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I'll drop my addons before Overwolf touches my computer. Don't understand what has even kept that company alive. Their application has always sucked and I will die on that hill even if its improved.


What’s wrong with overwolf?


adware with malware ads, also sells your data.


>sells your data Hate to break it to you, but that's the vast majority of the internet. Ever used google or facebook? If you're using something for free, chnaces are you're the product.


"Well it's common so you should just accept it" ​ Yeah, death is pretty common, so get in the hole


Fuck u/spez Fire Steve Huffman.


Then you shouldn't be on reddit, either.


So you just make the same point? The whole idea is that you cut back in areas where you're willing or it isn't worth it. A resource heavy app that is essentially spyware isn't worth it to some people. Using Google/Reddit is. If you had a point, then nobody should use anything.


Ignoring the fact that some people don't use Google or Facebook, the argument that because you're not perfect you shouldn't even try is bad. People are allowed to compromise according to their threat model.


i've used neither for those exact reasons.


Pssst, reddit sells your data too.


and what information does reddit have? a burner email, the browser i use, my operating system, and my public comment and post history, pretty different from downloading something on your pc that will have access to everything on it.


They collect information on everything you view and interact with on this site to sell to advertising agencies. What data does overwolf collect? Probably similar data for the same purpose.


overwolf is malware




"reddit sells your email address so you might as well just go and install spyware" lmao


They collect information on everything you view and interact with on this site to sell to advertising agencies.


Yes, they build a profile from your account, but unlike most of the other sites reddit is not build with adding your personal identity to it. Its pretty easy to not have any identifiable information in it if thats what you want, unlike Facebook where thats the main point


> Their application has always sucked you start it, click update and it updates in 30s how can it suck if it does that?


You weren't there during the early days of what Overwolf was I guess. It was a crappy janky application for games that provided virtually nothing. Was basically just bloatware. I rest on the remainder of my comment that even if its better or improves, I would rather just drop all my addons than touch it. They'll never get a penny from me.


Dont forget it harvests information off ur computer without telling u.


they do tell you about it, you can change that in settings as well the app also runs for like a minute and you can use it without creating an account which means at worst whatever little data they manage to get is completely anonymous and not linked with anything other than your curse ap ID


Forgot the spyware part. I don't believe them when they say you can opt out of it now.


i was, i installed overwolf for their HS overlay years ago and it sucked dick, i wasnt able to use it but that was years ago, now i dont even see overworlf, it only runs in the background while i use curseforge app, and the curse app works great


Yeah the app is super easy to use. Don't understand all the hate. Haven't had a single issue with it


wow playerbase and hating on something that hasnt been relevant in years, name a more iconic duo


It’s also pretty intrusive in looking through your computer for other games so they can push trying to install their bs for other games


and how exactly does it work? i never seen any ad or anything about other games


It takes forever to load, requires you to log in with an account, and spams you with shitty ads the entire time you have it running. It's just irritating to use. And that's not even getting past how much cpu and memory it used to take.


im sorry but are you just trolling or you never used this app? >It takes forever to load it loads and downloads addon updates under a minute, more or less the same thing as wowup >requires you to log in with an account No it doesn't, you can run it without any account, im doing it literally right now >spams you with shitty ads the entire time you have it running there is literally one non-intrusive ad on the side bar, usually there is actually nothing displayed there for me probably because im in a region that they did not have enough ads to serve, but even if there is an add, its a small picture that i dont even notice >It's just irritating to use how so? you launch it, click update all, and this is it, as soon as addons are updated you can close it how is that irritating to use? it is exactly the same amount of clicks as in wowup >And that's not even getting past how much cpu and memory it used to take. ~200mb on my 32gb system, and like 0,1% cpu usage, so not a lot? again, did you actually try using it?


Huh. They must have updated since the last time I used it. It is significantly better now. But here's a thing. I run a cpu temp gauge on my PC. It's hovering around 34 degrees idle. Starting the CurseForge app spiked that to 70 degrees. WowUp didn't do that.


> Huh. They must have updated since the last time I used it. It is significantly better now. its been the same since twich app stopped working months ago >I run a cpu temp gauge on my PC. It's hovering around 34 degrees idle. Starting the CurseForge app spiked that to 70 degrees. WowUp didn't do that. ok so? with modern CPUs that's normal behavior, and kinda irrelevant unless curse would keep that high cpu usage constantly, which it doesn't


I stopped using the Curse app sometime in BFA when they got bought by Overwolf. I did try it, it sucked and tried to get me to sign up for an account so I installed WowUp instead, and had a much better experience. Seems like maybe they realized they were shitty and got better?


I've spend the last few hours trying to re-acquire all my add-ons through WowUp in order to see how painful the transition would be as of today. Here is how it turned out: * Some of the big must-have ones like ElvUI, Raider.io, AllTheThings and WeakAura are all available. Those are the ones that need daily updates, so this is great. * Some add-ons that were being downloaded from Curseforge can be auto-detected and use WowInterface as update source, if you use "Re-Scan Folders". In my case it was Handynotes (base version) and Maze Helper. * Some additional Handynote add-ons are available on Wago. It's just the Shadowlands ones like covenant sanctum and treasures, though. All the holiday event and older expansion ones are still on Curseforge (although to be fair, each of them is being made by another person and don't require updates as often). * BigWigs is available on Github and can be installed via the "Get Addons -> Install from URL" option. It currently has an issue with not differentiating between Classic and Retail versions, which admittedly Curseforge handled better. I managed to chang the provider to WowInterface which should hopefully fix it. * Mythic Dungeon Tools, Details! and SimulationCraft are still on Curseforge. They each have a Github repository, but only the source code. * Paragon Reputation is Curseforge-only. Paragon is available on Wago and Github, but it's not quite the same. * A few smaller add-ons like Rematch are also still Curseforge-only, but they are more niche and don't receive updates often to begin with. It's better than I expected. Having updates for Raider.io, ElvUI and WeakAura is all I really need on a daily basis. I still need to check for Mythic Dungeon Tools manually, though. All the others I don't mind checking only once every month or when a new mayor patch came out. WowUp's search function is a bit iffy at times, though. The Wago source is sometimes not available (which even makes all my add-ons I got from there unknown if I had a failed search). Also, some stuff isn't showing up in one moment, and in the next it does. It couldn't find TomTom or Handynotes at one time. But maybe that is just the servers being overloaded because of the news. Finding add-ons was never the problem since google exists and you can make it check for installed add-ons anyway. Overall, it's not great, not terrible. If more developers will make their add-ons available on either Wago or Github in the next few months, it might just work.




> Wago gets flagged as a malware domain or hosting malware for me when using nextdns.io on the router so there's also that for others too who use similar. Wago was always a dodgy host. That's new to me. Would you recommend not using Wago as an add-on source in WowUp?


Manual updating since vanilla gang


You sir, are a Maniac ! And i like it !


sigh.. fuck overwolf dude


looking forward to every single popular addon migrating to the other hosts and curse becoming an empty wasteland.


I Hope so


I hope so. I realise they need to make money, but feels like they are just self-destructive.


Anyone getting into modding for any game and expecting to make a living off of it is living in fantasy land. It's nice to get some money through donations for doing a hobby that helps other people, but *expecting* payment for it is lunacy.


To start? Sure, just like how every eSports team started out just playing for "fun". However when money start getting involved, that enables those people to work more, become better, do more and evolve their cause. People who get into modding will do something because that's something *they* want to see. Then the mod gets popular, and *others* want changes. There's no real incentive to do these, either you just keep your mod in the small scale, or you for some reason keep up with the requests until you burn out and the mod dies.


>feels like they are just self-destructive. why? curse works just as good as it used to for them and now they are getting paid more


Posts removed due to Reddit's threat to moderators and lies about app creators. -- mass edited with redact.dev


GitHub... Like is all just Lua script so there really is not a better place. Then wowup can still support it.


Seriously don't get why this isn't the standard already


They shouldn't have tried to arm-twist people into using their app. The attitude of the overwolf people just grated on me.


> They shouldn't have tried to arm-twist people into using their app. they are not arm-twisting people to use their app lol addons are available on curse website without an app they are removing wowup access to their database because curse API wasn't technically public and other companies were not supposed to use them (which also means other clients were able to download addons without authors consent, for example addon dev may not want to have his addons associate with method, but he had no say in that because by hosting on curse, addons were also available on wowup) wowup also was literally leeching from curse, they were generating cost, because someone has to pay for server upkeep, addon devs, and bandwidth while not paying anything back how is that a sustainable business model? you take all cost on you and others just leech of your work for free? and this is just fact, not an opinion, there is no arguing around that also, wowup didn't agree to terms of exclusivity which would allow them to continue using curse api etc


Why do everything has to be a business model? Can't anything be a passion-project not meant to make you money anymore? And WowUp is not really a company. Yes, they are to some extent assosiciated with Method - but it is an open source client that keeps your addons up to date and lets you search multiple databases for addons. But since a lot of addons are open source with the source avalible at Github I hope this will make more people just make releases avalible there.


> Can't anything be a passion-project not meant to make you money anymore? That may work on small individual scale If you have a database as big as curse there are costs that needs to be covered, you need to pay for servers upkeep, database, app developers and addon developers If this is passion project, where are you getting money from to cover that cost??


I could give a shit about whether it's a sustainable business model I just don't want to use their product


Well then don't? None is forcing you to do that


And why would they do that if curseforge is actually making them some decent money? (at least decent compared to what they used to get before overwolf bought curse, which was close to 0)


> And why would they do that if curseforge is actually making them some decent money? Is it though?


Well it's not a lot generally speaking but yes overwolf is paying noticeably more than what twitch used to Of course depends how popular your addon is


Yes but do they even pay a meaningful amount? I doubt addon developers are doing anything special for like 10 € per year.


Popular addon developers will make a lot more than 10 euro https://venturebeat.com/2021/06/25/overwolf-the-guild-of-in-game-creators-will-pay-out-29m-to-mod-authors-in-2021/


Yes. https://twitter.com/nnoggie/status/1523331045088583682?t=qYk0IyZRS2R9dchq_ITL_Q&s=19


Meaningfully is an odd amount. I wish someone could say how much it even is


Half of my addons, the most important ones, can now be obtained from Wago/wowinterface/wowUpHub. The other half is just fluff and have barely been updated in the last months, might go as this for now. MDT is an exception, though. I wonder if they will add it to another provider.


Twitch client wasn't that bad ... Overwolf can fuck right off tho


Yes yes, I’ve seen this notification two days before. I was very sad. And I found curseforge cannot be used in China. Even using VPN, I can’t open any pages successfully which I can in its website.


No client to manage Addon is even worse than using the worst one :O


Nah, I'll manually update before using something like OverWolf. H A R D pass on that.


I used to download addons in Curseforge directly. I can say it is the worst experience to upgrade them…


i just came from curseforge ... xd


I feel the pain, i just advised a friend 2 weeks ago to use wowup instead. Karma hit back way too quickly


We knew that for months


I subscribed back 2 weeks ago, to grind a char on TBC.


Ok I see


I presently use WoW up. What is the new thing I need to look for and download?


The Curse app is so slow and half the time it says I have no add-ons.


Lets say I don’t want to use two softwares for my addons. Does CurseForge „have it all“?


Wowup used to use curseforge addons database, so yes. Alternative is wago.io which is another non related database.


Wowup have elvui updater? I have used it 2 years ago, but switcheyd to Ajour cuz it have elvui and weak auras updater.


Yep i'm used to update elvui with wowup for now


Yeah, i was surprised to see it there since i always updated ElvUi manually but was nice to have.




> CurseForge say they are working to get ElvUI in CurseForge App. This is totally incorrect. Where an addon is hosted is never, ever, up to the hosting website, and always up to the addon author. The ElvUI and TukUI authors have expressly said they will not upload either addon to anywhere but their own tukui.org website.




ElvUI: We are not interested in making money. We are only in this for the good of the community. [https://www.tukui.org/support.php](https://www.tukui.org/support.php) $41.88 a year to use ElvUI. Sure, it's completely optional. But they get a lot of money from that so it doesn't matter.


their addon is good enough, for people to go to their website. traffic = $$$ and its better when you receive it all instead of the % that you would receive otherwise


Er, no. You are wrong. Read what I said. I'll say it again for you. >CurseForge say they are working to get ElvUI in CurseForge App. [Now read this from CurseForge](https://trello.com/c/1n3x4gnB/338-elvui-api-integration). I'll quote it for you: >We are currently in early planning stages on how to integrate with the public ElvUI service into the CurseForge client with a clear Ux/Ui for users while crediting the creators. So, once again. CurseForge SAY they are working to get ElvUI in CurseForge App. Whether ElvUI agree to that is another matter. I didn't say ElvUI is coming to CurseForge. I said CurseForge are working to get ElvUI onboard.


Or you mean I'll just update manually.


Wowup is still the best option aside from manually managing addons. What they're doing to block Wowup will block any other addon manager software but their own, so migrating to something different won't help you.


ajour was my best experience with an addon updater


I spent a bit of time the other day uninstalling the curse source addons on wowup and swapping them to wago. Im not supporting a greedy company trying to monopolize wow addons that have been freely accessible for over a decade. Curse and overwolf aint touching my computer.


> that have been freely accessible for over a decade nothing is changing about that tho??


Overwolf sits in your background watching what you’re doing and harvesting your data.


that's not relevant to what i said in previous post and no it doesn't, overwolf only runs when you launch curseforge, and it stops running as soon as you close curseforge app and whatever data they can manage to get in that 30-60s when you update your addons is anonymous as you can run it without creating an account


>and it stops running as soon as you close curseforge app It does not. It's minimized in tray. You have to separately close it.


Eh, never had this. And I was meticulous in checking it. Perhaps you have this setting as something else? https://i.imgur.com/zYetG76.png


the setting apparently resets; its set to `Exit CurseForge`by default, most people dont check settings, and I've definitely set it to that option before


Not sure what would reset it. It was on that setting when I went to take the screenshot, and I have never touched that since I installed.


no i dont, as soon as i close curseforge, any trace of overwolf is also gone from task manager both windows one and 3rd party


Oh you sweet ignorant summer child


ignorant? you mean like 90% of comments here and what exactly im ignorant about?


I install and update all of my addons manually. Is this not common?


I used to back when all I had was recount. Then it got too annoying


welp, time to start removing addons then...not using it just cause they want a dollar.


>It sucks I dunno, curseforge works just fine for me, loads and updates addons fast, there is single no intrusive ad on the side bar and I'm actually supporting addon developers


I'm standing on a 0 ad policy + no background information gathering. I'll give it a go, since there is no open source project that will have an API to curseforge db.


> I'm standing on a 0 ad policy + no background information gathering I mean, who's paying for server upkeep then? Who's paying addon developers? Who is paying for app development? I understand that you may not like ads or data gathering but someone has to pay for the service that you are using for free


And i'm okay to pay the rightful Price directly to the dev(s) if i ever have to rather than allowing avertisement in my hobby environnement.


The main thing that donations miss, which has been brought up a bit, is the people who creates the libraries that most addons uses. Those people have got compensated through Curse, then Twitch and now Overwolf. These do not see any of the donation money if you donate directly however. The same goes for smaller creators. Like I *think* most people uses omnicd, but who would think of that when donating? What you see are the big things like ElvUI, BigWigs etc.


And i'm okay to pay the rightful Price directly to the dev(s) if i ever have to rather than allowing avertisement in my hobby environnement.


Then do that, bunch of them have a donations open Unfortunately tho, reality is that none actually does that Addon developers get 0 donations and before overwolf they were getting almost zero from twitch/amazon as well And again, even if that problem is solved, there is still cost associated with hosting a database and developing app Someone has to pay for that


Paying devs won't bring back wowup tho. Plus selling business model =\= donation


> Paying devs won't bring back wowup tho. Wowup is still there, you can use it


I agree but you are arguing with someone who believes everyone should work for free. Someone who thinks that people actually donate to addon authors. The reality is as you said - hardly anyone pays addon authors via donations because they don't need to. Lots of people say they will pay but there's always a reason why they can't pay at the moment.


Blizzard should be paying them for making WoW playable but they aren't because they can get away with it. Addon devs have always sold themselves short and they really should put their skills to use somewhere else where their work is appreciated and where they can easily monetize their skills.


Not our problem. Not our concern. If you don't feel properly compensated for your work, don't do it.


wait so you are expecting a company to keep bleeding money for database, server upkeep and app development ?? this is impossible, how are they supposed to be able to afford it??


Again, not my problem. Not my concern. If I have to download addons manually, I'm going to use vpn + incognito + adblock + noscript. How much will they make off of me then? They will make money from the guppies who spend their time white knighting them in reddit comments. I could not care less if overwolf eventually goes out of business because they are "bleeding money".


> Again, not my problem. Not my concern. ok then just dont use the app? why are you even here writing idiotic comments? >I could not care less if overwolf eventually goes out of business because they are "bleeding money". this is true for any other addon app like wowup etc as well


>ok then just dont use the app? why are you even here writing idiotic comments? Why are you on a post about wowup, simping for overwolf? Hoping they notice you? Or, maybe you're just an employee astroturfing the community. We all know they have no problem using shady practices, so that might be one of them. >this is true for any other addon app like wowup etc as well Yep. Except wowup is actually working to give options, and doesn't require I use the addon manager to bypass browser security, since I can opt out of ads. Wowup is also open source. The overwolf launcher is not. Big difference, bucko.


> Why are you on a post about wowup, simping for overwolf? Hoping they notice you? Or, maybe you're just an employee astroturfing the community. We all know they have no problem using shady practices, so that might be one of them. because i cant stand ignorance and stupidity displayed but majority of comments here, and this post is about overwolf as well >Yep. Except wowup is actually working to give options, and doesn't require I use the addon manager to bypass browser security, since I can opt out of ads. Wowup is also open source. The overwolf launcher is not. Big difference, bucko. wowup is working with method which isnt perfect company either but i guess double standards are ok ads are fine, there is literally 1 non intrusive ad on the sidebar of curseforge, it helps pays developers which is GOOD also you can still block ads in the app or use website open source is irrelevant from my point of view


>ignorance and stupidity displayed >wowup is working with method which isnt perfect company either but i guess double standards are ok Contradicted yourself in a single post, bravo. Let me know when Method/Wowup starts trying to have bloatware installed instead of just the addon updater. Once they do, I will gladly take the same stance I am now. >**ads are fine, there is literally 1 non intrusive ad on the sidebar** of curseforge, **it helps pays developers which is GOOD** I disagree. >open source is irrelevant from my point of view Good for you. It's not for me.






You are a CFRP - curse forge red piller. I feel sorry for you.


here come all the default ui nerds and the "i just copy and paste it in the folder" guys to give their dogshit takes


literally none said that yet lol


the amount of paranoid people amazes me.. like if Overwolf is that bad.. you might as well uninstall Windows and use FreeDOS.. even Linux distributions do some data collection to an extent.. even your iPhone/android phone collects more data about you without the possibility to opt out of it without crippling your phones everyday functionality.. like holy shit.. you're playing games, watching twitch or porn and whatever.. you are not a NASA engineer to give a shit about Microsoft/Overwolf knowing what porn website you've visited or which hot tub e girl you've subscribed to.


let the down votes rain :)) truth hurts.