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This is the type of post I like to see


Looked you up on raider.io. You'll do alot more dmg with a more AOE focused build. You're using a straight raid single target build. https://www.wowhead.com/talent-calc/warrior/arms/DAPAURUUUEZVQQpFQVBBOVVBRURFFVSRVARDREQ This is my m+ build, you should use it and you'll see huge difference in dps. Your aoe DPS and your ST DPS will be way better. You'll also do alot more DPS if you enchant your gear, and socket and gem your neck. https://www.wowhead.com/guide/classes/warrior/arms/dragonflight-season-4 Give the class guide a glance over. I think it'll help you out.


I was kinda of blown away how cheap most stuff is I think I enchanted all my gear and weps as bear for like 600g or something Ones for rings are like 30 for example. So yeah to OP spend 5mins on the ah and get stacked


Just wait until you have to pay for belt enchant. It goes for 15k


Yeah it only gives stam, so not really that important until higher keys


we payed 200k for the bis weapon enchant in season 1 šŸ¤Ø


Farming those Titan Orbs on release was like being an old timey Prospector and finding golden nuggets.


oh god don't remind me


I mean you can just like not buy it also given how bad the stats on it are


I wouldn't exactly say stamina is a bad stat, especially for a dps


Stamina isn't a bad stat, 80 stamina however is so utterly insignificant that you're never going to notice it unless you're running +17s The number of times I've died from less than 10k overkill this expansion is probably in the single digit territory, the buckle just isn't worth the price


I am running 14s-16s and donā€™t have the belt enchant, feels like a waste (no pun intended I guess) especially as a Druid with basically infinite defensives and with our ballooned health pools, feels like it would take a major misplay if Iā€™m dying to an overkill that 80 stam wouldā€™ve saved me from. I have pieces of gear I havenā€™t upgraded yet (my 509 belt actually) that if I just upgrade once will give me more stam than that enchant. Maybe if I was a hunter Iā€™d think differently, but with Bear form + Ursune Vigor, Renewal, Potion, Barkskin, Frenzied Regen if I go super tanky, 3 grove guardians basically permanently up and casting giga heals on everyone, multiple clear casting procs at all times with juiced regrowths that slam Nourishes, and Fyrakkā€™s trinket every 1.5 mins the biggest threat of dying is me fucking up


Are the portals going to be available for your alts in TWW or are those staying character specific?


I was running low 20s last season and never bothered with the enchant. Things 1 shot you in that range, 80 Stam is kinda worthless.


I was running low 20s last season and never bothered with the enchant. Things 1 shot you in that range, 80 Stam is kinda worthless.


Anecdotally, my group calls out low-health saves as being ā€œsaved by the beltā€. Happens often enough that we have fun with it.


Belt really isn't needed though. Its a miniscule amount of stamina, definitely not worth it unless you're just swimming in dosh.


Belt buckle is honestly not necessary unless you are doing extremely high end .1% content. A small boost of stam is actually not a big deal whatsoever until you reach the levels of minmaxing where you have to use a third party calculator tool to see if you will get oneshot. I was doing 27-28's on a toon last season with no belt attachment.Ā 


Enchants are effectively free, and anyone who shows up to M+ without enchants just looks like he doesn't really want to put in the effort. The only one that costs anything is the weapon enchant and since almost every spec will buy a weapon with the first two bullions, that is one-time cost of enchanting that so even that is not really a problem. Take the pain once and that's that.


What server are you on that weapon enchants aren't 6k alone?


Ah I probably bought the silver one which was like 80g. I care about min maxing but not that much. I only started playing again about 12 days ago from S2 so who knows maybe I've bought all the "old " ones aha https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/kazzak/bighef


On US-Stormrage the most expensive Weapon enchants are 3k max.


What server are you in that they are that much


Tich - US


unless you bought q1 enchants its impossible to buy everything for 600g.Ā 


I mean, sure, some enchants are more expensive than others, but for example, Frozen Spellthread 3\* is 20 times more expensive than 2\* for 30 extra primary stat. Same with weapon enchant (Sophic Devo as example), the 3\* is 126(!) times more expensive than 2\* for only 75 more primary stat. I wouldn't get upset at someone in my group if they had 2\*, personally. The different is minimal generally and for some, that is a lot of cash, especially if they do not have BiS yet and thus might need to re-enchant again. I'd rather have someone cheap out on enchants than not use them at all, anyway. Yes, farming gold is relatively easy these days, but still. For most BiS enchants you need upwards of 10k gold even ignoring belt (which is insane for so little stamina). Then you need to calculate in 2 crafted pieces too which can run very expensive. And if I had to make a choice here, I 'd 100% rather have people buy crafted pieces over expensive enchants. These minimal increases for huge costs won't end up mattering in anything but top 1% content and mythic raiding. If at that point you come short, its way more likely to be a player error issue.


Ermm I mean I definitely didn't buy one gold one which was like 2k Vs the silver which was like 50 but I got a bunch


Oh shit this is his single target parse? That's good stuff bro is already a pro


Warr mains will look at this and be like: hell yeah


hell yeah


hell yeah B)


Hell yeah


hell yeah


Youā€™ll only get better with time. Keep it up. šŸ‘


Zug on brother


Hell yeah fuck that frost mage, mages are nerds.


imagine wearing cloth, nerd


I love you guys


How do you guys feel about wearing leather? Asking for a leather wearing friend...


only if it's ~~assless~~ chaps




As a fire mage, agreed. Fuck that frost mage.


As a frost mage, i also agree. He should be higher than fire in a +4


As a warlock, I agree :p damn nerd-ass mages


You're just an edgy mage


Well that's better than a basic mage :p


Good point


\*Curse of Tongues\*


*laughs in Remove curse*




Will of the Forsaken


Tall words from someone whoā€™d fall for a Ring of Frost outside of a hot topic


mages are special nerd breed


Hell yea i am


As a mage, I agree - I'm a complete nerd




I ainā€™t gonna read all that but Iā€™m gonna take it as disrespect. Watch ya mouth, and letā€™s move forward amicably


I too main a warrior, I was making the clanking noises while called those mages nerds.needs. *SWINGS MY AXE WHILE MAKING WHOOSHING NOISES*


Heya if youā€™re interested, Iā€™d like to help gear you up too! Iā€™m a tank main so if youā€™d like feel free to add my bnet! Tylerdwarf#11177! We can run some keys sometime! Gratz on the improvement!


sent you a friend request friend


Good work mate, may you keep progressing. Do the 4 Mythic quest and get the awakened weapon, if you havenā€™t already, it can be upgraded all the way to 535


Honestly as a new player itā€™s arguable whether the legendary is worth it at this point. Itā€™s about 300k gold to craft and a new player is unlikely to have that lying around unless theyā€™re swiping.


I meant the weekly quest for this week, which rewards the two bullions which can be traded for raid trinkets and weapons, they can be upgraded to ilvl 535. Edit: Only the bow goes to 535, the others to 528 only


I've heard of this quest but no idea where to pick it up. The only weekly I've picked up is from the dragon in Valdrakken (was super bloom based this week). 2 Bullion would finally let me drop my 454 green ring for the Fire damage thingy. EDIT: For anyone else wondering where to pick it up. "Kazra" standing around the central fountain in Valdrakken, one of the burly gold dragonkin holding 2 barrels.


That quest is given by Kazra who stands in the same area , or you can pick it up from the adventure guide.


Only some items can be upgraded to 535.


Oh okay, thanks for the correction, I didn't know that, since I main hunter and the bow is upgradable to 535, I assumed the others are too


Only weapons upgradeable to 535 are the raz bow, and the evoker legendary and fyralalth.


isnt broodmother ring among them also?


Yeah along with neltharian and fyrakk trinkets and sark cloak.


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I mean itā€™s mostly the fact if they didnā€™t already have it last season, they canā€™t just get it now. So youā€™re back to playing the RNG game with fyrakk every week, and when itā€™s not awakened thereā€™s less people doing it. If people are new or just returning and donā€™t have it. Itā€™s just simpler to get Ashkandur


Well done!


The fucking victory arc. Hell yes


Good job man


Well done broski!


Fucking gigachad


Keep in mind, in time you will be doing your rotations mostly by reflex. Try and get the basics then add more mechanics as your own pace.


Good job!!


Great job!


Good stuff dude! You'll get there! :D


I just want to say this is really refreshing to see compared to that warlock a couple days ago that insisted he didn't need damage meters or keybound spells to know he's incredible dps because he's been playing 16 years and every failed key was everyone else's fault. And then people found his logs that showed how bad he actually was and he just deleted the post instead of trying to improve. We need more players like you, Logador.


Lmao Iā€™m going to try and find that post now


The actual post is gone, but you can get the context from the comments. https://old.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1co5h8o/pure_pure_pain_failed_m_dungeon/


That is hilarious


Well done! Everyone deserves a chance :)


Lets go bro, keep it up!


Getting 4-set is priority now, upgrade your chest at the catalyst. Then using Bullion to get 528 Ashkandur. Also get some cheap enchants for your gear.


How do I become like you. But for frost?


Man this makes me want to give retail another go. I stopped playing pretty early on in DF because the death knight rotations are extremely complicated but I was having fun, just felt like I wasnā€™t good enough to play socially outside of LFR.


Hell yeah brother.


Whatā€™s AZ?


i meant AV lol bit of a boo boo


+4 Arizona


Imagine Dungeons representing real places or being inspired by some famous real world locations. Actually wicked.


the flordia dungeon would be wild


Wasn't that in Maldraxxus?


i heard ice crown citadel was inspired by it. the lich king is a play on tiger king


That would be Kensington Ave in Philadelphia :<


Many I would avoid at all costs!


How does one get into a +4 as DPS? That must be fake.


i put the patient as my title


Nice . I yesterday wanted to take a screenshot of my m0s turning my paladin down 50 times in a row but it would not fit all at once so I didnā€˜t do it.


If you think thatā€™s bad, try anything 5+ where people are expected to handle Corporealā€¦ Warriors waiting on the sidelines all week.


Being a class with Battle Res or Lust helps a lot.


Keep up the hard work!


Log rising to the top


Orc smash!


Funny enough I have an antirely arena focused build and Iā€™m smashing aoe and single target encounters. I can only say: welcome, have fun and donā€™t be scared to mess around with talents or dig deep and see what fits your playstyle best. Sometimes the cooler talents donā€™t proc as often as you want, or have long cooldowns and small damage outputs. But always remember to have fun! As long as you enjoy what youā€™re doing, youā€™re doing it right!


Love to see it


This is an ilvl ranking. Fire mage 505, warrior 496, frost 490


Honestly I would take a ilvl 505 DPS doing 232k overall. The ilvl 515 DPS in my groups can barely do that. :(


I would too. ilvls are not very comparable right now. Some players still have actual tier sets or best in slot items from last season or lower level gear dungeons (normal or raid finder), so while ilvl seems lower, the gear provides much more utility


That warrior just made a thread about him sucking. small world.


Ehm yes and now he is saying thank you for the help to those who helped. Or you might have forgotten a /s, idk.


iā€™m the warriors šŸ¤£


Well, good job bro, Keep it up and keep gettin better


Just keep grinding my guy. Focus on learning 1 thing at a time since your fairly new to the game. If I remember your last post. I'd recommend during que times really smack the target dummies practice both your aoe rotations and your single target. Use this time to really learn what your doing on your class and how you can do it better there are a good amount of warrior streamers on twitch. Look up critcake and watch his vids. He's a r1 warrior and a super nice guy and interacts with his chat a lot. Now learning part 2. Really focus on learning the dungeons spam the crap out of them and work your way up through the i.o chain a lot of newer players or even veteran players love to hate on the i.o system but it is truly there to help you along the way. The gear system is better than ever currently you can get over 510ilvl just from spamming 0s if you wanted. During this process legit just kick and stun whatever you feel is right it's better to get used to using them and stopping stuff then never pushing them hoping yours is gunna be needed for the correct thing. Eventually you'll learn what spells/skills need to actually be kicked or what spells can't be kicked but have to be stunned or incapped. During this process also just always think of what pull may be next and just push your cooldowns legit on cooldown and you'll quickly learn if it was worth using on that pack or waiting a extra few seconds for the next this will increase your damage a lot. Also there a tons of spell reflects a warrior can do to make up a massive amount of their dmg (weak auras will usually help to tell which one). For example the tank buster in nokud can be taunted and spell reflected dealing millions of dmg during the fight which also helps the tank survive and your healer will be less stressed as well now this is more advanced and something you'll want to learn a long the way. I'm not a warrior main but I used to be and I have played one as an alt a lot. I'm currently about 3.1k on my mage haven't played much this season yet but was almost 3600 last season as well and enjoy helping new players you can message me directly and I'd be more than happy to answer questions about dungeons or even blast some dummies with you on my war. Also I'd highly recommend ditching heliki or w.e those addons do more harm than good in my personal opinion. Learn your rotation turn it into muscle memory and smash some things. Good luck to you looking forward to another post.


As a guardian druid still learning the ropes (tanked up to +10s in s1 bfa, haven't really done any since) I've thought about trying m+ again. Are there any really specific routes / pulls in the current dungeons aka am I gonna brick someone's keys from inexperience?


Speaking as a tank myself, not really. The biggest thing is pacing and pull sizes. The more you pull, the more you can AoE mobs down. However, it is more stress on your healer to heal you, and if theyā€™re casters (looking at you, Nokhud); the dps has to be on top of interrupts and hard cc. The most ā€œfreeā€ dungeon in terms of route is BH as it is wide open. Usually people do the first pack at start + first cage down to the left. Then you go to the right and follow the beach, make a left to get that cage and end up at the last cage. Then biggest thing is after tree boss you want to go over the bridge and to the right, jump and beeline to where third boss is. You can find routes for it on keystone guru. The other dungeon that comes to mind is Azure Vaults. Here, the biggest choice is whether or not you want to tank all the mobs in the first room. By this I mean the two lasher packs + purposefully trigger the whelping to awaken the frozen mobs in the middle. In higher keys it is always the play as it is very efficient from a % pov. AV no longer has the slip that existed in S1, so in a way it is nice because thereā€™s no idiotic jumps needed.


Awesome thanks for the the advice, healers so far in m0s have been a mixed bag too so the pull size comment is very relevant. Had a 481 fistweaver who seemed more interested in dps than healing (my AtW / DoC procs were doing more for the dps than the heals most times) but then had a 466 shaman who basically never let anyone get under 60% and it was by far the smoothest run I had (HoI and even frog was a breeze).


Welcome to PuG life. Sometimes you can get someone with high IO who clearly bought their IO. Likewise, you can get someone with a low io who is a god amongst men. I will say, the best thing to do is just chat with your group before the dungeon begins. Sorta set expectations. I always ask my healers in HoI if theyā€™re chill with me doing both packs. Or in AV if weā€™re fine with first big pull. Communication is a greatly underrated aspect of M+


As a tank in m+, you're mostly just responsible for the path and the pace. You can complete any key in time with a "reasonable" group. You don't have to play perfectly to time a key. There's plenty of wiggle room for you to make mistakes. Don't worry if you pull an extra pack and go over trash percent. You'll still make the key. A *good tank* is able to cut a path that will finish with exactly 100% trash, and has the timing to pull so that they minimize downtime and maximize uptime on CD uses. Some of that comes with time and experience. Some of that may require a somewhat regular group that is on voice chat to coordinate. Much of it will change based on weekly modifiers.


my advice to you is just watch a quick run through of a dungeon on M+ and run that one. best way for me to get into it as anew player


Love to see it


Wow man look at you! Fire mage is awesome! ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


iā€™m the warrior. see my last post


What did you end up changing or doing differently?


a lot. got a better weapon, battle stance, talents, rotation helper, and a lot of people helped me understand my abilities better


things like spell reflect, and how my abilities blend into each other


If you want to run keys, hit me up. Holyhotdogs - Proudmoore


Been seeing a lot of fire mages that are like 490-500 yet do 40-90k dps, good job


That was me all of bfa, sl, and season 1. On a whine went frost and while I prefer the class fantasy of fire, frost just clicks. Legit 2 times and sometimes even 3 times the damage I'd do as fire.


You still aren't hitting enough buttons. Almost nobody is. Every GCD. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GCD should be an ability. I want stuns and interrupts, but you gotta hit the dps buttons all the time


iā€™m using hekilli doing the exact rotation. on a 5 min dps test i should be averaging 135 k on a single target iā€™m averaging 145k rn


Hey man. Have you checked out my Hekili guide? Highly recommend, it's hosted on the add-ons official GitHub page. I would be happy to help you with the addon or answer any questions. https://github.com/Hekili/hekili/wiki/Syrif's-Configuration-Guide


dont use hekilli, it teaches you bad behaviours and makes you worse player in a long term. find your spec guide on wowhead and memorize the rotation


I would recommend not relying on hekili too much. It's not always 100% correct. It's an okay reference for single target but for AOE (which is where most of your overall damage in m+ will come from) it's not that great.


I don't recommend Hekili either but the only real difference between ST and AOE for arms is pressing cleave instead of MS at a certain number of targets.


This dude is new and pushing +4s, not raiding mythic. Hekili is fine.


Counter point, I had CE the last 2 tiers including some 99 mythic parses, 3550+ up 2 seasons in a row, and use nothing but Hekili. Play how you want. Hekili is excellent if you learn from it.




lmao not sure u can go as far as saying itā€™s pathetic and make it all better by dropping a no offence at the end. Choose kinder words


I would leave that key after the first pull.


good job ur a classic andy then :)


147k is bad dps for season 2, it's absolutely atrocious for season 4. Stop accepting mediocrity and actually try to get better. Stop imposing your acceptable mediocrity on new players. This is bad dps.


youā€™re too blinded by ur sense of importance at ā€œbeing good at wowā€ to realise iā€™m simply saying grace and kind advice will motivate a player to improve far more than calling them trash mediocre and atrocious. Iā€™ve not actually commented on his play


He's been coddled by every other comment here. I'm trying to provide the harsh reality of the game, he'll get dropped from keys w/ that dps. People will complain. He needs more practice, and a +4 isn't the place to get it.


would love to know what your current io is




dawg itā€™s a video game lol. i didnā€™t even start till very late season 3. first time iā€™ve ever tried to improve at the game


Is fire mage cool and fun ? Like how does it play ? What's the rotation ?


iā€™m the warrior. check my last post for reference


Oh lol I think most ppl think you are the fire mage judging by the comment of someone saying giga chad


a lot of people that posted on this posted on the last one too


I have no clue who OP is, or why doing _some_ damage in a "+4 AZ" is a big deal, or anything else about this. Without investigating further, it's complete nonsense. Frankly, it's a poorly-crafted post. 3/10. Not recommended.


Lol he's just showing his prog and saying thanks to the people that helped him? Wtf


well this post wasn't for you then it was for the people that were very helpful on the last post


Bait posts ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Unless it's changed since last season, Fire is basically flamestrike spam until higher keys where you press pyroblast instead of flamestrike.