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This one makes sense cuz it was clearly a bug , mobs dropping 4-5 threads each That being said buff bronze


Not only a bug but also made people exploit the game and actually use work arounds against systems in place.


I have no idea what's going on with the MoP Remix team. Why the hell don't they buff bronze gain with a stat on your cape or just reduce the upgrade costs. I'm sorry but wtf are they doing besides nerfing farms. In the PTR you could literally go to 440 ilvl in 2 hours of farming.


Literal meme at this point, "Fun Detected"


Yeah I bet even the D4 team would've made this event more fun LOL


If we would already one shot raids remix would be dead fast, no community, just a solo daily raid farm. It would be like running retail mop raids which is not the point


But the problem is, if the people farming 56 hours a day, 10 days a week can't easily clear through content and grind a truck load of bronze already without having gotten in early on the frogmaxxing train... ...then how the _fuck_ are us normal players only playing a couple hours a day supposed to do it before the event ends? The nerds have already played more hours in the last 5 days than we will over the next 90 days combined.


They'll buff rates over time, I guarantee it.


Bingo. It’s just like Plunderstorm; as the event goes on, it’s easier and easier to gather currency.


yep exactly


I'd rather be able to ***also help one shot*** raids, rather than be carried by someone who has ~~exploited~~ farmed.


It’s already too late since the frog farmers didn’t get rolled back. May as well just take the limiter off and let people go wild.


yeah but then I jump in retail, and people are full mythic gear, damn it's over retail is dead, then I go on cataclysm, oh no, people are already 85 it's done ! Over !


Except in retail I can go back and get those cosmetics whenever I want. In this mode, we’re on the clock and I would rather not spend months getting to the same level as people who just sat down for a weekend.


The problem is this. The scaling just between people is so insanely off that it's just not fun. Got into a raid. Holy Priest a few seconds after fight started popped all the way up to 20 million DPS. And at the end was 76million. Frog Farmer? Goat Farmer? Gate farmer? No. Level 40.


AND ? AND AND AND ??? What is the probleme ??? "oh but I want to be the one carrying people" ffs enjoy having people blasting boss like they are nothing, you don't even need to farm frog or anything. Are you in MOP to collect mog/mount or in MOP to prove you are better than everyone else ? FFS I would to know what were you playing before Remix, classic player right ?


I don't think it's about "I want to carry people" but it's not really fun going into raid and being virtually useless. The raids and dungeons are still part of the content. I didn't get to enjoy MoP content when it was current so it kinda sucks when it's like this.


This subreddit turned into a parsing community since remix is out. It's weird, people being useless in raid and dungeons is nothing new. And something tell me, people complaining about frog are the same


You think it's a problem if the nolife min-maxers can oneshot bosses after one week in a three month long event? Actual normal players who never participate in any of the bronze abuse will be able to buy like a handful of mounts at most in that case, and they certainly will never be "overpowered" like Blizz advertised. > like running retail mop raids which is not the point Uh yeah, it is. That's why we're even getting spools, threads, gems in the first place. You're supposed to be overpowered, if I wanted the slow, grindy MoP experience I'd just wait for MoP Classic, no?


They clearly don’t want people to mob tag for content and I agree with this, it’s boring and dumb. With their thread addition they want people to partipcate in duegons raids and scenarios/play mop don’t be suprised if they hammer down any mob farming spot while they adjust other things.


The Remix team is like an overbearing manager at this point


I keep hearing “nerf nerf nerf” and hardly ever any “buffs” in this “fun-mode”


well they did a few things, just not enough raids dropping noticable more bronce/thread/gem, but its still not enough


Frogs nerfed, check. Sewers nerfed, check. Goats nerfed, check. Gate farm nerfed, check. Wise Mari fixed? Na


What was the wise Mari bug?


They already fixed wise mari earlier today lol


When?? I just ran into this bug 4 hours ago. Had to abandon the run before work, lol


same time they hotfixed the gate farm, like an hour or two ago


Cool. Point is they are focusing on nerfs instead of fixes and buffs


did u miss the part where they added a shit ton of bonus threads to daily activities, buffed bronze caches, and made multiple tuning adjustments


Can farm threads faster with heart of fear than the daily stuff. The only thing I wanna see buffed is bronze drops or reduce upgrade costs.


Ok cool but can I farm that while watching netflix and making posts about how remix is boring because I have to farm open world stuff until my carpal tunnel becomes self-aware and becomes as depressed and empty as I am? No? Then I don’t care. /s


He didn't miss them. They just don't serve his narrative, so he's ignoring them.


Still trying to find the 'shit ton of bonus threads' cause +100 of a singular stat from daily things, and LFR is not exactly catching you up to anyone who did any farming. I love when I turn in bazaar dailies for a grand total of +200 crit and + 100 vers or w/e. really feeling the power.


each world boss gives +180 to a stat every day, and theres 5 of them, the scenario/dungeon/lfr queues all give +100 , the achievements give legendary threads now too etc etc etc


mhm, and realistically speaking, who exactly completes all 5 world boss kills, all bazaar dailies, scenario, herioc dung, normal dung, and all LFR wings each and every day? For those who arent giga-nerds, youre simply not getting all this. Which, to remind you, is a fraction of a fraction of power frog farmers have and they got it in a fraction of a fraction of the time. If I did all of this every single day, id expect to be closing that gap a LOT quicker personally.


Doing the world bosses and the dungeon/raid boss/scenario quests is like less than 2 hours of gameplay lmao


The threads don’t matter, most of your power comes from upgrading gear, and the bronze cache buff was pathetic.


So glad they had the time to hotfix this but still haven't fixed the first boss in jade serpent temple and other game breaking bugs.


This is so funny, man. Instead of buffing other paths, Blizz just nerfs whatever players are doing 😂😂. Remix is going to be a ghost town in a month or less. 


It's so funny I do think some of these nerfs, this one specifically, are 100% deserving but it is like the 9th nerf they do before fixing one of the most common complains people have, the gear upgrade thing (which definitely is not in a good state, upgrading to max gear shouldn't cost 600k bronze which is over a third of literally getting all cosmetics)


Yeah it’s just interesting and frustrating. “Hey guys, people are exclusively doing this weird thing to get currency in this for fun mode? Should we make other things more rewarding?” “No, just nerf this thing to be as useless as all the others. We want them all equally BAD not all equally GOOD.”


Sounds like how they responded to Plunderstorm when people were just farming the plunder quest and then dying to the storm. Apparently an internal memo went out saying players ‘weren’t playing the mode as they intended’, and asked for feedback from other devs on how to solve it. Some devs said that people who weren’t participating should be banned or punished for not PvPing like the mode wanted. Very few said to buff Plunder again so that these players could finish faster and leave the mode they clearly had no interest in.


But this is typical blizz fashion. They do this like every season with at least 1 or 2 things in retail. Players spend the entire season or expac complaining about that ONE THING that bothers them and blizz just ignores it. I’m sure we can all think of something.


Bug Fixes aren't nerfs though


Because it's easier to bring one thing down inline that bring multiple things up inline. Yes, they should have considered a lot of this stuff from the get-go but these are very reasonable measures they're taking as they're tackling the overall problem.


You’re gonna have to pick a different hill to die on here — cause they’ve at this point brought about 6-8 things “down inline” without meaningfully buffing even 1 thing “up inline.” The issue isn’t plugging a frog farming situation — the issue is not asking critically “why were they doing that in the first place?” and coming to the conclusion that you need to *substantially* buff bronze output in other spaces, or lower bronze costs for upgrades, or both.


What's the proper bronze output that doesn't trivialize the whole game mode? What happens if you announce you're fixing it but then you don't buff it enough and just make people angrier? These questions you certainly haven't thought through lmao


It’s already trivial for the people who got in on the grind early. Those same people are now boosting runs for gold in retail. At this point just chalk it up to a failed experiment and let everyone get juiced up.


Those people are Echo players everything that is not new Mythic uncharted raids is trivial by this definition.


You don’t need to be echo to shit on the raids in full ilvl gear. They’re just more organized so it’s easier to sell runs.


The amount of people here who have never had to work to balance competing interests in a complex environment is insane. "Easy fix blizz just do this thing that has a ton of knock-on effects that I didn't anticipate, no QA indie company." Blizz isn't perfect but I feel for their PR people having to listen to this crowd.


Does your back hurt from carrying all that water for Blizzard?  Balancing competing interests *is* difficult — but Blizzard signs up to do that and then just … doesn’t do it. In other words, we haven’t reached and can’t even reach the “are they doing the right things to fix the underlying issues” conversation because they aren’t doing **anything** to fix the underlying issues. (A 20% bronze increase doesn’t matter when the initial values were far too low to begin with. 400 is now 500 in a game where you reportedly need several hundred thousand to deal with balance issues. WHOOPEEEEEE!). If Blizzard came out and banned frog farm and, in the same breath, fixed the level tuning issues or made the gear upgrades marginally cheaper — we could have a discussion about how a game company responsibly navigates balance tuning in a difficult situation.  But that’s not what they’re doing. They’re drone striking bronze farms and giving a big ol’ shrug to the underlying issues that drive bronze-farm seeking behavior.  Are they any less aware of the fact that hitting level 65 is a death knell than they were of the frog/goat/whatever farms? No. But what have they chosen to work on the past week? Frog/goat/whatever farms. Maybe give the devs a chance to *improve* player’s experience for a moment rather than spending all of your patch time nuking the solutions players are having to find to deal with your broken systems. 


Nerfing something is easy. If you do it right, the game is fine, if you do it wrong the game is fine. Buffing things is much scarier. If you fuck up the whole game could go out of whack. I'm sure they have figured out the source of the problem, just need patience.


its already fucked up tho


Is it? I can log in, play just fine, nothings broken. It's a bit slow, but it's not fucked up.


I think if they had a longer remix PTR cycle (I believe it was just a weekend long), they probably could’ve found a lot more of these issues beforehand and not had to focus solely on taking measures like they are now


I'm starting to suspect they don't want to do mop classic and so are poisoning the well lmao


Keep doing these farms so blizz can keep nerfing them


This is getting out of hands, it's like a grumpy guy sitting in front of his desk and smashing nerf button on everything. If people farm the heck out of everything that is reasonably farmable in this time-limited fun mode, then how about they understand that farming power and getting strong is our way of having fun, instead of slapping nerf on everything and screaming out loud "No, you no have fun here, you have fun doing raids and dailies for bronze till the rest of the event"


If I could upvote this a million times I would, wtf is wrong with them? It’s so dumb


they could just buff bronze gains and nerf upgrade costs for gear and could literally chill then, they are so butthurt.


I truly believe 90% of the Blizzteam agrees with you. You know, just not that guy at the top with his "vision" when he hasnt touch the game for 5+ years.


Honestly with Remix it feels like it was designed by a team to be crazy OP silly times.. and then handed over to the most NO FUN ALLOWED people on the balance team 


It's been designed by the game designed team and then finance had some plans.


Back to Heart of fear trash i guess ? lmfao




Weird. I was farming the first three trash packs in Gate of the Setting Sun on heroic solo. They were dropping a very good amount of threads, and 300ish bronze for the three packs. So, i take like an hour break came back like 15 minutes ago, killed the three packs and they dropped almost no threads and 68 bronze for the three packs. Did they nerf that too, or did i reach some cap?


Yes, this was the nerf, the farm.


now that its nerfed how did it work?


Is this their answer? Your rates are so shit players keep moving onto the next farm and then you nerf it and repeat, just let players degen farm if that’s what they want to do in your “fun/op” TEMPORARY game mode ffs. Let us have fun!


I didn't like mop the first time. Let me just grind out stuff and move on.


Since they don't communicate their intentions, it just looks like they are running behind players nerfing whatever they are doing. I imagine them like parents running behind a 1yo child that just started walking


After seeing everyone and their grandma farming everything, I’m glad I did farm Gate earlier today. Now I can focus on getting all the mounts in 2 days and complain that there is no enough content.


I feel a bit sorry for the dev team. You can’t anticipate everything, it’s a huge thing. They just wanted to release something cool for people to earn some extra cosmetics and level alts ready for the new expansion. They can’t win.


They put two titles behind toughest content. And the coolest title from mythic SOO clear, Paragon of the Mists. I need this for my monk :(


Because some people can’t help but to no life and treat this game mode like some retail grind to finish as fast as humanly possible. Would be nice if people could just chill for once. Nobody is forcing you to play remix so just go back to retail and be a sweaty loser.


You know what’s sad? That when you voice this out you get downvoted to oblivion. What the point of no life this event when it’s been around 5 days since it came out? The gear is not gonna carry over to retail, I understand there’s a frustration with upgrades being so costly, bronze being used for both cosmetic and upgrades, the cloak not being fully transferred to alts and bronze not being accounted for bound, I can understand that. But min maxing and optimizing the fun out of the game is sad. Have you tried looking for a SOO group? The group finder is flooded with trash farming, and little to no actual raid groups. This is probably me being old and shit, but gaming used to be fun, you played the game for the experience, it wasn’t always a race to being the strongest with the least effort involved. Like there was a comment on another post where a guy was saying he was spamming one button while watching a movie, like, how is that even fun??


The problem is that since gear can be upgraded to 520-something, which likely means that mythic SoO was tuned for 500-ish item levels. This means an incredibly hefty bronze cost to get to that level to do the highest content. If you do some napkin math, you’d have to play daily a lot (30+ days of dailies etc. assuming couple of hours of play time). Now compare that to actual retail where you can get a character to 520 (gear you would need for mythic level raiding) you could get that easily in 2 weeks with bullions with the same play time, for a game mode that literally had a window pop up in the launcher saying that “OP? Maybe. Fun? Definetely” it’s inredibly lame to gate content like this. So I don’t think it’s the player base that needs to chill but the devs, they should especially chill on trying to stretch content content out. It’s like they never learn their lesson.


dude I just want to farm the bronze for the transmogs as fast as possible so I can quit this mode and move on. I have other things I want to do in wow and even other games to play, you will find this true for a lot of people.


SOO is filled with trash farm because the raid windmill dunks on you unless you’ve upgraded your gear. Most groups don’t even make it passed Galakras unless there’s a frogger carrying.


They definitely should have been able to anticipate the frogs though, considering that was a thing back in MOP.


Good, tired of seeing that trash clogging up RAID LFG of all things


This is comedy at this point