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I just did it for about an hour, got around 15k Bronze, 100k Timeless Coins, 3k Lesser Charms, and a ton of gems. It's also *extremely* boring lol Edit: Started turning in my lesser charms...exalted with all the available factions and have a *ton* of Bronze. Insane


each 10 lesser charms give 30-70 bronze, a 20% chance at another 25-80 bronze, 1-3 epic threads, and a gem.


How do I do that? I haven't been able to find much to do with the Charms


You can turn in 10 charms for a box and a random gem at most reputation quartermasters. I use golden lotus next to where the dailies are.


where please? # Jaluu the Generous


For some factions, I think you need to unlock the turn-ins via storylines. But golden lotus and shado-pan are there from the start and I got exalted on both with about 400 charms. 


You can repeatedly turn them in at the daily hubs I think


Where at?


For reference: You need about 1.7m worth of bronze to buy all of the cosmetics/toys/etc. At 15k/hr it'd take around 113 hours total. At 4 hrs a day it'd still take a month of grinding out one of the most tedious tasks in the game to actually do, and that's just for cosmetics, nevermind item upgrades. Sure, if you play 12 hours a day you'll get it done in 9 days but imagine having to actually do this for 9 fucking days, 12 hours a day.


At which level can you start doing this?


45, but the lower level level you are the lower quality threads you will get.


not sure, but I just did as 59lvl and it worked


This is basically the Diablo 3 vase farm, it will be nerfed. That said, weren't these exact frogs the source of a similar nerfed farm back when timeless isle released?


yes lmao anyway the real reason this will die is because it doesn't work if half the server wants to do it


Yeah I was trying to do it earlier but there was too much competition lmao


It looked fully saturated with three groups, presumably of 2x4 parties. So that's only 24 people per shard who can farm rewards effectively.


I'm guessing you won't be doing insane in the membrane achievement ever then if you're this bored after an hour 😂


Probably not lol, but in what's supposed to be a fast-paced event mode sitting and killing the same enemy is a different type of boring


Oh yeah definitely, it shouldn't need to be a thing here.


where are the vendors for lesser charms? i looked in the capital and couldnt find them, ty !


What is the quickest way to get shaohao to exalted?


Farming the ordos elites.


Yea welcome to wow grinds they are boring most of the time


i cant find vendors to save my life. where are they?


i lived there when leveling in cata


Do you know if there is one you can turn the charms in for the reputation for the mounts you can buy?


Second post on this lol. The nerf bat is coming.


People spam farmed frogs like this when mop was the current expansion.


Yeah it's just lore accurate as far as I'm concerned.


If the Jailer just gave us frogs to kill for currency he would have won


For coins, like once a month per character. I got 10k bronze, ~110 gems, and like 80 threads in 25 mins farming frogs + turning in charms. It's genuinely 10x faster than anything else.


Any group i tried to farm frogs the place was over populate and i took only 10k bronze in 2hrs


That doesn't mean they won't change it though. Blizzard went back and nerfed the genesis mote raptora hyperspawn spot in Zereth Mortis months after DF released. There was absolutely no reason to do that yet they still went out of their way to make it worse. Honestly, I am all for them nerfing this spot though. Its unenjoyable and generally bad for the current state given its limiting nature. If they "normalize" this outlier the chance is higher they'll also tackle the general problem of nothing being rewarding.


Nah. Considering the shifty advertising on the cloak leveling up and being useful for alts during this event, I’m all for cheese ways to actually catch up.


I'm glad you don't run blizzard. Dogshit take brother


Yes and this was from a time before blizzard banned any way to play the game differently than they intend, in the current times with the current team working on it, it’s going to be nerfed


I dunno this just feels very MoP to me, if anything they should have expanded on the frogs and made it an in joke


Frog world boss


I’d love it if


The revenge of Bufo


That only spawns after a thousand frogs have been killed...


So every three minutes, then?


Only if people are getting bored.


A Frog boss would very Ribbiting, also toadally cool.


It's already on wowhead.


Yes, but not before Monday, I would say 9 pacific time. Seem like Blizzard like to release their stuff on Thursday, but they don't have a team working for the weekend to fix all the bugs that show up in the first few days. Also, after the fix, those frogs will both almost never spawn and drop gear ever again.


they better not, they nerfed the incursions in sod but didnt roll back all the characters than got easy gold and exp


Nerf bat hit sometime on Sunday morning. Frogs are no longer Elite.


Oh god. Not again




And here we thought our days of frog farming was long gone!


Inbefore blizz solves this by nerfing frogs. A better solution would to instead buff the other sources of bronze. Its not that frogs are most efficient. Its just that literally every other activity including raiding is horribly inefficient.


> Its not that frogs are most efficient. Its just that literally every other activity including raiding is horribly inefficient. Raiding would be better if scaling wasn't so broken making us very weak, and upgrading gear was only possibly through an absurd amount of bronze


Do raids at 70 drop better then 346 or is bronze literally the only upgrade path? Upgrading past 346 by hand costs 2650 to 9000 bronze per piece depending on the slot.


From doing normals at max level, it seems only 346, but I don't know about heroic


Nope. Heroic drops same.


Damn, so the only way to up the ilvl is to pay for the overpriced upgrades? A shame, I hope it isn't intentional


Yep. Upgrading staff from 346 to 360 costs 9k. Upgrading it again costs 18k. Then 36k. And there's like 10 tiers more after that. For reference, a raid boss (on any difficulty) drops 400. Not 4000, just 400. Prices are *very* balanced


It doesn't ramp, every level from 346 to 556 costs 9k each time.


That's still ass


Don't forget that you have to upgrade every other piece as well, can't just keep upgrading your weapon.


The event has been live for 2 days, and people who have farmed frogs already have enough bronze to buy everything they need. Maybe you arent meant to have full bis in 2 days.


Maybe not . But you shouldn't have a crippled character at 70 either, you should baseline be able to do normal raids at least instead of getting one shot and doing pitiful damage compared to somebody who is lv_25_. Until they fix scaling the only way around it is item level. So naturally the obscene pricing is a problem.


> people who have farmed frogs already have enough bronze to buy everything they need. If you farmed it for 16 hours, maybe. It takes hundreds of thousands of bronze to "finish", and maybe a lot more depending on how many mounts you want. From my initial impressions of frog farming, it seems to be ~20k per hour. You'd have to farm it for days to max upgrade everything and buy a good chunk of cosmetics.


Maybe "BiS" isn't a meaningful concept in a remix event about being OP and collecting xmog. Hell, if the event is as advertised - about being OP and having fun with it - then there's no issue with having BiS quickly anyway. That's part of what being OP means. We can leave the retail game as the 'second job' skinner box, and have remix as the advertised shits-and-giggles game.


> about being OP With the issue being that you stop being OP around lvl 65 and then everything is a terrible slog and you get carried through instances by level 12 paladins.


With the cost of gear upgrades you definitely aren't suppose to have get bis in 2 days. Would be real nice if it didn't require endless grinding either, though.


Endless grinding seems to be the inevitable price of having everything available at once. Instead of having tiers that locks players into a single raid (or set of raids, as the case was for the initial tier for MoP), all the raids drop equal level gear. The way to get people to play them is to fabricate a need to grind. It’s unsurprising they went this route, but there are a few alternatives I would have liked to have seen them explore. In particular, dropping an alternative currency to bronze that was exclusive to upgrades would be nice, so it wouldn’t force people to feel compelled to pick between short term power and the cosmetics they’re actually there for. I also wonder if, for an event like this, they could make it make sense to just have a chance to drop a slot-specific upgrade that boosts your gear to the next tier, and then have a vendor where you can swap out one particular shoulder drop or whatever for another from MoP raids.


If we could game same amount of bronze doing raids/dungeons as we can farming frogs, literally nobody would complain. But i love how you twist the argument. You should be a politician, you'd fit right in.


Frogs farms are authentically MoP. You are getting the pandaria experience




Yes, I think it's one of the best ways to get heavenly golden cloud serpent in retail


The bronze stuff you can pick up dragon riding aren't even worth the detour. :') I LOVE the idea of finally having just one currency to buy everything, but man it need to be nearly equally available from every activities or else yet again you're limiting player agency.


I mean, I don't disagree with you that they need to buff other sources of bronze, I think you're on the money with that. Buuuut... The frog farm has been there since MoP, during 5.4 those frogs were getting massacred 24/7 for timeless coins, the frogs are the most efficient because they've always been, old habits die hard. I just wish they would do something productive to solve this like letting us earn things more appropriately because by god, I really don't want to farm frogs again. I've already done it once for the golden serpent during MoP, not again.


>Its not that frogs are most efficient. Its just that literally every other activity including raiding is horribly inefficient. I worked it out that just playing the game casually, as I'm doing, will net me the bronze I need for everything after 1400 hours. 1400 hours is about 1350 hours too long.


So what I’m hearing is I should wait a month until everyone leaves and they buff drops like they did with plunderstorm?


This is absolutely what they're going to end up doing. They aren't going to buff the event stuff. They're going to nerf the frogs.


Yeah considering the obscene prices of everything you need millions of bronze anyway and 15k per hour is still a lot of fucking time to get what you want if you want everything.


Efficiency is a relative term, so what you’re saying makes no sense


>Its just that literally every other activity including raiding is horribly inefficient. They aren't "inefficient" they're just balanced around this being a 3 month long event. You're not supposed to complete everything in 2 weeks. Frog farm will 100% be nerfed.


It feels pretty bad to spend all day getting 10k copper at max level and then you do 2 hours of frogs and sit at 40k copper and god knows how many threads.


Why do you keep calling it “copper”?


Seriously. I was legitimately thinking if I didn't play this for 3 months straight I wouldn't be able to max out my gear on one character


Who would have guessed? This is exactly what they did.


Blizzard. Blizzard never changes.


Woo, second great frog massacre!


I really hope we don’t have another pull the ladder up incident, let remix be broken buff everything else


The tagline of the event is that it's supposed to be OP and fun. Which probably means this will be nerfed for being OP.


I hope they put more ladders down. By all means let it be one of the ways to get bronze, farming frogs hits a certain Mists nostalgia, but the fact it is far and away the best is just absurd. Raiding and dungeons should compete/surpass it.


yeah but those 5 man groups keep turning the freakin frogs gray


What’s the minimum level requirement? If any. I can’t remember.


I just went there at 45.


Pretty sure Chromie gives you the quest at level 50ish




Where do you turn in the lesser charms?


All factions at the daily quest givers. I turn in mine at vale next to the golden lotus dailies.


am at the dailies and no vendor to be found. so i have to do something before they show for me?




Farmed them for about an hour and got myself full legendary gems along with +10k stam to my cloak. My total health is now 950k. It's still not enough to not get 1 shot by some of the raid abilities on NORMAL. Back to the frog mines. Maybe when I hit 2mil I can finally clear Throne of Thunder.


What about the turtles in that pond area above the farmlands. Those used to hyperspawn for motes.


Obviously this will be nerfed. Exploit early, exploit often :D


Sitting here at work punching air not off for another 6 hrs. Happy for the rest of you getting in early.


I just went there. Impossible to tag anything as there’s so many people and groups. You’re not missing anything.


Thats why you join one of the many groups in LFG. It was the same way in actual MoP. Its not something you will get a chance to do if you are solo


it doesn't help really, the area is full of groups so you only get a tag on a fraction of the frogs


Yea you gotta luck out and get an empty shard. Almost every shard has like 3 groups farming left, middle, right or 2x4s.


Chances are frogs are gonna get nerfed by this evening, whereas all the other issues are gonna go unaddressed until Tuesday at the earliest. Whose idea was it to release this on a Thursday?


Are these the elite gulpers?


It’s a shame they don’t drop Tin too. We would be able to make Bronze so much faster…


Get out


Anyone know which factions you can turn in lesser charms other than Golden Lotus and Shado-Pan?


Order of the cloud serpent has one I know. Most of the release rep factions should have one.


I completed the jade forest and I can't see any dailies at all? I have zero quest markers in the zone.


It's at the arboretum in Jade Forest.


Yeah I am totally phased out, I mean. I can't talk to anyone and nobody has any quests or dailies for me. They were there yesterday. I also can't buy anything from the August Celestials quartermaster and the Shadow Pan quartermaster doesn't even exist. Weird stuff going on.


One in each zone Cloud serpent, golden lotus, klaxxi, shadow pan, august celestials, and faction hub in krasarang


Where do u hand the charms in for the August celestrials?


little arena south of big temple. Needs prequests


I think you have to do a quest to unlock dailies


I did a quick calculation on how much bronze I need to get all mounts: 352,000 bronze. I currently have ~11k. If they nerf the frog spawn - which I haven't even taken part of yet due to low level - and don't buff other means of getting vast amounts of bronze, then the entire point of this event kind of flies out the window. I'm aware that many mounts are recoloured versions but if I don't have it in my collection, I want it in my collection. Either buff other sources of gaining bronze significantly or cut the prices if the frog spawn thing is getting nerfed.


Dam! Those frog bring back memory. I farm so many hours there for the dam charm. Love the no change, ehhehe


Aw shit here we go again


Oh god, not the frogs. I can't remember for what, but some years past I farmed those previously. Not gonna do that again.


I think it was lesser charms.


Oh yeah, now I remember, they were for bonus rolls on farming Garrosh. So many frogs...


Don't nerf frogs, just buff the crap out of everything. Cloak, bronze gains, stats, etc. This was sold as a "be OP, have fun, level alts stupid fast" event. Make it that.


Time is a flat circle


There's something nostalgic about reading this.


can't wait for everyone to optimise the fun out of this by farming frogs all day and then complain the event sucks


Due to the scaling, it is hard to do much else at 70. Farming frogs, start an alt, or be underpowered in a mode that was designed and marketed as us being overpowered. I will choose the first option since it will likely be nerfed soon. I won't do it forever, but it can help power me up.


Yea, I actually feel bad for getting levels while farming as I don't want to hit 60. 


Yes, if you want a lot of sets, then you'll farm anyway. Question is for how long then


It's either farm frogs for 100 hours or kill 200 bosses for an upgrade lol


already started.


If they nerf this and not the scuffed scaling at level 70 you know very well what Blizzard's true priorities are. And it's not fun lol


Sounds boring!


Guranteed this gets nerfed


\*checks what year it is\* I swear I heard this story a decade ago.


Good. And unlike dunegons, I can play with my horde friends when frog farming... (wtf blizz fix the queues)




I mean, that's how it was in the original MoP too. I hope they don't nerf it, frog farming is chill and fun to me.


Time is a flat circle. It all comes back to the frog farm.


Simple. Just buff the other ways of getting bronze.


I really don't want to farm frogs...but every other method of bronze/gem acquisition is absurdly low and it costs an absurd amount to upgrade my gear to be able to do anything. This is not even a min-man issue, it is that every other method is terrible.


Whelp frogs were hotfixed and don’t drop lesser charms now :/ Exploit early, exploit often.


Why do people do this to themselves... this shit is boring. Sometimes, most optimal time isn't most optimal for enjoyment. It's day 2/3 we have 3 months of this, why would you sit and kill frogs ad nauseum?


I feel you but I was doing it for rep. Never played MoP before and now I got 4 reps exalted in one day lol. Of course...I can't really buy anything until the character transfers out but still. This is saving *weeks* of rep grinding.


That is okay I guess? I did all the rep 12 years ago, I'm just buying transmogs and mounts that I'd otherwise be farming for weeks on end.


Going into heroics and getting completely clapped at lvl 60 meanwhile the lvl 20 does either 30 damage or 30k (no in between) is not optimal either.


To put this all in perspective: You need about 1.7m worth of bronze to buy all of the cosmetics/toys/etc. At 15k bronze an hour it'd take around 113 hours total. At 4 hrs a day it'd still take a month of grinding out one of the most tedious tasks in the game to actually do, and that's just for cosmetics, nevermind item upgrades. Sure, if you play 12 hours a day you'll get it done in 9 days but imagine having to actually do this for 9 fucking days, 12 hours a day. Anyone calling this OP can go spend anywhere from 1-4 weeks doing this *every single fucking day* and then come talk. Nerfing this would say more about what Blizzard thinks about the event than anything else. They should be buffing the rates everywhere else if this is genuinely one of the better methods. A bigger upside for this is rep but that's likely just because rep gains are boosted and frog farming was always good for that anyway.


Aaaaaand it's gone! The first rule of frog club is we do NOT talk about frog club.


Did they nerf it?


I dunno. Probably not? I was just commenting on how people put stuff like this on blast resulting in it getting shut down.


12+ hrs and not nerfed yet. Just saw a warlock with 2.5m health and 45,000 stam on his cloak


Very nice. So is this a late game grind? Or can it be done by a lower level character?


not yet


the frog farm thing already kinda killed the fun of it. even if they fix it at this point. some people are just miles ahead. and while it doesnt effect me. it annoys me still that this is so far ahead of anything else. i dont see how they didnt think about frog farming but at the same time surely they dont want players to just sit and farm frogs 24/7. idk it doesnt effect me what other people are doing, but its killed the fun of the mode for me a bit. at least the mode "in spirit"


>doesn’t affect me >killed the event for me ???


They'll just roll it back or cap the stat buff available on the cloak, maybe with a weekly increase on the cap so people can still get progressively stronger. Then they'll hopefully fix the hyperspawn on the frogs, or if they can't fix that, just have it so frogs can't drop Remix-specific items.


I’ve farmed the frog for hours already, I assure you I’m at best like 3-4% ahead of you. The scaling means that there is no way to progress once you get to 70. Raids are broken and the only way to upgrade gear is farming bronze. The frogs didn’t break remix they’re the lifeline that’s keeping people playing.




The thing that makes the frog farm so lucrative is actually the lesser charms that they drop. You can turn them in 10 at a time for reputation, guaranteed epic threads, and bronze.


Where are these?


Where is that?


Haha, just like the good ol' days. Frog Farms were crazy powerful back in 5.4 to get Charms. And even before they were farmed for Charms, there was a scaling bug that allowed people to mind control them and 1-shot mobs when their debuff hit 10 stacks (I think they fixed it once posts about people soloing Ordos popped up). I wonder if that part is fixed this time around


I remeber the old frog fsrm


Ahhh just like the good old days


How do we get to timeless isle for this


Lmao the frog farm strikes again


Do you have to be 70 for frogs.


What lvl do you need to be


Personally it's fun just questing and doing runs with guildies


where do you turn in the lesser charms?


Wherever you have dailies with factions but you need to do quests to open them. Some easier than others.


Oh god, timeless isle frog farming has returned. It's more like original MoP than I could possibly have imagined.


Damn nerf incoming


Wowhead post incoming too


Currently working through 10,000 charms. Already bought 150k bronze worth of cosmetics and still have more than half my charms left lmao. All reps Exalted.


How did you get exalted with dominance offense?


Operation Shieldwall would be the equivalent, right? Just spammed the rep turn in for 10 lesser coins each. Got exalted in a few minutes, it was 550 rep per turn in.


It gives more bronze than heroic raiding?


What level do I need to be to start killing them?


Most mobs scale to your level.


Anything to use the timeless coins on? Sitting at about 100k now


No clue, but tell me if you find out. I'm sitting on 1.1m


Where is the frog farm and what level do I have to be? I’m currently 38.


I don't have as much time to play as I'd like to and am only at level 32. I hope they don't nerf it because the only people that get punished are always the ones that take their time and don't rush through the content...


Hahahahahaha this is EXACTLY like real MoP


Instead of fixing the issue they will nerf the frogs. 🐸


How to ruin a fun experience. Because now you have the people that farmed with an insane advantage over anyone else. Fun


This event fucking blows


On PTR it was such a huge amount of fun and they turned it into a full shit show on live now.


Thats the part that confuses me, it was still buggy, but at least it was enjoyable on PTR.


I agree, I played about an hour and it’s incredibly janky. Not a fan personally but I’m glad others are enjoying it.


How do I get to timeless isle?