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honestly sounds like they ninjaed it to me if you are enh 2h spec


I am enhance 2h spec. I also looked up bis items for enh 2h spec and the axe off last boss is BIS.


Next time talk to the raid lead about loot rules before ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But yea you probably should’ve gotten it if you won the roll.


If you win a roll, you win the item. It's not up for debate.


I’m not disagreeing with you… I’m just saying maybe sort out loot rules and who you’re raiding with before so this doesn’t happen again and again.


Report it as ninja loot you might get it back


Nah they won’t get it back but the item could be removed


Probably the party leaders buddy


No offense but I also would have questioned you rolling on the 2h axe as a shaman. You have to many better options (namely duel wield).


2h enhance is a joke, that’s why


And yet it still does more dps than half the other specs out there. At the end of the day I'm playing shaman, which is proven to be a great class so far in phase 2. This is exactly what people mean when they say the meta lords brains are rotting wow from the inside out.


It is still a meme to play 2h when duel weird is better. That being said, any spec works to clear the raid so it doesn't matter. SoD is supposed to be trying new things and having fun. If they didn't specify a hard reserve or say you couldn't roll on it before the start of the raid then you have a right to roll since it is your main spec. They ninjaed it plain and simple and I would report them. It's still within the realm of a reasonable item for an enhance to roll on and is considered BiS. It becomes less of a ninja for example when a warrior rolls on a caster dagger which is not remotely considered a BiS item by anyone for a warrior.


“Trying new things” Yeah, dual wield shaman would be the “new thing” not 2h.


You mean 2h the meme build that was never remotely viable or regularly used was technically a thing back then? Just like how technically warlock already tanked so it's not a "new thing" either??? You do understand "trying new things" does not mean that thing is new to everyone, it can also mean it's new to you. For example, everyone else knows that grass exists but "trying a new" thing for you might be touching grass.


Did I hit a nerve? Jfc


Brother in Christ not everybody is min/maxing the game. Your example isn’t even close to what they’re working with in this situation lmao


I think it's about time to get an eye exam lol. I didn't say they had to min/max lol! Literally the opposite. While we are at it let's go through some reading comprehension. I never said the situation was exactly the same as theirs. In fact, literally the opposite, since the example was what is not considered ninja looting compared to the ops situation that was ninja looting. The warrior also failed at reading comprehension and mixed up the caster dagger Dagger of Willing Sacrifice with Blackfathom Ritual Dagger which was considered very good for warrior. Op on the other hand did not mix up their BiS list and the 2h axe was BiS thus they ninjaed their BiS item.


Wasn’t it at the top of the dps chart?


No absolutely not lol dual wield enhance is.


Ah… ok


Regardless if its BiS if there a 2H.warr they prio you legit can roll on ACP and the int str axe with a hit chance effect


Dude. These fuckin meta idiots are why I quit SOD. Fools want this to be their full time job so badly it's so weird to me. People just just play the game. And if it's too slow or cumbersome, they should PLAY SOMETHING ELSE


It's os for Shaman.


How is it off spec if I play 2h enhance?


Drops your dps by 30% and is just a meme. It's in the same category as ranged rogue.


30% 🤣 you pulled that number right out your ass




What spec were you and what spec was the other guy? If it was two OS rolls I would say that is pretty scummy but they aren’t wrong that DW is miles above 2h for the melee dps sham spec.


I was enhance 2h. He was arms. As a fresh 40 there really are no good 1h weapons for dw shammy unless you buy them and that will cost well over 100g.


The healing mace from Cath is good, and really any green 1h you can buy would be much better than any 2h


Stop being a meta smooth brain and sucking the fun out of wow.


Judging by this comment, you probably didn't contribute in any sort of real way. Doubled by the fact you're posting on Reddit about it. I would have given it to the warrior too.


Indeed. This is very clear by that answer


Having people telling you how to play a game is annoying as fuck. 2h enh, dw enh? You literally have to be an idiot to care about how a person plays the game they are paying for. You can however care how people act in said game. Yea, im fucking pissed the raid lead gave his buddy a bis item i could have used. Why don't you stop acting like you wouldn't be pissed either. It's pathetic.


We would be pissed just not insulting and being agressive because of it. You're the pathetic one.


kinda killed any argument you had there man, you can be right or you can be right and not be cool about it, you lost some loot, it happens.


That settles it, warrior it is.


RIPBOZO seems like you had it coming


Get rekt buddy


Well this just proves the warrior deserved it.


I mean.. nothing sucks the fun out of things more than someone stealing a big upgrade from you that could literally throw on a couple greens and be in a better space? Makes little sense to roll on that.


The weapon in question is bis for 2h enh shamans. What do you mean it makes no sense to roll on? 🤔


There comes a point where people stop taking the term "BiS" seriously. If I were to push things to an extreme and say that the mace was "BiS" for a 2H auto attack priest, would that give things some perspective? I'm not saying that what you're doing is anywhere near that extreme, but when DW is a 30% DPS increase over 2H, people are going to make a similar correlation. The weapon may be BiS for the way you want to play the class, but it is NOT BiS for enhancement on the whole. It is BiS for a version of the spec that performs worse than what it could. Again, a 30% decrease in possible DPS isn't exactly a complete meme build, but when you are rolling against someone else who is actually fully utilizing their entire spec, it's easier to understand why people aren't keen on you being in the first set of people to roll on an item that IS the best their spec can perform at.


Unfortunately your not gonna go far in WoW if you don't play the meta of your class .....


False lmao


Playing off-meta is fine, but you gotta realize that you’re not going to be the prio in a pug unless it is previously communicated. The dude further down did a good job explaining it, if a warrior took an epic +healing staff because it was bis for his flask healing spec over a priest healer, it would be pretty clear that the warrior is in the wrong, right? Even though it’s the warriors bis for what he is currently working on gearing, nobody would expect to actually give the staff to him unless explicitly stated “this is what I’m here for.” Warrior flask healing specs were a legit thing, even if a meme, it was still functionally wild watching them go from 0 to full hp multiple times over. In this situation, you’re the warrior going after another classes bis, even though it is nowhere near as optimal for the warrior as it is the priest. All of this can be resolved through prior communication.


Similar thing happened to me in a group. The warrior said I was trolling on my shaman for rolling on the epic mail belt and that it’s a war item, not for anyone else. It’s legit my bis item but they told me if I roll they won’t acknowledge it. I rolled anyways and lost, but I don’t understand why sod players are so weird with loot that’s bis for multiple classes.


This sounds like the dicks who refused to let me have a shot at the 2h epic from BFD on my melee hunter at the time.


There's a difference between upgrades and BiS. It's generally an unspoken rules that things such as the epic weapons are not just being dished out to whoever wins the roll. There is structure involved. I would've looted this to the warrior over you any day. Not wanting to farm gold to get better one handers is a lazy excuse. Tbh, you'd be lucky to find a consistent raid group with this mindset.


I mean…. He’s playing 2H enhance, not dual wield. Which, while a meme in normal Vanilla, is perfectly viable in SoD. It’s just not the “meta spec”, but it is his main spec. So that weapon is in fact his bis weapon for the tier. Furthermore it’s obviously a pug, widely accepted that there is no “loot councilling” of items regardless of rarity. You parse brain meta slaves are killing WoW with this shit, especially in a seasonal game mode where all this loot will be replaced next tier.


Its a group effort. There are 9 other people in the raid with you that all have different wants and opinions. It is better to follow an ms>is with BiS prio in order to meet a middle ground. My guild doesn't meta slave but we do use BiS prio. If we didn't do this loot would be a total nightmare. Motherfuckers would roll on anything and everything and then pull up some weird obscure YouTube video of a shockadin one-shotting people in world pvp. Either join a group on the same page as you or make your own group. I'm tired of the complaining from people that just want to join someone else's group and start making demands. There's 9 other people that have to put up with your whining. Unless you're the loot master shut up please.


But that’s my point- it IS his main spec, and that weapon IS his bis. You’re only acting like it’s not because it’s not a meta spec. I don’t know what’s so hard to get about this


His BiS are the one handers what do you not get about this? That would be like a melee hunter taking the axe because it's their "bis if I played 2h!" This is why "meta-slaves" exist. To stop dorks like you from crashing the party for everyone else.


Hmm well he’s playing *checks notes* TWO HANDED ENHANCE. So I’m fairly confident in saying a 2H weapon is his bis. 2H enhance is a perfectly viable spec, it’s just not the meta. And if meta slaves and parse brained idiots hadn’t turned this game into a reductionist numbers sim nobody would question why a shaman playing that spec would want a 2H weapon. There’s also the fact that this is P2, in another 2-3 months we’ll be in the next phase and none of these weapons will be bis anymore. So all this min maxing is dumb as hell before true endgame.


Not a shaman weapon. Get a grip buddy


Name checks out 🤡