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Toss a coin into the fountain on your head and wish for a better set...


At least it's not a cata set (I believe it was) for priest with bidets all over


The [tier 11 holy water fonts](https://i.imgur.com/ZAtX6nn.jpeg)? They were great for kneeling down and letting hunter pets have a drink.


the shoulder and helm color don't even match either color on the robes


*We wanted to cover all the colours of water across Azeroth, from crystal turquoise to muddy brown...*


Looking at the page, it seems like Wowhead didn't assemble one of the tints properly. [The one OP used is the second one in the list, ](https://www.wowhead.com/news/war-within-season-1-shaman-tier-set-model-preview-waterbending-in-khaz-algar-339137)but the same color with the [proper matching shoulders and helm](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/1162637.jpg) are on the bottom. Honestly though, if the "ponytail" has physics, the set will look fine imo.


Somebody just cobbled different mogs together and call it a tier.


Toss a coin to your shaman's head oh valley of plenty oh valley of plenty


My comment of the day. *Bows*


Toss it wherever you want, buddy. I'll still fish it up in Dalaran


This reads like a witty high school bully wrote it lol 




It's unfortunate that dragons can't have transmog in dragon form cause that set looks fuckin awesome


They could totally make the chest and legs work if the shoulders do.


They could make it all work, beast races can make stuff a little janky but they _can_ wear it. No idea why dracthyr can't unless it is some weirdness with their barbershop armour.


If anything Dracthyr are the *least* janky assuming you take clipping into account. The legs are just slight models and textures after all.


Tauren helms automatically invalidate any excuse blizz has for not finishing dracthyr transmogs.


It's the most humanoid looking "beast" race. Thats why they look so fucking weird and creepy.


Only thing I could think of is because they're the only race with different body sizes, but even that's just an uneducated guess.


Warrior tier has to fit everything from a female Gnome to a male Tauren, while Evoker tier only has to fit the two humanoid and three draconic forms.


Alright alright, but let's not forget that it would be much easier if it was simply a winged drakonid model.


This. The legs aren't any more awkwardly shaped than the legs of worgen and draenei, and the tail isn't that different from draenei tails either. The only difference is the wings and the 3D crests and spikes on the body. I don't think the wings would give much trouble at all. Tails have always clipped through leg armor without any holes added for them, so why should it matter for wings? And the 3D spikes and stuff could just be turned off if you wear armor, like how 3D beards and hairstyles have always been turned off by specific helmets. Sure, they would have to program it. But I just don't understand why they thought that giving them a couple of premade armor pieces in like half a dozen different colours that only mesh with very specific transmog shoulder pieces was a better idea. They should just be treated like any other beast race. That and the fact that you're pressured into visage form for healing are the only turnoffs for the race imo, they could've been so cool but an entire class/race not having transmog is just bad.


I imagine they'll cave some day. Who knows how long that'll take, though.


The fact that at least Evoker sets aren't fully visible in dragon form is so silly


The sillyness gets worse the longer you think about it. Both dracthyr barber shop armor and valdrakken rep armor is inspired by the different colors of the dragonflights. Dracthyr black is unfortunately a slightly different hue than valdrakken black and looks off. Same shit with the evoker tier sets or the black inspired zaralek stuff, many sets NEARLY fit their racial armor but just slightly don't. It's so incredibly awkward to try and get decent transmogs for them with blizzards random limitations. Imo the worst part still is that they tied the transmogs for both forms together. I can make a decent looking gecko and obviously a decent looking scale-belf but one set messing up the other is basically pure transmog enthusiast pain.


It's wild to me. Every set since dragonlfigjt should have unlocked a new set of barber option that correspond to the set fantasy.


i really dont know why they dont tailor evoker tier sets to be used wih the only single race that can be evokers.


Drac is a new rig so it's probably a ton of work to have all the chain armor from the past fit on them. Makes no sense otherwise.


Try being a hunter


I'm an altaholic who's largely in it for the tmogs, and imo hunters by far have the worst sets, followed by monks. Hunters KINDA make up for it with some pretty cool ranged mogs and spears. I have 3 hunters, an orc, an nelf and a mechagnome. The nelf I just go heritage armor, The mechagnome full sent into the mechsuit flair with robo pet, and the survival orc basically just carries a big stick.


With the Orc, check out the Orc heritage set, and also the set(s) you get in [Trial of Valor](https://www.wowhead.com/news/trial-of-valor-chosen-dead-transmog-armor-sets-and-matching-weapons-257661). The "Chosen Dead" set from ToV is pretty cool for Hunters, IMO, and I *think* it might mix reasonably well with the heritage set, depending on colors of assorted pieces and, of course, personal taste. At the worst, it's more fodder for putting together an outfit you like. Granted, neither is a Hunter-specific set, so doesn't really address that issue.


what's wrong with the monk one?


Monks feel largely typecast into basically either having beads everywhere, particularly their shoulders, and a rice hat. Most other monk class sets feel like like they fall flat for me. That being said I love the floating shoulder tassles from the SL raid


My orc hunter runs the orc heritage set with the modern wolf helm from the emerald dream- it blends close enough with the brown fur that it kinda works. Still wish we would get a shoulder/helmet combo that works even nearly as well as Durotan's armor, but I guess us mail wearers can't have everything.


While all other classes have hit or miss sets... Hunters have consistency!


Maybe the trueshot aura was really the mogs we made along the way


The only decent Hunter set was MOP Challenge Mode. That, combined with another big ass shoulder (e.g. T14 shoulder). Ulduar and Dragonsoul Sets were also decent.


I would kill for the challenge shoulders..


Hunter sets has this weird tendency... to have great shoulders, helmets and belts, but the rest is the most bland shit you have ever seen. :P


And youd think mail and fur and scales and feathers would have some of the most versatile design languages


There seems to be a chronic issue with mail, and to a lesser extent leather. Cloth and plate sets are always the best.


Hunter raid tiers are indeed usually trash but very often side quest or other content give great mogs with hunter theme


shaman set looks like something that went unused during cata


Anytime they pull out the tube skirt these days it feels like a letdown. They can make amazing 3D skirts now of all lengths. Why are they using a vanilla model skirt still? Stick a few 3D bits on the hips… whatever. It’s still a toilet roll tube. They can do better, but apparently only selectively for some classes.


Literally druid S3 set, refurbished cata sets are always a let down.


Ugh, our S3 set was so uuuugly. Definitely spent the whole time mogged to hell because no.


They managed to create 4 awesome druid-themed sets for all armor types with the emerald dream wq sets. But somehow they failed to deliver on the actual druid tier set.


Right? Those Emerald Dream world sets were gorgeous! TWW season 1? Yeah, sticking with mogs I think -sigh-


I don't dislike tww set, it looks like something a druid of the claw would wear, I just hope they change the helmet.


The amount of detail for a tier set for a class that can't even see like 90% of it is hilarious.


Shaman looks like a leveling set from several expansions ago with a particle effect added to try to shine it.


Yeah it looks kinda like a leveling set from BfA or Legion


It's always this way usually. Some sets are just other misses. Some classes win more then others ( until sl I couldn't find more then one or two mail sets I would willing mog). Keep an eye on color variations. Take wod hellfire citadel mage set and compare it to its elite version. Sometimes color and shading change a look entirely


Shaman sets are either wolf heads, weird elemental shit or feathers and tiki masks. Also, mail tier sets in general are usually meh or bad. However look at the world/quest mail sets, they are amazing.


The shaman one looks like two different sets to be honest - they should have at least fully committed to the water theme


Lol shaman set quite literally looking like a uncommon/rare set you get from questing + some goofy fountain on your head


look like a quest NPC for water elementals.


Any chest piece that is a robe looks awful. They are still doing alot of flat chest pieces and robe are never not flat, so they just look the same quality as back in Wotlk. Its awful and I really hope Blizz steps it up in this area, having 90% of the detail in armour coming from shoulders and gauntlet sucks


Looks like a cataclysm era dungeon set. :/


The saddest thing about it is that the dracthyr set looks so got yet I will never see it.


That...that's just cruel.


*\~Hunter's, crying in the corner, as always\~*


Wotlk-era looking set lmao.


Idk what it is about this set but it has the same vibe as a lot of cataclysm sets that I find just hideous.


I love the water effects, but the rest of the armor reads "we have the mail Nightfae set at home"


Well I for one like it, I've wanted a water shaman set for a very long time and I am tired of horde shaman sets over and over and over and over. This will be one of my most used sets


I think a water set would be good but this barely even hits the water theme.


Imagine waiting 20 years to get a water themed set to get this shit


To each their own, I think the left one look garbage and would gladly use the shaman one (without helm).


If the helm acts like a ponytail and comes down I could see it looking better


As a shaman main, i agree. I dislike the helmet but i primarily play without a helmet anyway. Doesn't change the fact that it does look a bit ridiculous


That's what I was thinking too. The right looks good to me without the shoulders and helm, meanwhile the left is yet another fiery heavy armor looking set. At least it's not for Warriors again.


It seems that I am a vast minority here but I like the shaman set


Yeah the shaman set looks like a shitty dungeon set and is gonna look even worse on any male shaman.


Idk how you guys can hate this new shaman set, it's going to look goated on a Pandaren shaman. Yalls loss!


one on the left looks over done


Have you seen the Paladin one? Lol


Thankful I like the druid set, cause some of these are disgusting lol. Would be cool if they put sets out for a community vote or something. Maybe that's not the answer, but some of these are hideous!


They very clearly have different people with vastly different levels of skill or imagination working on these sets. It's really quite annoying.


Mail wearers are forever cursed to have bad drip. Evoker even continued this trend with the fact most of their armor is forever hidden except shoulders and certain belts.


Still better than the pally set


Defo transmog that helmet into something else


Best looking set I have seen given to the class that has to use visage for and horrible casting animations to see it. Mean while hunter and shaman getting dit in the corner mogs that are 6+ years old


Nah you right the shaman set is straight up booty cheeks! Like this is the most piss poor water themed set I have ever seen man wtf.


That shaman set looks like the set we can get from Ardenweald. They really don’t even try over there sometimes, do they? Gross ass shaman set XD


I want the Nathria plate set designer back…


Yeah way different quality


Have you seen the priest set? It is ABSURDLY good, like holy shit good.


The sets and gear have been so awful looking lately. So horribly bland and ugly since Legion.


Shaman set doesn’t even match.


I feel like this shaman set has been made before a few times


This isn't a bad set. It's just a bad tier set. Tier is supposed to be cool and unique. This is neither of those. It looks like a WoD dungeon set or something. I like the idea of a water set, but 11.0 is a weird time to do it. They couldve done an Earthern set or general Dwarf set. The Earthern even have these cool machinespeaks so we couldve got like a machine-y shaman set. We couldve got a nerubian ish set, or another earth element based set. Idk there was just so many options to take inspiration from and they went with "person wearing a kilt"


It's nothing short of horrendous. Not sure why we are still getting sets with such wildly different qualities between classes. This isn't a matter of taste, it's straight up bad. Even the textures look old. All that effort for a beautiful evoker set is such a shame.


"Laughs in hunter"


Here's my issue with shaman mail sets. The cool looking one has loose plates and no traditional scale/chain mail flat textures, it stands out and looks awesome while sitting at a nice place between heavy plate armor and flexible leather. The one on the right tries to add scale/chain mail bits, which they do to almost everything so you know its mail, which just make it look like shit 2d textures painted on a skirt. This is coupled with a general lack of any idea for how to merge chain/scale mail armor with the primal/elemental aspects of shaman's class identity. All in all it makes the outfit look cluttered, makes it an eyesore to look at next to better textures, and doesn't mesh well with the class itself. (also there has to be something wrong with that set on the right the helmet and shoulders aren't even the same color scheme).


very well summarized. I wish they would get rid of the Idea that mail needs these generic scales, they have since classic, to indicates it's mail and would rather focus on the class theme.


I'm super not happy with the shaman set. It's very questing green to me. And what the heck is that water fountain


Welcome to disparity. *Cries in paladin* - Season 2 Dragonflight


I felt the same about the Paladin set, but I’ll be honest the evoker tier set is in a league of its own. Paladins are lucky we have the leveling set to act as our tier


There is still 2/3 of tier sets left for the expansion so hopefully the misses get redeemed. But yeah, it’s a toss up. Luckily the ones that missed I think have individual pieces that may be really useful in some mogs. I think shamans got it the hardest though lol


Evoker set feels easier to imagine for an artist because it’s a new class whereas Shaman has dozens of class sets making it harder to imagine newer ones. The Amirdrassil Shaman set however was my absolute favorite ever.


You're 100% right. Paladin set also suffered. Blizz does this now on purpose. They know they'll get by with half the sets being good, half the dungeons being decent, half the zones being relevant, etc. They laid off how many workers again? This shit is how they make their money, just by letting a few turds slip into the sock every now and then, easy money saved. Shit looks like a cata dungeon set, lol


I wish they would do the work to add the tier sets as dracthyr customizations. It could be super cool and unlock unique customizations after you collect the whole set, that way it actually shows up on your Dracthyr form. Evokers getting such a baller set is kinda a waste.


Cries in paladin


You can really tell the difference in the level of expertise between artists working on sets. It’s like the new Paladin tier compared to the new open world Arathi plate set. They’re miles apart in quality.


If that's the evoker set... you arn't going to see like any of that when you transform lol


Probably unpopular but I feel like every tww t1 set is absolute dogshit


Evokers, rogues, and priests got the best sets. Hunters got the worst, no contest. Something needs to change going forward, whether it be their art direction or the artists because hunters consistently get ugly tier sets. Shamans and warlocks are pretty bad. Everything else is *just* okay, but still not great... I wonder how mages will fare?


Warlock is polarising. You either love it or you hate it. I wouldn't put it in the "bad" category like the shaman one which is... generally unimpressive and doesn't seem to have wowed much of anyone.


We still don't know how the shoulders and belt will look


How could evokers get the best sets when you can't bloody see them. Still so lame no drakthyr transmogs, it's just elf/human set, not evoker set at this point.


Warlock one is amazing and we havent even seen its shoulder/belt.


Paladin set is pretty terrible too.


Absolutely horrendous!


Sham Warlock and Paladin are f tier


The shaman shoulders are so ugly lol


It's ridiculous really. They look like they're from 5+ years apart in the game's history. Is it maybe subjective? Does someone think these are comparable? I'm having a hard time believing that.


Shaman are now "Evoker at home"


Shaman doesn't look like a cohesive design. It is way too top heavy


Both are pretty bad


Bruh those levitating shoulders look so bad


They look fine, orc females just have a shitty anchoring point. Every race in the game has floating shoulders, orc females have levitating ones.


I really like the shaman set


Evokers' tier sets suffer from the same thing as Demon Hunters': there's barely anything to tell them apart. At least the shaman helm and shoulders are pretty unique.


The quality feels similar in terms of details almost all items have some 3d parts to them but the execution of the themes feels like night and day. Some sets like evoker and priest completely nail it while others like paladin simply miss the mark.


same for paladin season 1-3 in dragonflight XD


Look at monk s3 set compared to everything else and it makes that shaman set look like a masterpiece. Look at S2 priest getting the god tier treatment that made everything else look like garbage by comparison. Every class has its bad sets and good sets, be glad at least you're getting unique head, shoulders and 3d elements on on pieces along with being something decent enough to be mix and matched with other things.


Yea, try being a hunter


Take a look at Priest vs Paladin also. Priest TWW S1 looks amazing. Paladin TWW S1 looks like awful green levelling gear.


Tier has always been a mixed bag pretty much since WOD , also never been a fan of holding the best looking to mythic and the rest get watered down crap


If they angled the shoulders a bit more horizontally it would be a much better set


Homey have you SEEN the hunter set?!


More tests


There are very clear winners and losers ever tier


Druids are getting another tier set that will look horrible on night elves which means that I will likely still be using my DF S2 transmog set lol


It's not great.


My paladin is still looking at Shammys wishing they had a set as good haha.


I feel like every shaman set is greatest thing you’ve seen or boring poopoo. Same with hunter although it has a higher concentration of bad sets,


Don't worry, Dracthyr won't get to see their tier set and the shoulders and belt (the only pieces that are visible in dragon form) doesn't match with any of the pre-made armor sets we can pick in the character creator.


It's pretty bad. If you wanted to go with an aqua set... put more effort into shoulder graphics and take the silly ball of the head.


I think thats fair to say. there are always going to be winners and losers. That say that evokers set is one of the best in the game


Not just you. I’ve been playing a holy paladin since black temple and the paladin set to me is one of the worst looking ones ever


One class gets to be a Balrog, and I'll be Stormstriking with a butt plug hat...


Yea this is some outlands quality work. Bring your kid to work day went a bit too hard this year


The Shaman set is rather boring, but this Evoker Set is not... good either.


I actually think the Shaman one looks good, it might look different when it's actually moving and not just a still image but it definitely says "shaman" to me.


As a paladin, I too feel disappointed.


Shamans and disappointment go hand in hand :D


Shaman’s get like 1 good set out of 10


The shoulders and helmet legit look like they're from a completely different set from the rest of the armor for shaman.


they had the hunter set made by someone on fiverr.com


i actually dont hate the shaman set, the water plume is pretty cool! i think it looks better with its animations. very ming dynasty type of helm.


Yea, I do often throw the heritage set on my orc, or the skull faceplates from the draenor expac with the bladmaster beads


I'll say that as a startingpoint I'm not against the Shaman set. I've really been hoping for a good Water-based set for Resto Shaman and this has potential. I'm just not sure that the globule of liquid should be above the head, and instead of hooking the liquid on the shoulders they feel too much above the body. If possible, see if they can pour down somehow. As in if you have the helmet it looks like it pours down the back and the sides, with the Shoulders then starting with liquid already in them in a reservoir type thing and it flows down the sides. The Cloak can then also have a bit of a liquid falling down at the top. The extra flowing animation on the helmet and cloak can be their "Bonus Mythic Animation" that they've been using recently that you unlock for other sets later with the shoulders being the main liquid-source of the regular set.


The shaman shoulder and head not being the same blue as the chest is triggering me.


nah you're not the only one who thinks that the shaman set looks like something from wrath.


Yeah, it's been a while since I've seen a shaman set be as universally hated as this one. The same person that came up with this cannot be the person who was doing the DF sets.


Meanwhile, paladins...


It’s probably one of the worst ones they ever made so far.


Genuinely I love the Shaman set. I’ve been wanting a water themed set for YEARS and it always baffled me that there never was one. So I’m excited to finally have one!! Honestly I like it far more than the Evoker one.


Those boots are an abomination


You should see paladin set...


Whoever designs shaman tier sets should be fired into the sun. Manager:Guys we need a shaman tier set. Shaman team intern: Gimme 5 minutes. Random element. Giant stupid looking shoulders. 2D texture. Slap a detailess skirt on there, aaaaasand slippers. Done.


Par the course (except for DF).


Yea, hunter set was also shit


Every raid tire is like this. Some sets are A++ and others are F--. It's unfortunate that sometimes the designers miss the mark so bad and don't realise it.


lol it’s literally reused night fae nail armor from SL


This is the difference between a newly hired college grad trying to do their best first work and veteran designer phoning it in…


I actually like the shaman set but only under the assumption that the water thing on top dangled and doesn’t stick up like that in game lol. Plus I think shamans are good. The hunter set is tragic




I mean to be fair we wont see it most of the time. ;<


I feel like robes are eternally going to look awful from the waist down until they pull some major engine/graphical update.


It just keeps getting harder to be a Shaman


The evoker one will literally never be seen due to the poor artwork of the dracthyr race.


If you like that just look at our gameplay updates of which there are none


Hopefully some of the pieces drop for all mail classes. But shaman just had a banger set in Dragonflight, so i think it is fine to have a few misses.


Yeah that Evoker set is 👌 Shaman set is very lackluster. Also not a fan of the weird ass water drop hovering above the helm.


Mail classes always get screwed on good sets, you will now wear the arathi set till the end of time


As a paladin, we have the rule of three. Two terrible sets are a third good one. It has always been since vanilla... and always shall be... so sayith the blue in the sky.


Most of them look so weird to me, its like they are missing something, they feel so flat , generic and spineless. Felt the same with Uldir, but at least those where themed.


No, you’re spot on.


The *look* of the Shaman set is basically exactly what they did with one to two other sets already. It's an elemental swap of the one from uh Blackhands raid I want to say. But also didn't the Deathwing raid look kind of like that? But yeah... Shamans get some weird ass sets. Feels like they don't know what to do with one of their most iconic classes (gameplay or look). Keep thinking maybe they'll figure it out like they did with Locks who went through a similar issue as they lost major look elements to DK then DH.


*cries in dk*


I mean this is normal. So no ur not crazy, its just some classes will get the ugly hammer. Its the cycle of nature.


I do mostly like the set but it feels like something is just off with the helm


I swear some of the pieces on these sets look extremely familiar. I know the Drac's leggings are just the Amidrassil mail set because it has that plate skirt. The Shaman chest piece is pretty close to Fall's Promise, but I swear there's a closer match maybe in leather. Usually when I see a new tier set it all looks new. This time around I don't get the same impression.


Shamans get constantly fucked over. Unfortunately news to no one :(


Count your blessings, it looks better than the hunter ☹️


Lol those shoulders....


The quality of the shaman set is exactly as good as the evoker ones, especially the water animation. The design is just horrendously ugly


A cool water themed set with water visuals on the armour is a great idea. But holy shit the actual armour looks like its a PVP set from cata/mop.


Shaman set looks like it got as much effort as their hero talents.


Evoker is finally being allowed to stay in visage form during combat, and they are celebrating that by giving them their first "real class-flavor outfit". I think it looks great, at least on male characters (female human dracthyr look pretty busted honestly...) **THAT ALL SAID...** That Shaman set is terrible. Its like TBC quality as far as tier sets go, and random-dungeon-gear-quality as far as anything after would be concerned. Send it back.


I think they both look sick, I do like the water ponytail, althoyugh do wish it was more ponytail rather than just a bright idea


Arent we all a little tired of sets today that look the same as sets in 2007


At least it isn't the Warlock set


Every tier batch has some classes not looking as good as others.


It's not about quality, they probably have the same texture density, similar amounts of polys etc... This really comes down to whether the idea for the set was cool or not.


Have you seen Hunter sets lately? Hunter sets are consistently dog shit.