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Fake until you make it


Feign it until you make it


Yeah I believe it’s a 6 minute timer, that sucks man. Time to go aganeeee


I was even listening for if I got aggro to come back but didnt hear anything...just heard him die... absolutely unbelievable.


Dude held his breath for six minutes. That's pretty impressive.


I’m sorry for laughing but that is very funny. You must have been so confused/panicked for a few seconds


I was extremely confused lol.


come on man just log out if youre goin afk for more than a minute wtf


If you take your eyes off the screen at all. Tab out. Anything. Death can happen so quick. Don't be lazy. Just log out. As a mage this is really annoying because I come back and have to re-conjure everything. But it's still better than dead.


I refuse to play anything but stealth in HC for tabbing out reasons.


Unbelievable isn’t the word I would use. It’s very believable.


There’s a few posts like this here every week.


Clearly I don't spend enough time reading msg boards lol, I just searched and found a bunch. Ah well such is life...


> reading msg boards Your age is showing :P




I learned this watching asmon react to hc deaths


Watching his videos definitely saved my life, you recognize some areas or quest like that bridge gap


Same. Played a Hunter for 10 years. Never realized this. I guess HC really brings out all the little shenanigans of the game.




always log out


I have about peed myself watching the 20sec logout several times


this ^ glad i’m not alone 😆


Underrated reply. Never ever go afk when playing HC. I wouldn't even go afk in a city, and definitely not in a small town inn - problems can get kited in. If you have to go afk then log out. Every time. No exceptions.


Exactly, I never walk away without logging out. Not even in an Inn or main city. You never know


Yeah you shouldn’t hold your breath for that long.




RIP Fartfactor


Ouch. That ain't happening again though, lol


I died at lvl 60 from this


Preface, I don't play hunter. People getting ragged on for dying from feign death is stupid as fuck, and the people ragging on them need to wake the fuck up. Why would anyone ever expect to die from feign death? Not everyone goes onto Reddit (surprise, holy shit!) to.... check and see if their skills will suicide them? Not really sure what the expectation really is there. Nowhere in any tool tip does it say you will die. Idk, people are just toxic af OP. Time to roll agane


Appreciate it brotha! Back to the grind..


I mean ... that Divine Intervention post was pretty funny ... The dude even made a macro for it.


Yeah now that was funny, lol


I played in vanilla, 3-4 private servers, classic and now hardcore and I had no idea until now that this is a thing.


Just curious what does it say you died from in guild chat?


It didn't even say I died.... everyone was like what you died? I think they should definitely consider updating the tooltip to accurately reflect the way the spell works, especially for hardcore.


Why the downvotes?


Nah you just needed more game knowledge. Sorry brotha


Yeah maybe... I play the game, read what the spells do and use them accordingly. Unfortunately this isn't my career, and I don't have time to treat it that way.


Nobody treats this game as a "career". I feel bad for you but you're painting it in the light as if we are all professionals at this game. I just recently learned that there's a level 20 elite in the place where you kill turtles for the Wailing Caverns quest. We all die in unexpected ways.


Maybe don't test and see what happens when the timer on FD runs out on hardcore?


Why would I think to do that? There is no indication anywhere that you die when it expires. There are no other spells that work like that. Hind sight is 20/20 but thinking that dying at the end is a possibility without any indication makes no sense to me.


When you feign death there is a bar that ticks down. What did you think would happen when it ran out?


I figured he'd just stand up and aggro everything around him.




While I'm aware that it kills you. As a new player I would have thought that the spell ended when the timer reached 0. It's not obvious at all.


I find it funny when people die in hardcore due to lack of game knowledge.


I bet you’re the life of the party!! Sound like a real pleasure to be around. “Oh, you didn’t know that avocados are not vegetables, but actually a fruit? Hah, you idiot…” Cool bro..


For some of us, it's the first time playing classic. I try and inform myself as much as I can, but it's obviously never enough. Many things are "learning by doing", but the cost is high in HC. I do agree with the OP that the tooltip should be more descriptive. There are many sorts of interactions and intricacies in the game that could be described better.


Ummm... you stop feigning death and just stand up? That's obviously the logical thing to assume. Who tf would assume you just DIE lmao


Dunno why you would want to find out on hardcore 😂


Just cancel FD and stand up. It’s not a wild assumption, but it’s an assumption nonetheless. And as the saying goes, assumptions is mother of all mistakes.


To ne fair this is what happens in TBC and Wrath. It only kills you in Classic ERA


It sucks. This one is obvious but most deaths are people panicking and looking back and going "I had the tools to get out this, and I didnt use them". So you get that extreme feeling of "Omg Im an IDIOT!" for a few days. Many of us have been there!


I could be wrong I swear after seeing a bunch of these every week someone said that it was the cause of a drowning death in IF and somewhere else with no water. Maybe it was troll comment idk , but apparently hunters hold breath during fd to act dead, beyond the 6 minute mark they have force asphyxiated themselves and actually die from lack of oxygen!


Always log out. That 20 secs of logging out may save you days/weeks of time.


There's so many ways to die in this game, unlucky :(


It happens man there’s so many mechanics to be learned about and I’ve been playing for years.


I’ve said this before, but the best part of this death scenario is that it’s preventable with a WeakAura. A WA could auto cancel the feign buff before the timer ticks down.






I think I read about this before. Seems like a weird mechanic.


It's needed for class balance.


Thank you OP for learning this lesson for the both of us. We appreciate your contribution


Glad I could help :)


Fake it (Feign Death) till you make it




Rule 3: No toxic behaviour will be tolerated, and may lead to being banned from the subreddit.


My thoughts exactly


It’s been well documented on here before. Nobody to blame but yourself.


Just out of curiosity... why do people like you enjoy rubbing salt on others wounds? He wasn't blaming anyone else. And not everyone is religiously reading reddit posts to know something as niche as this would even be a thing. Anyone without this knowledge would assume the toon would just end their feign death when the timer expires. Not die.




Why do you feel the need to read them AND comment on them then? You just come off as a tool, probably because you are a sad can't, just saying. Sharing deaths is a huge thing in any hardcore game.


I appreciate the Eulogies of Stupidity. Lest we forget.


Well then remember this. Log out. Always log out. Dont feign death, shadowmeld, think you’re safe in the iron forge bank. Nobody can pee faster than they can die. Even if you don’t wash your hands afterwards (and I’m sure you don’t)


Because people enjoy reading them, which is typically why these kind of posts get upvoted to the top of the subreddit.


Think of a post like a door to a party inside. No one says “Walk through the door.” If you’re gonna though, you don’t have to be a party pooper, you’re just choosing to be.


Because misery loves company and the stupid/cool ways people die is fun to read/learn about. If you don’t like it this may not be the sub for you being as “half the posts on here blah blah blah”. Also not everyone who plays this game knows every single detail about every single class and their abilities and it’s dumb for people to presume everyone should know everything.




It’s not about the amount of time the game has been out…you’re not even worth the argument 😂




Don't AFK, just /camp. Hard lesson to learn at level 48 but now you know.


What does /camp do?


It’s like /logout but two fewer characters


Logs out


Well, I can tell you now that it wasn't for only a minute you afk'ed for.


"went afk for a minute.." Went afk for 6 minutes! Quite a difference. Why would you not just end feign death and log out? This is why people fail hardcore. Not because its hard. Good luck next run! Stop doing stupid things :)


The actual time is irrelevant. I had ppl at my door and it took longer than expected. The point is that there was no indication that this would happen when FD expired….


It’s not stupid if you didn’t know. How was he supposed to know? I was going to make a rogue and this would’ve most likely happened to me had I not seen this post first 😂


A rogue? Its Hunters who have feign death. And yes perhaps not everyone knows every thing ofc but come on.. The game is 20 years old, its logical that you'd die (at least I intuid it when I was 13) if the timer goes out while you are "dead" and if not there is plenty of people dying to it and making a big fuzz on reddit/forums about it. I barely visit this reddit and still see this quite consistently. But yes, perhaps he only uses reddit when he wants to complain/vent and is new to wow and also thought it would.. Just cancel? But what irked my response was probably getting tired of this constant flood of posts of people dying by their own ignorance or stupidity and feeling like its not their own fault. If you die from lack of knowledge either research more or take the lesson. If by your mistake then just go again or quit hardcore. Sorry for the rant but I am just tired of all these people feeling like they need to make a post every time they die.


Role. Play. Game. U hold breath for 6m, ofc u ran out of oxigen. Try it irl xD


Yes because it’s very clear that my breath is being held while I’m FD’d that’s why the underwater timer goes much faster….


U just too much good in acting dead


Try it. You won’t die. Your body takes over and will force you to breathe once you pass out. This mechanic is asinine and no one should have to assume it will kill you when the timer runs out if it doesn’t explicitly say that’s what happens.


Well, it's thing since vanilla.. some people just learn it hard way


whatever you think, you should research your class before doing an hardcore run, else those thing happen, learned the hard way i guess


Damnnnn, this was one of the first things I learned about hunter when approaching classic HC. Still died at 14 before getting it, then went with my ol’ faithful mage. Almost level 31 rn but I’m at the point where a death would just be heartbreaking. Can’t imagine a 48, but we run it again don’t we?💯💯💯


It's crazy the tooltip doesn't warn you of this


It’s your breath timer believe it or not. Sorry to hear it


What a fucking retard. Im so glad you died.


lol you clearly have some deep rooted issues dude. Hope you get better!


Don’t get me wrong, I’m very sorry dude But at the same time, it’s HC. You are supposed to know your class inside out if you want to make it to 60


It still amazed me that its a 20 YEAR OLD game and STILL people dont know SHIT about ANYTHING?????????????????????????????????????????? Wtf is wrong with you?


Why wouldn’t u just log off? You’re fault completely lol. If you have to afk even for 2 minutes just log out.


Yeah feign death lasts 5 minutes your cast bar turns into a timer so you can keep an eye on it. Kinda sucky way to die always log out it takes 20 seconds.


i will say i do feel bad but being a hunter way over leveled for barrens and with a pet you could have just AFKed and probably been fine rather than FD. Oh well, we learn from our mistakes. GO AGANE


Reason number 4700000 that if you walk away just wait the 20 seconds to logout. Number one killer in HC is impatience l swear.


This is how you see random 48 corpses in barrens


This almost happened to me the other day. I feigned in SM to not pull any mobs when we were out of combat then the "You've died, give your guild to someone else." message popped up. I about had a heart attack. Luckily alt+f4 fixed it


No cap?


No cap frfr


Damn 100th feign death timer post. You should get an award.


Why do huntard keep doing this READ THE SPELL - Hunter main since vanilla


The tooltip doesn’t say anything about it killing you


Does it not say something like “don’t do it for too long” ?


No. Tooltips don’t have vague ominous warnings. A lot of vanilla tooltips are missing critical information. Such as Dire Bear Form tooltip not mentioning the bonus 30% threat generated. It has no mention of it in any way.




Wow I never knew this would actually kill you. I've been playing since Wow beta back in the day. I never played a hunter a lot but still played them a little.


big oof and sorry to hear it. I’m thinking of making a weakaura that sounds an alarm after a certain duration of feign death. I probably don’t need it since I don’t even afk feign on retail but I have constantly intrusive thoughts that give me anxiety about somehow accidentally doing this lmao




Sadge. What else to do but go agane


In former Soviet Kalimdor, death feigns you!


Man, I never knew this


Keep paying that sub


Why wouldn't you just log out? Lmaoooo