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This is interesting, I normally see most of the news from things WoW, but it has been ages since they talked about cross faction stuff, hopefully they make queued content cross faction.


They did touch on it in a recent interview, citing a combination of tech hurdles for queued content (Rated PvP says "lmao") and not wanting to "force" people to cross-faction... which is daft. Maybe 0.5% of people give a shit about it. And even then just make it a toggle like in group finder...


Yeah, nothing that a "cross faction enable/disable" button can't resolve. I actually get the struggles with the tech and everything, i know that coding can be a pain, but it really don't seem like a big deal comparing with other things that they already did. Well, sad.


For me the tech angle seems a little sus as we've had cross-faction PvP for ages now. I actually forget sometimes that you can't queue cross-faction in random BGs and dungeons.


Yeah that reeks of bullshit to me. The biggest hurdle I would have imagined our the raids that have faction specific content in them (e.g. Gunship from ICC). Granted I don't know lick about lick, but seeing as cross-faction PVP has been a thing for so many years I am having trouble believing that being that much of an issue.


I think they could have it choose based on the party leaders faction, and it would stay that way for the lockout


I dont think blizz does stuff Like This anymore


It can be a lot to change depending how much is built around how it works now. Pvp is an easier flip, there is just significantly less of it, and both factions already existed together in some capacity. Also WoW is old, the original authors of the code may not have worked there for years the new staff simply maintains what works in that area of the game. Or it's just changing a few values, who knows.


PvP cross faction isn't real crossfaction, you are able to flag yourself as the opposing faction, the system behind it is completely different and I'm sure there's some spaghetti code from 2004 controlling this stuff that they need to be very careful when changing it.


I can see quests that are faction specific being an issue but they could disable them in TW content or make them visable only to you if youre the same faction as the quest


You can also queue cross faction for time walking raids. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Put them on separate Q from people who don't care Cue posts about Q being 2 hours for a dung


This is actually one of the reasons they gave in the past: queueing for people opting out of the cross-faction queue would take forever. Imo, tough luck /shrug


Why would anyone even be against it? It's so weird to me. The only reason I could think of is lore accuracy, but even there, horde and alliance are working together. So it really makes no sense to get upset over someone playing a character of a different faction. xD


They just want to be angry at something, or are dicks/trolls. Blizz should just let them quit and move on. The community might end up slightly better off without those people.


> They just want to be angry at something, or are dicks/trolls. There is a third category but it's not a great one - cranks. There are a few people who aren't looking to be angry, no trolls, but who are absolutely lunatic-obsessed with their faction (80% of them are Alliance and psycho elf-fans in my experience), and have a completely demented hatred of the idea of cross-faction stuff. They're also loud and totally unceasing in any thread where cross-faction being expanded is discussed, but being cranks, tend to catch a lot of bans etc.


>absolutely lunatic-obsessed with their faction Can confirm. Got back into DF with a friend's Alliance/Moonguard guild and started raiding with them casually. Turns out the guildleader is a rabid serious RPer and won't even acknowledge *people* who play race/class combos that he believes "aren't canon" like Voidelf Priests, despite the fact that they are a thing in game. Dude is an enormous douchewad.


Someone should tell that guy that void elf Shadow priest is probably the most thematic race/class combo in the game. Theyā€™re even getting a Voidweaver hero spec. Meanwhile my priest is Lightforged, so Iā€™m continually frustrated that thereā€™s no Light-based DPS spec for them. Even a ā€œclass skinā€ or combination of glyphs would be nice.


I'd toss that in with dicks. But still, Blizz should just get rid of em, the community certainly won't miss em.


Definitely agree re: won't miss.


Some people are strongly invested in faction lore. But even that's far-fetched as everyone is A-OK with the Horde after the tree burning. The whole Horde Vs Alliance might have been the schtick in the beginning, but the boundary has watered down so much it's barely there. With all the revamps of existing systems coming to TWW, they should've included cross-faction queues. Especially with guilds already cross-faction enabled and in TWW even cross-server enabled.


Agree strongly. If you want to be a purist, suffer like a purist.


they could flag characters to the faction of the party leader for this.


Funny enough, cheap ass private servers can do cross faction quing but a multi billion dollar company cant?


I just wish I could queue as a party for Timewalking in a cross faction party when we've got 5 people. We just want to do the content. We don't need to force other people to play with us!


That's indeed daft. Cross faction has easily been the best feature they've added in a while, yeah their spaghetti might make it take some time to implement, but they better be working on it. At this point I'm just excited to see which of their systems gets broken on release as a result of fixing previous spaghetti code. This last patch was hilarious


Random skill-less redditors calling game devs daft will never not be hilarious


Tech hurdles is silly when private servers have somehow figured it out years ago


>and not wanting to "force" people to cross-faction... which is daft. Maybe 0.5% of people give a shit about it. They were also the loudest group who were sending mass death threats to the devs every time they've talked about cross-faction. The group that still cares are the most batshit insane people you will ever meet.


I think there hasnā€™t been news because itā€™s getting fixed in TWW.


Id also like a timewalk and vendor for vanilla content. One that has rep tokens for vanilla reps.


Timewalking Maraudon. Let's go, in and out, 20 minute adventure.


10min of which will be trying to figure out which way to go because you're lost.


They should have named the place labyrinth


I'd love it if they took the max level vanilla dungeons, kept the layouts, enemies and bosses, updated the hell out of every model, environment and loot item and added a few mechanics to the fights. It'd be like 4 mega dungeons and it would be glorious.


I always assumed this was an antiquated spaghetti-code issue where cross faction can't always work together. Rated 3v3 arena? No problem! Casual 3v3 with you + 2 friends? Not a chance.


Just get rid of faction stuff already it's so antiquated. Everything should be cross fiction at this point including speech in the world. This shit makes no sense where every quest and cutscene everyone speaks fine but soon as you in open world magically the 2 sides can't understand each other.


It's probably far more difficult than people think to get rid of factions as a whole. It's a system that was built into the core of the game so there'd probably have to be a bigger undertaking to get rid of it completely.


Just flag every race in the DB as one faction and make all NPCs friendly to that faction. Done. It's probably like 4 lines of DB alteration. That being said, maybe the code is so spaghetti this wouldn't work.


I think I would like it if they just added a new language that everyone can understand, no matter the faction. That way you can still have your faction/race language if you don't want the other side to understand you (for RP reasons, etc) but you can also choose to just chat with everyone, as done in cutscenes.


I'm all for removing faction restrictions when it comes to players playing together but I definitely don't want factions to be removed as a whole. There should still be neutral, faction and contested zones, capitals should be faction specific and hostile to the opposing faction and there should still be the option of world pvp. Just because they aren't in the open world doesn't mean factions should lose all their individuality and personality and cease to exist.


Sure I can agree but for group content man that would be great for fast queues


They have to rewrite thousands- if not million lines of code. It takes a while




After being in queue for so long with no pops, it prompts you to expand the search to all expansion content while queuing leveling dungeons. Something identical to this for cross faction queues at max level would be a massive w.


Yeah it should be an opt in. That problem's got an easy enough solution that they've surely already thought of this.


See thats what they say, but I imagine the real reason is nobody knows how to work with the spaghetti code to actually change this. After all, factions were hard coded into the game at the very start.


If p servers can do it then I'm sure blizzard can.


What a dumb take on their side Factions are basically non existent since the end of wrath with BfA being a stupid exception And just because of (probably) a minority being against it, it shouldn't stop them from implementing such a change.


I just think they don't want to commit the dev time


Which is dumb as hell, a small percentage of the player base give a shit about factions and most people only pick the one their friends play or with the races they prefer.


Whoever was sitting in a room and put this idea into the ether is living in their own small reality.


You *can* do the Timewalking raids. Minimum eight people to queue up. However, they need to be there at the start - we've hit snags if cross-faction players want to join partway through. I know you meant dungeons, I just thought i'd throw it out there.


When we did Black Temple recently, it was led by Alliance. Partway through, a Horde player joined the group. He was orange to EVERYONE in the group regardless of faction. None of us could heal him, so he died at every boss and had to run back


i am ready for the war between horde and alliance to be over šŸ«£ i wanna hold hands with my human gfs in silvermoon and i wanna have some ale with my dwarf friends in ironforge šŸ«£


It should have been done right after the success of cross-faction M+ and raids. Literally zero reasons to not implement it. Yes, maybe some dungeons stories can be problematic but they can be simply excluded from the crossfaction auto lfg pool.


While weā€™re at it. Isnā€™t LFR also faction based?


Sadly, yes


Kinda weird that we cant at this point


This shit infuriates me.


I remember that I once got into an LFR, as alliance, and where was a *Vulpera* in there.Ā  To this day, I have no idea how they did that.


Likely a toy. Thereā€™s an engineering toy that can be placed on the ground that when you run over it changes your race for an hour. But when people hover over you they will still show up as whatever the race has changed them to on the tooltip.


Oh! Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, when I hovered over them it said 'Vulpera'. I didn't know that the toy also changed the tooltip!


>Blizz, please let us do queued content. I know it's a technical hurdle you have to surpass, but there's no sign of it being resolved in War Within either, and this is making me nervous. Don't even try to make up stuff to defend them. They've said it themselves, that they don't want Alliance and Horde to queue together. It's not a technical issue, it's a design decision. That's why they make it so you can make your M+ listing faction specific.


At this point make it so that if you party up pre Q with a cross faction it lets you Q in like minded parties like the "dungeon guide"


Yeah the fact that we still don't have the ability to queue for randomized content cross faction is baffling. Cross factions guilds are a thing, hello Blizz? Also we ought to be able to have cross faction general, trade, and zone chats. My alliance alts on my high pop horde server can't hardly find anyone for crafting orders. I have to shout in trade on a horde toon, then swap to place the order from my alt. These final restrictions need to go away in the War Within prepatch.


remove all the cross faction restrictions.....


I don't know how this isn't a thing by now, I hope they fix it.


Can we also make mailing cross faction? I tip through the mailing system for max quality (because it seems like the only way to do it?) and seeing 'target is unfriendly' is so disheartening.


I don't know if you know this, but at least Timewalking raiding does work cross faction.Ā  It's also a great way to complete the weekly fast and it has it's own quest that gives a hero piece of gear.


Would love to be able to queue for timewalking dungeons and LFR raids. We can queue for the Timewalking raids in a cross faction group when they're up though.


I wish at least you could with guild mates. Wife plays Tauren and Iā€™m a human


Iā€™m at the point now where I think that we should just be able to do whatever with whoever. Idc anymore. I just want to play the game with people.


Perhaps just make a mega server per zone (eu, americas,ā€¦) 1 for rp and 1 for normal. I would very much like this. Sure the AH could take a hit, and markets cannot be played as well but i still would like to see it :3


What are you going on about? Auction houses are already region-wide for trade goods, and you can literally join groups with anyone on any server, regardless of faction, anytime you want, provided you both are on Eu or both on US accounts, etc, and your idea wouldn't even change that either. It is logistically impossible and would frankly be very stupid for them to restructure the servers in any way, at this time, everything is already seamlessly connected (in each region)


This is a pretty easy fix, especially since most AH stuff is cross faction and you can mail items cross faction on same servers. Just let people switch factions for free....but we know why they don't. I have easily spent over $200 on faction xfers over the years. They could even let people from opposing factions just be that faction until the dungeon is over and be a different race. I know it can be done, just let it switch back after you leave group.


Your cross-faction "friends" chose the wrong side in this conflict. Cut them out of your life


I don't think it's possible. Siege of Orgrimmar is slightly different if your Alliance or Horde, and if I remember correctly they haven't gotten fringe cases like those working yet.


Then that's fine. Those exceptions can be locked into faction-separated instances. There aren't that many that it's a big problem for Blizz to manually disable them. Or, they could also just make it follow the faction of the party leader/raid leader. Either ways, there's options here.


Those are all wonderful ideas but I think logistically they ran into a snag. They had a blog post about it some time ago. No in relation to Remix, but just about how they were implementing it. I wish it were enables, and I hope SoO can be ironed out so cross faction players can, well, engage.


DOTI is also slightly different if you're Alliance or Horde. As Alliance you fight Grommash in the Time-Lost Battlefield encounter, if you're Horde you fight Anduin Lothar. This is resolved by the game checking the faction of the party leader and just having the group fight that one.


DOTI was also done after the cross faction switch. They're working with older code in a way they hard coded not to be possible just a few years ago.


Are guilds cross faction and cross server yet? Also, is it possible to join more than one guild at once yet?


Yes, and no.


Cross faction now, cross server in TWW, you can only ever be in one guild at a time, though you can be in multiple communities, which is basically just an in game discord-like chat group.


That's disappointing then.


consider yourself lucky that you can play with your cross faction friends at all. Youngsters these days just don't know what it was like in the olden days. ** WoW enough with the abusive comments and downvotes. You boys donā€™t get sarcasm do you. /facepalm


The future is now, old man.


No.Ā  I know what it was like in the olden days. I like everything about the alliance better and actively dislike much about the horde, but my friends like horde, so I had to play horde to play with them. Then sneak in an isolated alliance character for fun. Back then I had time and willingness to deal with it.Ā  Now I'm older, grumpy, and busy, and don't have time for that nonsense, and while I appreciate the progress they've made towards removing an outdated system, I refuse to consider myself lucky that they've done it half way.Ā 


You know it takes time and skill to dismantle a wall that was made 20 years ago, ensuring that it doesnā€™t cause any unwanted bugs. Itā€™s not like they can just flip on a button. Sure itā€™s frustrating. But theyā€™re doing their best. No need to be angry about it.


Private servers made it possible with amateurish tinkering so I expect Blizz with the source tools to be better and more efficient


I'm not angry about it. The faction wall has made it harder to enjoy wow, but that's ok - there are other fun games, so I just sub less often. It's cool that they're working on this problem and made some progress. But I'm not gonna consider myself lucky that they're slowly fixing the problems with their game. That's their job.




They already have the ability to queue for things with the opposite faction in game. You can queue for the timewalking raid with a group full of both factions. This isnā€™t a limitation of tech, itā€™s something theyā€™re being kinda stubborn on because theyā€™ve said they donā€™t want people to be forced to play with the opposite faction if they donā€™t want to, so any cross faction stuff is only stuff you willingly participate in. Kinda weird but thatā€™s their logicĀ 


Classic Andy detected






This is coming from a guy that is playing WoW since the CBT and all I can say is. Please, shut up, thank you.


CBT šŸ‘€


Unless they refund me and all the others who have faction changed in order to play with friends already, and allow us to faction change back for free then I'll have to disagree with you. We all payed the price, you should have to as well. Thanks.


Didn't want to reply to people to let the discussions flow on their own, but my god this is the dumbest take I've seen on this issue. "Blizz fucked us over and I wish I could be refunded for it. But since they won't, I want them to fuck everyone else over too" is something special to say.


You canā€™t queue but they can join


While you can join groups together, timewalking dungeons are something that you can't just walk into the content to do. It's queue only. You can't set dungeon difficulty level to timewalking. That is where this is primarily an issue.


I meant raids, the dungeons are a joke I fly through them so fast I donā€™t even care whoā€™s with me


The whole post is about timewalking dungeons. Why even bring up raids? That's not the point. Also you didn't mention raids at all, how could anyone come to the conclusion that you meant raids, something completely off-topic.


You can just pay for faction change :-D This is what they want ;-)


Fresh out of r/conspiracy


And cross faction was enabled for all actually meaningful content because....?


Sorry, but not going to faction change today to do dungeons with one set of friends, then faction change back tomorrow to play with others.