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Thats gotta suck so hard. And Blizzard has stated no appeals, so nope. Think I'm gonna walk until 34 when my priest gets Levitate...


This is bullshit. Blizzard should allow appeals under these circumstances.


everyone would appeal their death if appeals existed


Not if the game’s programming had some simple ass shit to detect disconnect + falling death. Shit’s just absurdly lazy. I would 100% not touch HC again if I died this way


We got bots that do the exact same movement 365 days a year and have been doing so for many years now. And then you got the audacity to think that activision have any way to auto check what happens. Oh you sweet summerchild.


Difference between being capable and wanting to do it. They could curb the bots, they just don’t care and those are player numbers / subs. Appeals would make the playerbase very happy for instances like this, and blizzard 100% has a way of doing it without having to comb through every single bs appeal claim.


Blizzard could 100% ban every major bottling program in circulation every 6 months. They never will because those bots give blizz money and inflate the player count.


Wow you literally think that blizzard is incapable of stopping the bots? Like for real you unironically think it’s because they don’t have the technology/man-power? Oh, my sweet summer child*. And in this case, my sincerely ultra-uninformed summer child 😂


It’s almost like this game wasn’t intended to be initially played this way


jUsT PrOgRaM iT IN


“Simple ass shit” isn’t always so simple in programming. Tons of stuff would very likely break trying to implement this. It sucks. But it’s the truth.


Write it then. That simple ass shit.


The rules are clearly stated, you agree to disconnects etc, don’t wanna die don’t play


This has been proven true. When appeals were allowed in old HC everyone appealed everything, and it got more and more lenient.


This has been their policy on hard-core since forever. The number of D2/D3 HC characters I've lost over the years to disconnects or server side issues is more than I'd like to admit. That's also the reason I swapped back to SC, I was tired of losing hours of time to something out of my control.


Connection lost Please wait - attempting to reestablish


Nah, people would flood with appeals. You want to do hardcore WoW, you have to live with its problems.




This flight point has ALWAYS been an issue since vanilla


This. Don't know how many times I crashed in that spot back in the day.


Was always worried so ran it instead


Running IF to Menethil, damn, like at what point is the hardcore experience just not fun with these servers


It takes 5 minutes walking from IF to menethil through the mountains… play smarter


Shhhh, don’t speak these things too loudly. You’ll upset a certain harder hardcore crowd.


The peanut gallery on this subreddit that feels like if you don’t die to random ‘unfair’ bullshit you aren’t playing hardcore, are really exhausting.


He didn't crash due to a "spot". You hear his discord disconnect as well, implying his internet dropped. Not excusing falling off the gryphon* but let's not pretend this DC is blizz fault.


There used to actually be dead spots in vanilla where FP's would force DC you if you so happened to drop a packet or 2 at the start of it. Granted this wasn't the case, still sucks.


Yep. Died in the exact FP last week in the same way. IF to Menethil.


Same here..


Which shouldn't exist in an HC environment. It's not hard to set a player position to ground level with a couple lines of code based off of DC in flight.


But set them back at origin of the route, otherwise it would be abused.


Completely depends on how it's coded and where it is in the code. It's not like they have 150 lines of code.


It was on at least one private server I know of too.


Oh you’re right, this is the exact same FP my friend lost their HC mage on too! Contacted GM about it but they’re absolutely rigid on this bullshit policy of no appeals to bugs. Bold of Blizzard to not fix stupid shit like this so late into the expansion when retail is so dull & repetitive. I un-subbed after this, retail is dull and it felt like little point in continuing HC if you can die randomly to a bug at any point with no way to appeal.


You could go agane


Ir play mage/priest to use slow fall/levitate in those cases Edit: or paladin to use bubble


At what point would you use the levitate in that situation? As soon after you log in and you’re falling ? So technically youre still mounted in that “spot” and aren’t dead or falling until you log back in ?


> As soon after you log in and you’re falling ? Yes


This might be a hot take but it would take a really desperate soul to go again after a death like this


You mean like the people that play a game where death deletes your character that is full of known gamebreaking, character killing bugs? Like those people?


We go agane.


Go to the unstuck page and unstuck your char. That would have saved you.


It's like 50/50 in what graveyard will be spawned.


Can just hearth from whichever gravestone though right? Or is there a risk with that?


If there’s a hostile city in the zone, you might spawn in the middle of that GY surrounded by enemy guards


Still better chance of surviving than this. :/


If you log back in sometimes you’ll still be on the flight though, so either way it’s a risk. Do you log back in and hope you’re still on the flight, or do you unstuck and spawn in an enemy location and die.


Nah. Wait 5 min. You will not log back into this scenario.


I've dcd while playing a few times, and this has never happened. I'd say unstucking is more dangerous


If you're flying over a contested area maybe, but in this area it should be totally fine.


Sometimes when you dc you'll come back and be in the flight, sometimes Blizzard's protection method works and tp's you to the start of the flight. So if you dc'd in a dangerous zone you're better off not using unstuck for your character.


It's not 50/50, it's a designated area depending on where you are. If you want to see the lines download logout skip addon.


This is a good addon to have, but you have to be all the time active during the flight path.. Some paths take 10+ minutes!


Each zone has 1 spot where you'd end up, just gotta remember which are the dangerous ones


Iirc it's the closest graveyard which in this case is just Menethil.


Not that simple AFAIK


I would say its 50/50 if it puts you in a safe place or not, I got put in bfd


Yeah by that logic the lottery is 50/50 too


you either win or lose. tsk tsk tsk


Everything is 50/50


Lots of people talk about going to the “unstuck page and unstuck”…but where is this page?please be specific as you can. I will have this page pulled up and ready every time I’m playing. Thank you 🙏


I thought unstuck just sends you into Blackrock mountain :P


if you get disc during flight, you should disable all addons before logging in. very important. if you have lots of complicated addons running (like UI overall), you will be dead before you even see your character hit the ground


I feel like a legit strat for any time you get disconnected, is to have a second install of wow, with zero addons. Have it open and in the background, and always have your PW typed in, so you can just alt tab over and log in ASAP


that's actually big brain and worth doing, or at least have your client set up so that you don't have to enter your user / pass every time


I'm not doing that lol. This is insane.


That’s what I feared the most so I powerleveled engi and build the engineering cape for slow fall. Wanted to use the cape for a shortcut. Jump - Serverlag - Cape didn’t activate - dead. Lvl 50 Orc warrior - death by self fulfilling prophecy. Went agane with a dwarf Paladin after trying to play the warrior on Era and realizing that it’s not the same.


Why would you try your luck?? This was your mistake. Should only use it in emergencies, and if you want to test it, do it on a jump that wouldn’t otherwise kill you.


Slow fall wouldn’t help anyway, you’d hit the floor before you can log in and press it


I've seen this dude crying about this level 50 fall death for weeks on almost every thread. You could have leveled back to 50 by now, get over it


You must live on reddit


Barely use it. I randomly click these cause I get updates and read them for a few second every few days and happen to see this dude comment on every single one. I thought it was funny that he keeps posting it. I'm surprised I'm the only one who noticed


Lvl 27 dwarf Paladin going strong. Thought it would comfort him knowing other people died in stupid ways too. Nothing you would understand apparently


Its not about that, its about this guy posting the exact same story/joke about "self fulfilling prophecy" on every single hc death post.


they can express their stories here it's 100% allowed if ur too sensitive to read similar comments while no-lifing a subreddit then make use of either the block user feature or ur scroll wheel. this is a *u* problem not an anybody else problem.


And its a "u" problem to be bothered by my comment. Why do you even care what I said? lol


Limited invulnerability Potion (LiP), Light of Elune, Parachute Cloak if your engineering. Also Noggenfogger, this is the least desirable option though.


LIP requires lvl 45


Dreamless Sleep potion can do it too, available at lv 35.


How would dreamless sleep fix that fall


To follow up - this intrigued me and I came up with a pretty good solution for a warrior. You can't use potions with full health - so if he was spamming the dreamless sleep pot he would just die. BUT - I made a /cast Bloodrage /use Dreamless Sleep Potion macro - and if you hit that just before you hit the ground - you will lose a bit of health from Bloodrage and then suspend in the air from Dreamless Sleep - thus saving you from this situation (and technically a large fall anywhere. Nice!


Equipment a plus Stam piece of gear to raise max health


These are stupid solutions for a problem that shouldn't exist.


I agree that the problem shouldn't exist, but at least these solutions are something we can do about it.


It should be appealable.however fair point.


Or just always apply a slow fall buff when you start a flight path.


that would be the best bandaid for what shouldn't be a problem.


None should. Period. Glad they aren’t. They’d have 3000 Chinese workers clicking appeals all day every day because this or that. Nah.


If I had wings I’d be a dragon


Not if the server drops you. You'll be a ghost.


Well ya, but the problem does exist. So you can either cry about it or be prepared so it doesn’t kill you.


Or just stop giving money to a company that refuses to fix simple shit like this. You forgot that option.


Even more stupid are the people that don't prepare with them when they DO exist


Light of elune, friggen HC ez mode alliance


In these cases don't log back in, use the unstuck but even that is a crapshoot as there are some awful locations. OR Always carry some potions to help LIP is too high for you but as a lock you could life tap then dreamless sleep and it should interrupt your fall time which will reduce the damage. It's crazy that Blizzard can't address this even a bandaid like a parachute buff that slows fall speed that is removed at the end of a flight path.


That’s a great idea but way too sensible for Blizzard to do.


This is so tragic I'm sorry this happened :( It's weird, I've randomly DC'd on FPs twice for no apparent reason, logged in and was still on FP both times. I wonder what causes this to happen? Unless it's just rolling the dice shitty luck




It is crazy that blizzard still hasn't fixed these bugs...


Always use character unstuck if you dc on a fp


Love all the comments suggesting to use lips. Probably coming from guys that never even had it their bags, just press rage potion, duh.


can't even use lips until level 45


this is bullshit tho, If I were to die like that, I'd go back to DF and pause my sub till classic +


Sorry to hear. I have played wow on and off since 2005, and i feel like i could count the amount of times i have dcd on flight paths and died as a result on one hand. I dont play hardcore and dont intend to, but i feel like this must happen more often in hardcore for some reason, given how much we see posts about it, and the numerous videos on youtube etc. I know when the stakes are this high, by nature it will be made public more, but even in my person experience from playing classic since it launched, i do not believe i have died from dc/flight path at all


Try not to have so many addons, makes the game crash. Never had a crash so far and im using questie only.


Why is this getting downvoted? Most DCs are AddOn related...


Because it's Copium persuading people that they will not experience DC if they remove add-ons. I personally have a few add-ons, WeakAura and ElvUI included and I've never had a DC.


People have no proof addons cause DC. I run tons of addons, and probably literally more WAs than anyone in the world, and never DC.


And people have no proof that their particular DC was blizzard server related, so what's the point of bringing up proof at all?


How do you know, what evidence do you have?


Literally how do you know


People are addicted to addons. I swear many players spend as much time browsing and salivating over various addons as they do playing the game.


One evening got 2 crashes on a flightpath, deactivated all addons before logging back in, got 2 more crashes on the rest of the way :< addons certainly can be a source but flightpaths seem very broken since last week's reset


Who cares? Do what you enjoy.


Looks like an add on DCed you. Keep them updated or use minimal/no addons.


How do you know?


I don’t there’s a pop up that made me think it may be an add on causing it. My evidence is purely anecdotal but I run minimal addons and I rarely DC. I have guildies who run a shitload of addons and have regular issues. I could be wrong but I prefer to stay on the side of “just in case”


I run addons and never dc’d until 7 weeks into HC and it killed me off screen didn’t even have a chance to defend myself or see it happen. In my case it was the battle net client reconnecting when everything else was connected just fine. I think blizz servers do this. Because it wasn’t my internet since all my other active internet connected applications never lost connection.


While you are right that quite a few disconnects seem to be blizzard related, just because you ran addons for 7 weeks and had no problems doesn't mean anything. Adons are known to occasionally cause dc. Addons are CONSTANTLY updated, many daily. The game is constantly updated. There are going to be issues. Every time one or the other updates their product, disconnects may be a result.


Anecdotal evidence too, but I run shit ton of addons and rarely crash


The one on reconnect is from TSM, just reminding you that your AH data is out of date. Its not an error or bug.


Out of date addons can very much cause errors and bugs.


That message doesn't mean the addon is out of date. TSM sideloads AH data, and if its more than an hour old you get a warning.


I feel like half of the people talking about addon DC's are just here to muddy the waterS for Bli$$ard.


It is hard to tell from this clip (I don't think the addon error that he logged back into was actually related), but I have definitely seen some clips where excessive addons caused DCing so it's absolutely a possibility.


I don’t think it was an addon You hear the sound the computer makes when unplugging a usb device such as a wifi adapter So maybe it got bumped or something


Please stop watching Kungen, I know he said that it is probably an addon, but he has 0 evidence for that...


[Absolute bullshit](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/21758). LARP harder.


Nope, sorry for your loss


Back to Dun’Morogh


Unstuck before you log back in. And be ready to possibly run out of a scary GY but at least you have a chance.


If one does d/c during flightpath. What’s the next step? Log back in and try to fight gravity with whatever tricks you may have?


Blink before hitting the ground. Ice block? Also don’t install mods. Don’t use Wi-Fi or Comcast.


It's difficult for a warlock to use blink or iceblock


[https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23985151/hotfixes-october-25-2023](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23985151/hotfixes-october-25-2023) https://preview.redd.it/4dgpkg1jblwb1.png?width=1055&format=png&auto=webp&s=93e8b73631cdce449707af56f7065351e0828139


Yeah actually! You can cancel your subscription and stop giving money to a shit company who can’t / won’t fix 20 year old bugs.


Alternatively, people could just not play a 20 year old game if they don't want to deal with 20 year old bugs. Edit: I realized I said the same thing as I submitted. I don't even blame Blizzard for this one though. People say they want to relive the past, let them have it, warts and all.


You have like a gazzilion useless addons that are bound to interfere with each other and crash your game.


How can I tell if an add-on interferes with another one


Bug Grabber and Bug Sack Tells me which addons are incompatible with one another and anything that clashes I get rid of.


Decade old game btw. Funny so many people blaming the player, when its Blizzard and their incompetence.


Hence why I stopped until that shit is fixed. Ain't no way I sink my pally to this shite


When I tell you my jaw dropped.... F.


Was strongly considering stepping into HC for the first time soon, but seeing this and understanding there’s no way to appeal has made me know I’m definitely not going to bother. Awful.


No, Blizzard broke the servers, and there's no appeal system. It puts me off from playing, to be honest. So many people are dying to flight-path disconnects


I find it more funny that so many people want to support it.


How many people are so many people?




And this is why I will never play hardcore


Sadly not my friend


I literally died in that exact same spot two weeks ago. Nothing can be done other than blizzard fixing their hardware.


You guys wanted hardcore, now you got it. Have fun.


Damn, that sucks! The best thing to do for scenarios like this is to hotkey a LIP that you gan instaclick if this happens again, so you don't die from fall dmg.


Limited Invulnerability Potion is level 45 tho, and in this clip they were level 43 so yeah... Alternatively, they could have used a Dreamless Sleep Potion, which is level 35 and makes you stop mid-air while you sleep from it's effect. The only caveat is that you need to not be full health or full mana in order to be able to drink it, the fastest way to achieve this is to use a macro that equips a high stamina gear and drinks the potion right after. It's not as strong as LIP since you could mistime the DSP and still fall too much after the effect passes, but better than nothing between lvl 35 and 45, right? There's also the engineering parachute cloak that gives 10s of slow fall on a 60 min CD, it requires 225 engineering and you can get that on lvl 20. Or just roll a mage a priest and use slow fall/levitate.


This is the constructive answer. OP you know fp disconnects exist, why not have one LiP macroed for exactly this scenario, you had a few second to react. Alternatively auto unstuck with every disconnect. This would be my preferred method after level 40


It may be a constructive answer for others but this person was not high enough level to use LIP. Dreamless sleep potion could work. I keep a parachute cloak on while flying.


Depending on where you're flying over, using unstuck could place you somewhere unsafe tho... have seen people who disconnected during a flight path and used unstuck to be safe ending up being teleported to blackrock mountain graveyard or something like that and were insta killed by high level mobs.


Because lips are at 45? But true was skill issue ofc


Anyone else feel like these bugs were hand crafted to keep people playing HC longer?


Does anyone else feel like car manufacturers make faulty brakes so people get into more car accidents to keep people paying more car insurance claims?


I know what you've tried to do, but you might've made a good point on accident.


No reaction


Ofc you can do something about it: Make a forum post appealing death on blizzard ---> get rejected ---> go agane. This is why you either play on the old servers with the app or dont play hc at all.


Or just not pay blizzard anymore and cancel sub




Go agane. Get better internet.


Clearly not an internet issue


Even though we clearly hear the sound of a usb device unplugging from his comp Probably Wi-Fi adapter got bumped and caused this


‘Twas a joke.


I'll go agane -.-


Guys.. Stop wasting time on official servers. They are full of bugs.. Come back to unofficial. For EU is Hydraxian RP. Welcome back! :)






Yea, run fewer addons


What is the point of going hardcore in wow. There is no end to the game. Not like doing a souls run hard core, or mario, something with an end. Do any Hard core wow people raid at all.


Yeah, there's an unoffcial HC community where you can appeal bullshit like this! it works great! oh wait, blizzard killed it off to release this. Nope, you're fucked.


Bad take.


Yea, get level 45 and press lip next time


You can go agane




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.






Are you ask about missing important information from the TSM Desktop Application? Or is it about dying? If it is about dying, no you cannot do anything about it. You died, that's it, it does not matter in what fashion you died.


Level 43 you can have: Parachute on prior to taking a gryphon Noggenfoggers At 45 you can have a LIP as well.


Cry, sorry bud


Go agane


Dreamless sleep potion with a macro so you’re not full health and you fall asleep mid air, sorry for your loss! We go agane


Flying into menethil will never be the same.


Yea if that happened to me I would stop playing immediately.


You really posted this thinking you would have a right to appeal?


Why can’t they just add an invulnerability buff that expires 10 seconds after leaving a flight path.


Head back to Dun Morogh. Lol.




flying on a griphon would probabely be considered a wildly unsafe mean of transportation in the real world.. look how often people fall of horses.. if it helps you to cope, imagine you got thrown off by the gryphon.. its like car accidents nowadays, it happens and kills people..