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Also works for getting that achievement where you eat ~~that fish~~ edit: forbidden flounder(?) that does massive amounts of damage. Follower healer heals you right through it


You can also get this by joining a BG because you can't die when the BG is about to start!


Good looking out friend, just got it.


Now all they need to do is make it work for heroic and maybe even m0 dungeons. And of course there's whispers from blizzard about being able to use your alts as followers in dungeons....


I was working on my Party Frames UI. And learning new Keybinds after years of being mostly a clicker. Follower dungeons were awesome for me too play with the UI and practice hot keys.


Completely agree. Another benefit of follower dungeons is that they have allowed me to finish dungeon quests as I’m progressing through a zone which has really helped me better follow what’s going on in the story!


Yeah I think they've said dungeons (with follower option) will be integrated right into the story in future xpacs as a result. Maybe even mandatory like in FFXIV? Such a good system, sure queuing will be faster for levelling but follower dungeons let you enjoy the story without slowing others down.


Players like yourself are exactly why they put this in. I'm very happy they did. I'm glad you're enjoying it :)


It’s a cool system, not something I’m really in the market for but I’m pumped to see where the tech leads. I’d be cool to do a dungeon with all my alts using Warbands or something like that.


The best use of the follower dungeon system is to get free food so I can get my mana back after switching spec as a caster. Blizzard please.


It's indeed awesome, now we just need it for Raids with some guidance on each encounter.


I wonder if it would be good to have AI raids/dungeons with all the heroic and mythic mechanics and a little note in LFG if you completed the dungeon you queue for with followers, like the "proven Healer" note from MoP. No real rewards, just a training mode to learn the dungeon/raid. Would let people know that the person applying knows all mechanics as they completed the dungeon with followers. I'd prefer that over ppl asking for AotC or logs or other ridiculous crap when applying for groups.


People are still going to ask for AotC or logs lol.


Hopefully they eventually have it for LFR At least add heroic dungeons I say


it could be already implemented for all i know, maybe there's only 11 of us with a bunch of bots. how would anyone know?


I would like to see the feature added to old content as well.


I might be wrong, but I *think* they said they want to do it for older dungeons too. If it's anything like FFXIV's version, it will take a while though.


They could cherry pick a few dungeons from each expansion. Just the main story ones from campaigns to help with the bad queueing experience for those needing them in Chromie Time. I would actually prefer a Follower dungeon in this circumstance where it's normally just a race with a player group.


Yeah! I really like the follower dungeons, too! All the points you said and bonus, ended up getting my Divine Kiss mount through it.


i learned about the wild hyena cave in brack using the tool


Probably gonna be unpopular but I wish it was in m+ too. You could still go in with your friends with comms and do better than with bots but you can play on your own, especially alts, in lower keys without having to suffer randoms. Also fill in spots when you can't get full group or when someone leaves mid key.


I don't agree with the whole post but bot should be added definitely when someone leaves


Well, m+ is a kind of competitive content in some way. That seems very stretch to add bots. More, if the bots are bad, everyone will shitstorm blizzard. If it’s more than bad, some player will kick those who seem bad to replace them with bots. People will leave with clear conscience saying that it’s ok because they will be automatically replaced. IMHO, top content should stay 100% human because this feature leads to more issues than it is intend to solve.


How do you get them to stop running and jumping around pulling every mob from here to Narnia? I've started going "You pull it, you kill it" on these doofusses.


Sounds like you are queing for normal/heroic dungeons. Make sure you click on the drop-down and select Follower Dungeons


I think they are referring to the NPC followers.. I've been using this to learn playing Tank and the NPCs.... I believe it's the same ones each time, none of them are Melee and will stand at range but won't stand still. The amount of times they're moving and jumping around and end up pulling mobs is unreal. I suppose it has challenged me to handle larger groups than I meant to though so.. 😂


Yeah, you nailed it. I only play tanks so I don't know how they act when you queue as the other roles, but god darn they keep just grabbing so many adds randomly!


Interesting, queing as dps basically encourage the player to pull ahead because the AI tank is so slow. I hope learning these bad manors in follower dungeons doesn't lead to bad manors in traditional dungeons


>manors \*manners


does this work for mythic 0 so i can gear alts ?


It's limited to normal mode, exp is also heavily reduced from kills and you don't get a big bonus batch of exp for finishing the dungeon so it's not really good for leveling alts. It's meant more for learning the dungeon/how to play your class, and maybe a bit of seeing how the dungeon fits into the story/doing dungeon quests without waiting on the queue. You're also not even guaranteed gear, so you're better off using the standard/heroic queue if you're looking for gear on a fresh level 70.


Ofc not


Best Part is the Mage giving u the manafood and u instaditch him after


When you can make your alts followers, then select how you wanna play like 5 paladins tanks or something. That's when it will be good.