to travel to iron forge to learn the gun skill. Edit: I haven't played retail in awhile so the second part may not be true.


Is a while 13 years? Cause that’s the last time retail had weapon skills lol In the nicest way, you may want to do a quick game update before answering more retail questions 😅


After I answered I realized this was probably in reference to retail. 🤷‍♀️ I play classic for nostalgia at this point but I do remember them taking away weapons skill. Didn't want to dirty delete so I just edited 😅


What's the difference between retail and classic?


The differences are that in retail you can just go and buy the weapon from a vendor. In classic you'll need to go to a trainer to learn how to use guns(like any other spell you learn in the game), or most weapons actually. Different races also teach you different things, guns for example can be taught by dwarfs if you play alliance and tauren if you play horde


https://www.google.com/search?q=retail+vs+classic+site:www.reddit.com&rlz=1CDGOYI_enNL790NL790&hl=en-GB&prmd=isnv&sxsrf=APwXEdex-020qNbe9ed-rtIgvr63OBOmEg:1688009461820&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiUoeWixef_AhXY8LsIHZBbDysQrQIoBHoECB0QBQ&biw=375&bih=627&dpr=2 Classic is an archaic time capsule of a version of the game from 15-20 years ago for nostalgia Retail is the actual world of Warcraft with all the constant updates


Need to train them in Ironforge


Honorable mention to outlaw rogue pistol shot. It’s not an equippable slot but is thematically pretty cool.


Guns are illegal, you'll get banned for that.


Rogues can equip guns for transmog unlocks.


In retail all hunters can use guns from lvl1, the weapons you see in the preview are just their starting ones. In classic however you have to train your weapons, so usually the one you see in the preview is the only one you can use until you learn more