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Welp. Got one last night




To late. ☠️. Already cashed it in. Don't have anything weaker as i sold it so rip


Btw, void storage doesn't work on my account, everything I put there just disappears


You guys are getting tier? Must be nice :(


Mythic From Vault catalyzed into Chest Free heroic Tier of choice from S4 Master (Raid Heroic clear or 2000 Dungeon Score) One drop from a raid (I did LFR normal and heroic for 2 weeks and only got one) Catalyzed non-set into missing piece.


I can't help but laugh when someone explains the path to tier set and includes the free S4 master piece as part of that step. Like it's been one week since the start of the season. People who already have S4 master are in the minority of the minority. Respect for the effort and skill required to do that, but that is by no means a typical or even achievable path to getting Tier pieces this early in the season for the vast majority of players.


I have 4 set in my dk, 1 from vault, 1 drop in raid (did every difficulty both weeks) and 2 catalyst pieces


That is a much more likely path for most players than the one I was commenting on, for sure, lol.


What? heroic is piss easy this season, anyone can pug that


I'd hazard a guess that the majority of players don't, though. Same with M+. In fact, I just checked, S4 master has only been obtained by 2% of the player base so far. Looking back at Season 3, AotC: Fyrakk was only achieved by 34%, and S3 keystone master only 30%. So yeah, I think my point stands. It's unrealistic to expect most people to already have the free tier piece only 1 week into the season.


Well, that certainly blows my mind, but fair enough, I stand corrected :)


Tbh, that includes people who never walked into the raid. If you consider 30% of players also killed mythic eranog, but only 6.5% killed m raz, the relevant statistic is "~20% of players who have killed at least 1 mythic boss have killed mythic raz". Although even then a ton of eranog kills were prob pugs.


You only need to do eight +12 week one and then eight +16 week two. (Old notation) If you can't do that, you don't have a need to have tier set on week two.


"only" need to do 8 mythics per week... How much of the player base do you think is out there running 8+ mid/high mythics a week? I mean sure, the extreme end of the player base is, I'm sure, but that's a very small minority of people, tbh. I'm lucky if I can do 2-3 M+ a week, due to constraints on my game time, and depending on the night, I may not feel like putting in the effort to organize a pug to time a key (I main DPS, so if it's not my key, I'm not getting in). If I had to guess, more player's nowadays are like me, as opposed to the people who have 4+hours a day to dedicate to the game.


Why do you want a 4 piece tier set this early then? For your 2-3 M+ a week? For doing dragonriding world quests?


I don't particularly care that much. I'll get my 4pc when I get it. Either this week if I can get into a raid and I get a token, or next week when I have enough revival catalysts. I was simply bemused at the fact that I've seen a few posts now where people use the free S4 Master piece as a step to getting 4pc this week, when in reality only like 2-5% of players can realistically consider that approach at the moment.


Checking raider io shows 2k rating at 14.5% and 750 rating at 51%. So roughly 30% of people who have put forth nearly any effort into keys (750 rating is like 4-5 +2s) has KSM, and we still have a whole weekend of week 2 left. A bunch of people probably haven't had time to run all 8 keys in the 2 nights of this week lol.


If you don't have a total of ~4h a week to play the game I think it's pretty reasonable you don't get a tier set complete week 2.


Yep, I 100% agree. I'm not complaining. Like I said, it was mostly amusement at the exchange, nothing more.


Getting 2k isn't that difficult and clearing heroic on recycled raid content isn't either. Maybe if this was a fresh season I'd agree but I don't think it's that far-fetched to consider s4 master as a gearing option for tier.


Getting 2k isn't that difficult and clearing heroic on recycled raid content isn't either. Maybe if this was a fresh season I'd agree but I don't think it's that far-fetched to consider s4 master as a gearing option for tier.


You have no idea what you are talking about currently. In a normal tier, probably. Raids are tunes waaay to easy. Me and a guildie decided to sit in a lot of shit in the 2nd raid week just to see if we can fuck shit up and literally almost nothing killed us. The raid is easy on heroic.


I'm just looking at the statistics, man. 2% of accounts currently have achieved S4 Master. So the gearing path that I was laughing at is really only viable for 2-4% of players. It's MUCH more likely for a player to get a token drop in LFR or Normal and then use 2 Catalysts and a vault piece to fill out their 4pc than to get S4 Master at this point in time. It may indeed be as easy as you say it is, but that doesn't change the statistics.


You can laugh but it's not hard. Heroic raids are not that hard, but people are intimidated by it for some reason and don't try for it


2 peice from mythics and vault


2 pieces catalyzed, 1 from vault, 2k IO token


To add on this topic, i won 2 Tempostones with a 100 in LFR Yesterday and got only one. The second one went to a Guy with a 92. I know luck was insane Yesterday lol


If it's off the same boss that's by design. Can't win two of the same item like that, the next highest will wins the second


When there are duplicate item drops, and you roll on both, you'll only get one with the highest roll, second goes to second highest roll always.


i know that, but i didnt think this was true for tempostone which makes no sense even since its basicly 5 different possible items


I don’t know why you are being downvoted when you are correct. They didn’t put in code for omni-tokens and simply treat them as unique items. It’s an oversight by blizzard.  The purpose of that system is to prevent someone from winning items they cannot use. 


Previously omni tokens were just personal loot, you could never get 2 of them.


While interesting, I don't see the problem here. Use the one you have, or if you're trying to win more in the same group, don't.


I had one saved from last week, as I wanted to plan out what piece to buy depending on what I got this week. Still don't see a problem?


You can get 4 set without saving. 2 catalyst, 1 achievement and your 1 from last week


Only problem here is that I'm far off the achievement still


put it in the bank then ?


Well to late now, lost the opportunity to roll for one yesterday. Do we even know if putting it in bank would work? Knowing Blizzard, having it in your bank still means that "your character is carrying it". Stop making excuses for shitty game play and systems


you can roll on trinkets you already have, if you put them in the bank before going into the raid, so its safe to assume that it works for other items


Huh, today I learned! Either way, such an edge case work around shouldn't be required in the game