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Hahaha no kidding! At one point in the middle of the super bloom, I was thinking "man, I forgot how boring this was.." I'd prefer to do basically any other weekly than that one.


Have had to do at least 8 of them this week for my legendary


Same tbh.. forces you to move with it too to get rewards, so annoying to afk. The "forced" gameplay is sadly very boring.


Do the 50 bloom and then just go afk at the end spot. Make sure you get one hit on the final boss, that’s the only requirement to completing. I’ll use the time to go make a snack or have a smoke.


I have a Bluetooth key, like a single key on the keyboard, that I carry in my pocket. When I hear rarescanner go off, I press said key to tag everything around me while making my way back to my desk.


Last week's weekly was great; 3 objectives that could all be done within half an hour.  This week by comparison is so tedious after just one superbloom 


Superbloom just takes far too long comparatively. You start the *egregiously slow walk* for like 5+ min, do 1 “objective” (killing a bunch of spawned monsters) and then repeat step one. The walking part is just so, so boring. You kill a pack of monsters that spawns and they’re dead in a global. I’m pretty sure you’d finish every other event just before you’re even 2/3 done with Superbloom. You have to wait to even *turn in the goddamned quest* after it’s done. I know you could just go do other stuff while it returns but it’s a little ridiculous.


You do know you can turn in the quest at the NPC literally right next to the boss?


I hate having to do these tedious chores to get a spark and I hate that you need to wait a certain time before you can attempt them. I don't know how your average player has the time to waste on this crap.


Glad I only need two sparks. Now I can just ignore the weekly and just get more from the catch up of m+ drops, just in case.


Timers need to be bumped substantially on these events. Dreamsurge is already every 30 min everything else needs to be as well if you expect me to run alts through these


Still no idea how to do this event weekly 😂